HTTP(HyperText Transfer Protocol,超文本傳輸協定)是萬維網通訊的基礎,它定義了伺服器 (server side)和用戶端(client side)的通訊。 HTTP 起初設計是明文(plain text,即沒有加密)傳輸,因此通訊的內容很容易被洩漏,並不適宜用作傳送密碼等保密資料。

The HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol, Hypertext Transfer Agreement) is the foundation of the MVN, which defines the communications of the server (server side) and the client side. The HTTP was originally designed as an express (plan text, i.e., without encryption) transfer, so that the content of the communication is easily leaked and is not suitable for confidential data such as sending passwords.