Because of the continued retrenchment and the fact that the United States is listed on Monday bitcoin Exchange Trading Fund (ETF) has re-emerged, with major tokens falling during the second week of Asian transactions and stifling up.
比特币(BTC)跌至近 66,500 美元,扭转了周一的所有涨幅,而以太币(ETH)跌至 3,400 美元,扭转了上周的所有涨幅。BTC 一直在 50 日移动均线 66,000 美元附近徘徊,测试中期上升趋势。与此同时,BTC ETF录得 1.45 亿美元的净流出,延续了上周的惨淡走势。
() fell to nearly $66,500, reversing all Monday's increases and reversing all last week's increases by tufts (DOGE)和 Solana 的 SOL 在过去 24 小时内下跌高达 9%,领跌。Ton Network 的 TON 下跌 5%,而 BNB Chain 的 BNB 表现优异,仅下跌 1.5%。
CoinGecko data show that the main tokens (
基础广泛的CoinDesk 20 (CD20)是最大代币(减去稳定币)的流动性指数,下跌了 4.2%。
The broad-based CoinDesk 20 (CD20) is the mobility index for the largest currency (minus the stable currency), falling by 4.2 per cent.
上周,由于 ETF 净流出量突破 5 亿美元大关,且美联储暗示 2024 年只会降息一次,BTC 一个月来首次跌破 65,000 美元大关。
Last week, with the ETF net outflow breaking the $500 million mark, and the Fed suggesting that the rate would only fall once in 2024, BTC fell down the $65,000 mark for the first time in a month.
投资平台Stocklytics分析师 Neil Roarty 在给 CoinDesk 的电子邮件中表示:“其他因素没有起到帮助作用。埃马纽埃尔·马克龙突然决定在法国提前举行大选,引发了政治不确定性,这进一步推高了美元,交易员纷纷退出欧元区。”
Investment platform Stocklytics analyst Neil Roarty, in an e-mail to CoinDesk, said: “Other factors are not helping. Emmanuel Markron’s sudden decision to hold early general elections in France created political uncertainty, which pushed the dollar further, and traders withdrew from the eurozone.”
他表示:“强势美元往往会对比特币造成下行压力,”并补充说,需要大幅降低利率和贬值的美元才能推动比特币接近 70,000 美元的大关。
He said that “the strong dollar often exerts downward pressure on the bit currency and added that a significant reduction in interest rates and depreciation is required for the dollar to push bitt close to $70,000.
另外,FxPro 高级市场分析师 Alex Kuptsikevich 警告称,由于以太币 ETF 的有利发展对提振 ETH 价格作用不大,市场普遍看跌情绪。
In addition, the FxPro Senior Market Analyst Alex Kuptsikevich warned that because the favourable development of the ETF in Taiji has not helped to boost the price , markets generally looked down.
由于对 ETF 的乐观预期,以太坊在周五短暂跌破 50 日均线后上涨了 6% 以上。然而,自周一开盘以来已下跌近 1.5%,这让人对山寨币的近期表现持谨慎态度,工作日流动性的增加可能会增加卖出兴趣,从而有利于空头,而不是多头。
As a result of optimism about the ETF,
Title of article: bitcoin overflowing by $66,000, dogcoin, SOL overflowing by encrypted principal currency
Update: 18/06/2024
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