【web3】02. 区块链原理介绍

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所谓区块链,实际上就是一种数据结构,是一种链式结构(可以理解为具有指向前面节点指针的链表),每个节点表示一个区块,区块实际上是用来存储数据的数据包,里面存储交易信息等数据。The so-called block chain is, in...



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The so-called block chain is, in fact, a data structure, a chain structure (which can be understood as a chain table with a pointer pointer) and each node represents a block that is actually a data package used to store data, in which data such as transaction information are stored.

【web3】01. 学习环境搭建及测试中讲到,以以太坊为例,我们可以使用 Geth 启动一个以太坊的节点,实际上全球有千千万万个节点,这些节点可能会存储部分区块,也可能会存储全量区块信息,所以区块存储于这些节点上。

At , for example, we can use Geth to launch a node in the Tai family, which actually has tens of thousands of nodes around the globe, which may store parts of the blocks and may also store full block information, so the blocks are stored on those nodes.


We know that the block chain does not have a primary server, or that tens of millions of nodes form the main server (distributed server), and that no single server can directly manipulate data, but rather that a large number of servers work together to manipulate data, which is the most important feature of the block chain.

区块里面存储的信息主要包括区块头和区块体,区块头包含区块的元数据信息,比如当前区块的 hash,上一个区块的指针等;区块体中包含区块的交易信息。

The information stored in blocks consists mainly of block heads and blocks, the head of which contains metadata information on blocks, such as the current hash of blocks, the pointer of the previous block, etc.; the block contains transaction information on blocks.

所谓交易,实际上就是区块链上的数据发生变更的过程,比如由账户 A 转账 1 个以太币给账户 B,那么则称为发生了一次交易。当然交易不限于转账,还有比如一些其他的 token 转换等,比如我们常说的 NFT 的交易、智能合约的执行。

The transaction is actually the process of changing the data on the block chain, as in the case of account A transfers 1 to account B, which is called a transaction. Of course, the transaction is not limited to transfers, but also to other token conversions, such as the NFT transaction, which we often call the operation of smart contracts.


Blocks are actually packaged into data packages. The packing process is a process by which there is consensus among the various nodes, according to the distributed consistency algorithm, that the blocks that a client packs are legitimate, and the specific packing process and calculation and consensus algorithms are described below.


The account is actually a public key/private key pair, and we know that the block chain relies mainly on asymmetric encryption algorithms, in which the public key is public, whereas the private key is not public, and the public key encryption data can only be declassified by private key, thus achieving security.

而区块链中的账户,以以太坊为例,账户地址就是你的公钥通过 hash 得到的值,私钥只能自己持有,不能透露给其他任何一个人,否则别人拿到你的私钥就可以对你的账户进行任何操作。

In the block chain, for example, the account address is the value that your public key receives through hash, and the private key can only be held on its own and cannot be disclosed to any other person, otherwise others can do anything about your account if they have your private key.


If you do not voluntarily disclose your private key, then someone else, with your public key address, and under the current computing power, trying to list your private key is almost impossible (and, of course, if there is a breakthrough in the subsequent calculation, such as a major breakthrough in the quantum computer, it may be possible to guess your private key).

以太坊中的账户分为「外部账户」与「合约账户」,这两种账户都会存储一些 token 数据(比如你的以太坊余额、你的 NFT 等),一般外部账户是你用于存储资产的账户,合约账户是用来执行只智能合约的账户,合约账户会关联智能合约代码,可以执行智能合约,其他的这两种账户区别不大。

The accounts in Etheria are divided into “external” and “contractual” accounts, both of which store some token data (e.g. your Etherton balance, your NFT, etc.), the general external accounts are those you use to store assets, the contractual accounts are accounts used to execute only smart contracts, contract accounts are linked to smart contract codes, smart contracts can be executed, and the other two accounts are not very different.

挖矿就是将大家的交易打包成区块的过程,挖矿首先有矿工,矿工有一个账户,矿工将最新的交易信息进行收集和打包,并通过计算最终证明自己打包的区块合法,并得到其他节点认可,这个时候这个区块就会被纳入整个区块链的链中,成为最新的一个链,而矿工打包区块后也可以获得一定的 token 收益。

Mining is the process of wrapping people's transactions into blocks, where miners first have miners, where miners have an account, where miners collect and pack up-to-date transaction information and, by calculating the blocks that ultimately prove that they have packed, are recognized by other nodes, when the blocks are integrated into the entire chain of blocks and become the latest chain, and when the miners pack the blocks, they can also generate some token revenues.

假设你有两个账户 A 和 B,你的朋友有两个账户 C 和 D,余额如下:

Assuming you have two accounts A and B, your friends have two accounts C and D, the balance is as follows:

  • A 有 5 eth,B 有 5 eth
  • C 有 1 eth,D 有 1 eth

那么,发出以下交易:账户 A 向账户 C 发送 1 eth,账户 B 向账户 D 发送 1 eth。这时候会有矿工将这两笔交易进行计算,打包到一个(或者多个)区块中,打包完成得到确认后,相当于这两笔交易得到了确认,这个时候 C 和 D 账户分别会多出来 1 eth 的余额,而 A 和 B 账户则会少 1 eth 余额。

The following transactions are sent: Account A sends 1 Eth to Account C, Account B sends 1 Eth to Account D. At this point the miners will calculate the two transactions, wrap them in one or more blocks, and when the packing is confirmed, the equivalent of the two transactions will be confirmed, at which time the balances of 1 Eth will be added to the accounts of C and D, respectively, while the balances of A and B will be reduced by 1 Eth.

在实际交易过程中,需要支付一定的费用(gas),所以 A 和 B 账户会减少的余额会大于 1 eth。

In the course of the actual transaction, a certain fee (gas) would have to be paid, so accounts A and B would have reduced the balance by more than 1 eth.


Upon completion of the transaction, your account balances and transaction information will be permanently stored in blocks and can be consulted by various means.


Some of the terms in this section are not familiar or relevant and will be explained later.

我们尝试使用环境搭建中使用的 Ganache 来生成一个区块。首先打开 Ganache,可以看到 Ganache 上显示的比如我的 RPC SERVER 为 http: ,那么我们打开 Postman 来使用 json rpc 进行一次交易:

We try to create a block using the Ganache used in the environment setup. Start with Ganache, you can see, for example, that my RPC SERVER on Ganache is http:, so we open Postman to make a deal with json rpc:

上述的 http 请求表示从 from 地址发送 1 个以太币到 to 地址,点击发送后即可看到两个地址之间以太币的变化。

The above-mentioned http request indicates that a change between two addresses can be seen in the same currency when you click on the address from the address to the address.

完成以后,点击 Ganache 上面的 Blocks 即可看到区块信息,我们点击一个有交易信息的区块,比如:

When finished, click on Blocks above Ganache to see block information. We click on a block with trade information, for example:


可以看到,区块信息里面包含区块的基本信息和交易信息(TX),区块基本信息里面包含区块的 Hash、Gas 信息等,交易信息里面包括该区块内的各个交易(实际上真正的区块里面会包含很多个交易),可以点进去下面的交易信息详细查看交易。

As can be seen, block information contains basic block information and transaction information (TX), block basic information contains information on block Hash, Gas, etc. The transaction information includes transactions within the block (in fact, the real block contains many transactions), and details of the transaction can be identified below.

随后,我们还可以使用 json rpc 发送请求查询区块的详细信息:

Then we can also use json rpc to send details of the request for a search block:

params 里面的 hash 即为区块的 hash 值,上述请求得到如下返回结果:

The hash in the paraams is the hash of the block, and the above request was returned as follows:


As you can see, in fact, each block contains a block head and block body, and the block head contains the basic information on the block, while the block contains the transaction information on the block (transactions). Real-time block information on the line can also be viewed online, for example: otherscan.io/block/163117...


We explained the return value information one by one.

  • number: 区块号,比如我的区块编号是 75,就是 16 进制的 0x4b;
  • hash:当前区块的 hash 值;
  • parentHash:父区块的 hash 值,比如这里表示的是区块编号为 74 的区块 hash 值,还记得前面说的区块是个链式结构吗?parentHash 就是指向前面区块的指针;
  • mixHash:用于工作量证明机制的 hash 值(答案),与 nonce 一起用于工作量证明,后面工作量证明机制会讲到,此处由于是 Ganache 模拟的,所以该 hash 为 0;
  • nonce:与 mixHash 一起用于工作量证明;
  • sha3Uncles:32 字节的叔块 sha3 的 hash 值,叔块的概念下面会介绍;
  • logsBloom:交易的日志 Bloom 过滤器,可以用于快速过滤交易日志(暂时不用关心);
  • transactionsRoot:可以参考这里讲的比较详细,总体来说,是区块中交易默克尔树的根 hash 值,用于证明区块中交易完整性;
  • stateRoot:表示执行完该区块内所有交易后,整个区块链的状态 hash,暂时先不用关心,想了解可以参考这里
  • receiptsRoot:表示交易回执的 hash,暂时先不用关心;
  • miner:挖出该区块的矿工地址(或者叫 Coinbase);
  • difficulty:表示区块挖矿的难度,可以简单理解为计算区块是一个根据问题猜答案的过程,difficulty 是「问题」,而 mixHash 和 nonce 是「答案」。需要注意,这里是区块的 nonce,交易中也存在一个 nonce,与此处不一样;
  • totalDifficulty:表示从创世区块开始,到该区块截止的总体难度之和;
  • extraData:区块附加数据,一般由矿工设置;
  • size:区块大小;
  • gasLimit:gas 就是执行交易、合约等所需的费用,gasLimit 就是该区块内所有交易所能花费的 gas 上限(多余的未使用完的 gas 会退回);
  • gasUsed:区块内所有交易已经使用了的 gas 费用; timeStamp:区块的时间戳。

交易信息包含在区块的 transactions 中,里面是一个交易列表,列表中的每个交易包括,公链上交易举例 ,下面讲解的还是上述示例上的交易:

The transaction information is contained in sections 'transactions ', in which each transaction includes a list of transactions

  • hash:交易的 hash 值,用来标识交易;
  • nonce:交易发起方的 nonce,交易发起方每进行一次交易,nonce 加 1,此处是为了防止双重花费攻击等问题;
  • blockHash:该交易所处的区块 hash 值,本区块的指针;
  • blockNumber:本区块的 index;
  • transactionIndex:该交易在所在区块中的索引;
  • from:交易发起账户;
  • to:交易接收方账户;
  • value:交易数量,比如此处表示 1 eth,即 10^18 wei;
  • gas:交易设置的花费;
  • gasPrice:gas 的价格,这个价格是浮动的,会动态调整,表示 1gas 能兑换多少 wei;
  • input:交易的输入信息,比如执行智能合约的方法名称、入参等信息;
  • v/r/s:交易签名相关信息,在交易发起时根据发起账户的私钥计算得出。


Packing of blocks, i.e. "mining."


Before introducing mining, we look at the connection between the various nodes in a network of block chains, as shown below (reference to web pictures):


区块之间的各个节点是通过 p2p 通讯(Peer-to-Peer)连接的,每个节点可以与其他节点通讯,同时该 p2p 网络具备自动发现节点等各种机制(暂时不必太深究),以太坊是基于 Kademlia 算法实现的网络。

The nodes between blocks are connected through the p2p newsletter (Peer-to-Peer), each node can communicate with other nodes, while the p2p network has mechanisms such as automatic discovery of nodes (for the time being, there is no need to go too far), and the Taiyo network is based on the Kademlia algorithm.


The package of a transaction is divided into "initiating", "broadcasting", "packaging execution" and "certification" steps.

  • 发起:一个客户端发起一次交易请求,请求一般在比如钱包等客户端中发起,发起后将该请求发到某个以太坊节点(也可能是当前节点)。交易发起时一般要设置该交易的 from 和 to 地址、发起账户的 nonce 值、gasPrice等信息,还需要设置 input 即是否调用智能合约等信息,并通过交易发起账户的私钥计算出 v/r/s 签名(参考前面);
  • 广播:交易发起后,会将该交易广播至其他节点。节点接收到交易后,需要验证交易的签名合法性、nonce 合法性以及交易的金额、gas 等是否合法,验证合法后,将该交易加入当前节点的交易池(内存)中,如此,二级节点再继续向外广播交易...;
  • 打包执行:具有挖矿功能的节点,在攒一批交易后,开始打包下一个区块,生成区块数据。并在计算出来合法区块后,将区块广播到其他节点;
  • 验证:其他节点收到交易区块后,进行区块的验证工作,当大多数节点认为该区块是合法区块,则就会将该区块设置为下一个区块,并加入到自己的链中。


By way of example, the creation of one block requires two steps: (i) local packing of nodes into new blocks, i.e. mining; and (ii) broadcasting to other nodes, where other nodes vote on a block as a legal block and join their chains.

3.2.1. 挖矿算法 PoW:工作量证明

工作量证明,顾名思义就是哪个客户端的工作量最大,哪个客户端挖出合法区块的可能性就越高。简单来说,就是让客户端来计算一个 hash 值,使得这个 hash 值满足一定条件:

The workload proves that, by definition, the client has the greatest workload, and the more likely the client is to dig out a legitimate block. Simply put, the client is asked to calculate a cash value, so that it meets certain conditions:

其中,index 是当前区块的 index,previousHash 是前一个区块的 hash,timestamp 是当前区块创建的时间戳,data 是当前区块数据,nonce 是一个从 0 递增的数据。

Index is the index, previousHash of the current block is the hash, timestamp of the previous block is the time stamp of the current block creation, Data is the current block data, nence is an increment from 0.

挖矿的目标就是不断递增枚举 nonce 值,从而使得最终的 hash 经过运算后小于 difficulty(难度)。优先计算出来的符合条件的区块就有机会成为下一个区块。

The objective of the mining is to increase the number of noce values, thus making the final hash less difficult than difficulty (difficulty).

思考题:PoW 为什么能防止篡改数据?

PoW: Why can you prevent tampering with data?

3.2.2. 挖矿算法 PoS:权益证明

2022 年,以太坊已经从 PoW 切换到了 PoS 证明,PoS 证明主要是看账户的币龄,币龄就是币数乘以持币的时间,比如你的账户有 1 个 eth,持有了 10 天,那么你的币龄就是 10。币龄越高越有机会获得记账权。

In 2022, Ethio switched from PoW to Pos, showing that Pos proves that it is mainly the currency age of the account, that the currency is the number of the currency multiplied by the time the currency is held, for example, that your account has 1 eth, that it has been held for 10 days, and that your currency is the age of 10. The older the currency, the older it gets the right to account.




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