4月17日,一件关于图片侵权使用的典型案件,由广州互联网法院张春和院长亲自“云审理”并当庭宣判,庭审直播观看达20万次以上,成为中国庭审公开网当周民事纠纷案件关注度Top 1的庭审直播案件,并被人民日报、人民法院报等权威媒体报道。案件的双方当事人,一个是来自国内知名摄影社区“图虫网“摄影师蔡皖豪,一个是某国际旅行社广州分公司。
As the largest chain-based photo platform in the country, at the same time that it protects the original works of photographers in all their aspects, it also guarantees the use of the original images of businesses and customers by continuously introducing new technologies and product innovations.
In recent days, Chai Xiao has protected his copyright through the “digital identity card” of the ants' block chain, which is a pre-authorization service for 800,000 contributing photographers.
目前,图虫拥有800万摄影师资源,平台上在库图片总量达到4.6亿。图虫平台上日均新增确权原创作品20万 以上,越来越多的摄影师正在通过区块链技术进行版权保护。越来越多的企业也通过图虫旗下的图库使用优质的正版图片,在塑造品牌形象,传递品牌理念的同时,最大程度上规避品牌风险,提升品牌安全性及价值。
More and more photographers are protecting their copyrights through block chain technology. More and more companies are also using high-quality orthopaedic images in the graphics under the flag of the map to create brand images and communicate brand ideas while avoiding brand risks and enhancing brand security and value.
leaves the pirated and protects the company's customers from the original diagram
It is the greatest respect and protection for all users who promote and use pirated products. It is only in this way that businesses can maximize the value of quality content in the original when downloading and using photographic materials.
据了解,下一步,图虫将会把区块链技术应用到旗下图库的所有原创图片。目前,图虫旗下正版图片电商网站图虫创意,全面整合了上亿级国内外图片、视频、音频等全门类正版优质素材,专注为新媒体、设计、广告、各垂类行业及个人用户提供安全高效的正版图片解决方案;旗下高端资源品牌图虫 Premium 代理了玛格南、大英博物馆、EyeEM、Bridgeman 等众多高端视觉版权资源,专注于为广告公司和企业机构提供全方位视觉营销解决方案。
It is understood that the next step will be to apply block chain technology to all original images of the under-the-flag graphics. At present, the original image of the graphic electrician web site under the flag of the map is an idea that integrates a full range of high-quality, domestic and international quality material such as images, videos, audio, etc., with a focus on new media, design, advertising, industry and individual users to provide a safe and efficient orthodoxy solution; Premium, a high-end resource brand, represents a wide range of high-end visual copyright resources, such as Magnan, the British Museum, EyeEM, Bridgeman, etc., and focuses on providing full-scale visual marketing solutions for advertising companies and business institutions.
Protected the original. Protected intellectual property
We want to be part of the enterprise’s creative inspiration, and we want to add bricks to the client’s brand’s assets with regular resources. “In the view of the puzzle, branding, as an intangible asset, is an important manifestation of the integrated competitiveness of each enterprise, and strong copyright protection is an essential component of building brand assets.” The positive “brand assets” are better placed to help firms emerge from intense market competition and to create healthy and orderly growth, while reducing legal risks and maximizing efficiency.
In recent days, the Supreme People's Court issued its Opinion on the Comprehensive Strengthening of the Judicial Protection of Intellectual Property Rights, which calls for the strengthening of intellectual property protection, which is the most important element of the system for the improvement of property rights protection and the greatest incentive to improve the competitiveness of the country's economy.
The protection of the original is the protection of intellectual property rights and, above all, the respect for and protection of all innovative ideas and outcomes.
Building on the global leading technical capabilities and intellectual property rights of the ant block chain, the worm, as a pioneer in the industry, has taken the lead in reshaping the new ecology of digital copyright content in industry-based block chain technologies, responding positively to the policy of “integrating the block chain into new infrastructure”, strengthening the infrastructure system for digital copyright protection through technological innovation, regulating and establishing a new order for the original content market, better realizing copyright values, and providing regular, high-quality and rich photographic resources to a wide range of clients, stimulating enterprise creativity and contributing to brand success.
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