In fact, the NFT project has been relatively hot in currency circles for some time, in which the NFT project can be said to have developed very rapidly. In specific applications, the market demand for the NFT project is concentrated and the head effect is becoming more apparent, and the value of the NFT is the recognition of digital identity.
1. 打开opensea.io,链接Metamask钱包。
Open opensea.io, link to Metamask wallet.
2. 在首页,点击创建。
2. On the front page, click to create.
3. 继续点击创建。
3. Continue to click on creation.
4. 添加NFT作品封面Logo、名称及描述,点击创建。
4. Add the cover of NFT work, Logo, name and description, and click to create it.
5. 点击添加。
5. Click to add.
5. 点击添加文件、填写作品名称、详情页、描述和特征,点击创建。需要注意的是,如果之前没有在此平台交易过,可以会支付一笔手续费。
Click to add a document, fill out the name, details, description and identity of the work, and click to create it. Note that if you have not previously traded on this platform, you can pay a fee.
6. 截至目前,你的NFT已经在链上创建完毕了,接下来可以点击出售。
6. To date, your NFT has been created on the chain and can then be sold by clicking.
7. 设定价格。设定价格与下面的竞价拍卖二选一。通常,直接设定价格,点击发售NFT就可以。在设定价格时,默认计价币种是ETH,也可以点击下拉菜单更换计价币种。
7. Sets the price. Sets the price with the following competitive auctions. Usually, the price is set directly, and the sale of the NFT is made by clicking. The default currency for setting the price is the ETH, or it can be changed by clicking on the drop-down menu.
8. 当然你也可以选择竞拍模式,让其他用户出价。
8. Of course, you can also choose the bidding model to allow other users to bid.
10. 查看自己的NFT。点击右上角的头像,点击红框部分,即可查看自己发售的NFT了。
10. View your own NFT. Click on the top right corner header, click on the red box section to see the NFT that you are selling.
Finally, links can be shared and bought.
As can be seen, the NFT head figure is showing strong development potential in a state of dissipation, but where does its value come from? In fact, from a simple image, the value of the current head type of NFT is mainly reflected in three points, namely identity, scarcity and financial attributes.
1. 数字化身份认同。
Digital identity.
实际上,身份认同是头像类最具有标志性的长期内在价值。“身份”是每个人出生就伴有的印记,根据时空的不同,人们拥有不同的身份属性,存在着唯一的证明关系。而在赛博空间中,要确立我是谁、我属于谁,人们也需要一种可代表身份属性的象征来对个人坐标关系进行确定。通常而言,NFT头像为某一个角色的半身像,常被作为数字个人资料图片使用,这与个人身份象征有着极高的契合度,例如在2D虚拟中,各种猿人头代表了平面式的2D自我身份,而在三维世界中,Meebits、 Animetas等则作为立体式的身份证明出现。
Indeed, identity is the most iconic and long-term intrinsic value of the head image. & ldquo; identity & rdquo; is the imprint with which each person is born, and there is a unique link of proof, depending on time and space. In Cyberspace, to establish who I am, who I belong to, people also need a symbol of identity to determine personal coordinates.
At the same time, identity is a sine qua non for the formation of organizations. From the perspective of social networks, the front-loading NFT has given evidence of the institutional nature of identity in a digitally created world, creating a spontaneous group view of the world, and has led to the emergence of communities. In a deeper sense, it is the philosophy behind the head-loading NFT that today's individual approach to the world of Cyber, and in the real world, you represent you, who is the virtual world and what class of society is it? Identity has given a common value to the head of the NFT, and the formation of the community has inspired that value more by networking and stratification, while in the long term digital world migration is inevitable and identity will continue to permeate it.
2. 稀缺性。
2. Scarcity.
The scarcity and identity complement each other, and the scarcity behind it implies the division of classes and the enjoyment of identity. At present, most NFT heads appear to be derived from a combination of characteristics based on algorithms that are consistent, valid, typically unique, and have different degrees of scarcity.
3. 金融属性与娱乐性。
3. Financial attributes and recreation.
NFT建立在其所有权代表以及数字资产属性上,其价值也是真实性、可转让性以及所有权属的总和,在这一背景下,从数字商品到物理资产的债权都可用 NFT 表示,NFT头像作为数字资产的一种,具有极其突出的金融属性。作为一种另类的金融投资品,诸如crypto punk此类项目其回报率动辄成百上千倍,相比近10年来美国纳斯达克100指数年化回报率20%与黄金的1.5%,显然更加诱人。强烈的金融属性也刺激了娱乐性的不断增强,更多的人或出于猎奇、兴趣而参与其中,近日已开始有人创建自己的人物角色来扮演他们的猿猴。
The value of NFT is also a combination of authenticity, negotiability, and ownership in terms of both its ownership representation and its digital asset attributes. In this context, NFT claims, from digital commodities to physical assets, can be expressed as an exceptional financial attribute.
In conclusion, it is the answer to the question of how NFT's head is made, and it is hoped that this complete explanation of NFT's headwriting will help investors who don't know how to make NFT's headwriting quickly master the way it is made. It reminds investors here that the NFT's head is now becoming a symbol of a new identity, as if it were a valuable watch or a limited pair of sneakers, and its rareness makes it start to have a collection value, as if you had an NFT's ticket of entry into a high-level club, and the NFT's head is your mark.
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