
资讯 2024-06-30 阅读:44 评论:0
图集   新华社南京9月16日电 题:比特币中国将停止所有交易业务,比特币还能不能碰?On September 16, Xinhua Society Nanjing called ˂font color=n...



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  新华社南京9月16日电 题:比特币中国将停止所有交易业务,比特币还能不能碰?

On September 16, Xinhua Society Nanjing called > : Bitcoin will shut down all transactions in China.


Xinhua Society, Xinhua News, journalist Pan Xian.


On these days, news of the regulatory requirement that the domestic Bitcoin trading platform be “all shut down and recently exited from the market” has spread. On the evening of 14 September, the country’s first Bitcoin exchange, “bitcoin China”, issued an announcement stating that the Bitcoin Chinese digital asset trading platform would cease to register new users as soon as possible, and that all transactions would cease on 30 September.


Bitcoin’s price should be “jumped off” – a lot of investors are being held up, and speculators who try to be “all-night rich” are being drunk. People wake up and start thinking calmly. What is the value of Bitcoin’s investment?


bitcoin has a connection to crime


In the eyes of some, Bitcoin has become a living force for monetary freedom, asset value addition, and payment technology, and some investors have joined and invested heavily in Bitcoin. But, as digital currencies, such as Bitcoin, continue to rage, Bitcoin has become associated with many criminal cases, becoming a new “collaborator” for some outlaws to commit crimes. For example, in the United States, buying marijuana, drugs in the Netherlands, and arms on the black market.


In October 2013, several U.S. law enforcement agencies seized an electronic trading platform using Bitcoin for anonymous illicit trade. Its founder and operator, Ross Ublich, turned the platform into the world’s largest black market in the Internet in just two years, with nearly a million customers, selling a total of $1.2 billion.


The WannaCry extortion virus, which broke out on 12 May this year, including in China, has been “gunned” by the network and computers of high schools and government departments in a number of countries and regions. The virus locks up some of the computer's documents in the form of Words, ppt, and pdf, requiring the owner to pay a certain ransom in order to unlock the document, which has to be paid in bitcoin.


According to informed sources, Bitcoin is also used for illicit asset transfers — buying it in national currency, selling it on foreign trading platforms and taking it out in United States dollars, and completing the transfer in a few minutes.


Why do criminals prefer bitcoin?


The continued booming of digital currencies such as Bitcoin has allowed domestic and foreign outlaws to seize the spirit of rapid enrichment by using the concept of digital currency to spread frauds and engage in illicit activities.


Journalists have learned that, unlike most common currencies, Bitcoin does not depend on specific monetary institutions for issuance. It is based on a certain algorithm, generated by a large number of calculations, using distributed databases consisting of numerous nodes in the entire P2P network to identify and record transactions and using cryptography to ensure the security of the links, giving Bitcoin a non-retraceable source that does not expose the identity and has a broad “advantage” in circulation. It is more difficult to track Bitcoin transfers than traditional means of payment, and it can circumvent the banking system and easily transfer funds between countries.

  Elliptic Enterprises是一家咨询公司,他与执法机关合作,协助追踪比特币。公司业务拓展与调查副总裁卢克·威尔逊表示,有的犯罪贩子不用现金或者支票,而是使用比特币,因为他们相信比特币是匿名的,速度快。

Elliptic Enterprises, a consulting firm, works with law enforcement agencies to help track Bitcoin. Luke Wilson, Vice-President of Corporate Outreach and Investigation, says that some criminal traffickers use bitcoin instead of cash or cheques, because they believe Bitcoin is anonymous and fast.

  区块链(Block Chain,加密货币的一种形式)平台Tezos的联合创始人凯萨琳·布雷特曼指出,因为比特币的存在,一些人做坏事更容易了,不需要银行账户就能拿到资金。

The co-founder of the block chain (Block Chain, a form of encrypted currency) platform Tezos, Catherine Brettman, pointed out that, because of Bitcoin, it was easier for some people to do bad things and to get money without a bank account.


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Can't you touch bitcoin? {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}


Currently, a number of Governments, such as the European Union and the United Kingdom, have begun to study programmes to combat the use of Bitcoin for criminal activities and have taken active action.


On 13 September this year, the Chinese Internet Finance Association sent a reminder that so-called “virtual currencies”, such as Bitcoin, lacked a clear value base and that so-called “virtual currencies”, were increasingly used as instruments for criminal activities, such as money-laundering, drug trafficking, smuggling and illegal collection of funds. Investors should be vigilant and should immediately report any leads they might find to criminal activities in violation of the law.


Indeed, as early as 2013, in the Bulletin on Protection against the Risk of Bitcoin issued by five ministries, Bitcoin was identified as a “net virtual commodity” rather than as a currency. This means that the judiciary generally considers Bitcoin to be a virtual property.


For ordinary investors, there are two types of risks to investment in digital currencies: first, the risk of speculation in the digital currency itself, vulnerability to regulatory policy changes because of a lack of real exchange value and the fact that its own value is not based on a “currency anchor”, the vulnerability of digital currency prices to massive shocks and the vulnerability of ordinary investors to significant losses blindly, and second, the risk posed by unregulated digital money trading platforms. If a digital currency purchased by an investor is technically not characterized as a digital currency, the risk is even greater if it is merely an illegal collection of funds in the name of a digital currency.


“Don't panic if you are not accidentally involved in the crime in Bitcoin.” The experts interviewed, such as Riang Qi, Public Prosecutor of the U Central District of Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, and Ho Ping, Professor of the University of Political Science and Law, Huadong Province, recommended, first, to report the crime in time so that the police can intervene in a timely manner; secondly, to keep the relevant contact records with the suspect, as much as possible, in order for the judicial authorities to take evidence. Moreover, in the face of extortion, it is important to try to communicate with the suspect as much as possible in order to delay his time, and to ensure that the judicial authorities search for more leads and evidence about the suspect as much as possible.

【纠错】 责任编辑: 王萌萌



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