浙江省高级人民法院知识产权庭副庭长王亦非(中)。本报见习记者 隋明照 摄
In recent years, the concept of block chains has often been raised. On 28 June, the Zhejiang Hang County Internet Court issued a public judgement in a dispute over violations of the right to distribute information networks about works, confirming for the first time the legal validity of electronic data recorded using block chain technology.
So, what are the specific circumstances behind the case, and why is the case a matter of great concern? At the Media Study Course on Copyright-Related Hotspots, held on 4 August, the Vice-President of the Intellectual Property Division of the Zhejiang Provincial High People's Court, Wang, did not analyse the case in detail from the point of view of the court's decision.
The King did not first explain the block chain in a vivid detail. She said that the block chain, as a decentralised database, was a series of data blocks that were linked by cryptography.
The word "block chain" already indicates its intrinsic meaning, i.e. it is a network made up of servers of multiple agencies or companies as nodes in which one node packs the data generated over a period of time, forming a block. It is then synchronized to the entire block node network, and when the other nodes on the network receive the block, they verify the block and then add it to their own local server. A node then wraps the newly generated data together with the information that already exists on the local server and forms a second block.
Once the second block is formed, the other nodes receive the block, and then the block is validated. Once certified, the second block is added to the local server, the first block is connected to the second block. After that, all data within the network are packaged in the same way, and the blocks and blocks are connected, forming a chain of blocks. From its own operating process and the technical principles behind it, it is necessary to modify the contents of all blocks after the block and, at the same time, to modify the backup data on all institutions and other servers in the network of blocks. Thus, the block chain has a feature that is difficult to tamper with and remove, and as a means of proof, it has a very high level of reliability in preserving the integrity of the content of electronic evidence.
In this case, which was handed down on 28 June, the plaintiff, in order to prove that the defendant had published on the website in which he operated the works relating to the plaintiff’s right to authorship, chose the block chain to be documented, i.e. through the third-party record-keeping platform, automatic tort page grabs and tort page original code recognition. At the same time, the tort page screens and the original code and call logs were computed as compressed packages, and the compressed package was added to the Hashi value and uploaded to the two sector chains, notarized and Bitcoin, respectively, and in this way, the plaintiff considered that the corresponding electronic evidentiary evidence had been completed.
Nor does the King argue that the criteria for determining the validity of evidence in the Internet courts are three main: first, the qualifications of the evidence-repository platform; second, the credibility of tort web-based forensic techniques; and third, the integrity of the preservation of electronic evidence. Nor does the King introduce that the courts focus on examining the integrity of the electronic evidence uploaded in the case, and that this review is carried out in two ways, namely, whether the electronic data were actually uploaded and whether the electronic data uploaded were the electronic data contested in the case.
There are two steps to be taken to determine whether the electronic data were actually uploaded. The evidence provided by the plaintiff before was the evidence of the record, and the court was first to examine the technical principles of the certificate process and to determine whether the evidence provided by the plaintiff was genuinely uploaded. At the same time, it was determined whether the data uploaded were not altered. As a first step, the transaction value provided by the plaintiff could be searched on the chain of notarized public areas, and the search would allow for the search of the contents and the time of creation of the corresponding Hashi value of the exchange in the value of the transaction. At the same time, there is a logical relationship between the value of the chain and the time of the contents of the chain submitted by the plaintiff.
For the purpose of examining whether the uploaded electronic data were the electronic data contested in the case, the Hashi value was compared by using the Hashi value matching, the web screen including the code obtained through the Google Open Source application, and a call log was packed into a compressed package to calculate the Hashi value. The Hashi value was consistent with the Hashi value maintained in the block chain, in which case the court found it possible to determine that the data in question had been uploaded into the two blocks chain, that it had been complete and had never been modified, which was the court’s standard for reviewing the integrity of electronic evidence.
In fact, the case was a simple copyright infringement, but because the plaintiff used block chain technology as evidence in electronic evidence, which was upheld and accepted by the court, the court found the corresponding violation by the defendant, thus making the case the first case of a chain of blocks in the country.
The King is not convinced that the particularity of this case lies in the fact that the court, for the first time in its judgement, interpreted block chain technology and judged the technical probative weight of the block chain by means of a standard for the authentication of evidence, thus making such a small case a case of concern.
In summing up this case, Wang does not mean that the court analyses and determines electronic evidence, including the chain of blocks, on a case-by-case basis and in an open and neutral manner. The new issues raised by the new technology, or the criteria that are determined on a case-by-case basis, do not exclude or raise the standard of proof because the block chain technology itself is a new type of technical tool, nor do they reduce the criteria for identification because its technology is difficult to tamper with or remove features, or determine its evidentiary validity in the light of the relevant legal provisions on electronic evidence.
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