全国第一的元宇宙游戏平台,值几个涨停板? 现在市场最强的主线当属元宇宙,没有之一。导火索是 中青宝 的超预期强势,特别是今天集合竞价,中青宝突然大单顶死20cm一...
资讯 2024-06-27 阅读:56 评论:0现在市场最强的主线当属元宇宙,没有之一。导火索是中青宝的超预期强势,特别是今天集合竞价,中青宝突然大单顶死20cm一字,点燃了市场资金疯狂的做多热情,元宇宙板块大面积涨停。
The market's strongest backbone is now a meta-cosm, not one of them. The fuse is 先梳理一下中青宝的逻辑点:元宇宙+虚拟现实+游戏,另外还是老师们最爱的创业板小盘股,市值才30亿出头,也就是说:其它元宇宙股票越涨,市值比价效应将会更加地拓展中青宝的向上空间。这就是小市值龙头品种的魅力所在。 The logic of 不过,中青宝仅仅是发布了一款结合虚拟现实技术的元宇宙游戏,如果是全国第一的元宇宙游戏平台,想象空间比中青宝如何?而且更令人欣喜的是:这家上市公司的市值和股价还远远低于中青宝。如果市场资金认识到这一点,那么值多少个涨停板? However, 300356 ST光一 300356 & nbsp; ST Kwangi 首先来看一张图,今年以来,元宇宙行业的融资事件一览。 First of all, look at a picture of the financing events in the meta-cosm industry that have taken place since this year. 如图所示:今年以来的元宇宙融资事件,除了海外融资以外,国内最大的一笔融资发生在今年的5月28日,融资对象是海马云,获得战略融资2.8亿人民币,远远高于国内其它的元宇宙公司。那么,这个海马云是什么来头呢? As the chart shows, this year’s meta-cosm finance event, with the exception of overseas financing, the largest domestic financing event took place on May 28th of this year, targeting Hai Maun, who received more than RMB 280 million in strategic financing than any other country’s cosmopolitan company. So, what is the origin of this hema-cosm? 如上所示:海马云是目前国内最大的云游戏服务平台,服务器规模和用户数量均为全国第一!是目前全国第一的元宇宙游戏平台。 As indicated above, Seamar Clouds is currently the largest cloud game service platform in the country, with servers and users numbering first in the country! It is now the first in the country's meta-cosmos platform. 海马云是北京海誉动想的下属公司,上市公司ST光一通过持股其母公司,参股基金公司等各种方式直接和间接持有其20%的股份。 Heimaun, a Beijing-famous subsidiary, held 20 per cent of its shares directly and indirectly by the listed company ST Guangichi through the ownership of its parent company, the participation fund company, etc. 根据董秘互动的信息:在解决大股东股权质押的债务问题后,上市公司计划进一步收购和重组海马云的母公司海誉动想。 According to the Secretary of State's interaction: after resolving the debt of the pledge of major shareholders, the listed company plans to further acquire and reorganize the reputation of the parent company, Haimaun. 董秘实锤:其子公司长期以来,一直投资和开发云游戏,云VR。 Tung Trek Hammer: Its subsidiaries have long invested in and developed cloud games, Cloud VR. 目前上市公司唯一的问题就是ST,这个ST是大股东非法占用上市公司资金造成的,因此上市公司并不存在退市的风险,只要大股东归还非法占用的资金,就可以摘帽。 The only problem with listed companies at present is ST, which is the result of the illegal appropriation of listed company funds by large shareholders, so that listed companies do not run the risk of being retired and can be removed as long as the large shareholders return illegally occupied funds. 大股东承诺,在9月30日之前全部归还非法占用的资金。 The major shareholders undertook to return all illegally occupied funds by 30 September. 所以,上市公司并无实质性的重大风险,而且因为在创业板,涨幅也不受限制,还是20cm。 Therefore, listed companies do not have substantial and significant risks, and because 目前公司的市值仅13亿,股价仅3元出头,即使翻倍,其市值和股价也远远低于中青宝。对比其它元宇宙板块的品种就更加低了。 The market value of the company is currently only 1.3 billion and the stock price is only $3. Even if it doubles, the market value and share price is much lower than that of 这么一只持有全国第一的元宇宙游戏平台,获得元宇宙全国最多投资的公司,市值仅13亿,股价仅3元,值多少个涨停板?就看市场资金们的判断了。 It's up to the market funds to determine the value of a dollar-cosmos platform that holds the country's number one, with the largest investment in the country at $1.3 billion and a stock price of only $3.
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