2018年7月19日,共识经济学(Consenomics)创立者郭善琪在DAGA | Blockchain & AI (核心群)做了专题分享,主题为:区块链的共识与共识的区块链。以下文字根据讲座的语音整理,已经过作者审核。
On 19 July 2018, the founder of Consenomics, Szeuki Guo, shared a theme in the DAGA Blockchain & AI (core group) on the theme: Consensus and consensus chain of blocks. The following text is based on the speech and has been examined by the author.
Today's presentation includes six parts:
1, definition of block chain
2, consensual definition, hierarchy and core elements
3, change of consensus
4, utility, value, price and consensus logic
5, Consensus, Compact and Systemic Inherited Logic
6, problems with and responses to the current block chain industry
i. Definition of block chains
begins by reporting to you how I see the block chain, echoing here the title “Consensus on the block chain” which we all agree on. There should be no consensus at this stage, that is to say, there is not much agreement on the current understanding or definition of the block chain.
My understanding of the block chain and the encyclopedia of the block chain last year were largely consistent, as was my belief in the block chain as a new computational paradigm.
After Spring 2018, my understanding of the block chain is deepening. I put forward the words “one wing” and then the words “one center, two basic points”, which are actually one thing.
区块链的核心是具化共识(concrete consence),此为神鸟鸿鹄“一体两翼”中的身体,分布式账本和数字通证为神鸟鸿鹄的两翼。“一个中心”即以具化共识为中心,“两个基本点”是分布式账本和数字通证。但是这两种比喻的说法我觉得还是不太严谨,都没有正面回答区块链是什么。
At the heart of the block chain is concrete consence, which is the twin wings of the `one wing' body, distributed ledgers and digital hysteria. The `one center' is centred on the `concrete' and the `two basics' are distributed books and digital hymens. But the metaphors are still not very precise and neither answer positively what the block chain is.
So what's my definition of a block chain?
I think the block chain is an infrastructure for the transmission of social credit and trust, with a built-in consensus at its core, a physical carrier is a distributed account book and a value carrier is a digital pass.
definition of a block chain
我个人觉得这个定义还是相对比较完善的,比如定义互联网,我认为互联网是传输信息的基础设施,那么对应的,区块链是传输社会信用与信任的基础设施。信任和信用紧密相关,《经济学人》杂志给出的定义是说,区块链是一台“trust machine”,即“信任机器”。
Personally, I think it's a relatively good definition, for example, of the Internet, which I think is an infrastructure for the transmission of information, so that the chain of blocks is an infrastructure for the transmission of social credit and trust. Trust and credit are closely related, as the Economist has defined it as a “trust machine”, or a “trust machine”.
English definition of the block chain
II, consensual definition, hierarchy and core elements
Consensus is not a new word, but giving consensus a strict academic definition was what I did in March 2018.
I define consensus as the consensus that is the subject of economic activity (a group of people, a community or a State) on certain specific topics or issues in economic activity in a given historical period.
is my definition of the economic dimension of consensus (which is abstract, conceptual).
Consensus divided into two levels
There are two levels of
The core elements of the consensus are two, namely credit and trust.
credit is a concept at the economic and financial level, while trust is a concept at the social and psychological levels, such as when signing contracts, both parties must have a trust in each other's credit.
, to add, the construing consensus consists of two parts, namely:
A. 基本共识
A. Basic consensus
B. 基本共识变迁之共识
B. Changing consensus
III. Changing consensus
Here, “consensus” means consensus.
from the perspective of consensus economics can divide human society into three phases:
B.1944 - 2008
C. After 2008
: 2008 Beijing Olympic Games
in three phases has two key time nodes:
The first time node in
This year, the Bretton Woods Conference was held in the United States to shape the Bretton Woods system.
The greatest outcome of the conference was that the United States dollar became a unified clearing currency for global trade, that the dollar and gold were linked, that the French currencies of other countries were pegged to the dollar and that, for the first time in human history, a single international trade clearing currency was formed, which greatly contributed to the development of global trade.
The second time node of
The year of the Olympic Games in Beijing is a sign of the overall economic prosperity of China or the world.
Of course, the Wenchuan earthquake of 12 May 2008 was a big event for the Chinese, and many of our compatriots were killed.
2008 has three important events for the world.
First, Beijing Olympics: It is a big event not only for China, but also for the world, marking the prosperity of the world economy.
Second, on 15 September 2008, Lehman Brothers declared bankrupt:
Lehman Brothers declared bankrupt on 15 September 2008
The day before Leont's bankruptcy, the Lehman Brothers had a credit rating of AAA, amounting to a near-zero probability of default, but it's amazing that the company declared bankruptcy.
The event served as a trigger for a financial crisis, a credit crisis and an economic crisis spreading across the globe.
In fact, the crisis continues to this day, and many countries have not yet come out.
Third, on 1 November 2008, a person named Bint Nakamoto published a paper in a list of e-mails called Bitcoin: An Electronic Cash System for Point-to-Point.
represents the new era - the advent of the time of common trust.
In 2008, Lehman Brothers' insolvency representative expressed society's doubts about the credibility of the institution. After the incident, many people had the first doubts about the institution, which was in fact a typical representative of credibility.
I told my subordinates at Grand Duke International a few years ago that Lehman was bankrupt, that whoever judged him, the rating agency had problems, or the rating agency's data, or else the rating agency's employees had problems, moral hazard, and there was employee fraud... .
is a reasonable duty of rating agencies to advance to the market, to inform investors, and to include negative observations about Lehman Brothers, whether demoted or not. Rating agencies should do something and take a stand, but the rating agencies have not done a similar thing by directly bankrupting a 3A credit institution, so the rating agencies are in any case problematic.
公信力与共信力我分别给它们做了定义,公信力我将之称为Power based on public confidence;共信力我将之定义为Power based on private confidence,即点对点信任。
I defined their credibility as Power based on public confidence, and they were defined as Power based on confidence, i.e. point-to-point trust.
The release of Bennett's mid-2018 paper has given rise to a new power, which, although still weak and small as weeds, has a tendency to grow and grow, marking the advent of the age of common trust.
After all, before 1944, when we called it the original period of common trust, we all trusted each other. But with the expansion of human activity and the development of social productivity, the cost of human transactions increased until 1944, when the United States dollar emerged as the world's circulating single currency, significantly reduced the cost of transactions and improved the situation, so before 1944, when I called it the original period of common trust, between 1944 and 2008, we called it the period of credibility, and after 2008.
Professor Zhao Xiao, independent economist , has a saying similar to my three-stage formulation, which divides the development of human trust into three phases:
Phase I, trust among acquaintances,
Phase II, Trust in Institutions,
Phase 3, Trust between strangers.
Professor Zhao's formulation is very different from my dichotomy of the three stages of human development.
IV; Inherent logic of utility, value, price and consensus
What is the utility? The utility is the physical or psychological satisfaction of the subject of an economic activity (e.g. the consumer), for individuals or natural persons; and, for institutions, the utility is the efficiency of the institution or the cost reduction.
What is value ? Here we limit it to the economics dimension, which is a measure of utility, i.e. a common understanding between the supply and demand side of the goods or services.
什么是价格? 价格是价值的一种反映(或者说是一种共识),是商品或服务的供给者和需求者之间对于商品或服务的价值达成的一种共识。如果画个图,就是供给曲线和需求曲线的交点,如果在交点,就能达成共识,反之,则达不成共识。
Prices are a reflection of value (or a consensus) and a consensus among suppliers and demanders of goods or services on the value of goods or services. If you draw a picture, it is the intersection between the supply and demand curves, and if you are at the intersection, consensus can be reached, and vice versa.
summarizes the points of agreement between the three parties, namely, that the goods or services provide physical or psychological satisfaction to the person in need, or that the costs of the organization are reduced and the benefits increased; that the value is a measure of the benefits, or a consensus; that the price is a reflection of the value, but the price does not necessarily represent the value, and that the price fluctuates over and above the value benchmark.
V, Consensus, Compact and Systemic Inherited Logic
The consensus is the basis of the contract, and no consensus is certain that the contract will not be reached. The three elements of the contract are: subject matter, utility and boundaries.
The is referred to as the contract.
What is the "font" system? I think the system is the confluence of a series of contracts.
In summary, consensus is the basis of the compact, which is the foundation of the system and hence of the system.
Why bring the system into play? Because it affects prices. For example, if a central policy is in place, the price of a commodity may change.
VI. Problems and responses in the current block chain industry
There is a lack of basic consensus change in most public chains.
2 跨链技术有待继续发展。 cross-chain technology needs to continue to develop. 目前,现在存在很多链,这是好现象,但是,链与链之间实际上形成了数据孤岛,这种情况对于将来的发展是不利的,2018最迫切的就是要解决链与链之间的跨链通信问题,把孤立的链变成链网。 now, there are many chains, which is a good thing, but there is actually a data silo between the chains, which is not good for future development, and the most urgent thing is to solve the problem of cross-chain communication between the chains and the chains and turn the isolated chains into chains. 3 当前的监管政策不协调。 Current regulatory policy is uncoordinated. 各个经济主体的监管政策不协调,各个国家政策间有差异。 The regulatory policies of the various economic actors are not harmonized, and there are differences between national policies. 另外,国内问题在于目前骗子太多,需要严厉打击,我前一段时间就提出“三个一”的观点: 第一个“一”是打击一批或取缔一批,打击传销组织等骗子,目前已经在进行中; The first “one” of is the fight against one or more groups of liars, such as distribution organizations, and is already in progress; 第二个”一“是规范一批,也在进行当中,只不过没有公开,我们可能感觉不到; the second one's “normative and ongoing, but not public, we may not feel; 第三个”一”试点一批,这种现象基本已经明朗。 Third One pilot group, a phenomenon that is largely clear. 为什么区块链试点极有可能在海南开展? Why is it most likely that the block chain pilot will take place in Hainan? 第一个原因是,国家已经对外做了把海南更加开放的承诺; The first reason for is that the country has made a commitment to open the sea to the outside world; 第二,海南是个省级单位,有足够权限可以做出一些好的成果以便对外推广; Second, Hainan is a provincial unit with sufficient authority to produce good results for outreach; 第三,海南是个岛,如果出了问题可以及时控制。 Third, Hainan is an island that can be controlled in a timely manner if a problem arises. 关于区块链的应用我还要强调一点,区块链不是“神”也不是“魔”,不能什么都把区块链加上去,如果要把区块链和实业相结合,最重要的是思考实业背后的商业逻辑,即业务是否存在问题,如果存在问题的话,痛点在哪?用了区块链之后,业务是不是优化了?效率是不是提高了?成本是不是降低了?如果是,那OK,用,如果不是,那就不必要去凑热闹! I would also like to stress the fact that the block chain is not a god or a demon, and that if you want to combine the block chain with the business, it's important to think about the business logic behind the business, that is, if there's a business problem, and if there's a business problem, where's the pain point?
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