, 2022, 就2022年全年而言,A股主要股指均下跌,其中沪指下跌15.13%,年内一度跌破3000点;科创50指数全年下跌31.35%,跌幅居首;创业板指全年下跌975点,跌幅达29.37%。 For the whole of 2022, the main shares of Unit A fell by 15.13 per cent, down by 3,000 points a year; the 50 index fell by 31.35 per cent, the headline of the year; and the start-up board fell by 975 points, a decline of 29.37 per cent. 北向资金今日净买入0.93亿元,12月累计净买入350亿元;2022年累计净买入900亿元,自陆股通开通以来连续9年加仓A股。 The North bought $93 million from the funds today, and in December it accumulated $35 billion; in 2022 it accumulated $90 billion, and in nine consecutive years since the land share was opened. 今日盘面上,消费股持续活跃,电商、零售等方向领涨,焦点科技、跨境通、中兴商业、新华百货等多股涨停。WEB3.0概念股大涨,福石控股涨超10%,天地在线、力盛体育、安妮股份涨停。游戏股震荡走强,风语筑、游族网络、慈文传媒涨停。教育、手机游戏等板块涨幅居前。 Today, the consumer unit continues to be active, and the focus of technology is / , 医药股集体调整,新冠药方向领跌,众生药业、中国医药跌超5%。熊去氧胆酸、新冠特效药、医药商业、中船系等板块跌幅居前。总体上个股涨多跌少,两市超3200只个股上涨,今日合计成交额6041亿元。 The medical unit has been collectively adjusted and the new coronary medicine has fallen in the direction of 零售股再掀涨停潮 Retail Unit reboots 元旦假期到来叠加春节临近,今日零售板块再度掀起涨停潮。截至收盘,人人乐、新华百货、中兴商业、南宁百货、徐家汇等涨停。 The New Year's holiday is approaching spring and today's retail section is reboot again. WEB3.0概念板块领涨 今日WEB3.0概念板块领涨。截至收盘,福石控股、三五互联涨逾10%,天地在线、安妮股份涨停。 Today, the WEB 3.0 concept plate rises. As of the closing, 东吴证券在此前的研报中表示,行业当前仍然处于早期阶段,但国内政策利好Web3.0技术发展,各大行业推进区块链应用,看好未来随着政策的持续出台,将有助于行业健康发展。 国内航班燃油费1月5日起大幅下调 元旦票价同比涨三成 "Strong" New Year's ticket price rises by 30% on a year-on-year basis 据媒体报道,已有两家国内航空公司发布通知,自2023年1月5日起,国内航班燃油费收取标准调整为:800公里以上航段每位成年旅客收取燃油附加费80元,800公里及以下航段每位成年人收取燃油附加费40元。这是今年8月以来燃油费的第三次下调。此前,国内800公里以上和以下航段成人旅客的燃油附加费收取标准分别为120元和60元。 According to media reports, two domestic airlines have issued notices that, since 5 January 2023, the standard rates for the collection of fuel for domestic flights have been adjusted to $80 per adult passenger for more than 800 kilometres, $40 per adult passenger for more than 800 kilometres, and $40 per adult for more than 800 kilometres and below. This is the third reduction in fuel costs since August this year. Previously, the rates for the collection of fuel surcharges for adult passengers for more than 800 kilometres and 60 dollars, respectively, were 120 and 60 dollars for more than 800 kilometres in the country. 根据航班管家APP,2023年元旦假期期间,国内航班机票均价861.5元,同比2022年元旦上涨34.92%;2023年元旦假期期间国内机票成交均价最高的航线TOP5是北京-乌鲁木齐,北京-三亚,乌鲁木齐-厦门,北京-深圳,北京-成都。 According to APP, during the New Year's Leave in 2023, domestic airline tickets were valued at $861.5, representing an increase of 34.92 per cent over the 2022 New Year's Leave; and the highest average price of domestic airline tickets during the New Year's Leave in 2023 was in Beijing-Urumqi, Beijing-Zia, Urumqi-Zaomen, Beijing-Shen and Beijing-Shangdu. 同程旅行数据也显示,元旦假期出行的火车票订单中,跨省出行订单占比近五成,机票订单均价也较去年同期上涨32%。 去哪儿数据也显示,自12月19日以来,随着第一波“阳康”恢复正常的生活,元旦期间出发的机票预订量也开始逐日增长,单日增幅达30%,北京、成都、广州成为第一波开启跨省出游的地区。 Where did the data also show that since 19 December, as the first wave of “Yank” returned to normal life, airline ticket bookings for departures during New Year's Day began to grow daily, reaching a 30 per cent increase on a single day, with Beijing, Chengdu and Guangzhou becoming the first wave of areas to open up cross-provincial trips? 工行广东省分行原党委委员、副行长周杰被“双开” 12月30日,据中央纪委国家监委驻中国工商银行纪检监察组、广东省纪委监委消息:日前,经中央纪委国家监委批准,中央纪委国家监委驻中国工商银行纪检监察组、广东省深圳市监委对中国工商银行广东省分行原党委委员、副行长周杰严重违纪违法问题进行了纪律审查和监察调查。 On 30 December, according to the Central Committee's National Monitoring Committee in China >, the Guangdong Supervisory Board: formerly approved by the Central Disciplinary Commission's National Monitoring Board, business > 经查,周杰丧失理想信念,背弃初心使命,毫无纪法意识,不守政治纪律,通过转移证据、变卖赃物、串供、安排配偶潜逃出境等方式对抗组织审查;违反中央八项规定精神,长期收受可能影响公正执行公务的礼品礼金,接受管理和服务对象宴请,无偿借用企业车辆,违规接受可能影响公正执行公务的高尔夫球活动安排和旅游活动安排;对组织不忠诚,隐瞒不报个人有关事项;毫无廉洁意识,借职务之便违规从事营利活动,持有非上市公司股份,通过向贷款企业出借资金获取大额回报;工作不负责任,造成国有资产出现重大风险及巨额损失;家风不正,对配偶失管失教;靠信贷吃信贷,以手中信贷审批权谋取私利,非法收受巨额财物。 It has been found that Zhou Jie has lost his ideal belief, abandoned his primary mission, has no sense of discipline, has no political discipline, has resisted organizational censorship by transferring evidence, selling stolen goods, offering bribes and arranging for spouses to flee; has long-term acceptance of gifts and gifts that could affect the fair performance of official duties, has received requests for management and services, has taken unpaid loans of business vehicles and has violated arrangements for the fair performance of official functions and travel; has not been loyal to the organization and has concealed matters related to individuals; has no sense of integrity and has acted profitably by holding shares in non-listed companies, and has obtained substantial returns by lending money to lending enterprises; has been irresponsible and has resulted in significant risks and huge losses to State assets; has lost his or her spousal responsibilities and has lost his or her education; by 周杰严重违反党的政治纪律、组织纪律、廉洁纪律、工作纪律、生活纪律,构成严重职务违法并涉嫌受贿犯罪,是自律不严与家风不正共生、金融腐败与金融风险交织的典型,且在党的十八大直至十九大以后仍不收敛、不收手,性质恶劣,情节严重,应予严肃处理。依据《中国共产党纪律处分条例》《中华人民共和国监察法》《中华人民共和国公职人员政务处分法》等有关规定,经中国工商银行党委研究,决定给予周杰开除党籍处分;经中央纪委国家监委驻中国工商银行纪检监察组研究,决定给予周杰开除公职处分;收缴其违纪违法所得;经广东省深圳市监委研究,决定将周杰涉嫌犯罪问题移送检察机关依法审查起诉,所涉财物随案移送。 In serious violation of party political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, work discipline, life discipline, and other provisions of the Communist Party of China's Disciplinary Regulation, the People's Republic of China's Law on the Administration and Discipline of Public Officials, which constitutes a serious offence and is suspected of being a bribed offence, is typical of self-restraint, financial corruption and financial risk, and which, after the Party's eighteenth to nineteenth years of age, continues to be indifferent and unsatisfied, and is serious in nature. Under China's 香港至内地高铁1月3日起试运行 12月30日,港铁过境铁路总管张志强在电台节目中表示,正准备恢复前往内地路线站点,包括东铁线往罗湖及落马洲;高铁列车则自1月3日起试运行。 On 30 December, the Director-General of the Hong Kong Railway Transit Railway, Zhang Zhiqiang, stated on a radio programme that preparations were under way for the resumption of travel to inland routes, including the eastern railway line to Lake Rao and Landing Chau, and that the high railway train had been operational since 3 January. 张志强指出,已和内地协议,列车由下周二起(2023年1月3日)将按时间表到内地,让系统和车长在正式通关前熟悉运作。会视乎通关日期,在复运前3日售卖高铁车票,数量要视乎实际过关人数限额。(本文行情图来自Wind) Zhang Zhiqiang pointed out that it has been agreed with the Mainland that the train will travel to the Mainland as scheduled from Tuesday (3 January 2023), so that the system and the driver will be familiar with the operation before the official clearance. Depending on the date of clearance, the sale of high-speed tickets three days before the return, depending on the actual number of passers-bys. (This note is from Windows) (文章来源:中国证券报)
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