Since 2012, payment services have become a major source of innovation in the financial sector, of which virtual currency is an extraordinary branch. According to capital laboratories, between January and June 2013, domestic and foreign financial service enterprises received 125 investment cases and $2.3 billion. Of these, 50 transactions in the area of payment services continued to be the largest compared to the previous year. In the area of payment services, eight Bitcoin and other virtual currency start-ups, 10 investment cases, and more than $17.4 million.
New and old ideas, new and old companies, and new and old business models are never lost in business history. For virtual money firms, represented by bitcoin, both their strong push for financial innovation and the ensuing problems and risks have received widespread attention and generated a lot of debate; and unacknowledged “top rituals” or rude “kills” have made it difficult to build a correct understanding of the currency. We need to be quiet and rediscover the virtual currency.
Capital Laboratories, based on an environment of innovation in the financial field, have analysed virtual money firms that were invested in the first half of the year and have further expanded the scope of the study in an attempt to provide a clearer picture of the ecosystem of virtual money. Of course, we also particularly expect that the magic code of virtual currency will bring us more valuable reflection and exploration, such as:
1. What investment hotspots have virtual currency start-ups brought together?
2. What is the ecosystem built by virtual money?
3. What are the advantages and shortcomings of virtual currencies vis-à-vis traditional ones?
4. What impact and inspiration does virtual currency have on the traditional monetary system and the financial system as a whole?
5. What would be the difference between the future monetary system and the current one that we are used to?
6. What is the future fate of virtual money?
Virtual money firms that were invested in the first half of the year basically cover the most mainstream of the current virtual currencies, such as Bitcoin, Ripples, and BizX. These include both old-fashioned companies 10 years ago, as well as newly-born industries, representing today’s virtual monetary ecosystems: trading platforms (which provide trading services for virtual currencies themselves, such as BitInstant), exchange platforms (which provide exchange services for virtual and real currencies, such as Opencoin), payment platforms (such as Gliph’s virtual wallets)...
就投资方来说,我们既能看到IDG、“Paypal帮“等顶级机构的身影,也能看到Winklevoss?兄弟、Shakil Khan等新锐投资人对虚拟货币的满腔热情。可见,围绕着虚拟货币这样一个与传统金融体系产生激烈碰撞的新事物,虚拟货币企业的投、融资双方都怀有一颗“勇敢的心”。
As far as investors are concerned, we can see the presence of top institutions, such as IDG, the Paypal, and Winklevos? New investors, such as brother and Shakir Khan, are passionate about virtual money.
It can be ascertained that the investment cases included in this report are only a small part of those in the virtual currency sector. Because virtual money has a large ecosystem, apart from the enterprises mentioned above, there must be more firms in the virtual money chain who have already invested or are about to invest.
Coinbase is the simplest way to buy, use, and accept Bitcoin.
Coinbase总部位于旧金山,是一家成立于2012年的比特币创业公司,为用户提供比特币存储、兑换和购买服务。Coinbase 的比特币兑换业务按照 1% 费率收费。根据该公司发布的数据,目前其签约商户有300家左右(包括内容聚合网站 Reddit.com、约会网站OKCupid.com等),注册用户数量已经超过16万,并以每周12% 的速度增长。月交易笔数则超过10万笔,月交易额超过1500万美元,最近三个月交易量增长15倍。
Coinbase, based in San Francisco, is a Bitcoin start-up company established in 2012 to provide users with Bitcoin storage, exchange, and purchase services. Coinbase’s Bitcoin exchange operations are charged at a rate of 1%. According to data published by the company, there are currently about 300 subscribers (including content-convergence website Reddit.com, dating website OKCupid.com, etc.), and the number of registered users has exceeded 160,000 and is growing at 12% per week.
2012年9月,Coinbase曾获得IDG的天使投资。2013年5月,Coinbase获得来自Union Square Ventures领投,Ribbit Capital, SV Angel, 以及Fundersclub等机构参与的500万美元投资。获得本轮投资后,Coinbase着手在设计和技术工程方面投入更多,目标是向用户提供更好的应用体验,让消费者和商户更容易地使用比特币快速完成支付。
Coinbase received an IDG angel investment in September 2012. In May 2013, Coinbase received a $5 million investment from Union Square Ventures, involving agencies such as Ribbit Capital, SV Angel, and Fundersclub. Following this round of investment, Coinbase started to invest more in design and technology engineering, with the aim of providing users with a better application experience and making it easier for consumers and businesses to use bitcoins to complete payments quickly.
Bitcoin payment solutions for popular ecommerce platforms
Bitpay is a start-up company that provides a bitcoin payment solution. It considers that “credit cards are not born for the Internet” and seeks to challenge traditional credit cards with the goal of “PayPal in the bitcoin area.” Specifically, Bitpay provides users with P2P services such as zero risk, zero fraud, instantaneous exchange transactions, instant payment to account, and a fee rate of 0.99%. The main competitors are Bitcoin, CoinBase.
2013年1月,BitPay获得来自Shakil Khan(曾参与Path、Spotify、SecondMarket的投资)等投资人的51万美元种子基金。到5月份,BitPay又获得来自Founders基金(该基金由“PayPal帮”创建)领投的200万美元投资。这笔投资在一定程度上表明:支付领域变革如此迅速,曾经代表新生代支付工具的“PayPal”也需要密切关注比特币领域的强劲趋势并与之携手。
In January 2013, Bitpay received $510,000 in seed money from investors such as Shakil Khan (who had been involved in the investments of Path, Spotify, and Secondmarket). By May, Bitpay received another $2 million in investment from the Fonders Fund (which was created by the “PayPals”). This investment shows, to some extent, that the area of payments has changed so rapidly that the “PayPal” that used to represent the new generation of payment instruments also needs to pay close attention to and work with the strong trends in the bitcoin.
/em>bitpay has been growing at a very rapid pace: from November to March last year, the number of partners grew from 1,300 to more than 2100. In the process, the famous blog platform, Wordpress, became a partner of Bitpay and provided a significant boost to the growth of its clients. By July, the number of Bitpay signatories had exceeded 7,000, and the value of goods and services delivered through Bitpay over the past few months had been approximately $5 million per month.
3. BitInstant rapidly scaled up, awarded $1.5 million
An intersection of business, bitcoin, banking and global monetary revolution
BitInstant是一个比特币交易平台,主营业务是购买、出售比特币。2013年4月,在BitInstant上完成的交易达到3万笔。BitInstant如今已经掌握全球 30% 的比特币交易量,而且仍在扩大规模,试图超越之前全球最大的比特币交易平台MT. Gox。
BitInstant is a bitcoin trading platform, the main business being the purchase and sale of bitcoin. In April 2013, 30,000 transactions were completed on BitInstant. BitInstant now holds 30% of the world's Bitcoin transactions and is still expanding in size, trying to outpace the world's largest Bitcoin trading platform, MT.Gox.
In May of this year, Winklevos? Brother announced that he had brought $1.5 million to this company as early as last fall.
4.Coinsetter will finance $500,000 and will launch the Bitcoin Leveraging Platform
Buy, Trade and Short Bitcoin with Leverage
Coinsetter致力于为比特币交易提供一个更加安全、易用的平台。该平台在2013年4月获得来自Tribeca Venture Partners等机构、个人的50万美元融资。这也是该机构获得的第一笔外部投资。在获得本轮投资后,Coinsetter将推出一个比特币外汇交易平台,允许人们进行基于保证金的杠杆交易和卖空交易。可以说,在目前的比特币生态体系中,Coinsetter是步伐最大、表现最为激进的企业之一。
Coinsetter is committed to providing a more secure and easy-to-use platform for bitcoin transactions. The platform was financed in April 2013 with $500,000 from individuals such as Tribeca Venture Partners.
Coinsetter states that by focusing on security concerns and transparency in transactions in order to reduce the impact of market manipulation of the price of the bitcoin, thereby optimizing the bitcoin trade solution it offers, the Bitcoin traders, foreign exchange traders, online gamblers will further increase their attractiveness. In addition, the platform plans to introduce a “hacker-proof” policy, which seeks to address the security concerns of Bitcoin users.
5.Gliph进驻Boost VC startup accelerator,并获得5万美元投资
5. Griff's position in Boost VC startup accelerator, with $50,000 in investment
Secure Texting + Bitcoin Payments
Gliph是一个比特币P2P支付应用,也是一个保证比特币支付安全的身份认证系统。用户可以通过他们存放在CoinBase中的比特币钱包,在苹果 App Store、Google Play等平台以短信息方式支付比特币。2013年5月,Gliph宣布进驻Boost VC 创业加速器,成为该孵化器投资的若干比特币企业的一员。这将使Gliph获得包括导师,种子资金和产品开发等在内的众多有利条件。而Gliph入驻企业孵化器后的首要任务是:用整个夏天进一步整合比特币数字身份平台,并提升用户体验。
Gliph is a Bitcoin P2P payment application and an identity certification system that ensures the safe payment of bitcoin. Users can pay bitcoin in short messages through their Bitcoin wallets stored in CoinBase, at Apple App Store, Google Play, etc. In May 2013, Gliph announced the placement of the Boost VC Entrepreneurship Accelerator as a member of a number of bitcoins investing in the incubator.
与此同时,Gliph所属的Boost VC孵化器建立了Boost 比特币基金(Boost Bitcoin Fund)。该基金新近获得来自Lightspeed Venture Partners、Rothenberg Ventures、Bitcoin Opportunity Fund以及天使投资人本·达文波特(信息群发服务公司Beluga的创始人)的5万美元资金,用于投资该孵化器的比特币企业。
At the same time, the Boost VC Incubator belonging to Gliph established the Boost Bitcoin Fund, which has recently received $50,000 from Lightspeed Venture Partners, Rotenberg Ventures, Bitcoin Opportunity Fund and Angel Investor Ben Davenport (founder of the information community service company Beluga) for the investment of the incubator's Bitcoin Enterprise.
6. OpenCoin re-financed IDG and silicon Valley top investors and raised interest in the Chinese market
OpenCoin Inc. Is committed to a simple, global and open currency system.
OpenCoin是全球第一个开放支付网络Ripple的创建、运营、维护机构。OpenCoin的目标雄心勃勃,那就是:整合全球虚拟货币与支付系统。用户可在该平台进行美元、欧元、人民币等多种货币的转账交易,甚至包括自己的同门货币:比特币。转账手续简便,交易能在几秒内完成,交易费用几乎为零。促成以上业务的正是由其开发的虚拟货币Ripples (XRP,瑞波币)。和比特币一样,Ripples有自己的已知限额,目前共生成1000亿个Ripples。与比特币的发行机制不同的是,Ripples不需要挖矿产生。
继2013年4月获得Andreessen Horowitz等机构的天使轮投资后,OpenCoin在5月份又获得IDG、Google Venture, 以及Founders Fund Angel等基金的共同注资。这也是IDG资本投资Coinbase之后,在虚拟货币领域的又一笔投资。
Following the Angel Round of Investment in April 2013 by Andrewsen Horowitz and others, OpenCoin received co-financing in May by IDGs, Google Ventures, and Fund Angels. This is another investment in virtual currency after IDG Capital Investment Coinbase.
OpenCoin is based in San Francisco, United States. According to reports, OpenCoin is looking at the Chinese market and the Ripple web page is about to be launched.
Trade empowered community(Increase. Improve. Expand. Save.)
BizX成立于2002年,其基础业务是向用户提供一个高效的专用数字货币社区,其创建初衷是通过“多方异步交换”的以物换物方式提高商品与服务流转效率,降低商户成本。 该公司是获得国际易货贸易协会(International Reciprocal Trade Association,IRTA)认证的两家易货企业之一。
BizX was established in 2002 to provide users with an efficient and dedicated digital monetary community, which was created to improve efficiency in the flow of goods and services and to reduce the cost of businesses through a “multi-step exchange” of goods and services, a company that is one of two barter enterprises certified by the International Trade Association (IRTA).
BizX正在为Inc. Magazine, Oakland Raiders, Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce, Walt’s Auto Care Centers等为代表的酒店、餐厅、媒体、广告、美容、装修等行业提供解决方案,通过撮合相互间的服务和交易,帮助企业节约资金、增加销售、获得新客户和优化库存。目前,已经有超过2200家企业和8000名个人用户在使用bizX所提供的服务,每年的货物/服务交易额接近5000万美元。BizX币目前的币值为:1 BizX$=1 USD$。
BizX is providing solutions to the industries represented by Inc. Magazine, Oakland Raiders, Greater Seattle Chambers of Commerce, Walt's Auto Care Centers and others, helping businesses to save money, increase sales, acquire new customers and optimize their stocks by combining their services and transactions. At present, more than 2200 businesses and 8,000 individual users are using the services provided by BizX, with a value of nearly $50 million per year. BizX currently has a currency value of 1 BizX$=1 USD$.
In April this year, the company received $700,000 in investments from Seattle Angel Investors, mainly for mobile applications and the development of bizX consumer products. The company has offices in Seattle, San Francisco, Dubai.
8. Angels in love with Bitcoin: Bitcoin Angels Network
The above data show several basic features and trends in the financial sector:
Financial services are increasingly integrated with the Internet and are entering a new phase of development. We will soon see that there is no difference between “traditional finance” and “Internet finance”. Since the Internet will become an essential attribute of financial enterprises, any financial enterprise will evolve into an Internet enterprise;
2. 随着新兴支付技术、支付平台层出不穷,支付服务已然成为金融创新领域最为活跃的部分,成为金融领域变革的桥头堡。因为触及金融体系最为基础的功能,支付服务与投资/理财、融资服务领域相比,其变革潜藏着最具“野心”的创意,蕴含着最强大的力量;
With the emergence of emerging payment technologies and payment platforms, payment services have become the most dynamic part of financial innovation and a bridgehead for change in the financial sector. Because they touch on the most fundamental functions of the financial system, the change in payment services has the most “ambitious” ideas and the most powerful force in comparison with the areas of investment/finance and finance services;
3. Among the new payment services, virtual currency is the most revolutionary pioneer and has even gone beyond simple payment techniques and platforms to create a completely new monetary system that is integrated with traditional financial systems.
3.2 Decentralization - the point of origin of the challenge
The rapid development of the Internet is driving society, business, and even government governance along the “decentralization” path. This trend has led all organizations to become more inclusive, open and transparent, either quickly or slowly, or more or less: through Waze, Uber, people travel easier, more friendly, more environmentally friendly and more cost-effective; through KickStarter, Crowdcube, micro-enterprise/individual entrepreneurship dreams have faster access to more people's financial support; through Innocent, ResearchGate, scientists have been able to collaborate and solve problems immediately on a global platform; and through Mindmixer, Change.org, governments have been able to draw on public opinion in a more open and transparent manner...
At the same time, behind the challenge of traditional financial services in Bitcoin, there is also an unstoppable “big trend” of decentralization: everyone can become a money issuer, without central bank supervision, using distributed databases throughout the P2P network nodes to record transactions and try to abandon the abuses of traditional banking services... As Coinbase stated: “a currency that decentralizes, digitizes and is changing the way the world pays.”
3.3 is cheaper and easier - direct to the weakness of traditional financial services
From the point of view of his original invention of Bitcoin, he believed that the operation and reward mechanisms created by the system would encourage honest behaviour. For in this system, only honest behaviour is profitable unless the power of the chain is greater than the power of honest nodes.
From the perspective of the legitimate users of Bitcoin, the existence of bitcoin is like a new wind brought about by the arrogant and unthinking services of traditional banks; from the perspective of the history of the evolution of financial services, bitcoin is like a new and courageous challenger, bringing better experience to currency users.
(1) easier transaction
Faster transactions challenge existing transactions and exchange processes.
On the one hand, Bitcoin has been able to achieve rapid payment of multiple currencies in transactions, especially transnational transactions, by exempting banks from the formalities and waiting for traditional exchange operations, which is the most important feature of the Bitcoin point-to-point payments (one party pays directly to the other without the involvement of traditional financial institutions). For example, the question raised by Bitpay on the Bitcoin trading site: “Your business can reach 200 countries around the globe, but your payments can do the same?” The use of bitcoins seems to have a catalytic effect on improving the efficiency of the flow of funds and facilitating cross-border trade (due to limited circulation, currently mainly in small transactions).
On the other hand, the Bitcoin platform claims to have “simplified integration” of the links (opening accounts, shopping, payments, electronic invoices ) and that people are able to avoid the burden of entering personal information when buying goods/services, or in exchange, and that transactions are often completed in a few seconds; this may be a note by Bitcoin attempting to “disappear credit cards”.
In addition, we can see that bitcoin can also pose a challenge to traditional currency circulation by fine-tuning its split depending on the size of the actual transaction (at present, the value of a bitcoin can be broken down into eight decimals, that is, bitcoin is currently the smallest unit of 0.000001 BTC).
Lower rates seek to “goodbye” to the high fees charged under the old banking system.
Complete digital transmission, without the need for third-party involvement, allows Bitcoin to facilitate online transactions at very low transaction fees. This is obviously attractive for operations with low net profitability (e.g. food and electricity companies), or with high transaction costs (e.g. cross-border payments and small payments).
(3) no “false currency's risk
There is no “false currency” risk that challenges paper currency security and anti-false mechanisms.
Unlike traditional currencies, bitcoin records currency transactions using distributed databases spread across the entire P2P network nodes, and uses cryptography to produce up to hundreds of keys to ensure the security of the money flow chain. Bitcoin is not exposed to counterfeit currency risk compared to conventional paper currency.
(4) no risk of inflation
No risk of inflation challenges the existing means of inflation control.
Bitcoin has its own currency ceiling (as is the case with Ribot), and in order to keep the currency stable, bitcoin has halved its output every four years until it approaches an unlimited value of 21 million. This currency, which is not controlled by the central bank, has no inflation risk compared to the traditional currency of constant quantitative easing.
Moreover, Bitcoin’s creators and supporters claim that Bitcoin’s own incentives allow the entire ecosystem to operate on transaction fees, to overcome the limitations of the central bank’s monopoly on traditional money supply, management, and to be free from inflation. This can be said to be a completely new monetary concept, and to include better demand for use. After all, money is essentially a commodity.
(5) Multidisciplinary Innovation
The Bitcoin ecosystem promotes multidisciplinary innovation in the evolution process.
Interestingly, in the entire ecosystem of Bitcoin, we can see the presence of many hackers/polars, pioneers, and so on. Together, they have promoted innovations in a number of areas, such as: the creative spirit of mining machine manufacturers, which drives hardware innovation by imposing extreme demands on their ability to calculate; the continuous improvement of security tools by the Bitcoin trading platform in response to hackers'attacks, which has inadvertently contributed to the development of the Internet security field; institutions that provide Bitcoin-based credit cards, ATMs, hedge funds, etc., and so on; and, above all, the fundamental innovation: the link to the Internet from the bottom of the financial system...
(6) An interconnected world
In general, the operation of the virtual currency reflects a trend from closure to openness, from line to line, which has led to several very important interconnections globally: the supply side of the currency vis-à-vis the demand side, merchants and traders, traders and individuals, individuals and individuals, on-line and off-line, virtual and virtual currencies, virtual and real currencies, and, to some extent, a more efficient worldwide flow of goods and currencies.
The emergence of virtual currencies is, in a sense, a microcosm of innovation in global payment systems. Innovations such as easier processes, lower tariffs, and so on, seem to be simple, but traditional banks cannot do so quickly in the short term under their original systems of interest.
4. Deficiencies and advantages of virtual currencies go hand in hand
Interestingly, the virtues proclaimed by the virtual currency itself or perceived by its supporters may also be the root cause of its shortcomings. The risks associated with these deficiencies are unquestionable. According to the current situation and related reports, the problems and risks are mainly as follows:
(1) Risk of criminal instruments
A few people use virtual money platforms for money-laundering, fraud, drug-trading, financing terrorist organizations, and illegal collection of funds (e.g. in mid-July, when the United States SEC sued a Texas man for operating a Bitcoon Ponzi scheme). These forms of crime are more hidden than traditional currencies, which are a major factor in virtual currency abuse.
(2) Loss of risk
In bitcoin, for example, a bitcoin can be defined as a digital signature chain (the conversion of the Bitcoin holder reflects the conversion of the digital signature). The owner of each currency has a pair of keys: a public key and a private key. Keeping these keys in one local file means losing the associated bitcoin (and, of course, you may back it up in more than one place and prevent loss or hacking by encryption).
(3) Security risks
相比传统实体货币,比特币最大的风险之一就是网络安全风险。近几年在Mt.Gox、 Bitcoinica等大型比特币平台上,已经发生多起黑客盗用安全证书进而非法获取比特币的事件,这让比特币持有人受到损失,甚至带来比特币价格的剧烈波动。此外,少数“非法挖矿者“为了更高效地挖掘比特币,利用病毒构建“僵尸网络”,或盗用公共服务器的计算资源,侵害其利益。
In recent years, there have been many cases of hacking security certificates on large Bitcoin platforms, such as Mt. Gox and Bitcoinica, leading to the illegal acquisition of bitcoin, which has resulted in losses for bitcoins holders and even sharp fluctuations in bitcoin prices. Moreover, a small number of “illegal diggers” “to exploit bitcoins more efficiently, to use viruses to build “zombie networks” or to steal the computational resources of public service providers, to the detriment of their interests.
The security risks associated with Bitcoin are that, from a bitcoin inventor's “inventive” paper on Bitcoin, the entire bitcoin system may be at risk when the combined computing power of the cooperative attacker is greater than that of the honest nodes. So, to some extent, the safety risks of Bitcoin lie in the extent to which the “honest miners” are more powerful than the “the thief”, the “mistressor”.
(4) Risk of currency fluctuations (exchange rate risk)
In less than four years,
(5)流动性风险 (5) Liquidity risk 因为虚拟货币的总量有限,当虚拟货币被少数人持有、控制时,可能会产生一定的流动性风险(据报道,目前650万比特币由10,000个用户共享),甚至价格操纵风险,造成恐慌。特别值得注意的是:如果恶意入侵者或“僵尸网络”获得比特币网络上超过一定比例的活跃处理能力,可能会对比特币的流通和交易产生重大影响。 Because of the limited volume of virtual money, when virtual currency is held and controlled by a few, there may be a certain liquidity risk (reportedly, 6.5 million bitcoins are currently shared by 10,000 users), or even price manipulation risk, causing panic. It is particularly noteworthy that if malicious invaders or “zombie networks” gain more than a percentage of the active processing capacity on the Bitcoin network, it may have a significant impact on the circulation and trade of the bitcoin. (6)管理风险 (6) Managing risk 与传统货币体系相比,虚拟货币的管理在很多方面存在空白:无中央银行监管;不涉及对结算机构的监督;尚无健全的投资者/存款人保护方案出台。与此同时,虚拟货币在无意间形成了全新的法律挑战:证券法、税法、消费者保护、反洗钱、外汇管制等。如果有一天某种虚拟货币清盘,会产生什么后果和社会影响,值得深思。换句话来说,“去中心化”本来是一个融入虚拟货币的大趋势,代表着前进的力量;但反过来可能会对货币使用者及正常的金融秩序造成伤害。 Compared to traditional monetary systems, there are many gaps in the management of virtual currencies: there is no central bank supervision; there is no supervision of the clearing house; there is no sound investor/depositor protection programme in place. At the same time, virtual currencies have inadvertently created entirely new legal challenges: securities laws, tax laws, consumer protection, anti-money-laundering, foreign-exchange controls, etc. (7)比特币——“巧妙”而非“精巧” (7)bitcoin - “smart” instead of “smart” 总的来讲,比特币是一种诞生于黑客之手的“巧妙”设计,但还算不上“精巧”的设计;比特币生态环境中一方面聚集着充满创新和创意的突破,另一方面又不可避免的存在“病菌”甚至“瘟疫”。这一切的风险正是源于其特殊的匿名化的发行与流通机制。 In general, Bitcoin is a “smart” design, born in the hands of hackers, but it is not a “smart” design; its ecological environment, on the one hand, gathers innovative and creative breakthroughs, on the other hand, and, on the other hand, the inevitable existence of a “bacterium” or even a “pestility”. The risk of all this is precisely the result of its special anonymous distribution and circulation mechanisms. 如果深层次探究虚拟货币的风险,需要对其风险的构成、形成机制、影响范围、破坏程度作出评估。例如:风险到底来自哪里?对现有货币体系将造成何种冲击?是否比现有货币体系中的风险更大?对实体经济将构成何种影响? …… If the risks of virtual currency are explored in depth, an assessment needs to be made of their composition, mechanisms, scope of impact, and extent of disruption. For example, where do the risks come from? What are the impacts on the existing monetary system? Are the risks greater than those in the existing monetary system? What are the implications for the real economy?... 就目前来说,由于虚拟货币还是一种总量恒定、非主流、小范围使用的货币,其产生的不良影响可能较小。但是,如果虚拟货币在一个更广泛的领域、群体中被认可和使用,其不良影响可能会随之扩大。 For the time being, virtual currencies may have less negative effects because they are still a constant, non-mainstream, and small-scale currency. But, if virtual currencies are accepted and used in a broader area, in groups, their negative effects may increase. 在毁誉参半的评价声中,不可否认的是,虚拟货币的存在确实已经改变了一部分企业做生意的结算方式、一部分非盈利机构接受捐赠的方式、一部分敢于“尝鲜“的人的生活方式。 In a mixed assessment, it is undeniable that the existence of virtual currency has indeed changed the way in which some businesses do business, the way in which some non-profit institutions accept donations, and the way in which some of those who dare to “show” live. 虽然各种风险犹存,但虚拟货币仍然在顽强生存,持续进化;不仅自身在改变,也在带动商业环境、监管方式的改变。通过反思虚拟货币的过去、现在,预测虚拟货币的未来,同样能够帮助我们把握支付体系、乃至整个金融体系的未来。 While risks persist, virtual currencies continue to survive and evolve; not only are they changing, but they are also leading to changes in the business environment and regulation. By reflecting on the past and present of virtual currencies, predicting the future of virtual currencies can also help us to grasp the future of payment systems and the financial system as a whole. 1.出生——偶然还是必然? 1. Born by chance or by necessity? 虚拟货币是近十年来横跨互联网和金融两个领域的重要发明,源于互联网技术、电子商务、国际贸易的快速发展,以及用户在传统支付服务基础上提出的新的需求。 Virtual currency is an important innovation that has spanned both the Internet and finance over the past decade, stemming from Internet technology, e-commerce, the rapid development of international trade and new demand from users based on traditional payment services. 根据比特币发明者中本聪的比特币“创世”论文——《比特币:一种点对点的电子现金系统》,可以在一定程度上透视发明者的初衷:即通过建立一种全新的数字化货币体系,克服传统金融体系特别是铸币厂发行货币模式下的各种弊端,为人们带来更便捷、效率更高的交易和流通。中本聪的初衷可能正代表了一批人的诉求。这一批人既对传统货币表示不满,同时又用行动去做切实的改变。 According to the illustrious Bitcoin “Inventive” paper among Bitcoin inventors – Bitcoin: A Point-to-Point Electronic Cash System – it is possible to look to some extent at the original intent of the inventors: to make transactions and flows easier and more efficient by creating a new digital monetary system that overcomes the ills of the traditional financial system, particularly the currency distribution model in the monetizers. 由上可见,比特币的发明或许是一个偶然,但可以确定的是:虚拟货币的繁荣却是一个必然趋势。不管是中本聪还是其他发明者,他们研究出的特殊代码成为网上购物、外汇汇兑、货币交易的有效媒介。在流通与交易过程中,这种媒介自然而然地具有了传统货币的若干特征,甚至是某种意义上的“世界货币”。可以说,即使没有比特币,也会有其他类似虚拟货币吸引我们如此多的关注或使用。 As can be seen from the above, the invention of Bitcoin may be an accident, but it is certain that the boom in virtual currency is an inevitable trend. Whether it be Chinese or other inventors, the special code that they have developed becomes an effective medium for online shopping, foreign exchange exchange, and currency transactions. In the course of circulation and transactions, this medium naturally has several features of traditional currencies, even, in some sense, “world currencies.” It can be argued that even without bitcoins, there will be other similar virtual currencies that attract so much attention or use. 2.成长——碰撞还是融合? 2. Growing up -- collision or integration? 比特币在成长过程中主要遭遇了两种碰撞:与传统货币及与之相应的传统金融机构的碰撞;与传统监管体系的碰撞。可以预料的是,在碰撞的同时,比特币将与传统货币实现共同进化、相互融合;将以被被纳入监管的方式获得正式的“货币”地位,并反过来促进监管体系的变革。这两种碰撞的背后是:虚拟货币与传统货币理论、观念的碰撞。 Bitcoin has experienced two major collisions in its growth: with traditional currencies and their corresponding traditional financial institutions; and with traditional regulatory systems. It can be expected that, at the same time, Bitcoin will evolve and integrate with traditional currencies; and that it will gain formal “currency” status in a regulated manner, which in turn will promote changes in the regulatory system. Behind these two collisions are the collision between virtual and traditional monetary theories and concepts. (1)本来无一物 何处惹尘埃
不管是信用卡、还是ATM;不管是Paypal还是支付宝,支付领域的变革从未停止,虚拟货币只不过是把这种变革向前推进了一大步。总的来说,支付领域的变革,特别是互联网支付领域的变革,往往由传统金融机构之外的企业做出,并逐渐蚕食传统金融机构原有的奶酪。他们所提供的更低的费率、更便捷的交易流程、试图“让信用卡消失“的雄心值得传统金融机构学习。传统金融机构能做的是:要么自己创新,要么与新兴企业携手创新。 In general, changes in the area of payments, especially in the area of Internet payments, are often made by firms outside traditional financial institutions, and are increasingly eating the cheese that they already have. The lower rates they offer, the easier transaction processes, the ambition to “get credit cards gone” are worth learning from traditional financial institutions. 当互联网元素融入金融的血液,当不再有所谓“互联网金融”和“传统金融”的区别,我们可能会看到:传统金融机构正在学会虚拟货币生态系统中的诸多优点;传统货币越来越具有虚拟货币的某些特征;虚拟货币越来越趋近于日常使用的“传统“货币。我们可能还会发现,曾经引发如此之多争议的两种货币并非水火不容,就好比那个著名的禅宗偈语所示:”本来无一物,何处惹尘埃?“ When elements of the Internet are integrated into the blood of finance, when there is no longer a distinction between so-called “Internet finance” and “traditional finance”, we may see: traditional financial institutions are learning many of the virtues of virtual monetary ecosystems; traditional currencies are increasingly characterized by virtual money; virtual currencies are becoming closer to the “traditional currency” that is used everyday. We may also find that the two currencies that have given rise to so much controversy are not indispensible, as the famous Sanctuary suggests: “There is nothing, where is the dust?” (2)不贵难得之货 使民不为盗 {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}... {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}... {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}... {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}... {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}... {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}... 在商业的历史上,新生事物总是在带动新的监管,这使得商业、技术创新能够在一个不伤害社会价值、可持续的范畴内滚滚向前,也促进着政府治理水平的提升。对于虚拟货币来说,监管也是疏导——疏导虚拟货币远离投机和各种犯罪,回归到货币本身的价值。就像《道德经》所述:“不贵难得之货,使民不为盗。“ In the history of business, new developments have always led to new regulation, which has enabled business, technological innovation, to roll forward in a context that does not harm social values and is sustainable, and has also contributed to higher levels of government governance. For virtual money, regulation has also been channeling -- channelling virtual money away from speculation and crime of all kinds and returning to value itself. As the Ethical Book says: “It is not expensive, so that people are not stolen.” 如果站在一个更长期的角度来看,金融的历史本身就是一部金融欺诈史、犯罪史。和传统金融体系下五花八门的金融骗局、罪案相比,虚拟货币领域存在的问题有一个共同的根源,那就是:人类的贪婪与无知。与此相应的是,虚拟货币要生存下去,一是需要自身在保障交易安全、预防犯罪等方面的进步,二是被监管部门纳入高效的监管。从某种意义上来讲,对虚拟货币这样一种特殊货币进行监管而积累的经验能够反过来促进实体货币领域的监管。 In a longer-term perspective, the history of finance is itself a history of financial fraud, a history of crime. In contrast to the many financial frauds and crimes under traditional financial systems, there is a common source of problems in the area of virtual money: human greed and ignorance. 就在8月上旬,美国德克萨斯州法官在审判关于特兰顿·谢沃斯(Trendon Shavers)的比特币对冲基金(Bitcoin Savings and Trust,BTCST)的案件中裁定:比特币是一种须遵守相关美国法律的货币形式,判定美国证券交易委员会(SEC)对该基金及其交易拥有管辖权。这相当于认可了比特币的“货币”地位,也将成为比特币历史上划时代的事件。在对金融创新的态度和对比特币的监管方面,美国又一次走在了前列。 Just in early August, the United States Texas judge ruled in the trial of the Bitcoin Savings and Trust, BTCST, a currency subject to the relevant United States laws, that the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) had jurisdiction over the Fund and its transactions. This would amount to an endorsement of the “currency” status of Bitcoin, which would also be a landmark in Bitcoin’s history. 3.未来——光大还是消亡? 3. The future -- big or dead? 对于比特币亦或是其他虚拟货币,要成为真正意义上的硬通货乃至“世界货币”,有赖于其生态系统的日趋健康和持续壮大。而这其中最重要的是:安全体系的不断完善、使用者(商家、消费者)的不断增长、交易能力的不断提高、与实体经济的不断互联。也就是说,当比特币从最初的“黑客游戏”进入到更多人的日常生活时,其货币地位才真正得以确立,而不仅仅只是监管当局的认可(况且,即使是那些经由中央银行发行,处于中央银行监管下的货币,又有多少是“劣币”?)。从这个角度来说,比特币同样需要经历一个“自然选择”的过程。 For bitcoin, or other virtual currencies, to become a real hard currency, or even a “world currency,” depends on the increasing health and continued growth of its ecosystem. The most important of these are: the continued improvement of security systems, the growing capacity of users (merchants, consumers), and the growing interconnection with the real economy. 只要传统货币体系的弊端还存在,只要技术在进步,只要用户还有更多的诉求没有满足,比特币的革命就不会停止。即使比特币消亡,其他的更为创新的货币仍然会产生。可以预料的一个趋势是,比特币行业会逐步脱离喧嚣,归于平静。这对比特币来说未必是一件坏事,可能正说明其走上了日常使用更频繁、投机更少、币值更稳定的正轨。 As long as the disadvantages of the traditional monetary system remain, as long as technology progresses, and as long as more claims from users remain unfulfilled, the Bitcoin revolution will not stop. Even if bitcoin dies, other more innovative currencies will emerge. 如果比特币消亡,摧毁它的可能是三股力量:黑客(黑客以惊人的智慧创造了比特币,也以破坏性的动机毁了比特币);传统金融机构(当传统金融机构觉醒过来,开始在传统金融体系框架内提供类似于比特币更好的使用体验,有可能对比特币造成摧毁性的打击);监管部门(因为比特币运行过程中出现过多的严重问题,监管部门直接下令关闭比特币平台)。换句话来说,黑客、政客、金融家、每一股力量都可能摧毁比特币。三股力量的作用最终都指向一个结果:无人使用,逐渐消亡。 If Bitcoin dies, it could be destroyed by three forces: hackers (hackers created bitcoin with amazing intelligence and destroyed bitcoin with destructive motives); traditional financial institutions (when traditional financial institutions wake up and begin to offer better use experiences similar to bitcoins in the framework of the traditional financial system, possibly with a devastating blow from bitcoins); the regulatory sector (because of the plethora of serious problems in the operation of bitcoins, the regulatory authorities directly ordered the closure of the bitcoins platform). In other words, hackers, politicians, financiers, and each force could destroy bitcoins. 4.黑客、政客、金融家——谁是未来的统治者? 4. Hackers, politicians, financiers -- who is the ruler of the future? “掌握了美元,就掌握了世界”——这种说法既彰显着全球储备货币(不论是美元还是英镑、欧元)的巨大威力,同时也向我们展现出货币发行者、金融家这些站在背后的强大力量。不管是曾经的罗斯柴尔德家族,还是后来的摩根家族、洛克菲勒家族,我们从他们身上能够看到金融家与政客的如影随形,以及他们对世界经济与政治的无形掌控。 “If you have the dollar, you have the world” – a statement that highlights the enormous power of the global reserve currency – be it the dollar or the pound, the euro – but also shows us the powerful power behind the money issuer, the financiers. Whether it was the Rosechild family, or the Morgan family, later the Rockefeller family, we can see from them the presence of financiers and politicians, and their invisible control over the world economy and politics. 当世界进入到web2.0、web3.0时代,当金融遇到互联网,当黑客触碰金融,当虚拟货币的“货币”身份被当局认可,当公众“一不小心”也可以成为货币发行者,原有的格局或许正在发生改变。我们是信仰经由软件计算产生的代码,还是从矿藏中挖出的黄金;是信赖中央银行,还是“去中心化”;是认同传统货币体系,还是黑客文化——都是黑客们利用新技术给我们带来的冲击,也让我们见识了黑客在推动金融创新方面的力量。 When the world enters the era of web 2.0, web3.0, when finance is hit by the Internet, when the hacker touches finance, when the “currency” status of virtual money is recognized by the authorities, and when the public can also be a money issuer, the pre-existing pattern may be changing. Whether we believe in code derived from software calculations or gold extracted from mineral deposits; whether we trust the central bank or “decentralize”; whether we recognize the traditional monetary system or the hacker culture — the impact that hackers have on us by using new technologies, and we also see the power of hackers in promoting financial innovation. 从某种意义上来说,黑客一方面特立独行,另一方面正不可避免地与金融家、政客产生越来越多的交集。毕竟,在这个现实世界越来越虚拟、虚拟世界越来越现实的当下,黑客、政客、金融家,三者或许都难以独立掌控世界,而需要在合作中让世界变得更好。 In a sense, hackers, on the one hand, are acting uniquely, and, on the other, inevitably creating a growing convergence with financiers and politicians. After all, at a time when the real world is becoming more virtual, and the virtual world is becoming more realistic, hackers, politicians, and financiers may find it difficult to control the world on their own, but need to work together to make it a better place. 本文来源:http://www.coinsay.com/article/coinsay_3275.html
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