市面上交易所眾多,投資者應如何作出選擇?根據評分,縱觀平台實用性,OSL 或 HashKey 實用途徑相比其他交易所甚為遜色。
There are many exchanges on the market, so how do investors choose? According to ratings, an overview of the platform’s utility, OSL or HashKey is less useful than other exchanges.
Let's start with a look at the bottom of the table and get a whole feeling:
{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Strange. {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}
幣安(Binance)是一家全球性的加密貨幣交易所,為超過 100 種加密貨幣提供交易平台。2018 年初以來,幣安在交易量方面被認為是全世界上最大的加密貨幣交易所。
Binance is a global, encrypted currency exchange that provides a trading platform for more than 100 types of encrypted currency. Since early 2018, it has been recognized as the world’s largest encrypted currency exchange in terms of volume of transactions.
Exchange Rating
交易所排名: 1
Exchange ranking: 1
交易所知名度: 成為第 64 屆葛萊美年度大獎? 官方加密資產交易平台合作夥伴
Exchange Visibility: 64th Grammy Annual Award?
入場門檻: 低,投資者可在交易所中 C2C 交易服務,最少港幣 100 便可入場
Low, investors can enter on the exchange for C2C trading services with a minimum of 100 Hong Kong dollars.
方便程度: 方便,有提供線上交易功能
Accessibility: convenience, provision of on-line transactional functions
手機 Apps: 有手機 Apps
Apps: There's a phone. Apps.
JPEX 交易所以區塊鍊及加密貨幣為主要業務,它為用戶提供了安全可靠的價值網絡服務,其團隊成員均是來自日本,美國、中國三個國家的頂級電腦技術專業人員。 JPEX 交易所擁有超過 20 年的金融交易及管理經驗,還有企業級的分佈式構架防 DDOS 攻擊系統。此外,JPEX 交易所還專注於亞洲地區生態佈局,除設立了先進的智能交易中心,還全力建立了劃時代以服務為本的世界級交易中心。
The JPEX Exchange, which is based primarily on regional chains and encrypted currency, provides a secure and reliable value network service for users, and its team members are top computer technicians from Japan, the US, and China. The JPEX Exchange has more than 20 years of experience in financial transactions and management, as well as a structured corporate structure to protect against DDOS attacks.
Exchange Rating
交易所排名: 25
Exchange ranking: 25
交易所知名度: 與澳洲職業足球聯賽合作
Exchange Visibility: Working with Australian Professional Football League
入場門檻: 低,投資者最少 1 USDT 便可入場
Incoming: Low, with a minimum of 1 USDT for investors.
方便程度: 方便,有提供線上交易功能
Accessibility: convenience, provision of on-line transactional functions
手機 Apps: 有手機 Apps
Apps: There's a phone. Apps.
Bybit 成立於 2018 年 3 月,是一家專注於衍生品領域的數字貨幣交易平台。它擁有超百萬的遍布全球200 多個國家的註冊用戶,覆蓋了北美、歐洲、亞太等地區。
Bybit, founded in March 2018, is a digital currency trading platform focused on derivatives. It has over a million registered users in more than 200 countries around the world, covering North America, Europe, Asia and the Pacific.
Exchange Rating
交易所排名: 43
Exchange ranking: 43
交易所知名度: 與 RedBull 車隊合作
Exchange Visibility: Working with Redbull
入場門檻: 低,投資者可在交易所中P2P交易服務,最少港幣 100 便可入場
Low, investors can enter the exchange for P2P trading services at a minimum of HK$100.
方便程度: 方便,有提供線上交易功能
Accessibility: convenience, provision of on-line transactional functions
手機 Apps: 有手機 Apps
Apps: There's a phone. Apps.
OSL 背靠 BC 科技集團(863 HK)亞洲唯一已上市、持牌經營且經四大審計的數字資產金融科技公司,OSL 是亞洲最大的數字資產平台,提供大宗經紀服務、數字資產託管服務、電子交易平台和為機構級客戶及專業投資者而設的軟體即服務(SaaS)。
OSL is the only digitally-listed, licensed and four-censored asset in Asia on the back of the BC Science and Technology Group (863 HK) 在 2019 年及 2020 年上半年,OSL 數字資產平台業務實現了快速增長,業績表現搶眼。 據 2020 年 8 月12 日發佈的中期業績公告,BC 科技集團今年前 6 個月年化交易量達到創記錄的 280 億美元,帶動集團收入同比增長 47%。 In 2019 and the first half of 2020, the OSL Digital Property Platform’s business was growing rapidly, with high performances. According to a mid-term performance announcement issued on 12 August 2020, the BC Science and Technology Group reached $28 billion in annual transactions recorded six months before this year, with a 47% increase in revenue associated with the group. 交易所評分 Exchange Rating 交易所排名: 暫沒有排名 Exchange ranking: not yet ranked 交易所知名度: 暫未見大型宣傳 Exchange Visibility: No major publicity at this time 入場門檻: 高,投資者須提供證明其擁有港幣 800 萬資產 High, investors must provide proof that they own 8 million Hong Kong dollars. 方便程度: 不方便,沒有線上交易功能 Accessibility: Inconvenience, no on-line transaction function 手機 Apps: 沒有手機 Apps Apps: No cell phones Apps Hashkey HashKey Group 是亞洲的端到端數字資產管理和金融公司。 HashKey總部設於香港,也在新加坡和東京開展業務,並幫助機構投資者抓住數字資產和區塊鏈技術的高潛力投資機會。該公司的核心業務包括一個即將獲得香港證監會許可的數字資產交易所、全方位經紀平台、機構級託管服務和一個投向於全球區塊鏈公司和數字資產項目的風險投資基金。 HashKey Group, an Asian end-to-end digital asset management and finance company, has its headquarters in Hong Kong, Singapore and Tokyo, and helps investors to seize the high-potential investment opportunities in digital assets and sector chain technology. The company’s core business includes a digital stock exchange, a full-scale agency platform, an institutional agency service, and a venture capital fund that is going to be invested in a global network of companies and digital assets. 交易所評分 Exchange Rating 交易所排名: 暫沒有排名 Exchange ranking: not yet ranked 交易所知名度: 暫未見大型宣傳 Exchange Visibility: No major publicity at this time 入場門檻: 高,投資者須提供證明其擁有港幣 800 萬資產 High, investors must provide proof that they own 8 million Hong Kong dollars. 方便程度: 不方便,沒有線上交易功能 Accessibility: Inconvenience, no on-line transaction function 手機 Apps: 沒有手機 Apps Apps: No cell phones Apps 多於外國取得牌照 香港卻遲遲未獲發牌 /strong > 縱觀平台實用性,OSL 或 HashKey 實用途徑相比其他交易所甚為遜色。而且OSL只能向專業投資者開放,普羅投資者算無機會評論其系統的用家體驗。幣安作為老大,市場地位毋容置疑。至於JPEX及bybit都是近年當時得令的營運者,見到兩者都透過體育贊助來進行品牌推廣,看得出是希望令交易所做到更加普及。 Given the utility of the platform, OSL or HashKey is less useful than any other exchange. And OSL can only be opened up to professional investors, who have no opportunity to comment on the use of their systems. As a boss, there is no doubt about the market position. As for JPEX and bybit, both of them have been ordered in recent years to promote brands through sports support, and it seems to be hoped that the exchange will be made more widely available. 既然虛擬資產、加密貨幣已成趨勢,開放令更多人可以應用才是理所應當之事。如前文所述,不少交易所已經在其他國家領有牌照,但奇怪卻遲遲仍未在香港獲得發牌,反而只針對專業投資者的OSL就獲得全港唯一一張牌照,難道只有專業投資者才有資格提前取得投資先機,一般市民就要摒諸門外? Since virtual assets and encrypt currency have become a reality, opening up to more people is the right thing to do. As noted earlier, many exchanges already have license plates in other countries, but it is strange that they have not yet been issued in Hong Kong, and that OSL is the only card in Hong Kong for investors in the profession alone. 資料參考: Data reference: 交易所排名网页链接
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