From 1979 to 1983, he was a member of the Central Committee of the ninety-three scientific societies, a member of the Eighth Committee of the Zhejiang Province of Zhejiang Province, a Vice-President of the Chinese Rice Research Institute, a director of the National Priority Laboratory for Rice Biology, a researcher, a doctoral student and a doctoral teacher, and a member of the Joint Committee of the Thirteenth People of Zhejiang Province. From 1979 to 1983, he obtained a bachelor's degree in genetics from the University of Nancai. He was a research trainee, assistant researcher and associate researcher in the Department of Genetic Engineering of the Chinese Rice Research Institute of China from 1983 to 1997. He was a senior researcher in genetics from the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and a graduate in genetic breeding from 1992 to 1995. He was a researcher in the Department of Genetic Engineering from June to September of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
长期从事作物种质创新与分子育种研究。发表 SCI 收录论文110余篇,发明专利25项,主编专著3本,充分发挥水稻生物学多学科合作的优势,将生物技术和遗传资源渗透到水稻育种领域中,形成鲜明研究特色。先后获浙江省特级专家、浙江省有突出贡献的中青年专家和农业部有突出贡献的中青年专家等荣誉,享受政府特殊津贴,2项成果获国家级科技奖励、7项成果获省部级科技奖励及浙江省科学技术重大贡献奖,入选国家百千万人才工程第一层次、浙江省151人才工程第一层次、中国农科院杰出人才一级岗位人选。获国家杰出青年基金及国家基金委创新研究群体资助。(待补充)
• Long-term work in the field of species innovation and molecular breeding. SCI published more than 110 papers, invented 25 patents, published three monographs, and made full use of the advantages of multidisciplinary collaboration in rice biology, and created a distinctive research feature by infusing biotechnology and genetic resources into rice breeding. With the honour of leading experts in Zhejiang province, leading Chinese youth experts in Zhejiang province, and young and young Chinese experts in the Ministry of Agriculture, who have made outstanding contributions, received special government grants, two national science and technology awards, seven results were awarded ministerial awards for science and technology and a major scientific and technical contribution award in Zhejiang province, and selected candidates for positions at the first level of the National Million Talent Project, the first level of the 151 Talent Project in Zhejiang province, and the first level of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
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