
资讯 2024-07-14 阅读:43 评论:0
来源:金十数据Source: Jinx data  加密货币周末继续上演疯狂行情,在中国、美国、俄罗斯等多个国家或地区对数字货币资产监管态度趋严的重压下,以比特币和以太币为首的数字货币再现两位数大跌...



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Source: Jinx data


Clandestine currency continues its frenzy over the weekends, with double digits re-emerged in bitcoin and tutco-led digital currency, under the heavy pressure of tighter regulation of digital monetary assets in a number of countries or regions, such as China, the United States, Russia and others.

  截止北京时间周一(5月24日)凌晨00:25 左右,比特币日内重挫15.04%,报31800美元/枚;以太坊日内暴跌21.34%,报1805.01美元/枚;瑞波币、莱特币分别暴跌26.60%和26.33%。随后,主要加密货币有所反弹。

By about 00:25 a.m. on Monday (24 May) Beijing time, Bitcoin had suffered a severe fall of 15.04 per cent, at $31,800 per day; Ethio had fallen by 21.34 per cent, at $1805.01 per day; Ripoco and Leitco had fallen by 26.60 per cent and 26.33 per cent, respectively.


As at 04:52, Bitcoin recovered $34,000 per gate, rebounded close to $3,000 a day, and re-established over $2,100 in the district. This highlights yet again the fact that encrypted currency is particularly unstable on weekends.


regulatory news flash


In recent days, many countries or regions have planned to tighten the regulation of digital currencies, such as bitcoin, which makes it difficult to defuse tensions in the encryption market, including:


On the evening of 18 May, the Chinese Internet Finance Association, the Chinese Banking Association and the Chinese Payments Settlement Association issued a " Notice on Protection against the Risk of Virtual Currency Transactions ", reiterating that virtual currencies such as Bitcoin are a specific virtual commodity and should not and cannot be used as currencies in the market, and requiring financial institutions, payment agencies and other members to refrain from carrying out business related to virtual currency.


On 18 May, the Inner Mongolia Development Commission (NAMARC) set up a virtual currency “mining” business reporting platform; on 19 May, the Inner Mongolia Development Commission (NAMARC) stated that the regulation of “mining” would continue to be high-pressure.

  5月19日,美国货币监理署(OCC)新任代理署长Michael Hsu表示,上任后将开始对主要监管标准和该机构的待处理事项进行审查,包括有关加密资产和数字资产的解释性信函和指南等。

On 19 May, Michael Hsu, the new Acting Administrator of the United States Monetary Supervisory Authority (OCC), indicated that a review of key regulatory standards and the agency's pending matters, including explanatory letters and guidance on encrypted and digital assets, would begin upon taking office.


On 19 May, according to Cointelegraph, the Russian State Duma Commission adopted, on first reading, a draft bill in March this year requiring election candidates to disclose the possession, consumption and purchase of their encrypted currency. The draft also requested election candidates to indicate the source of revenue for the purchase of the encrypted currency, not just the actual candidate, but also the spouse and minor children of the candidate to produce an encrypted asset statement for the past three years.


On 20 May, the United States Department of the Treasury stated that the reporting of encrypted currency transactions requiring a single equivalent of more than $10,000 to the United States IRS was seen as an important part of the United States Government's proposal to strengthen tax compliance, which had caused Bitcoin to fall down by $40,000 at a time.


On 20 May, Fed Chairman Powell loosed the US Central Bank digital currency, but criticized non-stabilized currencies, i.e. digital currencies that were not tied to French currency, as inefficient payment mechanisms.


On 21 May, the HKSAR Government recommended that an encrypted currency exchange operating in Hong Kong be licensed by the Hong Kong market regulator and that services be provided only to professional investors.


On 21 May, the State Council's Committee on Financial Stability and Development further requested “to combat the mining and trading of Bitcoin”.


According to news on 22 May, Iran will shut down licensed encrypted mines during peak electricity use. The block chain analysis company Elliptic research shows that around 4.5% of the world’s Bitcoin mining activity is in Iran.


The Chairman-in-Office of the China Communications Industry Association’s District Chain Committee, Janin, said that, in the future, countries’ regulatory rules for encryption assets would become clearer and more stringent. In this process, some of the problem funds would quickly concentrate on selling encrypted assets at no cost, thus causing a rapid decline.


Encryption Market is in “extreme fear”


According to a recent report by Chainalysis, the block chain analysis company, more than half of the $41 billion currently spent on the purchase of bitcoins has been purchased over the past 12 months, with an average cost of about $110 billion less than $36,000. This means that the vast majority of investments will not be profitable unless the price of bitcoins is $36,000 or higher.

  Chainalysis首席经济学家菲Philip Gradwell表示,现在的风险水平比过去高得多。上周的价格下跌意味着现在很多持有者都是亏损的。这对最近的投资者来说将是一个严峻的考验。

Chainalysis’s chief economist, Philip Gradwell, said that the level of risk was much higher today than in the past. The fall in prices last week meant that many of the holders now suffered losses.


One of the prevailing indicators of anxiety in the crypto-currency market is the Fear and Greed Index, which stands at 14, which shows that the market is in a state of extreme fear , while last month it touched 55 levels of greed.

  周末加密货币市场的暴跌引起了多头和市场参与者的注意,其中包括亿万富翁马克·库班(Mark Cuban),他似乎在一定程度上将这种暴跌归咎于过度杠杆和对比特币替代品的投机。

The sharp fall in the crypto-currency market over the weekend has attracted the attention of a wide range of players, including Mark Cuban, who seems to blame it to some extent for excessive leverage and speculation on the replacement of the Bitcoin.

  摩根大通全球研究主管Joyce Chang表示,比特币波动水平是黄金或股票的四倍,这将使许多公司的财务主管和机构投资者望而却步,而这些投资决策者通常管理着更大规模的头寸。与其他资产类别相比,比特币的波动性对大多数机构投资者来说是过大的。

According to Joyce Chang, the head of Morgan Chase Global Research, the level of Bitcoin volatility is four times that of gold or equities, which discourages financial managers and institutional investors in many companies, who usually manage larger positions. Bitcoin volatility is too high for most institutional investors compared to other asset classes.


William Quigley, Managing Director of the Encrypted Monetary Investment Fund, claims that our investments are usually in days or weeks, but this is clearly not the way most people buy bitcoins or even shares. So far, investors have experienced three times such large encrypted currency bubbles.


The founder and chief investment officer of WinShore Capital put forward a more frightening statement. He said that it was not regulation or Musk that threatened the survival of `strong', but rather that the biggest energy pipeline in the United States was hacked into, resulting in a shortage of said:


“Is this the most serious terrorist attack in my memory on the mainland of the United States, or is it financed by Bitcoin? What else is impossible if Bitcoin can facilitate operations by bypassing the dollar banking system? This is a subversive force for money-laundering and provides new solutions for the criminal forces, so Bitcoin has to die.”


Bitcoin’s dead ends, however. Julian Emanuel, Managing Director of BTIG, predicted that Bitcoin would rise to $50,000 by the end of the year, and that any short-term fluctuations related to regulatory concerns would be an opportunity to buy.


bitcoin drops, and gold will benefit?

  OANDA高级市场分析师Edward Moya认为,对许多交易员来说,过去一周的行情可能将改变市场状况。加密货币的泡沫破灭了,有关比特币是一种很好的通胀对冲工具的说法将受到质疑,而这一说法此前一直在吸引大量的机构资金。未来,人们会更加关注和担心比特币的波动,这将导致大量资金涌入黄金市场。目前黄金ETF的抛售已经停止,因此看好黄金

OANDA senior market analyst Edward Moya argues that for many traders, the past week may have been a change in market conditions. The bubble of encrypted currency will be broken, and the argument that bitcoin is a good tool for inflation hedges will be questioned, and this has been attracting significant institutional capital. In the future, people will be more concerned about and worried about Bitcoin fluctuations, which will lead to a massive influx of `strung' funds into the gold market. The current sale of gold ETF has stopped, and so gold is preferred .


The latest findings of Kitco indicate that the gold market continues to show a strong upward trend, owing to large fluctuations in encrypted currencies that have caused investors to withdraw from the encryption market, with the next target projected at $1,900 per ounce.


The unease caused by digital assets may also spill over into the stock market, with shares such as the index points, the index index 500, and the index index showing high volatility in the recent period.

  Bleakley Advisory Group首席投资官Peter Boockvar表示,比特币是高风险偏好的典型代表,如果比特币开始拖累市场,股市将更加不太平了。

Peter Boockvar, Chief Investment Officer of Bleakley Advisory Group, stated that Bitcoin was a typical representative of high-risk preferences and that the stock market would be even more uneven if Bitcoin began to drag the market.




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