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As British classmates and British favorites, most of them have heard the great name of the British Masters in Block Chains, and most of those interested in block chains and virtual currency will have an understanding of the British Masters in Block Chains, but what about the British Masters in Blocks?



Block chain technology, Block Chain, is a technology that uses a decentralised consensus mechanism to maintain a complete, distributed and non-alterable accounting database that allows participants in the block chain to achieve a unified accounting system without a relationship of trust. The block chain is essentially a technology that focuses on security and credibility over efficiency.


There's a database behind all the systems, which is a big book. It's important who keeps the book. Now who's in the system, the bank's books are in the bank, and Ali's books are in the bank. But now everyone in the system has an opportunity to be involved in the bookkeeping. If there is a new change in transaction data over time, everyone in the system will be able to record the records, and the system will judge the fastest and best person in the period, write the contents of its records to the books, and send them back to everyone in the system for backup. So everyone in the system has a complete book.

  如果A借了B 100块钱,这个时候,A在人群中大喊“我是A,我借给了B 100块钱!”,B也在人群中大喊“我是B,A借给了我100块钱!”,此时路人甲乙丙丁都听到了这些消息,因此所有人都在心中默默记下了“A借给了B100块钱”。你看,这个时候一个去中心化的系统就建立起来了,这个系统中不需要银行,也不需要借贷协议和收据,严格来说,甚至不需要人与人长久的信任关系(比如B突然又改口说“我不欠A钱!”,这个时候人民群众就会站出来说“不对,我的小本本上记录了你某天借了A100块钱!”)。

If A borrows B-100, this time A shouts & & ldquo in the crowd; I am A, I borrow B-100! & & & rdquo; B shouts & ldquo in the crowd; B, A lends me $100! & & & rdquo; when the passers-by hears the news, everyone says & ldquo in the heart; A borrows B-100 & & rdquo; you see, this time a decentralized system is built, and there is no need for banks, no need for loan agreements and receipts, and, strictly speaking, no need for a long-standing relationship of trust (e.g., B suddenly says & & ldquo; I don't owe A! & & rdquo; this time, the people will come forward and say & ldquo; no, my little book records an A100! & rdquo;


In April 2023, the Zhejiang University College of Computers and Software will run a course called Block Chains and Digital Currency, focusing on the development of high-level talent in block chain technology, which is the country’s first high-level institution to offer such courses.



You need to study computers, information technology, mathematics, etc. to work in block chains.

  1、公开区块链(public blockchain) 例子:比特币,Ethereum Frontier。公开区块链上的数据所有人都可以访问,所有人都可以发出交易等待被写入区块链。共识过程的参与者(对应比特币中的矿工)通过密码学技术以及内建的经济激励维护数据库的安全。

1. An example of a public block chain: Bitcoin, Etheeum Frontier. Data on the open block chain are accessible to all, and all can send transactions waiting to be written into the block chain.

  2、协作区块链(federated blockchain) 例子:Hyperledger以及德勤等会计所尝试的审计系统。参与区块链的节点是事先选择好的,节点间很可能是有很好的网络连接。这样的区块链上可以采用非工作量证明的其他共识算法,比如有100家金融机构之间建立了某个区块链,规定必须67个以上的机构同意才算达成共识。这样的区块链上的数据可以是公开的也可以是这些节点参与者内部。

Examples of collaborative blocks chains: audit systems tried by accounting firms such as Hyperledger and Deloitte. The nodes for participation in block chains are pre-selected, and the nodes are likely to be well connected to the network. Other consensus algorithms that are not supported by workload can be used on such blocks chains, such as 100 financial institutions that have established a block chain that requires the consent of more than 67 institutions in order to reach consensus.

  3、私有区块链(private blockchain) 例子:Eris Industries。参与的节点只有用户自己,数据的访问和使用有严格的权限管理。近期部分金融机构公布的内部使用的区块链技术大都语焉不详,不过很可能都在这个范围内。(来源:知乎)

3 Examples of private block chains: Eris Industries. Participation in nodes is limited to users themselves, and access to and use of data is strictly authorized. Most of the block chain technologies recently published by some financial institutions are not well known, but are likely to be within this range. (Source: knowledge)


Academic requirements: 75 to 84 points in key national institutions or 85 to 90 points in general institutions


Academic requirements: a better mathematical and computer base


Language requirements: Yas 6.5


Future employment pay:


The current hot wave of Internet finance has changed traditional financial business models globally, but direct-selling operations such as banks, Internet insurance, Internet bond dealers, etc., have focused on competition for channels, changing business patterns, and block-link technology is expected to move the financial sector’s next stage of development closer to the level of financial nature & mdash; & mdash; credit. In theory, it allows trading parties to engage in economic activities without resorting to third-party credit intermediaries, thereby bringing about a global low-cost value shift.


The most extensive and successful use of block-chain technology is now the digital currency represented by bitcoin. Digital currency has grown rapidly in recent years, with decentralized credit and frequent trading characteristics, giving it a high tradable value and allowing it to maintain relatively stable prices through the development of hedge financial derivatives as quasi-super-sovereign currencies.


At this stage, payments for the liquidation of commercial trade transactions are made through banks, and this traditional way of dealing through intermediaries is through the depositary, counterparty, central bank, offshore bank (a correspondent or branch office outside the bank). Compared to traditional payment systems, block payments are made directly to the parties to the transaction and do not involve intermediaries, and even partial network paralysis does not affect the functioning of the system as a whole. If a generic set of distributed inter-bank financial transaction agreements is built based on block chain technology that provides users with real-time settlement services across borders and in any currency, cross-border payments will become easier and less costly.


Digital instruments are an entirely new form of instrument presentation that combines block chain technology and paper attributes, regulations, and markets, and is completely different from the technical architecture of the existing electronic paper system. The inexorable time stamping of the links between block chain data significantly reduces the cost of access to regulation, a fully transparent data management system provides a trusted retrospective route, and a common binding code can be developed in the chain to achieve full regulatory coverage and hard control through the programming of regulatory rules.


Each block chain involved in maintaining nodes is able to obtain a complete data record, using the features of a block chain that is reliable and collectively maintained, to confirm rights to owners of interests. For the need to store permanent records, the block chain is the ideal solution, applicable to such scenarios as land ownership, equity trading, etc.


In this area, the advantage of block chains is that they automatically record big information based on program algorithms and store it on each computer in the block chain network, with transparency, difficulty of tampering, and low cost of use. Commercial banks store and share customers’ credit status in an encrypted form, without having to apply to the central bank for a further request for credit, i.e., to centralize it, and lending institutions can do all the mailing by accessing the corresponding information data on the block chain.


According to the Economic Reference Journal, “ technical research and development personnel associated with artificial intelligence, block chains, big data, including algorithmic engineers, senior data analysts, architecture engineers, etc., are now generally paid around a million. & & & & & & & ; senior partner of Swift Investment Consulting for a long-term study of the human resources market revealed to journalists that there are 200 employees in a sector chain, more than 60 of whom are paid at a million grades.


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