
资讯 2024-07-14 阅读:57 评论:0
截止至2020年7月24日,国家还没发布任何的法律说明比特币挖矿机违法。As of 24 July 2020, the State had not issued any legal statement that the Bit...



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As of 24 July 2020, the State had not issued any legal statement that the Bitcoin miner was in violation of the law.


Bitcoin is one of the ways to get bitcoin. Bitcoin is a network virtual currency generated by open-source P2P software.

它不依靠特定货币机构发行,通过特定算法的大量计算产生,比特币经济使用整个P2P网络中众多节点构成的分布式数据库来确认并记录所有的交易行为。P2P的去中心化特性与算法本身可以确保无法通过大量制造比特币来人为操控币值 。

It does not depend on a specific monetary institution and is generated by a large number of calculations in a particular algorithm, and the Bitcoin economy uses distributed databases consisting of numerous nodes in the entire P2P network to confirm and record all transactions. The decentralised properties and algorithms of the P2P can themselves ensure that the value of the currency cannot be artificially controlled through the mass manufacture of bitcoin.


Extended information

比特币的发行和交易的完成是通过挖矿来实现的, 它以一个确定的但不断减慢 的速率被铸造出来。每一个新区块都伴随着一定数量从无到有的全新比特币,它作为coinbase交易奖励给找到区块的矿工。

Bitcoin's distribution and trading is done through mining, and it's made at a certain rate, but it's slowing down. Each new block is accompanied by a certain amount of completely new bitcoin, which is a coinbasee trade reward for miners who find blocks.

每个区块的奖励不是固定不变的 ,每开采210000个区块,大约耗时4年,货币发行速率降低50%。在比特币运行的第一个四年中,每个区块创造出50个新比特币。每个区块创造出12.5个新比特币。除了块奖励外,矿工还会得到区块内所有交易的手续费 。

Incentives for each block are not fixed, and it takes about 4 years for each 210,000 blocks to be mined, reducing the currency distribution rate by 50 per cent. During the first four years of Bitcoin operations, each block creates 50 new bitcoins. Each block creates 12.5 new bitcoins. In addition to the incentive, miners also receive charges for all transactions within the block.


Source: 100-degree Pec-bitco miner.


[Legal analysis]: Bitcoin and its means of production – mining machines are not prohibited by law and can be used without prohibition, so bitcoin mining is a legitimate industry. Although it is not illegal, it is not recognized domestically, virtual currency transactions are prohibited domestically, and if the running of virtual coins may be suspected of illegal operations, large amounts of electricity consumption does not bring real benefits to society, and many places have been shut down.

【法律依据】:《中华人民共和国刑法》 第二百二十五条 违反国家规定,有下列非法经营行为之一,扰乱市场秩序,情节严重的,处五年以下有期徒刑或者拘役,并处或者单处违法所得一倍以上五倍以下罚金;情节特别严重的,处五年以上有期徒刑,并处违法所得一倍以上五倍以下罚金或者没收财产:

Article 225 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China: In violation of the provisions of the State, one of the following illegal operations is carried out in order to disrupt the order of the market. In serious circumstances, the penalty shall be imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or detention and a fine of not less than five times the amount of the proceeds of the offence or a fine of not more than five times the amount of the offence; in particularly serious cases, the penalty shall be imprisonment for a term not less than five years and a fine not less than five times the amount of the proceeds of the offence or confiscation of property:


(i) Unauthorized operations of special proprietorships, special stores or other restricted items, as provided for in the laws or administrative regulations;


(ii) Trade in export and import licences, certificates of origin of imports and exports and business licences or authorization documents provided for in other laws and administrative regulations;


(iii) The illegal operation of securities, futures, insurance operations without the authorization of the competent authorities of the State, or the illegal operation of a settlement for the payment of funds;


(iv) Other illegal operations which seriously disturb the order of the market.


"Sweet hint"


The answer above is that only the current information should be read in conjunction with your own understanding of the law. Please be careful to refer to it.


If you still have questions about this issue, you are advised to collate the relevant information and communicate in detail with the professionals.




excavation at a regular Bitcoin mine does not constitute an offence under the law, and it is a serious offence for such a miner to operate without a licence and to dig on a large scale.


Not against the law.


1) It is not illegal for the moment in mainland China.


2) The Circular issued by the five Ministries defines Bitcoin as a “special commodity” which may be legally held subject to self-inflicted risk.


3) There are three main risks to Bitcoin: cross-border risk, price risk, “runway” risk. Bitcoin is gradually being used by outlaws as a means of exchange and payment, because of its anonymity, freedom from national borders, difficulty of tracking, etc.




First, Xinhua's article states that, in recent times, the Central Bank, in its on-site inspection of the main trading platforms in Beijing, found that both the currency net and the OKCoin bank used the deposit funds generated by investors to purchase property totalling about RMB 1 billion. The new developments were fast-paced, and regulation had to keep pace, improve the rules and regulations of the system and put the bitcoin in a regulated cage. In the face of a serious violation of the Bitcoin trading platform, regulation should not be soft and shut down.

二、S7比特币算力低是多种原因造成的。 1、可能是温度的问题,温度低了或者高了都会影响矿机的算力的; 2、矿机自身存在问题,导致算力的不正常; 3、矿机的老化导致算力的降低,二手矿机算力都相对第一点。比特币、莱特币、沙钱币等所有需要挖矿的矿机都是这个样子。

II. S7 bitcoins are low for a number of reasons. 1 - it may be a problem of temperature, which is either low or high, which affects the miner’s capacity; 2 - the mine itself has problems, which lead to an anomaly in the calculation; 3 - the mine’s ageing leads to a reduction in the calculus, and the second-hand miner’s capacity is relative to the first. This is the case for all miners that need to dig.

三、中国人民银行等五部委在2013年年底联合下发的比特币风险通知中明确把比特币定义为一种特殊的互联网商品,民众在自担风险的前提下可以自由的买卖。但否定了比特币的货币属性。 注意交易比特币需要承担一定风险的 《民法总则》第143条规定,“具备下列条件的民事法律行为有效: (一)行为人具有相应的民事行为能力; (二)意思表示真实; (三)不违反法律、行政法规的强制性规定,不违背公序良俗。”七部委之公告非法律、亦非行政法规,不能作为判断民事法律行为是否有效的法律依据;法不溯及既往。故已发生的比特币交易产生法律效力,因交易行为而取得的比特币受法律保护。故因交易行为而产生的法律纠纷包括民事或刑事,应受司法管辖,法院或公安机关不能以七部委公告而认为比特币不受法律保护而拒绝受理。

Article 143 of the General Provisions of the Civil Code, which notes that the transaction of bitcoins entails certain risks, provides that “civil legal acts are valid if: (i) the perpetrator has the corresponding civil capacity; (ii) the intention is true; (iii) there is no violation of the mandatory provisions of the laws and administrative regulations and no violation of the rules of public order.” The proclamation by the seven ministries of non-legal or non-administrative regulations cannot be the legal basis for judging the validity of civil legal acts; the law does not go back to the past. As a result, the transaction of bitcoins is legally effective and the legal protection of bitcoins obtained as a result of the transaction is subject to legal protection.


4. Bitcoin is e-cash, e-mail-like, and both parties to the transaction need an e-mail-like “bitcoin wallet” and a similar e-mail address “bitcoin address”. Like e-mails received and sent, the sender pays Bitcoin directly to each other through a computer or smart phone at the recipient's address.

五、比特币地址是大约33位长的、由字母和数字构成的一串字符,总是由1或者3开头,例如""。比特币软件可以自动生成地址,生成地址时也不需要联网交换信息,可以离线进行。可用的比特币地址超过2个。形象地说,全世界约有2粒沙, 如果每一粒沙中有一个地球,那么比特币地址总数远远超过所有这些“地球”上的所有的沙子的数量。

V. Bitcoin is a string of about 33 long letters and numbers, always starting with one or three, like "". Bitcoin software can automatically generate an address, does not need to be networked to exchange information, and can be offline. More than two bitcoin addresses are available. Imageically, there are about two sands in the world, and if there is one Earth in each grain of sand, the total number of bitcoin addresses is far larger than all the sands on all these "Earths".

六、比特币地址和私钥是成对出现的,他们的关系就像银行卡号和密码。比特币地址就像银行卡号一样用来记录你在该地址上存有多少比特币。你可以随意的生成比特币地址来存放比特币。每个比特币地址在生成时,都会有一个相对应的该地址的私钥被生成出来。这个私钥可以证明你对该地址上的比特币具有所有权。我们可以简单的把比特币地址理解成为银行卡号,该地址的私钥理解成为所对应银行卡号的密码。只有你在知道银行密码的情况下才能使用银行卡号上的钱。所以,在使用比特币钱包时请保存好你的地址和私钥。 比特币的交易数据被打包到一个“数据块”或“区块”(block)中后,交易就算初步确认了。当区块链接到前一个区块之后,交易会得到进一步的确认。在连续得到6个区块确认之后,这笔交易基本上就不可逆转地得到确认了。比特币对等网络将所有的交易历史都储存在“区块链”(blockchain)中。区块链在持续延长,而且新区块一旦加入到区块链中,就不会再被移走。区块链实际上是一群分散的用户端节点,并由所有参与者组成的分布式数据库,是对所有比特币交易历史的记录 。 中本聪预计,当数据量增大之后,用户端希望这些数据并不全部储存自己的节点中。为了实现这一目标,他采用引入散列函数机制。这样用户端将能够自动剔除掉那些自己永远用不到的部分,比方说极为早期的一些比特币交易记录。

The bitcoin address and the private key are created in pairs. We can simply understand the bitcoin address as a bank card number and a password. The bitcoin address as a bank card number is used to record how much bitcoin you have on that address. You can generate bitcoin address as you want to store bitcoin. Each bitcoin address is created with a private key corresponding to that address. The private key is shown to have ownership of the bitcoin on that address. We can simply read the bitcoin address as a bank card number and the private key as a bank card number. The bitcoin address as a bank card number.

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The above-mentioned article is a detailed answer from Corinne to What do you mean that bitcoin mining is illegal and bitcoin mining is legal?

标签: 比特币挖矿是什么意思犯法不犯法




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