Decentraland is based on the decentralized version of at
Figure 52365-1:
2. Thesandbox (sandbox)
SandboxVR, an offline sandbox virtual reality game company, provides a bottom-up VR experience center in malls and cinemas. On November 15, 2021, it received a new A16z-led investment of $37 million from Alibaba and Craft.
Ten dollar cosmos projects abroad for attention and research.
Figure 52365-2:
This is the hottest chain in the tavern, and the whole game is simpler: collecting and raising imagined creatures and using them to fight. This project has grown exponentially in the first half of the year, earning $10.5 million a day, far more than the king. You can make money by playing this game.
Cryptovoxels同样也是一个建立在以太坊上的虚拟城市,它的特点在于游戏元素和界面设计的经典,让很多老互联网玩家更加熟悉。 Cryptovoxels is also a virtual city based on the Etherm, characterized by the classics of game elements and interface design, making many old Internet players more familiar. 5.Starlink 这是一个以太坊上的太阳系为背景的链游,你可以在探索太阳系的同时买卖虚拟卫星、航天器和土地,真正进入太空。但是目前还在筹备阶段,预计2022年第一、二季度发布。 This is a chain tour in the background of the solar system in the Taiku, and you can trade , and 这款链游的特别在于它是基于赌博类型的元界赌场,你可以在里面拥有赌场,也可以在里面玩扑克、二十一点、轮盘赌、赛马等。 The special reason for this chain is that it is based on gambling-type casinos, in which you can own casinos or play , , 7.rfoxVault 这个项目的特别之处在于它把零售购物带入了元界,你可以在里面看到很多时装店、百货商场,它可以说是为了时尚界进军元界而设计的项目。你可以在里面进行购物,与品牌创始人互动,它可以说是未来‘淘宝’等元界电商的雏形。 The special thing about this project is that it brings retail shopping into the metaspace, where you can see a lot of fashion shops, department stores, and so on, and it can be said to be a project designed to move into the field for fashion. You can shop in it, interact with brand founders, and it can be described as a prototype of future metamarkets, such as "weaves." 8.bit.country 比特国度的特别之处在于你可以在上面创建自己的元宇宙,如果把元宇宙比喻成网店,那么比特国度就是开网店的SaaS服务。 The special thing about Bitland is that you can create your own meta-cosmos up there, and if you compare the meta-cosmos to a net shop, then Bitland is the SaaS service that runs the net shop. 9.starAtlas 大型多人在线游戏MMO,如果您是MMO的粉丝,现在你可以在Metaverse中玩一款,StarAtlas Large multiplayer online MMO, if you are a MMO fan, now you can play at , Star Atlas 使用unrealEngine5的Nanite的实时图形技术可实现电影级视频游戏视觉效果。如果你体验过,就知道它有多棒。 The visual effects of film-grade video games can be achieved using the real-time graphic technology of unreal Engineering5 Nanite. If you experience it, you know how great it is. 10.NetVRk 它的特别之处在于它是基于VR背景的元界社交平台,你可以在里面购买土地,后续在土地上售卖广告位。 Its special feature is that it is a meta-social platform based on VR background, where you can buy land and then sell advertising slots on land. 如今线下的人们虽然越来越点状分布,在大城市里甚至一个屋子里装着一个单独的人。但是在互联网上,人们却越来越聚集。我相信元宇宙将创造出新的机遇和改变我们的生活方式。而在这个时机,越早的加入,就意味着越早的成为元界影响者。关注我,及时收获元界资讯。 And the sooner you join, the sooner you become an influencer, the sooner you look at me and harvest the information in the meta-world. 来源:https://www.netcyw.cn/b52365.html Source: https://www.netcyw.cn/b523665.html
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