Bitcoin is a digital currency, also known as an encrypted currency, the latest analysis of the Bitcoin trend in July 2023. An important feature of Bitcoin is decentralisation, which is not regulated by a central agency or government. Instead, Bitcoin transactions are carried out through a point-to-point network, and transaction data are stored in a distributed block chain. Bitcoin, as a digital currency, can be used for various transactions, such as the purchase of goods and services.
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比特币走势分析最新2023年7月 最近的加密货币市场新闻显示,在大量比特币和以太坊期权到期之前,市场出现了反弹,这可能为将来的大幅波动铺平道路。比特币和以太坊占据期权市场日均交易量的40%左右,因此加密市场有可能出现资产价格的巨大上涨。 Recent crypto-currency news shows a rebound in the market before a large number of bitcoins and Ether’s options expire, which could pave the way for large future fluctuations. Bitcoins and Ether’s capture of about 40% of the average daily trading volume in the options market could lead to a huge increase in asset prices. 最近比特币价格上涨的原因是因为加密货币交易所Coinbase和Binance连续面临诉讼,但这并没有对加密货币市场的价格变动产生太大影响。 The recent increase in the price of Bitcoin was due to successive lawsuits against Coinbase and Binance on the crypto-currency exchange, which did not have a disproportionate impact on price movements in the crypto-currency market. 期权市场数据显示,BTC和ETH的季度头寸中有很大一部分合约将在2023年6月30日到期。当这些头寸到期时,可能对市场产生影响。据AmberData的数据显示, The options market data show that a large proportion of the BTC and ETH quarterly positions will expire on 30 June 2023. When these positions expire, they may have an impact on the market. “Deribit交易所将有150,633份总价值达45.7亿美元的BTC期权合约和123万份总价值达23亿美元的ETH合约到期。” & ldquo; Deribit Exchange will have 150,633 BTC options with a total value of $4.57 billion and 123 million ETH contracts with a total value of $2.3 billion. & rdquo; CoinGape早些时候报道称,比特币价格上涨可能有助于突破31,150美元,目前的水平需要上涨约5%才能达到目标价。这个目标价是2023年3月反弹期间的峰值,当时美国区域银行危机主导了金融市场。 CoinGape reported earlier that price increases in bitcoin might help to break through $31,150, and that the current level would need to increase by about 5% to reach the target price. The target price was the peak during the rebound in March 2023, when the US regional banking crisis dominated financial markets.
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