
资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:41 评论:0
2022年1月18日,以“技术·融合·治理”为主题的众享链网试运行总结暨正式运行发布会在北京成功举办。18 January 2022: S...



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18 January 2022: Successfully organized in Beijing by “ technology · · Governance & rdquo; People's Network Pilot Operational Summary and Official Operational Launch .


The launch brought together five guests: `strung', Chief Scientist, China Computer Society District Chain Panel, and `Schming', Chief Scientist, District Chain Research Centre, Shanghai Transport University, `strung', `Strange', `Strange', representative of the launcher, and `Henbyt President, `Strange', `Strange', Secretary-General, `Strange', `Stung', `Stung', `Standing', the first `Stung', `Standing' and `Stander of Smart Technology', `Ceo Liu


The launch provided a detailed account of the results of the six-month pilot operation of the LINK network, a vision for its future development, a sharing of typical applications based on the LINK network, and an announcement at the that the LINK network was fully operational .

1. 中国特色,中国生态



In recent years, technologies such as the Internet, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and block chains have accelerated innovation and are becoming key forces in reshaping global factor resources, reshaping the global economic architecture and changing the pattern of global competition.


Professor Schöming, the chief scientist of the Strangle Network, pointed out that technological applications of block chains coexisted with industrial development, with opportunities and challenges. At this stage, our sector chain industry has steadily increased in size, showing the emergence of technological innovations, the intensification of autonomous research and development, the rapid development of core technology, and the progressive development of basic platforms and standards, as well as some challenges. First, the cross-chain system of “strong” heterogeneity , synergies under the chain, etc., still needs to be developed; second, there is an urgent need to expand the heavy-level application site ; and third, the conflict between supervision and systemic energy, security, privacy, and so forth.


Schermin believes that the heavy task and urgency of developing the block chain industry requires that the nation's block chain operators, /strung', /strang >, to form the Chinese ecology . Since the test operation began, the network has taken full advantage of the technology of the block chain, and

2. 活的数据,聚链成网



In the context of the new economic norm, the initiators of the network, , stated strongly that, in 2021, world conditions changed, with China’s digital economy flourishing and a network of people benefiting from it. The network, a system of new-era industrial-level alliances co-founded by 16 leading enterprises in the country, has been operating for a full six-month period and has carried out a number of significant operations.


First, the network is a distributed union chain operating on the public network . Currently, there are few of the country's colleagues providing block chain services, but the supernode is deployed on the public network for the first multiple nodes; second, the main chain of the network is composed of the supernoms of from different geographical areas and industries to and is based on consensus decision-making; and third, the supernode provides a variety of hardware digital infrastructure , including public clouds, machine rooms, super-calculation centres, etc., with multiple server types and operating systems.


In particular, it was pointed out that the HSN, using the


Referring to the original intent of the joint creation of the network, “ I have often heard users say that the data indicators tested by some block platform institutions in the ideal environment of the laboratory are very good, but by the time the chain is actually built, there are many problems and obstacles. The network is the country’s first distributed industrial chain system, with long running services and multi-point involvement, with a view to solving the root causes of the chain industry in the country; and ”


& & ldquo; living data is really Value (value) . & rdquo; stupposing that simple data chains are not enough and that it is really meaningful to build a union chain with “ live data & & rdquo; multiple points of consensus, which is also the mission and function of the network. The network has accumulated a wealth of data and will continue to operate, and values naturally emerges through time as the data on the chain accumulates.


Block chains are not a single technology, and integration with big data, cloud computing, object networking, artificial intelligence, and 5G will accelerate the release of dividends. & & ldquo; no-integrated non-block chain. & rdquo; strong indications are that the crowd-connected network will be “ clustered into a network” and, for the long term, multiple new generations of information technology will be integrated and will carry large-scale business applications in the future.


With the advent of the era of Web3.0, critical judgments, &ldquao; , built together and rdquao; will be the key words for the future development of the Internet world. The Network provides & ldquao; , built, co-managed and shared

3. 6大成果,4“新”未来



& ldquo; During the six months of the pilot operation, we fulfilled the promise of our last launch to show the world the level of governance of our Chinese Union chain and how uses autonomous and controlled technology to achieve the path of development of China's distinctive block chains . & rdquo; the Secretary-General of the People's Chain Network summarized and condensed with six figures >, detailing the results of the experiment.

① 正常运行1条多节点分布式联盟链

1 Operating 1 multi-point distributed alliance chain


The main chain of access is the digital infrastructure provided by the hardware provided by the supernodes of different geographical regions and industries, together with a variety of operating systems and server types.

② 成功完成2次业务和技术投票

2 Successful completion of 2 operational and technical voting


The E-Link, a fair and distributed coalition chain of governance, completed two ballots for new membership and technical upgrades during the trial period.

③ 成功搭建3条业务子链

3 Successfully built 3 operational subsystems


By supporting the development of the respective industry applications of the supernode through the master-chain application, HSN has now successfully built three operational sub-chains: open chain, beneficial electronic signature chain and to manage the cloud warehouse single chain. HSN main chain is responsible for managing the sub-chains and achieving cross-links, and the sub-links are responsible for maintaining specific business applications. In 2022, HSN will build more operational sub-chains. Four sub-chains are now in the testing phase and are about to be formally launched.

④ 4款免费应用

4 & nbsp; 4 free application


The network provides four free applications, including > ; and a new product & mdquao, launched on 18 October 2021; ;

⑤ 5个企业间服务

5 & nbsp; 5 inter-firm services


The new model provides services that are needed for five enterprises, including electronic signature , electronic record , judicial advice , enterprise management , socialization workers , etc. More business service functions will be added to the network and targeted services will be provided for all superpoints joining the chain network.

⑥ 顺利召开6次共识决策委员会

6 Successful convening of the 6th consensus decision-making committee on


The 18th of each month is an ecological day for the network, with full participation of the six consensus decision-making committees and full communication of decision-making among all members.


Chub said that there had been problems with hardware during the test operation, and that the network had been set up “ a surveillance system , a team of experts , a set of contingency plans ” a complete solution. When there were differences of opinion in the supernode, the network insisted that distributional co-management should respect the views of all the nodes and seek differences.


With the opening of a new phase of formal operation, Jjubo painted a new future for the network from four angles.

① 新目标

1 & nbsp; new target


In 2022, the number of target supernodes of the HN network reached 60 , and master chain technology has now supported fast-strung subchains between any supernominal node , releasing exponential energy between more supernode collaborations in the future.

② 新融合

2 & nbsp; New integration


The Network will continue to promote the integration of industrial data, solutions and technological innovation.

③ 新合作

3 & nbsp; New cooperation


By bringing forces together in open-source forms, there will be more industry super-nodes joining the network in the future, partnering in branding, working together to counter monopoly risks and building low-cost, high-trust information-sharing platforms through block chains.

④ Web3.0新组件

Web3.0 new component


In the face of the current international history of Web3.0 gold development, the Network has deployed new components of Web3.0DD, interface fair, data element management platform, , , etc., which will meet with you in the first half of 2022.

4. 益高电子签章链,助力中小微企业数字化转型




& & & ldquo; The Hing Network is a circle of friends based on a block chain, and the supernode can be co-managed and maintained by means of a consensus algorithm for the block chain. & & & ; the first supernode of the HN network represents the first high-tech CEO Liu vividly comparing the HN to the inter-business circle of friends, and the high-tech business chain based on the HN has developed , providing this circle of friends with a simple and efficient method of to anchor business agreements to the legal level < strong > to make the line contract as simple as a handshak .


Liu Xing explained that the first contract to be signed after the release of the handshake was the memorandum of signature of the super-nodes of the Internet. Because of the multiplicity of companies involved in the network, as well as the autonomy of the Union and the voluntariness of signing, there are multiple forms of stamping, slow coordination, and long-term pains.


& & & & & ldquo; Handpicking provides various agreements, framework signing services for supernode enterprises in the HN network, meeting contracting activities initiated and engaged by members, while also meeting the respective electronic contracting needs of a single enterprise, such as manpower contracts, procurement contracts, etc. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & l

5. 治云仓单链,数字时代交易新模式




The first supernode of the `strang' network represents Chang Yongqiang, founder of cloud management intelligence technology , suggesting that the `strong' platform is a product of technological innovation shared between cloud management intelligence technology and the network. Through the cloud E warehouse order platform, warehouse bill assets are converted into spot-based digital assets, are monitored through block chain node data consensus and cannot be tampered with; and through the management of cloud warehouse digital birth control to ensure that warehouse cargo can be traced back.


Zhang Yongqiang introduced the `strong' industrial cosmos, which focuses on digital asset certainty, starting with the concept of digital reality. The operational sublinks to cloud E warehouse receipt platform, based on a network of access networks, uses block chain technology to validate off-the-shelf access to the pool and achieves digital warehouse receipt, financing, trading, and cancellation of a dragon. The `Standard E' platform has been linked to a public notary office, and all upper chain data can be verified on a third-party notarized platform, allowing the flow of goods, transactions and financing to be traced back to the full range of the parties involved in the transaction.


& & ldquo; the era is a great time to contribute to economic and social development as a member of the digital age. & & & & & & & & ; & & ; & & Chang Yongqiang explained that & Zhang & Yongqiang created a new trading structure for traditional industries.


Zhang Yongqiang stated that the vision of cloud smart technology is & ldquao; to keep the numbers true to reality & rdquao; and that better digital financial services for other supernode, supply chain partners will be provided in the future through a network of access chains.


After six months of piloting the network, from technological innovation to applied innovation, from systemic innovation to ecological innovation, a group of innovators with an interest in the application of China's unique block chain, with a focus on serving the real economy, were motivated by new and distant approaches, setting new banners for the application of the block chain industry.


The center aired the horns of the strong's constant efforts to make a better digital economy in our country , which became fully operational on January 18, 2022. Welcomed the digital economy's colleagues to join the network to create the first co-built, co-managed and shared industrial union system in the country , to expand the boundaries of the block chain application, to support the physical economic development, clustering , to integrate the future !




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