Arithmetic, by definition, can be understood to mean that the word arithmetic is generally used in the process of extracting bitcoin, that bitcoin requires the use of a miner, and that the number of whash collisions per miner can do every second represents & ldquao; numeracy & rdquao; its unit is recorded as ash/s.
hash碰撞的定义给定表M,存在函数f(key),对任意给定的关键字值key,代入函数后若能得到包含该关键字的记录在表中的地址,则称表M为哈希(Hash)表,函数f(key)为哈希(Hash) 函数。
Hash collisions are defined as form M, with a function f (key) existing, for any given key value key. If you can add a function to an address in the table that contains that key, form M is the Hash table and function f (key) is the Hash function.
The prevailing mine is a calculus level of about 14T, with each miner capable of at least 1.4 times 10 times 10 times 13 than Hash. We can say that this 14T-sized mine has 14T.
The percentage of the miners who have all the mine machines in their total capacity for the Bitcoin net represents the probability that TA will win in these 10-minute competitions. For example, if Bitcoin now has 100, while a miner has 10, the probability that TA will be successful in every competition is 1/10.
算力每隔千位划为一个单位,最小单位 H=1次 1000H=1K 1000K=1G 1000G=1T 1000T=1P 1000P=1E
Arithmetic per 1,000 places is divided into one unit, the smallest unit H = 1 H = 1 K 1000 K = 1G 1000G = 1T 1000T = 1P 1000P = 1E
S9 13.5T 也等于 13500G / 0.0135P
S9 13.5T also equals 13500G / 0.0135P
At present, Bitcoin's full net capacity has increased to a historic peak of 145E/S & mdash; & mdash; this is a signal that new miners are constantly joining Bitcoin in mining.
不同的币种的挖矿算法可能会不一样。比如比特币是sha256算法,莱特币是scrypt算法, 以太坊是Ethash算法。
Digging algorithms in different currencies may be different. Bitcoin is a sha256 algorithm, Lightcoin is a scrypt algorithm, and Ethash is an Ethash algorithm.
What does that mean? What is the unit of computing?
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