Project overview
(略) 公安局经济开发区分局虚拟币传销网络犯罪协助技术服务采购项目招标项目的潜在投标人应 (略) 公共资源交易平台注册登记并办理数字证书(CA),登录系统后,选择“ (略) (全流程),打开【政府采购-交易文件下载】菜单,进行交易文件下载操作。下载问题咨询电话:400-998-0000获取招标文件,并于**日09点30分(北京时间)前递交投标文件。
(b) Potential bidders of the Public Security Bureau's Bureau of Economic Development Division's virtual currency distribution cybercrime project to assist in bidding for technical services procurement projects should (blind) register and file digital certificates (CAs) on the public resources trading platform and, after logging into the system, select “(blind) (full process) to open a menu of [government procurement-transaction files to download] transaction files for downloading them.
Project number: HBZC-CZ*
项目名称: (略) 公安局经济开发区分局虚拟币传销网络犯罪协助技术服务采购项目
Name of project: (X) Public Security Bureau, Economic Development Division, Virtual Currency Distribution to Assist in the Procurement of Technical Services Project
Budget amount:*
最高限价(如有):不超过提供技术服务和数据线索所侦破案件最终涉案罚没款总额(以 (略) 财政专户的数据为准)的20%
Maximum price (if any): no more than 20 per cent of the total amount of fines (based on (abridged) data on financial households) ultimately involved in cases detected by the provision of technical services and data leads
Procurement requirements: completion of project services as required by solicitation documents
Duration of contract performance: one year after the signing of the contract
A consortium bid is not accepted for this project.
1. To satisfy the provisions of Article 22 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Government Procurement;
2. Implementation of the eligibility requirements for government procurement policy: this project is dedicated to small and medium-sized enterprise procurement
Specific eligibility requirements for this project: None
Time: ** to ** from 8.30 a.m. to 12 noon and from 12 noon to 17.30 p.m. (Beijing time, except for official holidays)
地点: (略) 公共资源交易平台注册登记并办理数字证书(CA),登录系统后,选择“ (略) (全流程),打开【政府采购-交易文件下载】菜单,进行交易文件下载操作。下载问题咨询电话:400-998-0000
Location: (Short) Public Resources Trading Platform registered and processed digital certificates (CA), login to the system and select " (Short) ", open the [government procurement-transaction file download) menu and download the transaction file.
Modalities: Other
Sale price: 0
** At 0930 hours (Beijing time)
地点:网上开标,投标人须及 (略) (全流程)公共资源交易综合信息平台在线参与开标。(线下开标地点: (略) 公共资源交易中心开标六室)
Location: Online bid opening, where bidders are required to participate online in the opening of tenders by (abridged) (full-process) the Integrated Information Platform on Public Resource Transactions. (Underline bid opening location: (abridged) Public Resources Trading Centre, Room VI.)
Five working days from the date of this bulletin.
六、其他补充事宜1、本公告发布媒体:中国河北政府采购网、 (略) 公共资源交易服务平台2、投标供应商认为采购文件使自己合法权益受到损害的,可在知道或者应知其权益受到损害之日起 7个工作日内,以书面形式向招标单位提出质疑。3、 (略) 采购办监督电话:0317-*;4、本项目采用“双盲”评审形式,投标文件应遵守《政府采购公开招标项目全面实行“双盲”评审实施方案》(冀财采〔2023〕14号)的要求。评标办法:综合评分法。
1. This bulletin is published in the media: the Government Procurement Network of Hebei, the public resources trading service platform,2 or the tender supplier who believes that the procurement documents have harmed its legitimate rights and interests, may, within seven working days of the date on which it knew or should have known that its rights and interests had been harmed, challenge in writing the tender unit. 3; (blind) Procurement Office supervision telephone number: 0317-*; 4; the project is conducted in the form of a “blind” evaluation, and the tender documents shall comply with the requirements of the Programme for the Full Implementation of the “blind” evaluation of the public tender for government procurement project (2023]14.
七、对本次招标提出询问,请按以下方式联系。 1.采购人信息名 称: (略) 公安局经济开发区分局本级
Name: (Shortly) Directorate of Economic Development Division of the Public Security Bureau
地 址: (略) 经济开发区兴业路108号
Location: (X) EDA No. 108
Contact: 0317-*
2.采购代理机构信息(如有)名 称:河北至成 (略)
Name: Hebei to Cheng (blind)
地 址: (略) (略) 桥西区新石北路332号旺角国际14层1408、1409、1410室
Location: (X) (X) (X) Rooms 1408, 1409 and 1410 on the 14th floor of Mongkok International, Novoshi North Road, Sector West of the bridge
Contact: 0311-*
Project contact: Jan Jan
电 话:0311-*
Tel: 0311-*
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