In the digital money market, investors may often hear cases of fraud when transactions are made on a formal exchange. In some cases, investors may enter a pseudo-exchange, some of which use the trust and heat of the exchange to make the same website as the exchange, and then hide the money from the user, but for a variety of reasons, the investor will find itself in a trap, and there will be many other forms of pseudo-plate in the currency circle. What does the pseudo-plate mean?
A currency-circumstance can also be called a mound, referring to the replication of some of the more successful projects in the currency circle, the re-opening of a new start-up project, which is generally a simple copying of paste, which is less costly, and the fraudulent use of the pseudonyms. A number of investors may be in a bad position, and it may be difficult to invest in it, but some of them are lucky, invest in it less, lose it in time when they find out they have been defrauded, and those investments are worse off, and they are limited to cashing back, and they can be induced to charge more.
In the digital money market, where the distribution price of each copyboard is inevitably lower than the previous relative homogeneity plate, in another sense, the entire ecology of the encrypted pontoon, with a certain heat, has been maintained in a relatively smooth low-level zone. In contrast, the floor price of the entire imitation has actually been maintained in a relatively smooth lower zone, significantly reducing the punk ecological threshold, bringing more audiences to the entire encrypted ponche or even encryption market. Of course, some of these users are going to sink, while others are going to float into the original “right” plate, anti-weaving ecology.
The economic cycle and effects of the simulations are similar to those of meme, such as dog coins and SHIBs, which bring into the circle many people who would not have bought bitcoin and Ether, some of whom sink into many of the puppies or contracts that can be leveraged, and some of these groups of users gain a deeper understanding of the encrypted monetary ecology through a positive feedback process of earning money, thus deploying a portion of the bitcoins and the risk-resistant assets of Etheria, which is tantamount to anti-breathing ecology.
There are many types of imitations in the digital currency market, and a few are presented below by a small edifier of currency circles:
Exchange pseudo-plate
因为仿盘成本低,一些骗子会找技术做一个与市面上的交易所、代币等LOGO很像的APP,然后到处骗人投资。钱骗到手后,他们会再换一个平台重新去骗别人。对于币圈小白来说,往往真假难辨,被骗的概率很高,例如最近的Coin Ira仿盘,如果想确认自己遇到的是不是仿盘,还可以对比交易所的Logo。
Because of their low cost, some liars find technology to make an APP that looks like a market exchange, tokens, and so on, and then cheat around. When the money is tricked, they change the platform and lie again. For currency circles, it is often hard to tell, and there is a high probability of being cheated, such as the recent Coin Ira, and if you want to know if you have a copy, you can compare the exchange's Logo.
2, pi币的仿盘,就是ABEL币。这个ABEL币是继pi币、GL币之后的一个新起之秀,熟悉pi币的应该都会对ABEL币有了解,这个币在短短时间内拥有数百万用户,也算是异常火爆了,事实上,这个ABEL币也是个国内的传销盘罢了。 3、狼和羊游戏仿盘 Three, wolf and sheep games. 这个仿盘游戏有着很高的热度,也是刷爆过链游圈的游戏。项目方声称是国外的,预售圈了2000多个BNB,但在池子只放了40个BNB,高光时10天上涨100倍的WOOL,也用了30天的时间,暴跌最低200倍。一轮下来割到了韭菜就直接跑路了。 This game has a high heat, and it's also a game that blows through the chains. Projecters claim to be foreign, pre-selled more than 2,000 BNBs, but only 40 BNBs are placed in the pool, and the WOOL, which rises 100 times in 10 days at high light, also takes 30 days, and drops 200 times the minimum. One round down to cut the pickles, and they run straight. 以上内容就是币圈子小编对于币圈仿盘是什么意思这一问题的详细解答。在数字货币市场中存在着很多形式的仿盘,投资者只要稍微不注意就会掉进仿盘的陷阱里,因此在进行数字货币交易的相关操作时,投资者应该谨慎了解数字货币交易所、数字货币估计市场中的一些其他项目,通过仔细研究后再做出投资决策。并且无论是使用哪种数字货币交易所,都要在官网进行交易,确定官网的网址是否属实在出金入金,仿盘通常会与正版交易所十分相似,所以一定要确定网址是否是官网。 This is a detailed answer to the question of what currency circles are about. There are many forms of imitation in the digital money market, where investors fall into the imitation trap with little attention, and investors should be careful to know , and some other items in the digital money estimate market, to make investment decisions after careful study.
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