This post is reproduced from Weibo Public's Block Chain Research Laboratory, the author's chain of events. Please contact the Block Chain Research Laboratory's public number.
The B-chain transaction is an interactive record between two or more addresses.
On the TRON block chain, there are usually two interactive addresses, and the interaction between them can take many different forms (e.g. creation of new accounts or assets, triggering smart contracts, transfer of assets, etc.).
Each transaction can be uniquely identified through its HashiID (which contains 64 alphanumeric characters).
Access to information on transactions or a group of transactions is central to the analysis of block chain data.
This paper demonstrates how R-Back Tronr (a toolbox for exploring the Tron network) can be used to collect such information.
Query personal transactions
Several functions in the tronar package allow access to transaction data. One of the key functions is get_tx_info_by_id(), which returns the properties of the transaction according to the transaction ID (in the form of an embedded tibble). Such an ID can use several other functions that can be obtained from tronr, such as get_block_info(), get_blocks_for_time_range(), get_tx_for_time_range() etc. This is an example:
- require(tronr)
- require(dplyr)
- require(tidyr)
- #> R toolbox to explore the TRON blockchain
- #> Developed by Next Game Solutions (http://nextgamesolutions.com)
- # Get transactions of the latest block:
- latest_block <- get_block_info(latest = TRUE)
- # Pick an example transaction:
- tx_id <- latest_block$tx[[1]]$tx_id[1]
- tx_id
- # "074ce32ed2ca89c69e54e4ac4ff5ee825df33f6cf087d869c44dc3456f349855"
- # Retrieve transaction attributes (see documentation for their
- # definitions):
- r1 <- get_tx_info_by_id(tx_id = tx_id, add_contract_data = FALSE)
- glimpse(r1)
- #> Rows: 1
- #> Columns: 19
- #> $ request_time <dttm> 2021-03-31 19:22:57
- #> $ tx_id <chr> "074ce32ed2ca89c69e54e4ac4f...
- #> $ block_number <chr> "28941541"
- #> $ timestamp <dttm> 2021-03-31 19:19:06
- #> $ contract_result <chr> "SUCCESS"
- #> $ confirmed <lgl> TRUE
- #> $ confirmations_count <int> 71
- #> $ sr_confirm_list <list> [<tbl_df[19 x 3]>]
- #> $ contract_type <chr> "TriggerSmartContract"
- #> $ from_address <chr> "TSrS5zMUgzHe688XcZ4PnN5Y3c...
- #> $ to_address <chr> "TDxYAUHTw7Tk9NQfDJk9wmcsb2...
- #> $ is_contract_from_address <lgl> FALSE
- #> $ is_contract_to_address <lgl> TRUE
- #> $ costs <list> [<tbl_df[1 x 8]>]
- #> $ trx_transfer <dbl> 9.906872
- #> $ trc10_transfer <lgl> NA
- #> $ trc20_transfer <list> [<tbl_df[1 x 9]>]
- #> $ internal_tx <list> [<tbl_df[3 x 12]>]
- #> $ info <lgl> NA
If the add_contact_data parameter is set to TRUE, the subheading generated will also have a column named Contractor_data.
The column will contain a list of the original data generated by the intelligent contract that executes the transaction. The actual content of the list depends on the nature of each transaction and the respective contract:
- r2 <- get_tx_info_by_id(tx_id = tx_id, add_contract_data = TRUE)
- glimpse(r1)
- #> Rows: 1
- #> Columns: 20
- #> $ request_time <dttm> 2021-03-31 19:28:23
- #> $ tx_id <chr> "074ce32ed2ca89c69e54e4ac4f...
- #> $ block_number <chr> "28941541"
- #> $ timestamp <dttm> 2021-03-31 19:19:06
- #> $ contract_result <chr> "SUCCESS"
- #> $ confirmed <lgl> TRUE
- #> $ confirmations_count <int> 180
- #> $ sr_confirm_list <list> [<tbl_df[19 x 3]>]
- #> $ contract_type <chr> "TriggerSmartContract"
- #> $ from_address <chr> "TSrS5zMUgzHe688XcZ4PnN5Y3c...
- #> $ to_address <chr> "TDxYAUHTw7Tk9NQfDJk9wmcsb2...
- #> $ is_contract_from_address <lgl> FALSE
- #> $ is_contract_to_address <lgl> TRUE
- #> $ costs <list> [<tbl_df[1 x 8]>]
- #> $ trx_transfer <dbl> 9.906872
- #> $ trc10_transfer <lgl> NA
- #> $ trc20_transfer <list> [<tbl_df[1 x 9]>]
- #> $ internal_tx <list> [<tbl_df[3 x 12]>]
- #> $ info <lgl> NA
- #> $ contract_data <list> [["422f1043000000000000000...
- r2$contract_data[[1]]
- #> $data
- #> [1]"422f1043000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000...
- #>
- #> $owner_address
- #> [1] "TSrS5zMUgzHe688XcZ4PnN5Y3cHQA3euWt"
- #>
- #> $contract_address
- #> [1] "TDxYAUHTw7Tk9NQfDJk9wmcsb26S8kHbdF"
- #> $call_value
- #> [1] 9906872
Please note that the integer and decimal parts used in the number of all tibbles returned (get_tx_info_by_id(trx_transfer, trc10_transfer, trc20_transfer, and internal_tx) are indicated.
However, if it is add_contract_data=TRUE, the original contract data returned are &ldquao; the original &rdquao; the display (i.e., there is no need for any parsing or other processing) so that any token amount that exists in the data is expressed using machine-grade accuracy.
query time frame
To retrieve the list of transactions and their properties within a given time period, the get_tx_for_time_range() function can be used. Compared to the get_tx_info_by_id(), two additional parameters define the time range of interest -min_timestamp and max_timestamp. Both additional parameters expect Unix time stamp (including milliseconds):
- tx_df <- get_tx_for_time_range(min_timestamp = "1577836800000",
- max_timestamp = "1577836803000")
- glimpse(tx_df)
- #> Rows: 41
- #> Columns: 20
- #> $ request_time <dttm> 2021-03-31 19:45:21, 2...
- #> $ tx_id <chr> "5f131118e7e24725906a72...
- #> $ block_number <chr> "15860581", "15860581",...
- #> $ timestamp <dttm> 2020-01-01, 2020-01-01...
- #> $ contract_result <chr> "SUCCESS", "SUCCESS", "...
- #> $ confirmed <lgl> TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,...
- #> $ confirmations_count <int> 13081480, 13081480, 130...
- #> $ sr_confirm_list <list> [<tbl_df[19 x 3]>, <tb...
- #> $ contract_type <chr> "TransferAssetContract"...
- #> $ from_address <chr> "TXmUfpBfxRTdbZXhzuqEJK...
- #> $ to_address <chr> "TCQBxaNNQ2h1HbrWxWSg7A...
- #> $ is_contract_from_address <lgl> FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FA...
- #> $ is_contract_to_address <lgl> FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE...
- #> $ costs <list> [<tbl_df[1 x 8]>, <tbl...
- #> $ trx_transfer <dbl> 0.000, 200.000, 0.000, ...
- #> $ trc10_transfer <list> [<tbl_df[1 x 5]>, NULL...
- #> $ trc20_transfer <lgl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,...
- #> $ internal_tx <list> [NULL, NULL, <tbl_df[1...
- #> $ info <lgl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,...
- #> $ contract_data <list> [[10000000, "1002830",...
请注意,get_tx_for_time_range()在后台进行了多个Tronscan API调用。
Please note that Get_tx_for_time_range() has conducted multiple Tronscan API calls from backstage.
作为上发生的TRON blockchain交易的数量是非常大的,用户因此宜选择min_timestamp和max_timestamp是明智之举。如果请求的时间范围太大,则基础Tronscan API返回的最大事务数将被限制为10000,并且处理时间可能会变得过长。
If the requested time frame is too large, the maximum number of transactions that Tronscan API returns will be limited to 10,000 and the processing time may be excessive.
In such cases, dividing the period of interest into smaller periods could help to avoid data gaps.
transactions for particular accounts
The get_tx_info_by_account_address() function can also be used to retrieve transaction data for a given account. In addition, this can be done within a specified time frame:
- tx_df_acc <- get_tx_info_by_account_address(
- address = "TAUN6FwrnwwmaEqYcckffC7wYmbaS6cBiX",
- min_timestamp = "1577836800000",
- max_timestamp = "1577838600000"
- )
- glimpse(tx_df_acc)
- #> Rows: 18
- #> Columns: 21
- #> $ request_time <dttm> 2021-03-31 19:55:31, 2...
- #> $ address <chr> "TAUN6FwrnwwmaEqYcckffC...
- #> $ tx_id <chr> "36ec18062510f22a469bfb...
- #> $ block_number <chr> "15860591", "15860591",...
- #> $ timestamp <dttm> 2020-01-01 00:00:36, 2...
- #> $ contract_result <chr> "SUCCESS", "SUCCESS", "...
- #> $ confirmed <lgl> TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,...
- #> $ confirmations_count <int> 13081672, 13081672, 130...
- #> $ sr_confirm_list <list> [<tbl_df[19 x 3]>, <tb...
- #> $ contract_type <chr> "TransferContract", "Tr...
- #> $ from_address <chr> "TAUN6FwrnwwmaEqYcckffC...
- #> $ to_address <chr> "TDn2MK7n5SqVksSZtQDAhD...
- #> $ is_contract_from_address <lgl> FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FA...
- #> $ is_contract_to_address <lgl> FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FA...
- #> $ costs <list> [<tbl_df[1 x 8]>, <tbl...
- #> $ trx_transfer <dbl> 664296.00000, 925.55360...
- #> $ trc10_transfer <list> [NULL, NULL, NULL, NUL...
- #> $ trc20_transfer <lgl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,...
- #> $ internal_tx <lgl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,...
- #> $ info <lgl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,...
- #> $ contract_data <list> [[6.64296e+11, "TAUN6F...
Now, we have successfully used the R package to search for transaction data in the Tron block chain and are welcome to leave a message in the message area if you have any thoughts or questions.
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