On 21 December, aelf also launched six major exchanges, BINANCE, Huobi.pro, OKEX, BCEX, CEX and Bibox, which generated interest in the currency ring.
Why did aelf get all the exchanges? Today, we look at ELF and CMC, EOS, ETH from the technical level.
Cosmos(CMC宇宙幣)是個延續側鏈思路提出來的多鏈系統,將中本聰的PoW共識演算法替換為Jae Know的Tendermint共識演算法。Tendermint屬於拜佔庭容錯演算法,它針對PBFT做了優化,只需要有兩輪投票即可達成共識。
Cosmos (CMC Cosmic) is a multi-chain system based on a continuous chain of thinking that replaces the Chinese version of the PoW-consensual algorithm with the Jae Know version of the Tendermint-consensual algorithm. Tendermint belongs to the By-occupancy miscalculation algorithm, which optimizes PBFT, and requires only two rounds of voting to achieve consensus.
In essence, it contains multiple chains that use the stand-alone Tendermint instance (run in zone) and a hub (hub) chain that uses trust communications. Cross-link communications are limited to transferring digital resources, and such cross-link communications can return data and paths, for example, by notifying senders of the status of the transfer.
For example, aelf can trigger a contract enforcement on different chains.
此外,Tendermint並沒有在單條鏈上提出Parallel Processing的處理模型,因此某條鏈也具有交易上限的局限性。CMC性能的上限為單機,scalability只體現在使用多個tendermint的實例上。
In addition, Tendermint does not propose a processing model for the Parallel Process on a single chain, so a chain also has the limits of a trading cap. CMC has a single machine ceiling, and scalability is only now using a number of cases.
aelf提出,在單鏈上進行Parallel Processing,大幅提高了單鏈處理能力的上限。
Aelf suggested that the Parallel Processing on the single chain significantly increased the cap on the capacity of the single chain.
EOS和aelf都提出了用Parallel Processing的方式來處理交易,但不同的是,EOS只在主鏈上進行並行處理,而aelf的並行處理框架,能夠使得在所有的側鏈上進行並行處理。
Both EOS and aelf propose to handle the transaction in the manner of Parallel Processing, but unlike EOS, which only handles and handles on the main chain, the aelf co-processing framework allows for processing and processing on all sides of the chain.
aelf提出,在主鏈和側鏈上均需進行Parallel Processing。這樣不僅主鏈的處理效率得到增強,側鏈上同樣可以獲得並行運算帶來的速度提升。
Aelf suggests that there should be a Parallel Processing on both the main and the side chains. This is not only an increase in efficiency in the processing of the main chain, but also an increase in the speed of running and running the chain.
There is no scalability, there is no segregation of resources, and the prevalence of cryptokittis is blocking the entire ETH network.
Aelf uses a separate resource structure to ensure that the surge in traffic on one chain does not affect the efficiency of the other.
Read the three features of aelf again:
If there's anything else that's not clear, I'll see you in the white paper.
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