在这个数字化时代,潮流早已不在那个 "限定球鞋、潮牌服饰" 等字面意思的领域。2021 年球鞋市场的落魄,衍生出 "数字化潮流" —— NFT。

In the age of digitalization, the tide is no longer in the realm of the word "fixed shoes, tidal costumes." 2021, the market for sneakers is in decline, producing a "digitized tide" -- NFT.

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突如其来的比特币、狗狗币等虚拟货币彻底扰乱了潮流平衡,对于普通潮人而言,这样的全新概念难免令人一头雾水。不过,好在有 "老师" 手把手教学。

Virtual currency such as the sudden bitcoin and the dogcoin completely upsets the balance of the tide, a completely new concept that is inevitable for ordinary people. But it's better to have "teacher" hands-on teaching.

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了解过币圈的读者都知道,此 "老师" 非彼 "老师",伴随着日本影视圈的日益发展以及潮流多元化的今天,各路日本老师借助自身优势开辟起了「潮流新领域」。

Readers who know the currency circle know that this "teacher" is "teacher" and "teacher" along with the growing growth of the Japanese cinema and the diversity of the tide today, the Japanese teachers of all walks of life have taken advantage of their own strengths to open up new areas of the tide.

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拿我们最为熟悉的明日花老师举例,从 "退圈上岸" 开始便逐渐拓展全新领域,不仅打造自己的内衣品牌,前不久还当起了走秀模特,出现在了时尚品牌 ACUOD by CHANUFall 2021 的秀场上。

Taking the example of our most familiar teacher, tomorrow's flower teacher, starting with "gets back to shore" began to expand into a whole new field, not only by building his own lingerie brand, but also recently became a show model in the fashion brand ACUOD by CHANUFALL 2021.

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看到这一幕,不免感叹明日花老师终于驶向了 "正轨"。国外知名还不满足,近日更是上身了「中国李宁 x 空山基」联名系列,凭一己之力坐稳 "暗黑潮流女神" 宝座。

Seeing this scene, it's amazing that tomorrow's teacher is finally on the right track. He's not satisfied with his foreign reputation, and he's in the "China Li Ning x Sky Shanji" series in recent days.

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而另一边,波多老师也在个人 Instagram 上释出了一则视频:通过 "中文字幕" 宣布自己将在 BSC(币安智能链)上发布自己的 NFT 写真集。

On the other side, Mr. Bodo also released a video on a personal Instagram: an announcement that he would publish his NFT on the BSC.

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有趣的是,波多老师的 NFT 写真集将采用 "盲盒形式",拍下 NFT 写真的人在此之前对内容是毫不知情的。果然,论刺激程度来说还得看 "老师" 的操作!

Interestingly, NFT

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两位老师完美展示了两种不同的 "潮流领域",不过花姐与波多老师相比,似乎波多老师更胜一筹,毕竟人家玩的 NFT 才是时下最 "热" 潮流!

The two teachers perfected two different "tidal areas", but it seems that Mr. Bodo is better than Mr. Bodo, after all, the NFT is the hottest trend of the time!

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或许有的读者想问:什么是 NFT?

Perhaps some readers would like to ask: What is NFT?

NFT全称为(non-fungible Token),中文名为非同质化通证,也翻译为不可替换的通证,是一种独特的数字资产。注意:这与我们熟悉的比特币不同。

NFT is a unique digital asset, called "non-fundible Token ", and Chinese is called a non-homogenous pass, and translated into an irreplaceable pass. Note: This is different from the bitcoin that we are familiar with.

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《Nyan Cat》2021年2月被售出 59 万美元高价

"Nyan Cat" was sold in February 2021 at a high price of $5.9 million .

比特币之类的资产是可互换的,同时意味着所有比特币都是相同的。而每个 NFT 之间是不同的,它的实例可以是艺术品,也可以是游戏,并且每一个 NFT 的实例都是独一无二的。

Assets like Bitcoins are interchangeable, which means that all bitcoins are the same. Each NFT is different, it can be art, it can be a game, and every NFT is unique.

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今年 3 月初时,数字艺术家 Beeple 打造 NFT 数字艺术巨作《每一天:前5000天》成交价高达 $6,900 万美元,创造了全新的世界拍卖纪录。

At the beginning of March of this year, digital artist Bepple created the NFT Digital Art Monument, " Every Day: The First 5,000 Days ", at a price of $69 million, creating a brand-new world auction record.

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前面我们提到波多开始进军 NFT,而另一位同样著名退役老师上原亚衣,称为波多老师的师父都不为过。毕竟,在上原亚衣的社交媒体已经沦为 "炒币分享平台" 。

We mentioned earlier that Bodo started his march in the NFT, and that another equally well-known retired teacher, Mr. Bodo's master, had no excuse. After all, social media at

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粗略翻看上原亚衣的 Twitter,十条动态 80% 与 ETH(以太坊币)有关,另外 20% 基本还是处于 "老本行" 阶段,堪称币圈女网红!

A rough look at the tweep, 10 dynamics, 80% related to the ETH, and another 20% are still basically in the "old business" phase, which is the ring girl red!

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波多老师玩 "盲盒NFT",刺激程度 5 颗星,而上原亚衣则采取更直接的方式:在每条 NFT 行情的动态旁,加上本人自拍来夺取 "宅男眼球"。

Mr. Bordo plays the "Blind Box NFT" with 5 stars of stimulation, while the upper sub-coat takes a more direct approach: next to the dynamics of every NFT gesture, plus my own self-tape to capture the "Hot Man's Eye".

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However, investment is risky, and it takes caution to play the currency. Even if you don't want to collide, you must learn from the news that the digital currency has recently fallen.

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即便是这样,上原亚衣凭借自身 "抗压优势" 极其乐观的表示:“从长远来看,它并不是那么严重的崩溃,而且我认为它还在继续上升。”

Even so, with its own "strength-resistant advantage", Uchi said with great optimism: "In the long run, it's not that serious a breakdown, and I think it's still going up."

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总而言之,这样的 "自我安慰" 懂得都懂。但是咱们中国粉丝却看不过去了,在上原亚衣的 Twitter 下评论:加杠杆,早晚还要下海!

All in all, this "self-consolation" is understood. But we Chinese fans can't see it.

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Uchi was the first to start the NFT writing process, and the fantasy connects to build the next price of NFT?

此外,据媒体报道,首个涉足NFT并成功开启了“女星+NFT”热潮的日本女星上原亚衣,在其《Ai HODL Bitcoin》NFT写真集中的三幅NFT写真分别在Rarible拍出2 ETH(Mosaic)、9 ETH(Splash)以及 20 ETH(Love)的高价后,最近又有新动作:NFT写真Splash(飞溅)成为首个可碎片化的NFT写真,并于4月25日-4月30日在ShardingDAO开启认购, Splash(飞溅)将被“打碎”为10000份,由参与认购用户共享该作品。若认购成功,则5月2日会正式上线开启碎片化交易。

In addition, according to media reports, the first NFT involved and successfully opened a high price of 20 ETH (Love), a recent move: NFT wrote Splash (spraying) as the first fragmentable NFT to be authenticated and opened for purchase in Shalding DAO on 25 April and 30 April, respectively, and Splash (splashing) will be “shattered” to 10,000 copies to be shared by the subscriber. If the offer is successful, the transaction will be officially opened on 2 May.

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注:根据ShardingDAO网站显示,上原亚衣NFT碎片化认购开始,若达到最低认购价为10ETH,将于2021.05.02 15:32:46 GMT+8结束认购并上线交易

Note: According to the ShaldingDAO website, if the minimum subscription price of 10ETH is reached, the subscription and on-line transaction will be closed at 2021.05.02:32:46 GMT+8


Source: IMAX Trends, Network Synthesis