The crash is just one of its many risks. You want to be rich by "frogging currency," and you don't know anyone's been looking at your principal.
Watch out! These pits behind the virtual currency deal have to be protected!
The common modus operandi of the virtual money exchange platform is that 在普通人眼中,虚拟货币交易平台的交易量越大,就证明平台的人气越高、可靠性越强。殊不知,交易量也可以作假。 In the eyes of ordinary people, the greater the volume of transactions on the virtual money exchange platform, the more human and reliable the platform is. Not only can the volume of transactions on be faked . 在市场调查中发现,前三大虚拟货币交易平台的平均换手率分别为13.25%,8.33%和6.15%,都大幅高于国外持牌交易所的平均换手率2.37%,分别高出5.6倍、3.52倍、2.6倍,说明交易平台存在采用机器人刷量的嫌疑。 The market survey found that the average exchange rate for the first three virtual currency trading platforms was 13.25 per cent, 8.33 per cent and 6.15 per cent, respectively, which was significantly higher than the average exchange rate for foreign-owned exchanges of 2.37 per cent, and that was 5.6 times higher, 3.52 times higher and 2.6 times greater, respectively, than , suggesting that trade platforms were suspected of using robotic brushing. 在市场调查中,随机抽取几家大型虚拟货币交易平台的交易金额样本数据进行分析,发现其交易特征违反了Benford定律。 In the market survey, a random sample of transaction amounts from several large virtual currency trading platforms was taken for analysis and the characteristics of their transactions were found to be contrary to the laws of Benford. Benford定律是指自然产生而未经人为修饰的同类数据,其数字出现概率基本服从相同的概率密度分布。 The law of Benford refers to data of the same kind that are naturally generated without artificial modifier and whose probability of occurrence is largely subject to the same probabilistic density distribution. 市场调查的数据显示,样本交易金额中,某个数字的出现频次呈现异常翘尾现象,这表明这些数据经过了人为修饰,并不是自然交易的结果。 Market survey data show that the frequency of occurrence of a number of `strong' in the sample transaction amounts is unusually high, suggesting that these data have been artificially modified
虚拟货币交易平台通过虚假交易刷出庞大的交易量,可以在币价网站Coin Market Cap网站上获取更高排名,让虚拟货币获得更多的关注,营造出一种繁荣的市场假象,使客户普遍性地高估虚拟货币的价值,从而吸引客户入场。
The virtual currency trading platform 继虚拟货币之后,虚拟货币期货市场更为火爆,高达百倍的杠杆“玩法”吸引了众多投资者。 如一家平台通过“拔网线”的方法,使得交易平台多次出现闪退、卡顿、仓位无法显示等异常现象,影响客户正常的下单,撤单和平仓等交易操作。宕机时间一般持续半小时到2小时不等。 For example, a platform uses a “wire-drawn” approach that allows trading platforms to retreat on several occasions, and Caden and the warehouse are unable to show anomalies such as , affecting normal customer listings, withdrawals, and other transactions such as the peace warehouse. 一家平台人为制造系统异常的同时,另一家平台通过机器人买卖操纵价格,在其他平台宕机期间将价格强制拉低或提升。 While one platform artificially manufactures system anomalies, another platform manipulates prices through robotic trading, forcing prices to be lowered or increased during other platform crashes. 客户在加了10倍甚至20倍高杠杆的情况下,面对价格的巨幅波动,由于系统宕机无法选择止损或补仓,只能被迫爆仓,最终损失惨重,甚至血本无归。 Faced with a huge price volatility with a 10-, or even 20-fold leverage, the customers were forced to blow up their warehouses, eventually with heavy loss or even loss of blood due to the inability of the system to choose to stop damage or to replenish the warehouse. 两家平台过一段时间交换角色,故伎重施,改为前者操纵价格,后者宕机以侵占客户财产。 The two platforms exchanged roles over a period of time, and the scheme was replaced by the former, which manipulated the price, and the latter, which appropriated the client's property. 从2017年起,相关部门已经多次重申虚拟货币交易非法,并加大了打击力度。2017年9月4日,人民银行会同中央网信办等七部委联合发布了《关于防范代币发行融资风险的公告》,明确虚拟货币交易场所和ICO(Initial Coin Offering,即首次代币发行)是非法金融活动,并开展清理整顿工作。 On 4 September 2017, the People's Bank, together with seven ministries, including the Central Network Office, issued a bulletin on the prevention of the risk of financing the issuance of tokens, which identifies the virtual currency trading premises and the ICO as illegal financial activities . 但仍有部分虚拟货币交易“死灰复燃”。有平台为躲避监管,通过将服务器设置在境外、实质面向境内群众提供交易服务的所谓“出海”方式,继续从事相关非法活动。更有相关平台利用了区块链这种新兴技术和群众对新兴技术的兴趣,打着高收益的幌子,以区块链技术创新之名、行在线诈骗之实。 But some virtual money transactions are “relapsing.” In order to avoid regulation, continues to engage in related illegal activities 数据显示,中国人民银行会同中央网信办等部门对此持续进行监测和打击,共监测和处置“出海”虚拟货币交易平台300余家。 The data show that the People's Bank of China, in conjunction with the Central Network, etc., continues to monitor and combat the situation, and that monitors and disposes of more than 300 virtual currency trading platforms. 业内专家提醒,投资者应擦亮眼睛,主动增强风险防范意识和自我保护意识,不盲目跟风炒作,以防止上当受骗造成经济损失。如发现有任何机构涉及此类非法金融活动,应及时向有关部门举报,涉及违法犯罪的,应及时向公安机关报案。 Experts from within the industry warn that investors should open their eyes and actively promote a sense of risk prevention and self-protection, without blinding themselves, in order to prevent financial loss resulting from fraud. 来源:经济日报微信公众号(ID:jjrbwx) 记者:陈果静 编辑:刘辛未 审核:闫伟奇 监制:陈发宝 本文内容系原创,转载请注明来源。
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