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摘要:在接下来的 Meta Connect 2024 上,或许,Meta将揭开新一代VR设备的神秘面纱。
Abstract: On the next Meta Connect 2024, perhaps Meta will unlock the mysterious veil of the new generation of VR devices.
近日,Meta已经开始提供翻新版的 Quest 3,给消费者带来了更多选择。其中,128GB型号售价450美元,512GB型号售价580美元,消费者可从Meta Store在线购买。与新品Quest 3的定价相比(128GB 500美元/512GB 650美元),因此根据型号不同,翻新型号代表着50美元/70美元的折扣。
In recent days, Meta has started to offer a refurbished version of Quest 3, which offers more options for consumers. Of this, 128 GB is worth US$ 450, 512 GB is worth US$ 580 and consumers can buy it online from Meta Store. Compared to the price of the new Quest 3 (US$ 128 GB 500 /512 GB 650), the refurbishment represents a discount of US$ 50 / $70 depending on the model.
此外,Meta还以190美元的价格出售翻新Quest 2(128GB),这是市场上唯一仍在销售的型号。虽然相较于其原价200美元只有10美元的降价幅度,但也无疑为寻求高性价比的消费者提供了一个新的选择。
In addition, Meta sells the refurbished Quest 2 (128GB) at a price of $190, the only model that is still on the market. Although it has only a 10-dollar reduction compared to its original $200 price, it certainly offers a new option for consumers seeking high value for money.
值得关注的是,就在本月初,Meta似乎无意中透露了其下一款虚拟现实头显的名称:Quest 3S。据 UploadVR 报道,在 Quest 应用商店中,一款名为 Quest 3S 的设备被列为支持设备之一。
It is interesting to note that just at the beginning of this month, Meta appeared inadvertently to reveal the name of his next virtual reality: Queest 3S. According to UploadVR, a piece of equipment called Quest 3S was listed as one of the support equipment in the Quest application shop.
回顾此前,据 wellsenn XR 的调研信息,一季度Meta向供应链上游企业追加了Quest 订单,其中包括Quest Pro、Quest 3以及四季度发售的Quest 2的升级版Quest 3 S(lite)。根据统计,2024年Meta 全年销量预期有望突破600万台。
It is recalled that, according to research from Wellsen XR, Quest orders were added in one quarter to the enterprise upstream of the supply chain, including Quest Pro, Quest 3 and Quest 2, an upgraded version of Quest 3 S (lite), which was sold in four quarters.
There is no doubt that a series of positive strategic initiatives have highlighted the firm determination and ambition of Meta in the area of virtual reality (VR), which is clearly accelerating with intense market competition and is actively shaping the future of VR.
在 VR 头显市场中,巅峰时期 Meta 占据了全球 90% 的市场份额(注:来自IDC发布的2022年Q1数据)。而在头部设备市场中,Meta公司的Quest 3和Quest 2型号更是曾主导着XR头显市场。
At the peak of the VR, Meta held a global market share of 90 per cent (note: Q1 data from IDC 2022), while at the head of the equipment market, Meta Quest 3 and Quest 2 had dominated the XR.
今年1月,根据Steam 硬件和软件调查数据,Meta Quest 3 异军突起,在 2023 年 12 月份成为 Steam 平台上使用率第四高的 VR 头显。而Meta 旗下的所有 VR 头显,包括 Oculus Rift、Rift S、Oculus Quest、Quest 2、Quest Pro 和 Quest 3,合计占据了 Steam 平台 VR 头显使用份额的 62% 以上,遥遥领先其他厂商。
In January of this year, according to Steam Hardware and Software Survey data, Meta Quest 3 emerged as the fourth most used VR head in December 2023. All VR headlines under the Meta flag, including Oculus Rift, Rift S, Oculus Quest, Quest 2, Quest Pro and Quest 3, together accounted for more than 62% of the VR head share of the Steam platform and far ahead of other manufacturers.
虽然 Meta 在VR硬件领域取得了显著成就,但市场竞争依然激烈。其他品牌如苹果、索尼、联想、PICO等也在不断推出新产品和技术创新,试图在VR市场中分得一杯羹。到了2023年第四季度,尽管Meta还是领头羊,但是市场份额已经来到了60%左右,下滑了近 3 成。
Other brands, such as Apples, Sony, Unions, PICO, and others, have been launching new products and technological innovations to try to get a share in the VR market. By the fourth quarter of 2023, even though Meta was the lead sheep, the market share had reached about 60%, down nearly 30%.
而作为 Meta 押注元宇宙最大的硬件代表作,目前,Quest头显系列如何了?
And as Meta's biggest hardware representative of the dollar universe, how's Quest's headlines at the moment?
首先来说下 Quest 3,去年发布的 Quest 3 的起售价为 499 美元,较 2020 年发布的前代Quest 2 起售价涨价200美元,涨幅约67%,这就让消费者难以接受。尽管Quest 3的配置强于Quest 2,但是售价的过高涨幅,让其的销量不如Quest 2。
First of all, Quest 3, the start-up price for Quest 3, published last year, was $499, an increase of $200, or about 67%, over the previous Quest 2, issued in 2020, which made it difficult for consumers to accept. Although Quest 3 is better configured than Quest 2, the price has increased disproportionately, making it less expensive than Quest 2.
市场调研机构 Counterpoint 更是在一份报告中指出,Quest 3上市季度的出货量比Quest 2上市季度下降了33%。迄今为止,Quest 2的出货量已经超过了2000万台,而Quest 3的出货量则是没有数据公布,可以猜测Quest 3的出货量不容乐观。此外,还时不时看到Quest 3砍单的消息。
The market research agency Company states in a report that Quest 3 recorded a 33% decrease in the volume of goods delivered in the last quarter of Quest 2. To date, Quest 2 has exceeded 20 million shipments, while Quest 3 has no data to publish, and it can be assumed that Quest 3 is not promising. In addition, Quest 3 has been reported from time to time.
接下来是Quest Pro,这款产品则是败在了定位与售价。Quest Pro是Meta在2022年发布的产品,定位是高端头显,售价是1499美元起步。由于Quest Pro的售价太高,加上消费者不认为Meta撑得起高端VR品牌的价值,使得这款产品销量不佳,价格一降再降。天风国际分析师更是在2023年4月曾给出预测,Quest Pro的整个生命周期出货量只有30万台左右。(更多内容,可点击《这款头显作为扎克伯格今年在VR的最后一张底牌,能否帮Meta再创辉煌?》)
Next is Quest Pro, a product released by Meta in 2022. Quest Pro is a high-end product with a price start of $1499. Quest Pro’s sale price is too high, and consumers don’t think that Meta can sustain the value of high-end VR brands, causing the product to be sold poorly and the price to fall again. In April 2023, Skywind International analysts predicted that QuestPro’s entire life cycle was worth only 300,000.
可以说,经过Quest Pro、Quest 3这两代产品的折腾,极大的削弱了 Meta 在全球 VR 市场的霸主地位。如果Meta再不发布有竞争力的 VR 产品,那么 Meta 在 VR 市场一家独大的局面有望被打破,这一局势无疑对Meta来说是一个警示。
It can be said that the collapse of two generations of products, Quest Pro, and Quest 3, has greatly weakened the dominance of Meta in the global VR market. If Meta does not publish competitive VR products any more, the situation of Meta’s unique position in the VR market is likely to be broken, a situation that is undoubtedly a warning to Meta.
Meta quarterly financial reporting: traditional business rises and business in the Woncosmos continues to lose
接下来,再来说说前段时间 Meta 发布的今年第一季度财报业绩。
Now, let's turn to the first quarter of this year's performance, which was released by Meta.
In April of this year, Meta announced its first quarter financial reporting performance for 2024, which showed a total revenue of $36,455 million for the first quarter of Meta, an increase of 27 per cent from $28,645 million for the same period in the previous year; net profit was $12,369 million, an increase of 117 per cent from $5,709 million for the same period in the previous year.
不过,这份光鲜的财报背后,Meta的元宇宙业务——Reality Labs部门,却依然在承受着巨大的亏损压力。元宇宙相关部门、负责 AR 和 VR 业务的 Reality Labs 一季度依然巨亏达到38.46亿美元,低于去年同期的39.92亿美元。
However, behind this bright financial presentation, Meta’s meta-cosmos business – the Reality Labs sector – is still under severe loss pressure. Reality Labs, which is responsible for AR and VR operations, continues to lose a significant $3.846 billion in the quarter, down from $3.992 billion in the same period last year.
可以看出, Meta传统业务持续上涨,但元宇宙业务仍还在亏损。这表明Meta在新兴领域的投资尚未见到明显的回报。据估算自2019年以来,Meta元宇宙业务的Reality Labs部门累计亏损已超500亿美元(折合人民币约3500亿元)。
As can be seen, Meta’s traditional business continues to rise, but it continues to lose. This suggests that Meta’s investment in emerging areas has not yet seen a clear return.
It is worth noting, however, that sales of AR/VR equipment have also shown a downward trend in the last two years, showing, on the whole, that the market is gradually becoming smaller. In 2022, the sales of AR/VR equipment decreased by more than one fifth in the same year, and by 2023, the figure was closer to one quarter, which undoubtedly poses a greater challenge to Meta’s meta-cosm strategy.
However, in the face of this dilemma, Meta did not choose to give up but instead began to adjust its strategic direction.
With the rapid development of AI technology, the world’s technology giants have been deployed in the cutting edge area. Even the ever-stable apples have shifted their focus to AI, and Meta, as a leader in the technology industry, naturally, has not been left behind. Since last year, the focus of the operation has been reoriented, and even AI has been seen by Meta as the key key to returning to the center of the stage.
在去年4月的Meta财报电话会议上,扎克伯格在短短一小时内提及“AI”一词高达27次,并详细阐述了将AI深度融入Facebook、WhatsApp、Instagram以及AR/VR应用程序中的宏伟计划。同时,Llama 2大模型在实际应用中展现出的强大生产力,也进一步证明了Meta在AI领域的深厚实力。
Last April, Zuckerberg mentioned the term “AI” as much as 27 times in just one hour, and elaborated on the ambitious plans to integrate AI deeply into Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and AR/VR applications. At the same time, Llama 2 models showed strong productivity in their practical application, further demonstrating the deep strength of Meta in the field of AI.
虽然目前 Meta 并未公开披露针对大模型和Quest的具体投入,但从研发费用的对比中,我们依然能够窥见其在AI领域的决心和投入。过去三个财年,Meta的研发费用高达984.8亿美元,这一数字与苹果同期的780.8亿美元和谷歌的1164.9亿美元相比,足以展现Meta在研发领域的雄厚实力。
Although Meta is currently not publicly disclosing specific inputs to large models and Quest, we can still see its commitment and investment in AI from a comparison of research and development costs. Over the past three fiscal years, Meta’s R & D costs have been as high as $98.480 billion, a figure that compares with $78.08 billion in apples and $11.649 billion in Google to demonstrate its strong power in R & D.
在VR业务上,Meta不仅宣布开放头显操作系统,还在财报会议上表示,Reality Labs部门将越来越多地为AI业务服务。这一转变也在表明,Meta正试图通过AI技术来弥补元宇宙业务的亏损,同时也展示了其对AI与元宇宙技术结合潜力的信心。
In VR operations, Meta not only announced the opening of its head display operating system, but also stated at the finance conference that the Reality Labs sector will increasingly serve AI’s business. This shift also shows that Meta is trying to compensate for the losses of meta-cosm operations through AI technology, while also demonstrating its confidence in the potential of AI’s integration with meta-cosm technology.
在战略层面,Meta将应用程序家族与Reality Labs视为同一项业务,强调两者在构建下一代计算平台过程中的协同作用。为此,Meta推出了 Rayban Meta 智能眼镜,这款眼镜融合了AI与元宇宙技术,使用户能够通过眼镜完成日常任务,进一步展示了Meta在AI与元宇宙结合方面的探索与尝试。
At the strategic level, Meta sees the application family as the same business as Reality Labs, emphasizing the synergy between the two in the construction of the next generation computing platform. To this end, Meta has launched Rayban Meta smart glasses, which combine AI with meta-cosm technology and enable users to perform day-to-day tasks through glasses, further demonstrating Meta’s exploration and attempts to integrate AI with meta-cosm.
In general, Meta demonstrated in the first quarter of 2024 that, while meta-cosm operations still face challenges, Meta is constantly searching for new growth points by opening up its head to the operating system, integrating AI technology with the meta-cosm.
2014年3月,Meta正式收购Oculus,踏上了VR/元宇宙的征程。十年风雨兼程,如今这一重要时刻已悄然到来,Meta自然不可能满足于平淡无奇的结束。在接下来的 Meta Connect 2024 上,或许,Meta将揭开新一代VR设备的神秘面纱。
In March 2014, Meta officially acquired Oculus and embarked on the journey to the VR/won cosmopolitan universe. Ten years of wind and rain have passed away, and this important moment has now come, so that Meta will not be satisfied with a simple end. On the next Meta Connect 2024, perhaps, Meta will unlock the mysterious veil of a new generation of VR devices.
Let's go.
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