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Observing the development of Bitcoin globally can divide the entire bitcoin industry into upper-to-downstream. Upstream is the production of bitcoin. All the enterprises surrounding bitcoin mining are mostly upstream of bitcoin. For example, mining machines, production, mines and power generation facilities, and pond operations are upstream of bitcoins. Bitcoins are middle-to-stream transactions and storage. Downstream is the application of bitcoins.


I'm going to tell you about the bitcoin industry's upstream business, that's about mining around bitcoin. This lesson, let's talk about the miner and the miner. By doing this, you'll know how to select the miner and know what it takes to be a miner.

中本聪发明比特币的时候,希望人人都可以参与,而不希望有专门挖矿的矿机产生的。你应该听说过在早期的时候,有人在家里或者在办公室拿笔记本电脑进行挖矿的故事,那时候还是 C P U 挖矿的。后来,随着算力的增加,有人想出了用 G P U来进行挖矿。第一个用 G P U来挖矿的是谁呢?对,就是那个拿10000枚比特币换披萨吃的程序员。当时因为 G P U挖矿,带动了全球的显卡卖断货的场景,并且这种情况也在以太坊挖矿过程中再次重演。2017年6月份,随着以太坊的价格上涨,显卡市场再次迎来供不应求的场面。我当时在京东上搜索显卡,显示除了极个别高端显卡之外,其余显卡都已经售罄。也导致了芯片公司 A M D 股价直接上涨7%。

When Central Ben invented Bitcoin, he wanted everyone to be involved, rather than having a mine machine that specializes in mining. You should have heard the story of people digging in their homes or offices with laptops in early times, when CPU dug in. Later, with the increase in computing power, someone came up with GPU to dig. Who was the first to use GPU to dig the mine? Right, the programmer who took 10,000 bitcoins for pizza.


It's from the mine machine.

回到比特币行业早期,随着挖矿所需算力的不断上升, G P U也达到了算力的上限,为了突破这个局限,有人发明了专门挖矿的专业设备。这些设备虽然都是计算机,可是除了挖比特币,运行哈希运算之外,其他什么都干不了,我们叫它“矿机”。比特币的矿机只能进行比特币的算法的计算。莱特币矿机只能进行莱特币算法的计算,互相不能通用。不是说技术上做不到,而是矿机这件事本质上是在进行运算竞争,是一个不断突破运算极限的过程。所有条件都需要达到极致,才能在竞争中获胜。如果兼顾,只会让运行的效率降低,计算能力赶不上专门的矿机,从而被市场淘汰。

Back in the early days of the Bitcoin industry, with the rising computing power required for mining, the G-P-U also reached the upper limit of the computing power, and to break that limit, some invented specialized equipment for mining. These equipment, although all computers, can't do anything but dig bitcoin to run Hashi's calculations. We call it a mine machine. Bitcoin's mine can only be calculated by bitcoin.



How to pick a mine machine.

现在做矿机的企业基本都是做芯片起家,矿机由芯片、散热风扇、电池等等部件构成,其中决定这台矿机能不能挖出更多币的核心的部件就是芯片。现在全球最知名的比特币矿机厂商有两家,比特大陆的蚂蚁矿机和张楠赓的阿瓦隆矿机。后者也是世界上第一台 A S I C芯片矿机的发明者。A S I C ,是指应特定用户要求和特定电子系统的需要而设计和制造的集成电路。还有其他一些矿机也有知名度,比如曾经风靡一时的K N C Minner。这家瑞典老牌比特币挖矿机生产商KncMiner,曾获得共计约3200万美元融资,遗憾的是在2016年5月宣布破产。此外曾经比较著名的国内矿机还有龙矿矿机、闪电矿机等等。因为矿机的芯片需要非常强的研发技术实力,需要和全球不断上涨的算力赛跑,和科技进行接轨。行业最早期的时候出现过不少刚面世的矿机就被市场淘汰的情况、甚至还在制作过程中就已经被淘汰的例子,导致创业者和投资者都损失惨重。所以,选择矿机,也需要挑选实力强悍的品牌和团队。

There are now two of the world’s most well-known bitcoin miners, an ant mine on Bitcoin, and an Avalon mine on Zhang. The latter is also the world’s first AS I C chip generator. A SI C, which is an integrated circuit designed and made at the request of a specific user and the needs of a particular electronic system. Other machines are known as KN C Minner, which used to be popular. The Swedish old bitcoin miner, Kncminer, was financed with a total of about $32 million, but was declared bankrupt in May 2016.


Since mining machines are so competitive, how can they be selected if they want to dig? Theoretically, of course, the latest model is the best. The latest mine can be used with less power and very high arithmetic.


Power consumption is an indicator of the amount of electricity that this machine will consume when it functions. Consumption of electricity has a huge bearing on the cost of mining.


And here's a little bit of knowledge, the same algorithm's digital asset, that can be mined by the same miner. For example, a bitcoin miner, or a bit of cash.


Seeing here, you might want to ask, "Is it possible if I wanted to dig bitcoin? It was a few years ago, and it's still possible. It's just, it's hard to dig bitcoin by a person right now, and it's called the SOLO model. It's basically a scale mining, and it needs to work with the pond, so it's just a bitcoin by a person. I'll tell you later about the concept of a pond.


How to participate in mining


You can't dig a mine yourself, and you're probably wondering how to buy a mine machine. Actually, it's a simpler process than you thought. Buy a mine machine, start and connect to the network, and walk in three steps.


As a first step, select a pond, register an account number at the pond, fill in the sub-account and fill in the password;


Step two, fill out your bitcoin billing address. You get bitcoin, you automatically call it in this address that you fill in. The address can be your wallet address, or your full value address on a trading platform, so you can sell it in time and reduce the processing costs of a step-by-step transfer.


The third step is to insert power and grids into the mine, and then start running. When the power is connected, the mine automatically distributes the IP address and scans the latest access device IP address into the backstage. Then the account number of the pond is sufficient. After the setup is complete, it starts running for about half a minute, and the back page can see the miner's real-time state. The machine is also shown more fools, with two basic lights, one showing normal operation, and one showing any malfunction. When the malfunctioning light comes on, you need to check if there is a problem with the miner's running.


Here's a little bit. A friend of mine likes to go on a salt fish leaking machine. I asked why he could pick a miner on a salt fish. He told me that many people, after getting into bitcoin, liked to buy a few miners back online, tried to dig up a mine in their own homes, thinking it was okay if the residents used electricity, even if the cost was a little higher. My friend said that every time he picked up the leak, it was too loud. So he or his family couldn't stand it, and then they were forced to sell it on a saltfish. Usually this miner is new, it's barely used, and it's easy to buy a live mine at a second price. Every time my friend picks it up, he says that it's not electricity, it's noise that beats the family to dig the mine.




I told you about the miner and the miner, you know the history of the mine machine and how to select the mine. This section, let's talk about the mine and the pond. With this lesson, you'll learn how to run the mine, what to prepare for, and how to work with it.



Cost of mines


The cost of a mine is: construction costs, equipment costs, maintenance costs, network costs, and other costs. Maintenance costs include electricity costs and manpower costs, and the cost difference is very large. That is why the mine chooses to be built where electricity costs are relatively low and stable.


Now, as the mines are professionalized, the advantages and disadvantages of a mine, including water cooling, wind cooling, electrical design, have a great impact on the maintenance and cost of the later stages of the mine. Early mining operations have been rougher, with a shelf set up and a miner placed on it, and can begin to operate. It has been found that this mode of operation is not working, that the mine has a very high rate of damage and that maintenance costs are too high.


There are also risks to operating a mine, including policy risks, technical risks, and prior inputs, all of which are not insignificant. A bitcoin mine in the current cycle, depending on the currency price, and the difference in its capacity, is likely to be between 200 and 300 days.


Definition of a pond


After the mine is finished, then the ponds. You're probably more curious about the ponds than you are about the ponds. The ponds are a pool of arithmetic. For the first time, there is no part of a pit in the world of bitcoin. Miners compute their own calculations and pack their own trade information. As more and more people join in mining, the probability that individual miners will be able to dig bitcoin is smaller, but more importantly, the probability gains are more and more precarious. A common miner, an ordinary miner, may be able to dig a block a month. That is, the risk is great for miners.



So, how does the pond convince the miners to access the system's arithmetic? Here I'll introduce you to the two dominant models of cooperation in the pond: PPS and PPLNS. The PPS model (in English, Pay-Per-Share), which is based on your arithmetic in the pond, gives you a very fixed daily gain, bearing in mind that the reward for each block is 12.5 bits. So you get 50 bits a day, then you get 50 per cents a day, or 0.5 bits a day, depending on the difficulty of digging and the sum of the world's aggregates. So, even if the pond is only four blocks a day, it's not necessarily four.

PPLNS模式(英文是Pay Per Last N Shares),意思是说“根据过去的N个股份来支付收益”,这意味着,所有的矿工一旦挖出了一个区块,大家将根据每一个人股份,也就是自己贡献的算力数量占比来分配区块中的新生比特币。那它和前面讲的PPS模式有什么区别呢?PPS模式下,比特币分红由矿池提前支付给矿工,所以只要矿工的矿机速度稳定,每天得到的比特币数量就会非常稳定,可以称之为固定投入固定收益模式。而PPLNS模式下,是固定投入动态收益的模式。固定时间内获得比特币多少,带有一定的运气成份。如果矿池一天能够挖出很多个区块,比它理论上能挖出的多,那么矿工能够分得比特币就多。如果矿池挖出的区块,比它理论上值少,那么矿工在这段时间获得收益就会非常少。如果矿池运行非常不好,很长时间都没有挖出区块,那么这段时间矿工就可能没有收益。

The PPLNS model (in English, Pay Per Last N Shares), which means that “the profits are paid on the basis of the previous N shares”, means that once all miners have dug up a block, they will distribute the fresh bitcoins in the block according to each individual’s share, that is to say, the amount of their contribution to the calculations. What is the difference between it and the previous PPS model? Under the PPS model, bitcoins are paid in advance to miners, so as long as the miner’s rate is stable and the number of bitcoins per day is very stable, it can be called a fixed input fixed return model. Under the PPLNS model, it is a pattern of fixed input dynamic returns.

FPPS(Full Pay Per Share),即完全PPS。在PPS模式的基础上,增加矿工费(也即区块中包含的交易手续费)奖励。FPPS模式下,矿池按照过去一天内BTC网络出块中的矿工费与coinbase奖励的比例来计算矿工费奖励。在这种模式下,矿工可在PPS收益模式的基础上额外获得矿工费的收益

FPPS (Full Pay Per Share), or full PPS. On the basis of the PPS model, the miners'fees (i.e. transaction fees included in blocks) are increased. Under the FPS model, the pits calculate the miners'fees as a ratio to the coinbase incentive in the past day's BTC network.

全球排名前10的矿池,有6家左右都是中国的矿池。值得注意的是,矿池是中国人建立的,不代表接入矿池的矿工们也都是中国的。俄罗斯也是挖矿的新生力量,韩国最近也对挖矿非常感兴趣。俄罗斯的BitFury早期是一家生产矿机的公司,现在转型做矿池,排名在前10以内。另一家俄罗斯矿池Russian Miner Coin宣布,计划募资1亿美元,与中国的矿池展开了竞争。这家矿池,据说是由俄罗斯总统普京的互联网顾问德米特里·马里尼切夫(Dmitry Marinichev)持有。此外,在从来没有比特币节点的朝鲜,从2017年5月份开始,有了比特币网络的节点。大家如果在比特币浏览器上能看到全球比特币节点的分布,你就会发现,比特币全节点的分布是非常分散的,远至南非、近至日本,北美、南美、非洲,都闪耀着比特币的节点的光芒。

Russia’s BitFury, an early company producing machines, now ranks in the top 10. Another Russian mine, Russian Miner Coin, announced plans to raise $100 million and compete with China’s ponds. The pond, reportedly owned by Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Internet adviser, Dmitry Marinchev, is also of great interest.


Back to our topic, mining. It's easier if you want to be a miner for maintenance at a mine. It's basic mechanical maintenance, you know circuit boards, and you can basically do it. Miners' lives are simpler, because they are usually far away. So, you need to be able to live with lonely, skilled men.




The gradual specialization of the mines and the long cycle of return require a certain level of risk resistance, so that the pool can be brought together;

矿池的主要合作模式包括两种:FPPS和PPLNS,FPPS是在PPS模式的基础上,增加矿工费(也即区块中包含的交易手续费)奖励;PPLNS,是固定投入动态收益的方式,根据每个人的算力所在的股份,根据运气的好坏,动态获得收入。有抱团取暖的欢迎一起交流 关注公众号 柠檬在挖矿

The main modes of cooperation of the ponds are two: the FPPS and the PPLNS, where the FPPS are based on the PPS model, which provides an incentive to increase the fees of miners (i.e. transaction fees included in blocks); and the PPLNS, which is a way of fixing the dynamic benefits of inputs, generating income according to the weight of each individual's calculations, depending on the luck of the shares, depending on the dynamic.




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