据OK Coin数据, 8月12日比特币再涨6.6%,价格一度达到25100人民币,目前报24998人民币。
According to OK Coin, on 12 August, Bitcoin rose by a further 6.6 per cent at a price of RMB 25,100, which is currently reported as RMB 24998.
比特币自8月1日比特币硬分叉结束后,比特币价格不跌反涨。自硬分叉结束至今,OK Coin上交易的比特币价格上涨了近35%。
Bitcoin has not fallen since August 1, when the Bitcoin coin fork ended. Since the end of the hard fork, the amount of bitcoin traded on OK Coin has increased by almost 35%.
The price of Bitcoin fell off a cliff at some point before the hard fork. According to data from the trading platform OKcoin, during the last month of 12 June to 10 July, the price of Bitcoin fell from a maximum of $21,200 to a minimum of $12,900, a cumulative decline of nearly 40 per cent.
目前,比特币基本已更新至Segwit 2x版本,即区块容量从1M倍扩大至2M,并实现了隔离见证Segwit锁定。这意味着比特币区块链的拥堵现象将被缓解,比特币转账可以更快被确认,比特币的交易手续费将降低。
At present, Bitcoin has largely been updated to the Segwit 2x, that is, the size of blocks has been expanded from one M to two M, and sequestering witnesses have been locked in Segwit. This means that the crowding of the Bitcoin block chain will be eased, that bitcoin transfers will be confirmed faster, and that Bitcoin’s transaction fees will be reduced.
OK Coin币行分析师认为,这将大大促进比特币的交易意愿和交易量。市场也表现出对隔离见证的看好,比特币价格受此影响创下新高。
OK Coin Bank analysts argue that this will greatly boost Bitcoin’s willingness to trade and its volume. The market has also shown a favourable view of the isolation witness, and Bitcoin prices have been affected by this.
此前,由于每次区块交易只能处理1MB大小的交易数据,每十分钟一次,使整个网络的交易大大延迟。后因比特币扩容的问题,比特币网络的核心开发商和矿工希望通过不同的方法来增加比特币区块的容量。比特币世界出现了冲击波——扩容采用软分叉还是硬分叉。最终扩容采用了硬分叉的方式——比特币的底层软件代码分离,产生了一种名为"比特币现金(Bitcoin Cash)"的新版本比特币。
Previously, the entire network was significantly delayed by the fact that each block transaction could handle only one MB-sized transaction data every 10 minutes. In the aftermath of the bitcoin expansion problem, the bitcoin network core developers and miners wanted to increase the capacity of the bitcoin block in different ways. Bitcoin had a shock wave in the world – a soft split or a hard one. The end of the expansion was in the form of hard splits – bitcoin’s bottom software code was separated, resulting in a new version of bitcoin.
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