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  9月25日记者获悉,腾讯云的提案在国际电信联盟ITU-T SG17会议中获全票通过,成为全球首个区块链智能合约安全领域的国际标准。

On 25 September, the journalist was informed that the proposal of Tseng was adopted by full vote at the ITU-T SG17 meeting as the first global international standard in the area of smart contract security in the block chain.


This also marks the first time that the Chinese technology company, represented by Xin Xin Xinyun, has received a high degree of international recognition for its security technology in the area of block chains, thereby enabling Chinese enterprises to gain more voice in the area of international security technical standards.


The ITU-T International Telecommunication Union (ITU-T), a globally mainstream standard organization for communications, was established in 1865 as a subsidiary body of the United Nations, comprising more than 190 countries, more than 700 companies and academic institutions, and is an authoritative global international standardization organization. Its SG17 research group was established in 2001 to focus on communications security research and standard-setting.

  本次SG17会议共有来自32个国家的258名专家参加,提出21项标准新提案,共有11项提案获得立项,其中3项提案来自中国代表团,其中腾讯云提案项目全称为“Security Requirements for Smart Contract Management (智能合约安全管理要求)”。

A total of 258 experts from 32 countries participated in this SG17 meeting, and 21 new standard proposals were put forward and 11 proposals were made, 3 of which were from the Chinese delegation, all of which were referred to as “Secure Regulation for Smart Contract Management”.


Yang Yong, Vice-President of Tsingyun and Head of the Tseng Security Platform Department, stated that Tsingyun Block Chain was dedicated to building the building blocks of trust in the digital economy, and that security was the cornerstone of the Tsingy Cloud Block Chain. This intellectual contract safety standard was created to provide an important technical basis for the ecological development of the block chain industry. The future Tsingy Cloud will be linked to the industry's shared block chain security standards, contributing to a secure and efficient digitalization of everything.


Fills the gap in standards for smart contracts and guarantees a 100 billion block chain market

  近年来区块链技术快速发展,有望成为下一代信息技术的重要基础,2017年,全球区块链技术市场规模已达到16.4亿美元,据《财富》旗下市场研究和咨询服务公司Fortune Business Insights预测,这一数字到2025年将会升至210.7亿美元。

Rapid advances in block chain technology in recent years are expected to form an important foundation for the next generation of information technology. In 2017, the global block chain technology market reached $1.64 billion, a figure that, according to Fortune Business Insights, is projected to rise to $21.07 billion by 2025.

  伴随着区块链技术被应用到金融、政务、工业等关键信息领域,区块链的安全可控也受到各方重视,据区块链安全公司 PeckShield (派盾)数据显示,2019 年共发生区块链安全事件 177 件,其中重大安全事件 63 起,损失达到 76.79 亿美元,较 2018 年增长约 60%。

With the application of block chain technology to key information areas such as finance, government and industry, the security of the block chain is also valued by all parties. According to PeckShield (PA) the block chain security company, there were 177 block chain security incidents in 2019, of which 63 significant security incidents resulted in losses amounting to US$ 76.79 billion, an increase of about 60 per cent from 2018.

  智能合约是区块链的核心组件,也是确保数字资产安全、信息安全以及业务安全的基础。1995年,跨领域法律学者尼克·萨博(Nick Szabo)提出了智能合约这一术语,其实质是一种计算机协议,当智能合约的双方在区块链上产生资产交易时,就会触发代码自动完成具体的交易流程。如果智能合约在区块链上实现广泛运用,经济分工将在互联网时代进一步细化,全球范围内的各网络节点将直接对接需求和生产,更广泛的社会协同将得以实现。

Smart contracts are the core components of the block chain and the basis for ensuring digital asset security, information security, and business security. In 1995, a cross-cutting legal scholar, Nick Szabo, introduced the term smart contracts, the essence of which is a computer agreement that triggers the automatic completion of a specific transaction process when both parties to a smart contract generate asset transactions on the block chain.


At the same time, if there is a gap in the contract, it could result in a huge loss of interest. That is also the importance of Quizun’s project in the field of smart contracts – the development of security standards for that smart contract could, to some extent, guide block-chain operations to avoid such risks.

  腾讯云在智能合约安全性及安全漏洞方面,依托了Tencent Blade Team近年来在区块链智能合约安全的研究投入和成果产出,结合腾讯标准团队经验,形成了管理安全实践和标准范例,并结合腾讯云区块链安全产品的实践能力佐证。

With regard to the security of smart contracts and security gaps, Tencent Brade Team has relied on research inputs and outputs from recent years on the security of block-link smart contracts, and has developed examples of security practices and standards for management in the context of the experience of the telecommunications standard team, as well as on the practical capacity of the teeming cloud-line safety products.


During the meeting, the display was highly recognized by the participating experts and filled the gap in this direction as the only security standard currently approved by the ITU in terms of intellectual contracts.


  腾讯云在ITU-T SG17会议中的提案能够全票通过,与长期的技术积累和充分的准备是分不开的。早在2019年11月,腾讯云就在国内CCSA(中国通信标准协会)TC8 WG4第60次工作会议上成功立项了《区块链智能合约安全技术要求》行业标准,并于2020年5月在全国信息安全国家标委会立项《区块链智能合约安全指南》。

As early as November 2019, at the 60th working session of the country’s CCSA (China Association for Communications Standards) TC8 WG4, TC8 TC4 TC4 set out the industry standards for the safety requirements of block-chain smart contracts and, in May 2020, the National Commission for Information Security (NCPS) set up a section on safety guidelines for block-chain smart contracts.


The International Telecommunication Union (ITU-T), as the International Telecommunication Standards Organization (INTCO), has a greater reach and influence. Information security has been the focus of attention for all countries, in the more difficult direction of the ITU standards, and the rate of adoption of security-related projects has been low over the years.


After approval by the Ministry of National Communications and Industry, Tsingyun submitted an application for accreditation through the ITU network, which was followed by three rounds of response by the Panel (SG), the Working Group Consultative Meeting and the ITU-T Plenary, with the support and endorsement of representatives of all countries and the support of the member units, which culminated in the adoption of an item in its entirety, marking the next milestone in the field of international communication standards for Tsingyun on behalf of the Chinese Corporation for Science and Technology.


Only three proposals have been adopted since the Chinese delegation's proposal was adopted, which also shows the high level and significance of the competing requirements of the ITU-T entries. The other two proposals were made by CNCERT in 14/17 “X.sa-dsm*: SecurityarchitectureofdatasharingmanagementDLT” and by China in 6/17 “X.ztd-iot*: Securitymethodologyforzero-touchmassiveIoTdeployment”.


The teeming cloud block chain is currently configured in terms of infrastructure, bottom platforms, service platforms and technical components, and well-developed products and applied solutions have been developed in seven areas: supply chain finance, credible record-keeping, electronic paper, data elements, identity management, supply chain management and digital assets.

  同时,腾讯云还通过组建产业区块链联盟、区块链加速器等方式,积极推动产业区块链生态的建设。在国际知名调研机构Gartner近日发布的《区块链咨询与概念验证开发服务市场指南》报告中,腾讯云作为领先的产业区块链解决方案提供者入选“代表性的技术服务提供商”名单,是仅有的两家中国入选者之一。在行业分析机构ABI Research公布的BaaS(BlockChain-as-a-Service,区块链即服务)领域竞争力排名中,腾讯云的区块链服务平台TBaaS也在中国区块链市场上位居第一位。

At the same time, Tseng is actively promoting the development of the ecology of the industrial block chain, including through the formation of industrial block chain alliances and block chain accelerators. In a recent report by Gartner, a well-known international research agency, Tseng is one of the only two candidates to be selected as a “representative technology service provider” as a leading provider of industrial block chain solutions.






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