华为MATE20发布 外媒评价或会成为年度最佳手机之一
publishes a foreign media evaluation for MATE20 or will be one of the best mobile phones of the year
昨日,华为正式推出Mate 20 Pro智能手机。The Register 评价认为,Mate 20 Pro屏内扫描仪可以流畅运行,支持可逆无线充电技术,配备顶级摄像头,这是优点。内存扩展方案是专用方案,受到一定限制,没有耳机接口,电源键与音量键离得有些近,这是缺点。总的来说,Mate 20 Pro可能会成为2018年年度最佳手机之一。
Yesterday, China officially launched Mate 20 Pro smartphones. The Register evaluation found that Mate 20 Pro-screen scanners can run smoothly, supporting reversible wireless charging technology with top-level cameras, which is good. The memory extension is a dedicated program with certain limitations, with no headphone interfaces, and the power key and volume key are somewhat close, which is a disadvantage. Overall, Mate 20Pro could be one of the best mobile phones in 2018.
赵丽颖收入过亿 赵丽颖冯绍峰名下共投资14家公司
Chiu Li Ying earned more than a hundred million to invest in 14 companies under the name of Zhao Li Ying Feng Sao.
On the morning of October 16, Li Ying and Feng Xiaofeng made public their news, paralysing even Weibo. It is known that Li Ying and Feng Saufeng have invested 14 companies. Marriage is no less than a huge “ M & A restructuring & & & rdquo; and Forbes China published & & & ldquo; 2017 Forbes China's list of Chinese celebrities & & rdquo; it shows that Chi Li Ying ranked fourth in total income of $194 million and 99th in income of $40 million a year.
According to informed sources, Uber recently received a proposal from Wall Street Bank, valued at $12 billion in a possible IPO at the beginning of next year, almost twice the value of Uber in the previous round of financing two months ago. According to informed sources, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley submitted a valuation programme to Uber last month. These documents usually provide advice on how to allocate stocks to potential investors, which is a common step before banks are formally hired to cover IPO operations.
锤子回应整合 11月6日将在成都办新品发布会
On November 6th, a new launch will take place in Chengdu.
Today, at Weibo, hammer technology announced that on November 6th a new launch will be held in Chengdu, where and how the tickets are to be sold. Earlier, we heard from users that hammer technology had dissolved the Chengdu branch. But hammer technology said that the company was doing well and doing well.
长春长生被罚91亿 向问题疫苗受害者单人最高赔偿65万
On 16 October, the National Institute of Medicine and the Jillin Provincial Food and Pharmacy Authority imposed various administrative penalties on the Long Spring Longborn Company. The National Drug and Monitoring Service imposed fines totalling $9.1 billion for three offences. Longborn organisms announced that the large fines resulting from the sanctions could result in the company's risk of suspension or withdrawal from the market, with a lump sum compensation of $200,000/person for general disability; $500,000/person for severe disability or paralysis; and $650,000/person for death.
According to close-to-history sources, Beijing's wisdom and Shanghai Fayyam, which are now fully-owned subsidiaries of Greater Faraday (Guangdong), refused to hand over their business and financial chapters to a large party, which is one of the reasons why their employees were required to re-sign labour contracts. He also stated that during the transfer process, the same number of jobs, salaries, and positions were provided by large parties, so there were no proactive reductions.
小米将于10月25日发布小米MIX 3,为全球首批5G商用手机
On October 25,
小米宣布将于10月25日发布小米MIX 3,小米手机官方微博称,小米MIX 3是全球首批5G商用手机。从官宣的海报中可以看到,小米MIX3 将采用滑盖式的设计。而且下巴超窄,屏占达接近90%.与OPPO Find X的半升降式不同,小米将前置镜头集成了在了滑盖面板上,整体向上滑动就可以使用。
Mi announced that MiIX3 would be released on October 25th, and MiIX3 was the first 5G commercial mobile phone in the world. As can be seen from the official poster, MiIX3 will be designed in a slippery cap. And the chin is extremely narrow, with a half-litre drop of close to 90%. Unlike OPPO Find X, the millet combines the forward lens on the slide panel and the whole slide can be used.
华为发Mate 20系列手机
Sends Mate 20-series cell phones
华为昨日正式在英国伦敦发布Mate系列新品Mate 20、Mate 20 Pro、Mate 20 RS保时捷设计。屏幕方面,Mate 20系列均采用全面屏,其中普通版为水滴屏,其他版本为刘海屏。三款手机均采用后置三摄设计,搭载麒麟980处理器。
Yesterday, China officially released the Mate 20, Mate 20 Pro, and Mate 20 RS Porsche designs for the Mate series in London. On screen, the Mate 20 series uses a full screen, the normal version being the drip screen and the other version being the Liu Seascreen.
wants to increase its Indian smartphone production ninefold
According to the external media, the company plans to increase its smartphone production in India by ninefold, to one million per month, by 2019, according to the top pipe Tuesday, in association with PC computers and smartphone manufacturers. The increase in production does not include the production of Motorola branded mobile phones under the umbrella of the association. The company has established an exclusive partnership with the Indian power provider, Philipkat, to sell joint mobile phones in India through this platform.
据外媒报道,随着特斯拉债务即将到期,很多银行纷纷找上门来,主动提出给特斯拉提供资金。但是,特斯拉高管称,该公司并没有进行新一轮融资的压力。在特斯拉发展的15年历程中,财务问题一直是它的主要问题。因为它只有两个季度出现盈利,没有任何一年出现盈利。该公司及其CEO马斯克曾表示,该公司将会从今年第三季度开始盈利。 According to foreign sources, as Tesla’s debt is about to expire, many banks have come to the door and offered to finance Tesla. But, according to Tesla executives, the company has not been under pressure for a new round of financing. Financial problems have been a major problem for Tesla’s 15-year development. 戴尔不顾激进投资者反对仍坚持上市 据外媒报道,戴尔周二称,它会坚持通过回购跟踪股票重新上市,尽管前一天激进投资者伊坎还公开反对这种做法。在今年7月,戴尔宣布以217亿美元现金和股票回购其旗下软件公司VMware的跟踪股票。“戴尔仍然相信回购VMware跟踪股票是公平公正的,而且最符合VMware股东的利益。”戴尔发言人说。 According to the foreign media, Dale said on Tuesday that it would insist on re-marketing stocks through buybacks, despite the fact that radical investor Iqan had publicly opposed the practice the previous day. In July, Dale announced a $21.7 billion cash and stock buyback for his software company, VMware. & ldquao; Dale still believes that buying back VMware is fair and fair and best served the interests of the VMware shareholders. 三星:Galaxy Note 9在韩销量突破100万台 Three stars 近日,三星宣布了最新旗舰三星Galaxy Note 9在韩国的销量,用时54天,销量突破100万台。相比去年三星Galaxy Note 8仅用48天就达到这个成绩,今年的三星Galaxy Note 9还稍逊于去年的三星Galaxy Note 8。这只是三星Galaxy Note 9在韩国的销量,三星在全球的手机销量依旧遥遥领先。 In recent days, Samsung announced the latest sale of the three-star star Galaxy Note 9 in South Korea for 54 days, exceeding 1 million. Compared to last year’s three-star Galaxy Note 8, which took only 48 days, this year’s three-star Galaxy Note 9 is slightly less than last year’s three-star Galaxy Note 8. This is just three-star Galaxy Note 9 in South Korea, and three-star mobile phone sales are still far ahead of the world. Facebook数据失窃影响300万欧洲用户,最高可被罚16.3亿美元 The theft of Facebook data affects 3 million European users, with a fine of up to $1.63 billion 据外媒报道,爱尔兰数据保护委员会周二称,在Facebook9月遭遇的安全入侵事件中,有大约300万个欧洲用户受到影响。该社交网络最高可被罚款16.3亿美元。此次安全入侵事件有望成为欧洲新出台的一般数据保护法规面临的首次重大考验。受到影响的欧洲用户的数量决定了针对该社交网络公司的惩罚力度。 According to external sources, the Irish Data Protection Commission reported on Tuesday that some 3 million European users had been affected by the security invasion on Facebook in September. The social network could be fined up to $1.63 billion. 谷歌回应欧盟制裁:不再强制安卓手机制造商预装其应用 Google responded to EU sanctions: no longer force Andre mobile phone manufacturers to pre-set their applications 为了回应欧盟的反垄断裁决,谷歌于美国当地时间周二在一篇博客文章中表示,谷歌不再要求使用Android操作系统的手机制造商给予谷歌应用以"优惠待遇",不必再强制预装其应用套餐。谷歌表示,该公司计划对使用其软件并运往欧洲市场的智能手机和平板电脑推出一项新的“付费许可协议”。 In response to the European Union’s antimonopoly ruling, Google stated in a blog post on Tuesday, local United States time, that Google no longer required Google to be used by mobile manufacturers using Android’s operating system for Google applications; preferential treatment & quot; and that it was no longer required to prep its application package. Google stated that it planned to launch a new & ldquao; a payment licence agreement & rdquao for smartphones and peaceboard computers using its software and destined for the European market. Epoch Partners Limited宣布全球首个与加密货币相关的IPO Epoch Partners Limited announced the first global IPO related to encrypted currency 总部位于开曼群岛的投资公司Epoch Partners Limited宣布了世界上第一个与加密货币相关的IPO。该基金的证券登记声明已于9月下旬提交给日本金融厅的的官方披露系统EDINET。根据官方发布的公告披露,此次IPO的认购额将达到1000亿日元,约合9亿美元左右。 The Fund’s securities registration statement was submitted to the Japanese Financial Office’s official disclosure system, EDINET, in late September. According to an official announcement, this IPO subscription would amount to 100 billion yen, or about $900 million. 富达投资成立数字资产服务公司,用于加密货币交易 据路透社消息,富达投资周一表示已为其机构客户推出了一家新公司富达数字资产服务公司,用于交易和存储比特币等数字资产。该公司将代表对冲基金、家族企业和其他金融机构进行加密货币电子交易。该公司最初将提供比特币和ether两种最大加密货币的交易服务,并计划明年扩大资产清单。 According to Reuters, Fuda announced on Monday that a new company, Fuda Digital Assets Services, had been launched for its institutional clients to trade and store digital assets, such as Bitcoin. The company would conduct encrypted currency electronic transactions on behalf of hedge funds, family businesses and other financial institutions. The company would initially provide trading services in two of the largest encrypted currencies, Bitcoins and others, and plans to expand the asset list next year. USDT暴跌7.5% 导致比特币等其它主流币大涨 USDT fell by 7.5%, causing other mainstream currencies like Bitcoin to rise
昨日下午,USDT出现暴跌,跌幅一度达7.5%,跌破了0.88美元,于此同时,大量资金涌入购买比特币等主流币。其中比特币短线上涨尤为瞩目,一度上涨突破7500美元关口,24小时涨近15%,此外,市值前50的币种近24小时内上涨近10%。 Last afternoon, USDT fell sharply, reaching 7.5%, and fell by 0.88 dollars, while large sums of money poured into the purchase of mainstream currency, such as bitcoin. The short-line rise was particularly significant, with a 24-hour increase of almost 15%, after a short-term rise of Bitcoins, which broke through the $7,500 threshold, and nearly 10% in the first 50 currencies in almost 24 hours. 创意!美高中舞蹈队用舞姿再现“哈利波特”走红网络 Creative! A high-school dance team re-emerging with dance > & ldquao; Harry Potter & rdquao; Red Red Network 近日,在美国亚利桑那州萨瓦里塔的沃尔登格罗夫高中(Walden Grove High School)一年一度的返校节大会上,一支舞蹈队上演了一场精彩的表演,他们以“哈利•波特”为灵感创作的《哈利波特与魔法石》舞蹈表演点燃了现场,并吸引了数百万网友观看。据悉,2017年的返校节上,他们表演的另一段受《绿野仙踪》启发的舞蹈点击量达320万次。 Recently, at the annual homecoming conference at Walden Grove High School, Sallita, Arizona, a dance team performed a wonderful performance with “ Harry & Bull; Porter & rdquo; the inspired Harry Potter and Stone dance show, which attracted millions of readers. It was reported that during the 2017 homecoming festival, another section of the dance, inspired by the Wizard of Oz, received 3.2 million hits.
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