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在加密货币市场整体回调的背景下,以太坊 (ETH) 价格面临抛售压力,跌幅达 3.5%,至 3,550 美元。此外,以太坊的日交易量飙升 84%,达到 148 亿美元。
In the context of the overall return of the crypto-currency market, Etheria prices were under resale pressure, falling by 3.5 per cent to $3,550. In addition, the daily turnover of Ether was soaring by 84 per cent, reaching $14.8 billion.
根据 CryptoQuant 的报告,由于以太坊的价格难以突破 4,000 美元大关,交易员可能需要关注期货市场参与者的行为。下图显示了 Taker 买卖比率的 7 天移动平均线,该比率衡量了买家与卖家的相对积极性。高于 1 的值表示买家占主导地位,而低于 1 的值表示积极抛售。
According to the CryptoQuant report, traders may need to focus on the behaviour of futures market participants because it is difficult to break the $4,000 threshold at Taiping's price. The figure below shows the seven-day moving average of the Taker sales ratio, which measures the relative motivation of buyers and sellers. The value above 1 means that buyers dominate, while the value below 1 means that they actively sell.
如图所示,该比率未能升至 1 以上,并且最近几天一直在急剧下降。这一趋势表明,大多数期货交易者一直在积极抛售以太坊,无论是出于投机目的还是为了获利。该指标的大幅下降是一个看跌信号,表明如果这种趋势持续下去,当前的下行回撤可能会持续。
As the figure shows, the ratio has not risen to more than one, and has been declining sharply in recent days. This trend suggests that most futures traders have been actively selling the talismans, whether for speculative purposes or for profit.
另一方面,Santiment 的网络已实现利润/损失 (NPL) 表明持有者正在以可观的利润出售,而大幅下跌则表明持有者正在实现损失,这可能预示着恐慌性抛售和投资者投降。
On the other hand, the realization of profits/losses (NPLs) on the Santament network indicates that the holder is selling at considerable profit, while the sharp decline indicates that the holder is making a loss, which may portend panic selling and investor surrender.
对于 ETH 来说,不良贷款指标从 6 月 10 日的 3669 万急剧飙升至 6 月 11 日的 10.6 亿。这一积极趋势表明持有者正在以可观的利润出售,暗示着局部顶部的形成。
For ETH, the indicator for non-performing loans rose sharply from 3.669 million on June 10 to 10.6 billion on June 11. This positive trend suggests that the holders are selling at considerable profit, implying the formation of local tops.
分析师认为,ETH 未能抓住看涨势头,因为尚不清楚美国证券交易委员会需要多长时间才能批准 S-1 文件。尽管上周以太坊投资流入量创下历史新高,但投资者不确定这种情况是否会持续下去。
According to analysts, the ETH failed to capture the momentum, as it was unclear how long it would take for the US Securities and Exchange Commission to approve the S-1 document. While last week’s investment inflows to Taiwan reached an all-time high, investors were uncertain whether this would continue.
不过,即使美国证券交易委员会(SEC)本周批准贝莱德、富达、VanEck 和其他公司的申请,投资者仍担心当前的市场状况不利于对以太坊 ETF 的需求。
However, even though the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved applications from Belet, Fuda, Van Eck and others this week, investors remain concerned that current market conditions are not conducive to the demand for ETA ETF.
对于以太坊价格,有一个值得注意的支撑区域,包括 100 天移动平均线 3,430 美元和 0.5 斐波那契回撤位 3,419 美元。
For the Etheria price, there is a notable support area, including a 100-day moving average of $3,430 and a 0.5 Faiponacci retreat of $3,419.
It would be interesting to see if the ether whale stock would continue. Moreover, macroeconomic problems are showing further signs of pressure.
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相关标签: 区块链 blockchain
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