Investors interested in Bitcoin are aware that Bitcoin is currently in circulation at a market value of $182,290 million, or 59.3 per cent of the world, with a circulation of $18,439,100, with a 24-hour transaction of $11,042 million, with an initial price of $0.0025 and a historical maximum value of $US 20089 and a historical minimum of $US 65,526 from 2009 to date, with a return of $ 39,491 million, how much is Bitcoin at the dollar today? Next, a small compilation of the 2020 Bitcoin prices is presented to investors for information.
The price of the Bitcoin was $69531.21, which means that a bitcoin required a dollar price of $9906.99, a 24-hour maximum price of $10,47.39, a 24-hour minimum price of $9,571.8 and a 24-hour turnover of $11,682 million.
In 2016, the opening price of Bitcoin was up to $975.92;
In 2017, Bitcoin opened for up to US$ 1949 7.4;
In 2018, the opening price of Bitcoin was up to US$ 17,527;
In 2019, the opening price of Bitcoin was up to US$ 13016.23;
In 2020 (as of 26 July), the opening price of Bitcoin was up to US$ 10323.55;
1.Tom Lee比特币价格预测
1. Tom Lee bitcoin price projections
前首席股票策略师JP Morgan,Fundstrat的联合创始人兼研究负责人Tom Lee认为,开采1个BTC的收支平衡成本与加密货币的价格直接相关。他认为,随着他指望更多的机构投资者采用比特币以及比特币用户基础稳定增长,BTC将会增长。他最近在一次采访中表示,在预计将在2020年5月发生的比特币减半事件之后,比特币可以在2020年为投资者带来100%的回报。
Tom Lee, a former chief stock strategist, JP Morgan, co-founder and research leader of Fundstrat, argued that the cost of extracting a BTC’s balance-of-payments was directly related to the price of encrypted currency. He argued that BTC would grow as he expected more institutional investors to adopt a steady growth in bitcoin and bitcoin user base.
2.Fran Strajnar比特币价格预测
2. Fran Strajnar bitcoin price projections
Fran Strajnar提出了非常乐观的预测,他认为BTC到2020年1月可能达到200.000美元。他认为采用率与价格上涨成正比。采用率越高,价值增加越多。
Fran Strajnar made very optimistic predictions that BTC could reach $200,000 by January 2020. He argued that the rate of adoption was a positive comparison with the price increase. The higher the rate of adoption, the more the value increases.
3.Bobby Lee比特币价格预测
3. Bobby Lee bitcoin price projections
中国第一个交易所BTCC的首席执行官鲍比·李(Bobby Lee)曾说过,比特币要花20年才能达到100万美元。现在他的预言完全改变了。 BTCC(香港比特币交易所)的联合创始人鲍比·李(Bobby Lee)和莱特币创始人查理·李(Charlie Lee)的兄弟给出了极为乐观的预测,但始于看跌。他声称比特币可能从2020年末开始回升,到2021年可能达到33.3万美元,然后在2023年下降到41.000美元。他反复地指出,市场资本可能达到7万亿美元,可能超过黄金的市值。他甚至提到比特币将在未来几年内导致价格稳定和全球流动性。
The founder of the BTCC (Hong Kong bitcoin) used to say that it would take 2023 to say that market capital could reach $7 trillion, perhaps more than the gold market value; and that Charlie Lee’s brother had given a very optimistic forecast, but had begun to look down. He claimed that Bitcoins could begin to rise from late 2020 to $333,000 by 2021, and then fall to $41,000 by 2023.
4.John McAfee比特币价格预测
4. John McAfee bitcoin price forecast
约翰·迈克菲(John McAfee)一直是停滞不前的比特币发烧友之一,他不时提出自己的预测。他最近变得比以往任何时候都更加乐观,他说比特币到2020年可能达到100万美元。其他比特币如Apollo和MTC的涨幅可能是BTC爱好者的10倍。他最近表示,他过去对比特币的预测为100万美元只是一个诡计。
John & Middot; John McAfee, who has been one of the stagnating Bitcoin fever friends, has been making his own predictions from time to time. He has recently become more optimistic, saying that bitcoin could reach $1 million by 2020. Other bitcoins, such as Apollo and MTC, could be 10 times higher than BTC fans. He recently stated that his past forecast of bitcoin was just a trick.
McAfee predicts that ten years from now, &ldquao; there will be no legal currency in the world, and everything will be encrypted. & rdquao;
5.Tim Draper比特币价格预测
5. Tim Draper bitcoin price projections
蒂姆·德雷珀(Tim Draper)是著名的风险投资家之一,他预测到2023年比特币将占据货币市场的5%。他乐观地认为,到2023年比特币的价格可能会上涨25万美元。
Tim & Middot; Tim Draper is one of the well-known venture capitalists who predicts that by 2023 Bitcoin will occupy 5% of the currency market. He is optimistic that by 2023 the price of Bitcoin could increase by $250,000.
As a result of these presentations, it is believed that there is some understanding of the price of bitcoin, that bits
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