The router can bind multiple Eth-Trunk interfaces to form an Eth-Trunk logical interface, and the Eth-Trunk interface is designed primarily to increase bandwidth and improve reliability of the connection between devices. The Eth-Trunk interface can work in two or three layers. The Eth-Trunk interface in two-storey mode is similar to the interface of the interactive and is responsible only for forwarding the two-storey data packages; the Eth-Trunk interface in three-storey mode is similar to that of the router, which can be used with an IP address to achieve router functionality. This paper describes how the two-storey and three-storey Eth-Trunk interfaces can be configured.
An example of the configuration of the Eth-Trunk interface on the first and second floors of
1. Cluster network structure and requirements
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; as shown in the figure below, the connection between RouterA and RouterB via Eth-Trunk1 and Eth-Trunk1 is a second-tier port. Configure Eth-Trunk1 to the Trunk type interface, allowing all VLAN frames between RouterA and RouterB to pass.
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;
2. Configuration thinking
Configure the second Eth-Trunk port to allow VLAN to pass using the following lines:
1) Creates the Eth-Trunk interface.
2) Convert the Eth-Trunk interface to a second-tier port.
3) Configure the Eth-Trunk port to the Trunk type port and allow all VLAN frames to pass.
4) connect the member port to the Eth-Trunk port.
3. Configuration steps
1) Configure RouterA
# 创建Eth-Trunk接口,并配置允许通过的VLAN。
# Create the Eth-Trunk interface and configure the permissible VLAN.
[RouterA] interface eth-trunk 1
[RouterA-Eth-Trunk1] portswitch
[RouterA-Eth-Trunk1] port link-type trunk
[RouterA-Eth-Trunk1] port trunk allow-pass vlan all
[RouterA-Eth-Trunk1] quit
# 将接口GE1/0/0、GE2/0/0加入到Eth-Trunk 1中。
# Add interface GE1/0/0, GEO2/0/0 to Eth-Trunk 1.
[RouterA] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] undo shutdown
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] eth-trunk 1
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] quit
[RouterA] interface gigabitethernet 2/0/0
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet2/0/0] undo shutdown
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet2/0/0] eth-trunk 1
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet2/0/0] quit
2) Configure RouterB
# 创建Eth-Trunk接口,并配置允许通过的VLAN。
# Create the Eth-Trunk interface and configure the permissible VLAN.
[RouterB] interface eth-trunk 1
[RouterB-Eth-Trunk1] portswitch
[RouterB-Eth-Trunk1] port link-type trunk
[RouterB-Eth-Trunk1] port trunk allow-pass vlan all
[RouterB-Eth-Trunk1] quit
# 将接口GE1/0/0、GE2/0/0加入到Eth-Trunk 1中。
# Add interface GE1/0/0, GEO2/0/0 to Eth-Trunk 1.
[RouterB] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/0
[RouterB-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] undo shutdown
[RouterB-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] eth-trunk 1
[RouterB-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] quit
[RouterB] interface gigabitethernet 2/0/0
[RouterB-GigabitEthernet2/0/0] undo shutdown
[RouterB-GigabitEthernet2/0/0] eth-trunk 1
[RouterB-GigabitEthernet2/0/0] quit
4. Validation configuration results
View the state of Eth-Trunk1, for example, RouterA:
<RouterA> display trunkmembership eth-trunk 1
Trunk ID: 1
used status: VALID
TYPE: ethernet
Working Mode : Normal
Working State: Normal
Number Of Ports in Trunk=2
Number Of UP Ports in Trunk=2
operate status: up
Interface Ethernet1/0/0, valid, selected, operate up, weight=1,
standby interface NULL
Interface Ethernet2/0/0, valid, selected, operate up, weight=1,
standby interface NULL
用display port vlan命令查看Eth-Trunk端口上可以通过的VLAN信息。以RouterA为例:
Check the VLAN information available on the Eth-Trunk port with a display port vlan command.
<RouterA> display port vlan Eth-Trunk 1
Port Link Type PVID Trunk VLAN List
Eth-Trunk1 trunk 0 1-4094
5. Profile
1) Profile for RouterA
sysname RouterA
interface Eth-Trunk1
port link-type trunk
port trunk allow-pass vlan 1 to 4094
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
eth-trunk 1
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
eth-trunk 1
2) profile for RouterB
sysname RouterB
interface Eth-Trunk1
port link-type trunk
port trunk allow-pass vlan 1 to 4094
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
undo shutdown
eth-trunk 1
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
undo shutdown
eth-trunk 1
An example of the configuration of the Eth-Trunk interface on the second and third floors of
1. Cluster network structure and requirements
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & & nbsp