Recently, the 2023-dollar Cosmos Technological Innovation and Industrial Development Forum was successfully inaugurated at the Lake Silie Talent Service Centre. The Forum was co-sponsored by the South Mountain Chamber of Commerce and Industry (the non-Community Committee), the Lake Silía Centre of Excellence, the Shenzhen Municipal Block Chain Technology Application Association, the Shenzhen City South Mountain Block Chain Application Association, Shenzhen City New Everything Technology Ltd., Shenzhen City Genus Science and Technology Ltd., Izaki (Henjia) Digital Science and Technology Ltd. and Beijing City Yingsu (Hin Shenzhen) Law Firms, with special support from Yutai Information Technology (Hin Shenzhen) Group, and media support from new players in the business sector.
The Forum set up four sub-forums for the Main Forum and the AGC+ Conference on Digital Innovative Development, the Forum on Digital Applications of the Meta-Cosmos in Education Industry, the application of meta-cosmos-related technologies in the industrial field, and the Meso-Cosmos Project Road.
As Vice-President of the College of Electronics and Information Engineering of the University of Shenzhen, Mr. Zhang is well aware of the details of the development of the talent associated with the meta-cosmos. Prior to Won-Cosmos, the University of Shenzhen’s information technology had been one of the most important disciplines, and on that basis it had set up a meta-cosm research team to study digital people, digital scenes, and the rules system of the meta-cosm, the layout of a comprehensive system and research and development.
& & ldquo; Digital economic transformation of the entire meta-cosm, before the advent of such a business opportunity, it must be educational. & & & rdquo; this is a thorough view of the founders of easy-to-digit digital technology.
In the world of the meta-cosmos, block-chain technology is being applied precisely because it addresses the issues of digital certainty and productive relations. Using smart contracts, it is equitable and transparent distribution of productive relationships.
Tsim Chico, on the other hand, revealed an open meta-cosmos platform that they were building, the ultimate purpose of which was to enable users to freely create their own virtual world, participate in digital activities, create and manage digital assets, shape meta-cosm digital identity labels and create new social experiences.
At the same time, businesses can provide users with a richer and more diverse experience, enhance user stickyness and loyalty, and open up more business opportunities and gains for themselves. Through the grid system at the bottom of the meta-cosmos, businesses can customize the web3 economic system, transform their products or content into assets, define new patterns of consumption, and attract more users with the value of assets, thereby enhancing the brand image and visibility of the enterprise and enhancing its competitiveness in the market.
而元宇宙在未来的工作上也有很多发展空间。据正图科技创始人杨玉鹏介绍,元宇宙其实可以延伸到实操和培训科研这两个板块。实操比如核电或者电力这种高危行业,一旦产生了危险,可以用技术来做应急处理,消除安全隐患。科研培训类则是会涉及数字传感技术,比如AI 等。
There is also much room for development in the future. According to Yang Yu Peng, the founder of science and technology, the universe can actually extend to physical engineering and training.
As founder and director of research and development, Mr. Huang Ying, in an interview, introduced the & & ldquo; ecology & & rdquo; and proposed that we build an ecology, with ecology first, to have a universe. The meta-cosm interface with the real economy, with a digital enabling platform to help digitalize more traditional manufacturing industries, thus building a virtual digital cosmosphere of the universe.
The concept of the meta-cosm is in itself a virtual universe. So how does the virtual universe fit into reality? As the yellow final conclusion: & ldquo; we are not about to build an airhouse, our core values, including the core value of the meta-cosmos is man, who builds ecology, who first creates channels of communication in the virtual universe, thus building a virtual universe using new technologies such as web3.0, AIGC, block chains, etc., while different cities build their virtual assets.
Author: Young people in business
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