
资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:44 评论:0
来源:雪球App,作者: 谷香醇Jeki_Gu,(https://xueqiu.com/9072070659/204353947)        元宇宙和&nb...



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来源:雪球App,作者: 谷香醇Jeki_Gu,(https://xueqiu.com/9072070659/204353947)

        元宇宙和 Web 3.0 是当下最具流量的话题,一场覆盖科技互联网、区块链等多领域的转型。人们畅想下一代互联网的样子,畅想那个没有巨头、没有数据垄断、多重宇宙创造第二人生的世界。

              meta-cosmos and   Web 3.0  and one of the most fluid topics of the day, a multidimensional transformation covering the science and technology Internet, block chains, and so on. The next generation of the Internet is full of thinking about the world without giants, data monopolies, multiple universes to create a second life.

作为区块链行业顶级机构,灰度也对元宇宙与 Web 3.0 做出了自己的判断,灰度认为,元宇宙的愿景有可能改变我们的社交互动、商业往来和整个互联网经济,Web 3.0 开放式虚拟世界加密网络让我们得以一窥互联网的未来。将元宇宙带入生活这个市场机会蕴藏着可能超过 1 万亿美元的年收入,并且可能与当今市值约 15 万亿美元的 Web 2.0 公司竞争。

, as the top body of the block chain industry, Greyscale also holds the meta-cosm and   Web 3.0  has made its own judgement that the vision of the meta-cosm has the potential to change our social interactions, commercial interactions and the Internet economy as a whole, Web 3.0  Open Virtual World Encryption Network, which allows us to see the future of the Internet. The opportunity to bring meta-cosmos into life is likely to be higher than   1& nbsp; trillion annual revenues and may compete with today's market markets & nbsp; 15& nbsp; trillion & nbsp; Web 2.0& nbsp; companies .

以下为灰度元宇宙 Web 3.0 报告全文:

is a grey-scale meta-cosmos & nbsp; Web 3.0  full report:


加密云经济是下?个新兴的投资市场,而元宇宙则处于 Web 3.0 互联?进化的前列。元宇宙是?个互联、体验式的 3D 虚拟世界,位于任何地?的?都可以在其中进?实时社交,并形成?个跨越数字和物理世界的恒久且由?户拥有的互联?经济体系。

The encryption cloud economy is the next emerging investment market, while the meta-cosmos is at the forefront of & nbsp; Web 3.0  interconnectivity; evolution. The meta-cosmos is an interconnected, empirical & nbsp; 3D virtual world, anywhere?

元宇宙仍在起步阶段,但许多关键组件已经初具规模,并正在彻底改变从电子商务到媒体和娱乐,甚至房地产的方方面面。我们之前发布过两篇文章《Grayscale Decentraland Report》和《Decentraland Tour》,通过介绍行业领先的基于区块链的虚拟世界 Decentraland,使元宇宙这一概念更加切实可行。

The meta-cosmos is still in its infancy, but many of the key components are already in their infancy and are radically changing from e-commerce to media and entertainment, and even . We have previously published two articles, Grayscale Decentraland Report and Decentraland Tour, to make the concept of meta-cosm more practical by introducing the industry's leading virtual world based on block chains & nbsp; Decentraland.

像 Decentraland 这样的项目所做的是创建一个开放世界的元宇宙,让用户可以登录其中游玩游戏,并赚取 MANA(Decentraland 的原生代币,用户可以使用该代币购买 NFT,包括 LAND 或收藏品,以及对经济治理进行投票)。用户还可以创造 NFT,并将他们在游戏中花费的时间价值注入到 NFT 中,赋予其与现实世界交互的能力。

A project such as & nbsp; Decentraland works to create a meta-cosm that allows users to log in and play games and to earn   MANA (the original currency of & nbsp; NFT

这种蕴藏在互联网进化中的潜力已经开始吸引像 Facebook 这样的 Web 2.0 公司,Facebook 正在转变为元宇宙公司,并将其名称更改为「Meta」。在这个转折点,其他领先的 Web 2.0 科技公司可能需要开始探索元宇宙以保持未来的竞争力了。随 Facebook 更名而来的关注引发了对元宇宙这一新兴加密类别的新一轮投资。

This potential for Internet evolution has begun to attract   Facebook; Web 2.0  companies, Facebook is being transformed into meta-cosmos and changed its name to ". At this turning point, other leading   Web 2.0  science and technology companies may need to start exploring meta-cosms to remain competitive in the future. With & nbsp; Facebook's increased focus has triggered a new round of investment in the new encryption category of the meta-cosm.


互联网从来都是连接着人们的。在过去的 30 年中,互联网技术不断进化,我们所有人与网络互动的方式也随之发展。在互联网的发展过程中,有许多事情都发生了变化,我们可以将在线社区分为 3 个时代:

The Internet has always been connected to people. In the past,   30  over the years, Internet technology has evolved and the way in which we all interact with the Internet has evolved. In the course of the development of the Internet, many things have changed, and we can divide the online community into & nbsp; 3  the era:

? Web 1.0 Netscape 将我们连接到线上

? & nbsp; Web 1.0  Netscape connects us to the line

? Web 2.0 Facebook 将我们连接到在线社区中

? & nbsp; Web 2.0  Facebook connects us to the online community

? Web 3.0 Decentraland 将我们连接到社区所属的虚拟世界中

? & nbsp; Web 3.0  Decentraland connects us to the virtual world of the community.


As we move through these times, our online interactions and accessible media are expanding. We have experienced first-hand changes in the organizational architecture that connects us, the maturity of the computing infrastructure on which we rely, and how the control of the network flows back and forth between communities and large technology companies.

Web1.0、2.0、3.0 的关键点Web 2.0 移动互联网改变了我们使用互联网的方式、地点、时间和原因。反过来,这改变了我们使用的产品、服务和公司,从而改变了我们的商业模式、文化和政治——Web 3.0 元宇宙有潜力做到同样的事情。

Web1.0, 2.0, 3.0  Keypoint Web 2.0 


我们越来越多的注意力转向数字活动,尤其是对于年轻一代。今天,我们生活中大约 1/3(大约每天 8 小时)的时间花在了看电视、玩游戏或社交媒体上。随着我们在数字世界中消耗更多的时间,我们也将更多的钱花在这些领域中,以在这些在线社区中建立我们的个人社会地位。

Today, we spend some & nbsp; 1/3 (about daily & nbsp; 8  hours) watching television, playing games, or social media. As we spend more time in the digital world, we spend more money in these areas to build our personal social status in these online communities.

美国人平均每天花在特定休闲活动上的时间我们的社交生活和游戏正在融合并创造出一个庞大的、快速增长的虚拟商品消费经济。据估计,虚拟游戏世界的收入可能会从 2020 年的约 1800 亿美元增长到 2025 年的约 4000 亿美元。

American social life and games, on average, spend every day on specific leisure activities, are combining and creating a large, fast-growing virtual commodity consumption economy. It is estimated that the world of virtual games could generate revenues from   2020  year-on-year app  1800  billion dollars to   2025  year-on-year app   4,000  and billions of dollars.


The continuing shift in the concept of game developers to realization is a key driving force in this growth trend. Players are increasingly moving from fee-paying games to free games, and developers are profiting by selling to players items that enhance their play experience or enhance their social status in the virtual world.

全球虚拟世界收入增长随着从 Web 2.0 封闭式企业元宇宙向 Web 3.0 开放式加密元宇宙网络过渡,这种转变正在进一步加速:

Global virtual world income growth with the transition from   Web 2.0  closed corporate meta-cosmos to   Web 3.0  open crypto-cosmos network, which is accelerating further:

? Web 2.0 封闭式企业元宇宙:由大型科技公司集中地拥有和控制;

? & nbsp; Web 2.0  closed corporate meta-cosm: centrally owned and controlled by large technology companies;

? Web 3.0 开放式加密元宇宙:由全球用户民主地拥有和控制。

? & nbsp; Web 3.0  Open encryption metaspace: owned and controlled democratically by users worldwide.

今天,许多游戏玩家将他们的金钱和时间花费在 Web 2.0 封闭式企业元宇宙中为自己建立数字财富。问题是,大多数游戏开发商不让玩家将他们的投资和努力变成经济利益。开发者禁止玩家与其他玩家交易物品并将游戏世界与现实世界隔绝起来,这样玩家就无法将他们在游戏中的财富转移到实体经济中。

Today, many game players spend their money and time on   Web 2.0  and create digital wealth for themselves in the closed corporate meta-cosmos. The problem is that most game developers do not allow players to turn their investments and efforts into economic benefits. Developers prohibit players from trading with other players and isolating the game world from the real world, so that players cannot transfer their wealth from the game to the real economy.

Web 3.0 开放式加密元宇宙网络通过消除 Web 2.0 平台对所有这些虚拟世界强加的资本控制来解决这个问题。这种新范式允许用户以 NFT 的形式拥有他们的数字资产,在游戏中与其他人进行交易,并将它们带到其他数字体验中,从而创建一个全新的可以在现实世界中实现数字资产货币化的自由市场互联网原生经济体系。这种创作者经济的进化还有另一个名字,「Play to Earn」。

Web 3.0  Open encryption metaspace network solves the problem by eliminating   Web 2.0  and the platform’s capital controls imposed on all these virtual worlds. This new paradigm allows users to own their digital assets in the form of   NFT, trading with others in the game and bringing them to other digital experiences, thus creating a new free-market Internet-based economic system that can monetize digital assets in the real world.

开放与封闭式游戏的举例对比在元宇宙中,用户决定了这些能跨越数字社区的无缝且与现实世界紧邻的交互。对用户而言,与 Web 3.0 开放式加密元宇宙网络相比,Web 2.0 企业元宇宙的封闭性质处于劣势。

In metacosystems, users determine these seamless interactions across digital communities and in close proximity to the real world. For users, web 2.0  is at a disadvantage compared to   Web 3.0  the open encryption metaspace network; and the closed nature of the corporate metacosystem.

老牌的 Web 2.0 公司需要通过开放生态系统和消除竞争壁垒来颠覆自己的商业模式。我们还不知道 Facebook 将如何实现他们的元宇宙野心,但他们和其他 Web 2.0 公司一样,在面临为股东们实现季度业绩的压力时,需要做出这一具有挑战性的转变。

The old & nbsp; Web 2.0  companies need to destabilize their business models by opening up ecosystems and removing barriers to competition. We do not know how & nbsp; Facebook will achieve their meta-cosm ambitions, but they and others & nbsp; Web 2.0  and companies, like companies, need to make this challenging shift when they face pressure to achieve quarterly performance for shareholders.

游戏只是价值已经开始自然转移到 Web 3.0 的最直接且有迹可循的细分市场之一,但元宇宙中包含的可能性远远超出了游戏。据估计,元宇宙将在广告、社交商务、数字活动、硬件和创作者变现方面创造数万亿美元的收入机会。

The game is just one of the most direct and documented segmented markets where value has started to be transferred naturally to   Web 3.0  but the possibilities contained in the meta-cosmos go far beyond the game. It is estimated that the meta-cosm will create trillions of dollars in income opportunities in advertising, social commerce, digital activity, hardware, and creative realization.

元宇宙潜在市场构成目前领先的 Web 3.0 元宇宙加密网络的总市值约为 275 亿美元。这与 Facebook 约 9000 亿美元的市值、游戏行业约 2 万亿美元的市值以及那些可能转向元宇宙或面临颠覆风险的 Web 2.0 公司的 14.8 万亿美元市值相比,这相形见绌。

The potential market for the meta-coastal universe constitutes the current leading   Web 3.0  the total market value of the meta-cosm encryption network is about   275  billions of dollars. This compares with   Facebook about   9,000  the market value of billions of dollars; the game industry about   2  the market value of trillion dollars and those  s that may turn to the meta-cosm or be at risk of subversion; Web 2.0  the company & nbsp; 14.8& nbsp; and the market value of trillion dollars.

Web2.0、Web3.0、Facebook、游戏市值元宇宙 Web3.0 经济

Web 3.0 加密元宇宙是一个虚拟世界中的新兴市场经济体,有着不断发展的数字商品、服务和资产组成的复杂组合,能为用户创造现实世界中价值的。

Web 3.0  Encryption metaspace is an emerging market economy in a virtual world with a complex mix of evolving digital goods, services and assets that can create value for users in the real world.

早期的 Web 3.0 元宇宙通常建立在区块链计算平台(Layer1)之上,许多人都为这些游戏和游戏内物品的开发做出过贡献,这些游戏内的物品也可以在区块链上自由交易。

Early & nbsp; Web 3.0  metacosystems are usually based on block chain computing platforms (Layer1), and many have contributed to the development of these games and their contents, which can be freely traded on the block chains.

基于区块链的游戏生态购买这些商品的用户将开启新的电商体验。目前 Decentraland 和其他虚拟世界经济体中一些流行的商业活动的例子有:

& nbsp; Decentraland and some of the most popular commercial activities in other virtual world economies are:

? 艺术画廊: 例如苏富比,已经推出允许所有者在拍卖会上展示和出售他们的数字 NFT 艺术品。

? & nbsp; art gallery:   e.g.

? 商务办公室: 像 Binance 那样的加密货币企业在元宇宙中建立了数字总部,员工可以在那里见面和协作。

? & nbsp; Business Office:   Encrypted Money Enterprises such as   Binance set up digital headquarters in the metaspace where employees can meet and collaborate.

? 游戏和赌场: 玩家可以在那里赢得 MANA。

? & nbsp; games and casinos: & nbsp; players can win & nbsp; MANA.

? 广告: 已经有人树立了数字广告牌,用于向游戏玩家进行广告并从中获利。

? & nbsp; ad: & nbsp; digital billboards have been set up to advertise and profit game players.

? 赞助内容: 例如最近宣布的 Atari 街机,其中将包含可在 Decentraland 中玩的游戏。

? & nbsp; sponsorship:   , for example, recently announced   Atari Street, which will contain games that can be played in   Decentraland.

? 音乐场地: 音乐人和 DJ 们可以在那里演奏或者举办演唱会。

? & nbsp; music venue: & nbsp; musicians and & nbsp; DJs can play or hold concerts there.

元宇宙体验这些 Web 3.0 元宇宙世界是更大的互连加密云经济的一部分。这些去中心化协议与元宇宙虚拟经济进行交互并为其提供技术基础设施。

The meta-cosmos experience these & nbsp; Web 3.0  the meta-cosmos world is part of a larger interconnected encryption cloud economy. These decentralisation protocols interact with the meta-cosm virtual economy and provide it with technological infrastructure.

? 支付网络: Web 3.0 元宇宙经济体可以使用自己的代币,如 MANA,或它们基于的公链的代币,如 ETH 或 SOL。

? & nbsp; payment networks:   Web 3.0  meta-cosmos economies can use their own tokens, such as   MANA, or their public chain, such as   ETH or   SOL.

? DeFi: 去中心化交易平台允许用户交易游戏内物品,而借贷平台允许用户使用他们的虚拟土地抵押贷款。

? & nbsp; DeFi: & nbsp; to centralize trading platforms that allow users to trade items in games, while lending platforms allow users to use their virtual land mortgages.

? NFT 主权商品: 玩家可以从其他创作者那里购买 NFT,并将它们带入其他虚拟世界进行展示或出售。

? & nbsp; NFT Sovereign Commodities:   Players can buy  

? 去中心化治理: 从中心化公司手中夺回对数字经济的控制权,并允许 Web 3.0 元宇宙用户构成的全球网络决定他们集体拥有的虚拟空间中的规则。

? & nbsp; Decentralized governance:   takes control of

? 去中心化云: Filecoin 等文件存储解决方案为 Web 3.0 元宇宙提供了一个去中心化的数据存储基础设施解决方案,而 Livepeer 等服务则为虚拟世界提供了去中心化的视频转码基础设施。

? & nbsp; Decentralizing Clouds:   Filecoin etc. file storage solutions are   Web 3.0  Metscos provide a decentralised data storage infrastructure solution, while   Livepeer etc. provide decentralised video transcoded infrastructure for the virtual world.

? 自我主权身份: 来自其他平台的互联网原生社会信誉币(「创造者币」)的数据可能会被传输到元宇宙中并用于身份识别或信用评分。

? & nbsp; Self-sovereign identity:   data from other platforms from Internet-based social credit coins ( "contributors' coins") may be transmitted to meta-cosm and used for identification or credit rating.

基于区块链的虚拟经济细分市场元宇宙 Web 3.0 规模

这些创新的结合创造了一种新的线上体验,已经吸引了相当多的用户。近年来,Web 3.0 元宇宙虚拟世界的用户增长迅速,到今天,已经有了共 50,000 名用户(活跃钱包),自 2020 年初以来增长了约 10 倍。

The combination of these innovations has created a new online experience that has attracted a considerable number of users. In recent years, Web 3.0  users of the virtual world of the meta-cosmos have grown rapidly, and today there are   50,000  name users (active wallets), since   2020  about   10  multiplied since the beginning of the year.

全球活跃元宇宙钱包数与其他 Web 3.0 和 Web 2.0 细分市场相比,元宇宙虚拟世界的用户数量仍处于早期阶段,但如果继续保持目前的增长率,这个新兴的细分市场有可能在未来几年成为主流。

The number of global active meta-coastal wallets compared to other & nbsp; Web 3.0  and   Web 2.0  and the number of users in the virtual world of meta-cosmos are still at an early stage in comparison with the market, but if current growth rates continue, this emerging segment of the market is likely to become mainstream in the coming years.

全球不同领域用户数对比Web 3.0 元宇宙虚拟世界已经在为共同构建出这个新兴市场的开发人员、第三方创作者和用户们创造现实世界的价值了。Web 3.0 元宇宙项目销售产生(如虚拟土地、商品和服务)的总价值已超过 2 亿美元。

Web 3.0 , which compares the number of users in different fields across the globe; the Metacosm Virtual World is already creating real world values for developers, third-party creators and users who collectively construct this emerging market. Web 3.0  the total value of sales generated by metacosystem projects (e.g. virtual land, goods and services) has exceeded & nbsp; 2  and billions of dollars.

通过排除这些曾控制着网络空间的 Web 2.0 中心化公司,Web 3.0 元宇宙虚拟世界受益于快速创新和生产力提升。

By excluding those & nbsps that used to control cyberspace; Web 2.0 & nbsp; Centralization, Web 3.0 & nbsp; and Geocosm Virtual World benefits from rapid innovation and productivity gains.


By removing capital controls and opening up digital boundaries to free-market capitalism, the encrypted virtual world has created millions of dollars worth of first- and second-tier markets for creators and asset owners.

全球元宇宙产品销售金额在 2021 年第三季度中,加密行业融资总额为 82 亿美元,其中 Web 3.0 和 NFT 部分为 18 亿美元。在 Web 3.0 和 NFT 领域,基于区块链的游戏在 14 笔融资中吸引了约 10 亿美元的资金,使其成为加密行业的顶级子领域。

In   2021  in the third quarter of the year, total financing for the encryption industry was   82  billions of dollars, of which   Web 3.0  and   NFT part is   18  billions of dollars. In   Web 3.0  and & nbsp; NFT, block-based games in   14  pen financing attracted about   10& nbsp; and billions of dollars, making them top sub-areas for the encryption industry.

2021 年第三季度全球 NFT 垂直投资活动对加密行业的资本投资最近开始加速,但与 Facebook 等公司计划投资的 100 亿美元以及其他公司和 VC 可能跟进的金额相比,元宇宙还处于相当早期的阶段。

2021  Global & nbsp in the third quarter of the year; NFT vertical investment in capital investment in the encryption industry has recently started to accelerate, but the metacosystem is at a fairly early stage compared to the amounts that companies such as Facebook plan to invest in; 100  billions of dollars and other companies and & nbsp; and VC may follow.


         元宇宙是一个超越我们今天所知的互联网的数字世界。这种对网络未来形态的愿景有可能改变我们的社交互动、商业往来和整个互联网经济。元宇宙仍在成形,但 Web 3.0 开放式虚拟世界加密网络让我们得以一窥互联网的未来。将元宇宙带入生活这个市场机会蕴藏着可能超过 1 万亿美元的年收入,并且可能与当今市值约 15 万亿美元的 Web 2.0 公司竞争。这种潜力吸引了 Facebook 等公司转向元宇宙,而 Facebook 的决定可能会成为 Web 2.0 科技巨头和投资者们转投元宇宙的催化剂。

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;           & nbsp; the meta-cosmos is a digital world beyond what we know today. This vision of the future shape of the network has the potential to change our social interaction, business dealings and the Internet economy as a whole. The meta-cosmos is still in shape, but & nbsp; Web 3.0  open virtual world encryption networks allow us to look at the future of the Internet. The opportunity to bring the meta-cosmos into life is likely to be greater than   1& nbsp; trillions of annual income, and may be associated with today's market value & nbsp; trillions; Web 2.0& nbsp; company competition. This potential attracts & nbsp; Facebook and other companies to turn to the meta-co; & nbsp; wmbsp; Web 2.0 & nbbbbsp; and nbsp; giant investors.




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