
资讯 2024-07-09 阅读:40 评论:0
撰文:0x13、0xCC,律動BlockBeats除了畫面、技術之外,困擾用戶體驗元宇宙的一大原因就是元宇宙的數量實在是太多了。In addition to the graphics, technology, one of the main...



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In addition to the graphics, technology, one of the main reasons why users interfere with the meta-cosmos is that the number of meta-cosmos is too much.

加密世界中已經初具規模的元宇宙就有 Cryptovoxels、Decentraland、The Sandbox、Somnium Space,後起之秀還包括了進化星球、小元世界、OVR 等等。這些元宇宙項目讓人應接不暇,更關鍵的是每一個宇宙中用戶都需要重新置辦一套資產,小到給數字化身穿的服飾,大到虛擬房屋、土地,重新置辦一套對於普通用戶來說都是一筆不小的開銷,更何況有這麼多的「宇宙」。

Some of the already well-established meta-cosms in the encrypted world are Crystals, Decentraland, The Sandbox, Somnium Space, and later showcasing the evolution of planets, Xiao Yuan World, OVR, etc. These meta-cosm projects are unwieldy. What is more important is that every user in the universe needs a new set of assets, small enough to be digitized, big enough to be a virtual house, land, and a new set of so many ‘cosmos’ for ordinary users.

因此,現在有不少用戶在靜靜觀察着這些元宇宙的發展,等待着哪個平臺能夠發展起來然後再去這個平臺體驗元宇宙的生活。或者是期待着這些元宇宙能夠互相打通,資產在各個平臺都可以使用,給 Cryptovoxels 中數字化身穿着的體素衣物也能穿在 Decentraland 中的人物身上,不過目前看來,實現這一點還需要不少時間。

As a result, a number of users are still watching the development of these meta-cosmos, waiting for which platform to develop and then go to experience the life of the meta-cosm. Or looking forward to seeing these meta-cosms connect to each other, that the assets can be used in every platform, and that the digitized body-cloths in Cryptovoxels can be worn on people in Decentraland, but it still takes time to do so.


Is there any way that people can travel the universe from now on without having to dwell on it?

簡單來說,Metakey 就是一個 NFT,一個可以讓持有者享受各個元宇宙福利的 NFT。

In short, Metakey is a NFT, a NFT that allows the holder to enjoy the benefits of the meta-cosmos.

Metakey 創始人是在 NFT 領域赫赫有名的元宇宙地主、收藏家 Matty,aka DCLBlogger。多年來,Matty 一直深耕於元宇宙,並通過撰寫一系列文章幫助人們認識、瞭解 Decentraland 等元宇宙的發展。而 Metakey 也是他爲了讓更多人加入到元宇宙之中而推出的一個實用型 NFT 項目。

Metakey was founded by Matty, a collector in the NFT, a well-known meta-cosmos. Matty, a collector in the DCLBlogger. For years, Matty has cultivated deep in the meta-cosmos and helped people to know and understand the evolution of the meta-cosmos, such as Decentraland, by writing a series of articles. Metakey is also a practical NFT project he launched to bring more people into the meta-cosm.

自 5 月 5 日上線以來,已經發售兩款 Metakey NFT,其中創世版 Metakey NFT 共 500 枚,第二版與 RTFKT Studios 合作的 Metakey NFT 共 750 枚,這 1250 枚 NFT 現在已經全部售罄,每一款的價格也翻了數倍。爲什麼這樣一枚 NFT 會受到人們的追捧呢?


如果你擁有一件 NFT,就等於同時擁有很多件不同的 NFT,這是不是很酷?

這就是 Metakey 正在做的事情。Metakey 致力於實現不同項目間的互操作性,你擁有一個 Metakey NFT 就相當於在不同元宇宙中擁有了不同的 NFT 資產,正如 Metakey 官方所說:「Metakey 不僅是一件 NFT,它更是你通行元宇宙的一張門票、一個 ID。」

Metakey 就像是一張元宇宙通票,你只需要持有它就可以暢通無阻地體驗各個元宇宙,據製作團隊所述,未來將會和上百個應用合作,這也就是說未來 Metakey 至少將擁有上百種功能供用戶體驗,Metakey 在不同的元宇宙中將會變爲不同的資產,一個 Metakey 等於上百個 App 中不同的上百個 NFT。對於初入元宇宙的用戶來說,這是盡情探索元宇宙的絕佳選擇。

擁有 Metakey,就如同擁有元宇宙的 88 會員。Metakey 爲你提供了元宇宙的一站式優惠方案。

在各項福利中,最先出現的、也是用戶最爲關注的非空投莫屬。根據團隊的介紹,持有 Metakey,有資格獲得後續不定時的 NFT 空投。

就在今天,Metakey 剛剛進行了第一場空投。專注於創作賽車類 NFT 藝術品的藝術家團隊 Automobilist 爲每一個 Metakey 持有者空投了一件可以在 Decentraland 元宇宙中穿戴的賽車頭盔 NFT。這件 1961 年版的 F1 頭盔獲得了 Jackie Stewart 爵士的官方授權,且在 Decentraland 中爲稀有裝備。

(Metakey 空投物品)

Metakey 團隊表示,在未來還將有上百個項目會與 Metakey 達成合作,Metakey 的持有者將有機會獲得來自這些項目以及衆多未來將會誕生的新項目的 NFT 空投獎勵。

The Metakey team says that hundreds of projects will work with Metakey in the future, and that Metakey's holders will be given the opportunity to receive NFT airdrops from these projects and new projects that will be born in the future.

除了獲取空投之外,Metakey 還爲用戶提供了包括折扣在內的多種優惠,可在 Metakey 的合作元宇宙中享受。項目團隊表示,無論是 NFT 藝術品、遊戲、元宇宙,所有與 Metakey 合作構建的產品,Metakey 持有者都將可享受到折扣。

In addition to getting airdrops, Metakey offers users multiple benefits, including discounts, that can be enjoyed in the Metakey cosmodrome. The team states that, regardless of NFT artifacts, games, metacos, all products constructed in collaboration with Metakey will receive discounts for Metakey holders.

在路線圖中,官方給出了非常積極的展望:「無論是遊戲或是元宇宙,我們都將集成任何新出現的 web3 項目及 NFT 項目。」目前,可在 Metakey 的 30 個合作伙伴項目中享受到上述大部分內容。

In the road map, the government has given a very positive outlook: "We will integrate any new web3 and NFT items, whether game or metaspace." At present, most of this is available in 30 partnership projects in Metakey.

 Metakey 合作伙伴

Metakey 還計劃推出實物產品。在官方博客中團隊曾表示,將向購買前三版的用戶寄送實物收藏品。Metakey 還將允許持有者在 The Metafactory 上獨家設計印刷、跨元宇宙獲取裝備、探索其他「物理-數字」集成。

Metakey also plans to launch a real-estate product. The team in the official blog said that it would send the first three editions of the collection to buyers. Metakey will also allow the holder to design the printing on The Metafactory, take equipment from the metaspace, and explore other "physical-digit" combinations.

其實,從投資價值來看,Metakey 並不是一個好的選擇,相比於投資價值,Metakey 更加註重的則是實用性。上述福利只要用戶持有 1 枚 NFT 即可全部享有,因此官方也提醒用戶只需要購買一件 NFT 即可。

In fact, in terms of investment value, Metakey is not a good choice, but it's more useful than investment value. The above benefits are available to users only if they have 1 NFT, so they are officially reminded that they only need to buy one NFT.

需要注意的是,前三個版本的 Metakey 會有額外的神祕福利,而這也是僅有的一點炒作價值。而 Metakey 雖然每一版 NFT 發售都有固定的總量限制,但版本數量是沒有上限的,未來可能會視用戶需求發行數十萬甚至上百萬枚 NFT,這也證明了項目方最開始對 Metakey NFT 的定義:每個人都能用的實用型資產。

It is important to note that the first three versions of Metakey will have extra spiritual benefits, and this is just a little bit of a ploy value. And Metakey, while there is a fixed total limit to each release of NFT, has no limit on the number of versions, which may be issued in the future for hundreds or even millions of NFTs depending on the user’s needs, also demonstrates the initial definition of Metakey NFT:
real-use assets that everyone can use.

而除了上述可以讓用戶實打實拿到手的福利外,Metakey NFT 的持有者還可以解鎖由社區成員提供的元宇宙相關課程視頻,在幫助用戶進入元宇宙體驗的同時,Metakey 還承擔了用戶教育的重擔。讓用戶可以在自由探索之餘,系統性地學習、瞭解元宇宙,這樣纔可以讓他們更願意留在元宇宙、更願意讓自己的朋友們也來到元宇宙。在做好廣泛普及工作的同時,只有加強用戶教育才可以讓用戶三分鐘的熱度褪去之後依舊留在這裏,因爲他們明白了元宇宙的意義與價值。

In addition to the benefits that allow users to get their hands on, Metakey NFT holders can unlock meta-cosm-related lessons provided by community members. At the same time as helping users enter meta-cosm experience, Metakey also bears the burden of user education. Allowing users to explore freely, systematically learn and understand the meta-cosmos will make them more willing to remain in the meta-cosm and to bring their friends to the meta-cosm.


At the beginning of the universe, no one could tell what was going to happen in the universe, and no one could see what was going to happen in the future. All we could do was go deep into the universe, explore the world we're going to live in, learn to live in this digital world, be witnesses and relatives of the development of the time in the universe.

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