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In recent years, the block chain, thanks to technical features such as multi-centralization, non-frozenness and transparency, has gradually shifted from the theoretical level to the application of practice, showing good application in areas such as finance, government, civil life and the administration of justice.
Block chains, as trust tools, can facilitate information-sharing and enhance synergies and are well suited to network relationships. The transport industry is a typical network structure with “five streams” of human flows, currents, capital flows, information flows, business flows, and is well suited to the landscape of block chains. The large number of participants in the transport sector, and the difficulty of developing an effective system of mutual trust and collaboration among the various players, can lead to slow information-sharing and openness, resource-sharing and connectivity difficulties. Block-chain technologies and transport depth integration can generate chemical responses, genetic modification, improved data-sharing in the transport sector, lower-quality efficiency, enhanced regulatory effectiveness, enhanced service capabilities, enhanced safety levels, credit systems, etc., with broad application prospects in a wide range of areas, such as transport infrastructure, freight logistics, passenger travel, and industry management services.
1. Status of the use of block chains in transport
目前,全球范围内区块链技术在交通运输领域已经行动起来。全球区块链货运联盟(Blockchain in Transport Alliance)成立于 2017 年 8 月,是一家全球化的区块链教育和标准开发行业组织。BiTA 整合货运及物流行业中的各方,利用区块链技术,提高货运流程的安全性、透明度及效率,核心是降低成本,提高运输效率。目前已经吸引了包括美国快递公司 UPS、联邦快递 FedEx、BNSF 铁路公司、施耐德卡车运输公司、GE 运输系统集团、国内京东物流在内的数百家公司加盟,旗下成员包括整车运输企业、第三方物流服务提供商、科技公司、知名零售商和金融服务提供商。马士基航运与 IBM合作利用区块链分布式账本技术,联合开发了全球贸易数字化平台(GTD)。该平台建立了海运信息通道,提供“端到端”的供应链可视性,使供应链管理的所有参与者能够实时、安全、无缝地同步运输信息,让跨境贸易货物运输方面的信息流更透明,帮助减少清关和货物运输的时间和成本。
The global block chain technology is now operational in the area of transport. The Global Block Chain Cargo Alliance (Blockchaiin in TransportAlliance) is established in 2017 year & nbsp; 8 month, is a globalized block chain education and standard development industry organization. BiTA integrates parties in the freight and logistics industry, using block chain technology to improve safety, transparency and efficiency of freight transport processes, with a core of cost reduction and transport efficiency. The Global Block Chain Cargo Alliance (Blockchaiin in Transport Transport) is currently attracting all transport chain cargo (Blocks) and traffic efficiency.
总的来看,区块链技术对于交通运输的价值在国际上已经得到行业认可,形成共识。国内交通运输领域的区块链应用也逐渐兴起,呈现良好的发展势头。中国银行中国公路学会交通金融科技创新联合实验室结合交通行业发展需要,开发了交通“阡陌链”区块链基础平台,该平台支持主流区块链开源框架,提供高效便捷、安全稳定的区块链基础服务,促进区块链 + 场景快速落地,助力交通行业场景建设。下面,报告分别从交通基础设施、货运物流、客运出行、行业管理服务方面,介绍交通运输领域区块链的应用空间和实践案例。
In general, block chain technology has gained international recognition and consensus on the value of transport. The use of block chains in the field of domestic transport has also been gaining momentum. 1.1交通基础设施领域 1.1 In the field of transport infrastructure 区块链技术不可篡改、高度安全、透明共享的特性可以在交通基础设施的全生命周期运营管理中发挥重要作用,如工程招投标、工程安全质量监管、工程养护、资产管理、路网运行管理、通行费清分结算等。以交通工程质量监管为例,存在数据透明度难以保障、原材料源头信息采集难等问题。可以搭建联盟链,通过智能合约将基础设施建设相关数据上链,解决原材料生产、现场施工、验收检测、行业监督各方面的数据安全和信任问题,从而实现工程质量溯源。 Block chain technologies can play an important role in the management of transport infrastructure throughout its life cycle, such as engineering bidding, engineering safety quality control, engineering maintenance, asset management, road network operation management, toll clearing, etc. In the case of traffic engineering quality control, there are problems of data transparency, raw material source information gathering difficulties. Alliance chains can be built to build infrastructure-related data links through smart contracts, addressing the issues of raw material production, site construction, receiving and inspection, and industry supervision of data security and trust, so that the quality of the project can be traced. 1.2货运物流领域 1.2 In the area of freight logistics 区块链技术在物流供应链应用中有较强优势。传统物流供应链系统是中心化的系统,链条长,环节多,市场参与方多,监管部门多,由于信任问题和全程纸质化管理,运营过程非常复杂,成本高、效率低。目前传统物流在技术和运营方面比较落后,存在高分散性、过程物流数据透明度低、缺乏信任等问题,导致各方职责划分不清晰、综合效能不高。区块链能够记录不同环节、全流程的详细交易信息、管理信息,可以实现链上信息安全互信共享,实现掌握完整的供应链信息,为优化物流管理流程、物流信息溯源、开展供应链金融提供了基础条件。例如,原材料生产商、制造商、分销商、配送商和零售商主体可以借助区块链技术构建的物流信息系统共享仓储信息、销售信息,优化物流管理流程,降低成本,提高效率;利用区块链不可篡改可追溯的特性,消费者可以获取准确的生产和物流信息,有利于商品的防伪、品质溯源以及重大安全问题出现时的召回与责任界定。 (a) Traditional logistics supply chain systems are central, chain-long, market-based, multi-regulated, complex and cost-effective operations due to trust issues and paper-based management. Traditional logistics are currently lagging behind in technology and operations, with high fragmentation, low transparency and lack of trust in process logistics data sharing 1.3客运出行领域 1.3 Movement of passengers 随着社会经济发展,公众出行方式日趋多样化,交通工具数量不断增加,城市人口日益增长,交通拥堵不断发生,保障出行安全、便捷出行、高效出行成为亟待解决的难题,高效的一体化出行解决方案成为未来发展趋势。结合区块链的技术特性,将区块链技术融合到客运出行管理、服务信息化系统中,可以提升安全监管效率和服务水平,在网约车及共享汽车安全监管、MaaS 出行服务、交通疏堵等方面有较好的应用价值。目前,区块链技术在城市公共交通领域、共享出行领域得到了应用。管理部门通过交通出行数据上链,实现智能交通疏导、路线调整、运力调度,缓解交通堵塞问题,加强交通管理各方之间的联系,使交通综合管理更加高效、可靠。同时,推动智慧城市演进升级,扩充城市大脑容量,提升城市交通管理智能化、服务便利水平。 With socio-economic development, public mobility is increasingly diversified, the number of means of transport is increasing, urban population is growing, traffic congestion is increasing, safety of travel, speed of movement, efficient mobility is a pressing challenge, and efficient integrated mobility solutions are becoming a future development trend. By combining the technical characteristics of block chains, integrating them into passenger movement management, service information systems can improve the efficiency of safe regulation and service delivery, as well as the value of better applications in network and shared vehicle safety regulation, MaaS travel services, traffic congestion, etc. At present, block chain technology is applied in the area of public transport in cities, shared mobility. Through traffic access data uplinks, smart traffic transfer, route adjustment, movement control, traffic congestion, improved links between traffic management parties, and more efficient and reliable transport management. At the same time, promoting intelligent urban upgrading and expansion of 1.4行业管理服务领域 1.4 Industry management services area 区块链技术有利于解决行业内部系统数据共享的诸多问题。区块链的分布式存储、不可篡改等特点,能够为数据采集、传输、存证、访问控制、交易、安全共享与监管等全生命周期提供管理服务。行业行政主管部门在管理和服务过程中,通过区块链网络可以打破各自为政、信息孤岛等难题,形成成规模、成体系的行业大数据集,还可降低运维成本,保障数据的安全性,协同部门工作,优化政务流程,降低沟通成本和信息成本,提升行业管理效率。可以预见,区块链在交通运输政府部门信息共享、信用交通、交通综合执法以及交通管理信息化系统(如交通建设项目计划管理、预算及绩效管理、物流监管、客运出行管理服务、路网运行管理服务、交通安全应急管理等)建设中有广阔的应用空间。 Block chain technology helps solve many of the problems of data sharing within the industry system. Block chain distribution storage, non-altering features, etc., can provide management services throughout the life cycle, such as data collection, transmission, record-keeping, access control, trade, security sharing and regulation. In the management and service process, sector administrative authorities can break down difficulties such as fragmentation and information silos by means of a network of blocks, creating large data sets of large-scale and systematic industries that can also reduce transportation costs, guarantee data security, work with departments, optimize government processes, reduce communication costs and information costs, and increase industrial management efficiency. It can be expected that the sector chain has a wide range of applications in the areas of information-sharing, credit transport, integrated traffic enforcement and traffic management information systems (e.g., traffic construction project management, budget and performance management, logistics supervision, passenger and travel management services, road network operations management services, traffic safety emergency management, etc.). 2、交通运输领域区块链发展存在的问题 2. Problems in the development of block chains in the field of transport 伴随着社会对区块链的价值和场景适用度的认识不断提高,区块链应用已从单一的加密货币应用延伸到经济社会的多个行业。对比区块链在金融、政务、民生、法律等其他行业应用情况,在交通运输行业大规模推广应用还存在以下几方面问题: With society’s growing awareness of the value and application of the block chain, the application of the block chain has been extended from a single application of encrypted currency to multiple sectors of the economy. Compared with the application of the block chain in other sectors, such as finance, government, livelihood, law, etc., there are several problems with large-scale extension of the application in the transport sector: 缺乏行业应用的顶层设计和整体规划。目前,我国交通运输行业对区块链技术认知总体不足,对区块链技术本身、行业应用价值、应用前景研究尚不深入,处于市场分散化的实践状态。虽然在一些地方出台的区块链指导意见中涉及了交通运输领域的应用,但缺乏行业性的顶层设计,发展思路、应用场景、推进路线不明确,容易导致未来各地交通运输部门在推进过程中缺乏指导,发展规划和技术路线各不相同,产生技术异构、资源配置割裂、应用场景分割化、评价机制不统一等问题。 There is a lack of top-level design and overall planning for industry applications. At present, the country’s transport sector lacks an overall understanding of block-chain technology, and research on block-chain technology itself, industry application values, application prospects, and market decentralization. 缺乏统一的行业应用规范和技术标准。由于区块链技术尚未在交通运输行业形成大规模的应用态势,各领域应用还处于研究和试水阶段,尚未形成系统的行业应用规范和标准。亟需从技术要素评估、性能评估和安全性评估等角度对技术应用进行规范,并在产品设计、软件开发和系统运营上给出具体的技术指标、评估方法和相应标准。 There is a lack of uniform industry application codes and technical standards. Since block chain technologies have not yet developed large-scale applications in the transport sector, applications in various fields are still at the research and testing stages, and no systematic industry application norms and standards have been developed. There is an urgent need to regulate technology applications from the point of view of technology factor assessment, performance assessment and safety assessment. Specific technical indicators, assessment methods and corresponding criteria are given in product design, and system operations. 缺乏符合行业发展特点和需求的公共底层平台作落地支撑。区块链技术在我国交通运输领域落地应用多是在开源区块链底层平台基础上进行适用性的调整开发,在并发用户数、吞吐量、可靠性、安全性等方面进行优化,实现身份验证、隐私保护、节点管理等功能。现阶段,国内大型原生区块链公司和科技企业开发的区块链底层平台在应用场景各有侧重,鲜有符合交通运输行业特点和需求的公共底层平台,致使技术人才紧缺,技术落地效果欠佳,试错成本高昂,推广进程缓慢。亟需开发或探寻一套高性能、低成本的公共底层平台,以解决成链成本高、底层平台异构、数据无法交换、推广应用难等问题。 At this stage, the bottom-of-the-chain platforms developed by large indigenous infrastructure companies and scientific and technological enterprises in the country are being applied in different contexts, with few low-level public platforms adapted to the characteristics and needs of the transport sector, leading to a shortage of skilled personnel, poor technological performance, high test costs and slow extension processes. There is an urgent need to develop or explore a high-performance, low-cost public bottom platform to address the high cost of the chain, the heterogeneity of the platform, the inability to exchange data and the difficulty of extending applications. 缺乏区块链技术核心人才储备和资本投入。区块链人才是复合型人才,不仅要求技术人员掌握主流区块链系统开发语言、密码学、计算机网络基础,还要有区块链开源项目开发经验,对交通行业有较为深入的了解,目前我国交通区块链技术人才储备还难以满足大规模应用需求。同时,交通区块链系统建设需要投入大量研发成本和硬件设备,需要探索政府和市场交通区块链技术研发和应用的协同创新模式,依托金融资本、产业资本和科技企业的各自优势,为交通区块链产业化发展提供投融资解决方案。 There is a lack of a core pool of technical and capital inputs to the block chain. The block chain is a complex talent that requires technical knowledge not only of the language, cryptology, computer network base for the development of the mainstream block chain system, but also of the experience of the open-source development of the block chain, which has a better understanding of the transport sector, and the current pool of technical personnel in the country’s transport block chain, which is difficult to meet for large-scale applications. At the same time, the construction of the transport block chain system requires significant investment in research and development costs and hardware equipment, as well as the exploration of innovative models for the development and application of technology in the Government and the market block chain, depending on the respective strengths of financial capital, industrial capital, and scientific and technological enterprises, to provide financing solutions for the industrialization of the transport block chain. 1、交通运输区块链顶层设计 1. Design of the top layers of the transport block chain 区块链技术与应用目前处于发展阶段,在学习、开发、使用、运维等方面门槛较高,区块链社区、区块链云服务等产业配套基础设施尚不完善,从业人员不足,不利于区块链技术在交通运输行业产业化应用。此外,从其他行业应用实践来看,机构各自建链会导致链与链之间的数据不能互通、业务难以协作,阻碍区块链发挥互信协作的价值。因此,推广区块链技术在交通运输领域应用必须首先要做好顶层设计。交通运输区块链的整体架构可分为四层,分别是基础层、国产自主可控区块链层、交通区块链基础服务层、行业应用生态层。 Block chain technology and applications are currently at the development stage, with high thresholds in terms of learning, development, use, transport, etc. The infrastructure of industrial support such as block chain communities and block chain cloud services is not yet well developed and the number of practitioners is insufficient to facilitate the industrialization of block chain technologies in the transport sector. Moreover, the establishment of individual chains by institutions can lead to a lack of interconnectivity of data between chains and chains, difficulties in working together, and barriers to the value of interlocking relationships. Therefore, the promotion of block chain technology in the transport sector must begin with a top-level design. 1.1基础层 1.1 BASIC LEVEL 基础层包括了交通区块链领域所需要的交通应用基础(交通基础设施、运输装备、运输服务)和信息基础设施,为构建上层区块链、服务平台以及应用提供坚实的底座。交通运输涵盖公路、铁路、水运、民航、管道等各种运输方式,信息基础包括云环境中的丰富云资源、专有和公有的网络、终端 IoT 设备以及边缘节点、专有设备等。 The base level includes the transport application base (transport infrastructure, transport equipment, transport services) and the information infrastructure needed in the area of the transport block chain, providing a solid base for the construction of the upper block chain, service platforms and applications. Transport covers a variety of modes of transport, such as roads, railways, water transport, civil aviation, pipelines, etc. The information base includes rich cloud resources in the cloud environment, proprietary and public networks, terminals & nbsp, IOT equipment and peripheral nodes, proprietary equipment, etc. 1.2国产自主可控区块链层 1.2 Autonomous and controlled blocks chain of national production 国产自主可控区块链层通过使用密码学保证传输和访问安全,在多机构间分布式网络环境下,通过基础组件和扩展组件为上层的区块链应用提供服务,确保链上数据的一致性、安全性。基础组件包括能够适用于交通行业不同需求的共识机制、用于区块链节点之间通信的 P2P 网络、存储多种交通数据的数据存储组件以及用于智能合约执行的智能合约执行引擎。扩展组件包括用于实现链上交通数据隐私安全的隐私保护组件、用于节点身份验证的身份认证组件、适配不同监管要求的安全组件、交通应用场景中联盟链成员内部自治的联盟链治理组件、为交通领域重要数据提供更高安全级别的可信执行环境适配模块、用于交通监管机构审计交通运输数据的数据管理模块和运维管理模块。 Nationally owned and controlled block chains provide security of transmission and access through the use of cryptography. In a multi-agency distributed network environment, basic and extension components provide services for upper block chain applications to ensure consistency and security of data on the chain. The basic components include consensus mechanisms that can be applied to the different needs of the transport industry,   for communication between block nodes; P2P networks, data storage components for storage of multiple traffic data, and smart contract implementation engines for intelligent contract enforcement. The expanded components include privacy protection components for security of transport data privacy in the chain, identification components for node identification, security components for different regulatory requirements, Alliance chain governance components for autonomous members of the transport application chain, credible enforcement environment-appropriate modules for providing a higher level of safety for key traffic data, data management modules for transport regulatory agencies to audit transport data and transport management modules. 关键基础设施的自主可控关乎国家战略,对国家信息安全至关重要。因此,在交通领域推进区块链技术的研发与应用时,必须加大力度研发具有自主知识产权、自主可控的国产联盟链,加大力度推行安全可控技术成果转化,做到区块链技术底层源代码全可知、可编、可重构、可信、可用以及具备自主知识产权,实现区块链技术的国产化。 The autonomous control of critical infrastructure is central to national strategies and is essential for the country 1.3交通区块链基础服务层 1.3 Transport block infrastructure service level 针对交通运输领域区块链技术储备不足、区块链应用的周期长、成本高、难以统一管理等问题,通过在区块链联盟链之上构建设施集约、服务共享、安全可信的交通区块链基础服务平台,极大提升交通运输领域的区块链应用能力。“交通区块链基础服务平台”发挥区块链 + 云计算的技术融合优势,为区块链开发提供便捷、高性能的区块链系统和基础设施服务。向上便于政府、企业和开发人员高效的使用区块链,快速构建和维护区块链应用;向下支持对不同的基础区块链平台进行统一资源管理、统一身份认证、统一运营监管、统一生态协同。平台提供可视化部署能力,实现一键式区块链网络的自动化创建,异构区块链的一键接入,解决政府、企业“上链难”的问题,降低区块链使用门槛。在区块链基础服务层中,包括管理服务和标准接口、交通智能合约商店、交通区块链应用商店和交通区块链公共平台。——管理服务和标准接口 In response to problems such as inadequate technical stock of block chains in transport, long-cycle, high cost and difficulty in integrated management of block chain applications, the capacity to apply block chains in transport has been greatly enhanced through the construction of the infrastructure service platform for the infrastructure of the infrastructure of the network of blocks above the network of blocks, service sharing, safe and credible transport blocks. The platform for basic services of the transport block chain operates as a block chain & nbsp; + & nbsp; the technological integration advantage of cloud computing, providing fast-track, high-performance block chain systems and infrastructure services for the development of block chains. The use of block chains has been rapidly constructed and maintained through the construction of the infrastructure service platform for government, business and the development of efficient use of block chains for government, enterprise and human beings. 平台提供统一的区块链管理功能,具备可配置的区块链联盟管理能力,支持区块链联盟的快速部署、动态扩展,为政府、企业邀请合作伙伴上链、扩展业务广度与深度提供极大程度的便利;具备高效智能合约管理能力,通过可视化的管理工具快速生成、部署、发布智能合约,有效提升开发效率。平台提供可视化的运维管理、运营管理及监管审计等功能,用户可以在不深入了解区块链的前提下使用上述服务,以此保证业务场景在安全、稳定和高效的环境下持续运行,并极大程度降低政府及企业的运维成本,达到降本增效的效果。——交通区块链公共平台 The platform provides a unified block chain management function, with configured block chain alliance management capabilities, supports rapid deployment, dynamic expansion of block chain alliances, greatly facilitates government, business invitation partners to go up the chain, and expands the breadth and depth of operations; has an efficient smart contract management capability that effectively enhances development efficiency through the rapid generation, deployment and release of smart contracts through visualized management tools. The platform provides visualization of functions such as transport support management, operations management and regulatory auditing, which users can use without in-depth knowledge of the block chain to ensure that the business landscape continues to operate in a safe, stable and efficient environment, and to significantly reduce the cost of government and business transport support, thereby achieving efficiency gains. 交通区块链公共平台包括跨链平台、数据可信共享平台和分布式数字身份平台等。 Public transport block chains include cross-chain platforms, credible data-sharing platforms and distributed digital identity platforms. 跨链平台。为解决现有区块链应用建设中存在机构各自建链、业务数据割裂、链与链之间标准协议不互通等问题,可通过区块链跨链平台,实现异构和同构联盟链间的账本互操作,跨链的资产交易、数据交换以及业务互补。跨链平台将区块链聚“链”为“网”,进一步促进政府、企业之间可信融通发展,推动机构高效协作,解决跨链交易的捕获、传输以及验证等多链协作的核心难题,为区块链互联网络的形成与价值孤岛的互通提供可靠的底层技术支撑。 Cross-linkages Platforms. To address institutional linkages, business data fragmentation, and the lack of interlinkage of standard agreements between chains in existing block-chain applications, inter-syllabi and inter-symmetrical inter-linkages, cross-chain asset transactions, data exchange, and business complementarities can be achieved through block-chain inter-linkage platforms. Cross-linkages platforms that bring together blocks “chains” as “networks” further promote credible and inclusive development between governments and businesses, promote efficient institutional collaboration to address the core challenges of multi-chain collaboration, such as the capture, transmission and certification of cross-chain transactions, and provide reliable bottom-level technical support for the formation of inter-connected networks and the interconnection of value islands. 数据可信共享平台。在交通行业信息化发展过程中,各地政府、企业内部都积累了大量行业数据,但因为安全性以及隐私性等问题,数据未得到有效利用,制约了数据价值的释放。通过融合区块链技术与联邦计算,打造数据安全共享平台,可解决这种数据孤岛、数据确权、数据隐私等问题,为政府和企业提供可信的大规模数据存储、可控的数据共享服务和安全多方计算,促进产业互联网和数字经济领域的协同创新。 A credible platform for sharing data. In the process of information development in the transport sector, governments and businesses have accumulated large amounts of industry data, but data are not used effectively because of issues such as safety and privacy, which constrains the release of data values. By integrating block chain technology with federal computing, creating a platform for sharing data securely addresses such issues as silos of data, data validation, data privacy, providing credible mass data storage, controlled data-sharing services and safe multiple computing for governments and businesses, promoting the industrial Internet and concerted innovation in the area of . 分布式数字身份平台。通过区块链数字身份平台解决交通运输行业在跨地区、跨部门、跨企业开展业务时,存在的身份信息割裂的问题。以区块链为基础搭建分布式数字身份管理平台,为各类区块链应用提供分布式身份认证功能。区块链数字身份平台用户持有公私钥对,用户的公钥(唯一标识)信息将被存储在区块链上,利用区块链实现账户信息的多方共享,共同维护,实现账户管理体系的多中心化。公钥的信息与账户的标识信息(如个人姓名,身份证号、车牌号、运单号)所绑定,账户的私密信息保存在各参与方的业务系统中,不对外暴露,从而在保护用户数据隐私的情况下,实现账户体系的统一。此外,还可扩展车辆数字身份、货物数字身份、包裹数字身份,并结合智能合约扩展一系列全新的功能和应用场景。——交通智能合约商店和应用商店交通运输区块链服务层提供智能合约商店和应用商店。商店可用于发布、管理多种业务的智能合约应用,包括存证合约、上链合约和交易合约等,减少对已有成熟模式的重复造轮子问题,丰富交通运输领域应用生态。 Distributed digital identity platforms. Addressing the fragmentation of identity information in the transport industry when operating across regions, sectors, and enterprises through block-chain digital identity platforms. A distributed digital identity management platform based on block-chains provides a distributed identity authentication function for various block-chain applications. A public-private key pair of users of block-chain digital identity platforms, public-key (only identifier) information of users will be stored on block-chains, multiple-sharing of account information will be achieved using block-chains, joint maintenance and multi-centralization of account management systems. 1.4行业应用生态层 1.4 Applied eco-layers in industry 交通区块链应用是各类管理和服务主体根据交通业务协同需求构建的链上应用,按交通场景可分为交通基础设施、货运物流、客运出行、行业管理服务等领域。 Transport block-chain applications are chain-based applications of various types of management and service providers based on the needs of coordinated transport operations, which can be grouped by field of transport infrastructure, freight logistics, passenger movement and industry management services. 2、交通运输区块链关键技术 2. Key technologies in the transport block chain 交通运输区块链的关键技术主要包括高性能高鲁棒共识算法、海量节点组网、基于 IPFS 的高效混合存储引擎、基于关系数据库的底层区块链存储技术、健壮的安全隐私保护技术、高效智能合约体系、区块链芯片技术、区块链跨链技术等。 Key technologies in the transport block chain include, inter alia, high performance high-column consensus algorithms, big-node network,  -based, IPFS-based, bottom-line block chain storage technology based on relationship databases, robust security privacy protection techniques, efficient smart contract systems, block chain chip technology, block chain cross-chain technology, etc. 2.1高性能共识算法 2.1 High Performance Consensus Algorithm 针对交通行业中千变万化的环境,相关区块链技术需要能够应对不同的场景和环境下的可靠性需求,同时满足百万级交易并行处理的能力。目前的研究方向是:通过研究高鲁棒性共识流水线处理机制、自动恢复机制、分区并行处理机制等技术,支撑区块链应用系统的顺畅运行,解决区块链应用支撑系统在交通行业特殊环境下处理百万级交易时效率以及可靠性的问题,支撑千万数量级交易的高效并行处理,大幅提升系统可靠性,及时恢复故障,有效保障交易隐私性。 For a changing environment in the transport sector, the technology of the block chain needs to be able to respond to the reliability needs of different scenarios and environments, while also meeting the capacity of a million-class transactions to be handled in parallel. The current research is directed towards supporting smooth operation of the block chain application system by studying technologies such as the high-strength consensus water line processing mechanism, the automatic recovery mechanism, the zoning parallel processing mechanism, and addressing the efficiency and reliability of the block chain support system in dealing with the million-grade transactions in the special circumstances of the transport industry, supporting efficient parallel processing of millions of volume transactions, significantly improving system reliability, restoring malfunctions in a timely manner, and effectively safeguarding the privacy of transactions. 2.2海量节点高性能组网模型 2.2 Large Node High Performance Group Network Model 交通行业与过去区块链应用场景不同,将会涉及海量物联网设备接入的问题,需要相关区块链技术能够支持海量节点场景下的高性能组网,满足在海量节点的环境下,并发量和共识出块时间仍然能够满足相关应用的需求。通过分层架构设计、适配物联网设备,并赋予边缘设备计算能力,有效实现整体网络节点水平扩展,解决数据真实性问题,提升终端异构性能力,提供实时计算与验证服务。通过支持多个分片的并行处理,实现大规模组网的高效稳定运行,解决大规模节点场景下区块链交易处理能力减弱的问题,最终实现区块链应用支撑系统的高效共识、并行处理以及稳定运行。 The transport industry, unlike the past block chain application scenes, will address the issue of access to sea mass networking equipment, requiring sector chain technologies that can support high-performance networks under sea-volume node scenarios, meet the needs of applications in the context of sea-volume nodes, and generate and agree upon blocks of time that can still meet the needs of the applications. By designing stratification structures, apparel networking devices, and empowering peripheral equipment to effectively expand overall network node levels, address data authenticity issues, enhance end-to-end heterogeneity capabilities, and provide real-time computing and certification services. By supporting parallel processing of multiple fragments, it will achieve efficient and stable operation of large-scale cluster networks, solve the problem of reduced processing capacity for block chain transactions under large node nodes, and ultimately achieve efficient consensus, parallel processing and stable operation of block chain application support systems. 2.3基于IPFS的高效混合存储引擎 2.3 IPFS-based high-efficiency hybrid storage engine 交通运输行业数据海量,传统的区块链架构在处理海量数据方面存在欠缺,因此高效的混合存储引擎是交通区块链关键技术之一。需要针对大规模数据的应用场景以及不同的数据类型,设计不同的存储引擎,以支持基于区块链的 IPFS 存储技术与链上链下数据协同技术、海量交通数据的存储与处理,实现大数据的链上存储以及不同类型数据的链上链下分离,使得系统读写性能不受影响,实现高效的存储与分发。 The volume of transport industry data, and the lack of traditional block chain structures to deal with the volume of data, makes efficient hybrid storage engines one of the key technologies in the transport block chain. Different storage engines for large-scale data applications and different data types need to be designed to support IPFS storage techniques and data synergizing under the chain; storage and processing of big traffic data; and separation of large data chains and of different types of data between chains, so that systems can read and write without being affected and efficient storage and distribution. 2.4基于关系数据库的区块链存储技术 2.4 Relationship-based block chain storage technology 在传统业务当中,企业往往基于关系型数据库构建业务,而目前区块链的存储数据库仅支持键值对存储,当业务系统需要对接区块链系统时会来带极高的成本。新型区块链存储技术基于关系型数据库,支持各类复杂业务的结构化建模、高性能的数据写入、复杂快速的数据查询,对开发人员友好,可大幅解决企业用链难的问题,帮助企业快速上链,高效复用已有代码,降低开发成本。 In traditional operations, businesses tend to build their business based on relationship-based databases, while the current block chain storage database only supports key-to-key storage, with very high costs when business systems need to link block chain systems. The new block chain storage technology is based on relationship-based databases that support structured modelling of complex operations, high performance data writing, complex and fast-track data queries that are user-friendly to developers and can significantly address the problem of business chain troubles, helping businesses to fast-track, efficiently re-use existing codes and reduce development costs. 2.5健壮的安全隐私保护技术 2.5 Robust security privacy protection techniques 交通运输领域应用场景复杂多样,服务对象众多,因此,对于各参与方密钥的分发、链上链下业务数据和私密数据的安全隐私保护至关重要。健壮的安全隐私保护技术是交通运输区块链的关键技术,需要支持国密算法密钥体系,提高信息安全的自主可控性;需要支持同态加密、零知识证明、端到端加密等隐私保护密码学算法,实现数据的可信存储、细粒度分群组的隐私访问控制、系统安全的全链路管理;需要支持可信硬件执行环境 (TEE&SGX),实现硬件级别的数据安全保护,健全隐私保护机制。 The complexity and diversity of applications and the number of clients in the field of transport are essential for the secure privacy protection of key distributions, operational and private data under the chain of engagement. Robust technology for privacy protection is a key technology in the transport block chain, and requires support for national secret algorithm key systems to improve ; support for cryptographic algorithms for privacy protection, such as homogenous encryption, zero-knowledge certification, end-to-end encryption, for credible storage of data, privacy access control for fine-scale sub-groups, system-wide secure management; support for the implementation of a credible hardware enforcement environment & nbsp; (TE& SGX) for data security protection at the hardware level and sound privacy protection mechanisms. 2.6高效智能合约体系 2.6 Efficient Smart Contract System 针对交通领域中的场景复杂度和参与方复杂度,一套高效的智能合约体系将能够助力区块链在交通领域应用时的高性能和友好性。这套智能合约体系需要支持多种智能合约引擎和多种主流智能合约编程语言,提供完善的合约生命周期管理,支持用户通过业务流管理等可视化工具自动生成智能合约代码,降低研发复杂性和成本,支持灰度升级,做到编程友好、合约安全、执行高效、版本升级平滑过渡,以支持各种分布式应用,适应复杂多变的业务场景。 In response to the complexity of the landscape and the complexity of the participants in the field of transport, an efficient smart contract system will be able to support the high-performance and friendliness in the use of the block chain in the field of transport. The smart contract system will need to support multiple smart contract engines and mainstream contract programming languages, provide sound contract life-cycle management, support the automatic generation of smart contract codes by users through visual tools such as business flow management, reduce the complexity and cost of research and development, support the escalation of greyscales, and provide programming-friendly, contract-safe, efficient implementation, and version upgrade smooth transitions in order to support a variety of distributed applications and adapt to complex and variable business scenarios. 2.7区块链芯片技术 2.7 Block chain chip technology 在交通领域的应用场景中,如何确保数据真实可信十分关键。由于区块链只能确保上链之后数据的安全可信,数据上链之前存在人为干预的风险,因此需要对原始数据的采集和传输方式进行改造升级。通过研发区块链芯片技术,将区块链能力内嵌至物联网设备中,确保数据全生命周期的安全性与完整性。 Since block chains only ensure the security of data after the upper chain and there is a risk of human intervention prior to the data chain, the way in which raw data are collected and transmitted needs to be upgraded. By developing block chain chip technology, block chain capabilities are embedded in object networking devices to ensure the safety and integrity of data throughout the life cycle. 2.8区块链跨链技术 2.8 Block chain cross-chain technology 由于交通运输领域涉及范围广、参与方多、应用场景丰富,因此未来在交通领域将会出现大量不同技术路线的区块链,形成多个独立的价值孤岛,限制跨区块链之间的业务协作与价值互换。因此,需要一个通用、可扩展、多中心和易于接入的跨链技术,通过通用的跨链传输协议实现异构区块链之间的跨链交易路由和可信验证,允许异构资产、数据及服务进行跨链调用;通过可插拔的跨链验证引擎,支持异构应用链的交易验证规则动态注入;通过并行跨链验证技术提供高效代理验证服务;通过跨链域名管理机制实现异构层级链之间的交易高效路由;通过基于哈希锁定的信任传递机制实现异构层级链间可信价值传递。 Given the wide range of transport, the multiplicity of participants and the diversity of applications, there will be a large number of blocks of different technical routes in the field of transport in the future, which will create several separate value islands and limit operational collaboration and value swaps between cross-block chains. Thus, a common, scalable, multi-centre and easily accessible cross-chain technology is needed to achieve cross-linkage and credible validation of the hesitage chain through common cross-chain transmission agreements, allowing for cross-linkal transfer of isomer assets, data and services; supporting the dynamic injection of transactional rules in the hesitant application chain through an embedded cross-chain validation engine; providing efficient proxy certification services through parallel cross-chain certification techniques; achieving efficient transactional routes between hesitation chains through a cross-chain name management mechanism; and achieving a credible value transfer between the hesitant layers through a chain-based trust transfer mechanism based on the Hashi locking mechanism. 1、区块链 + 公路自由流收费 1. Block chains & nbsp; + & nbsp; free flow charges on roads 区块链技术可解决跨省通行费清分结算周期长、偷漏逃费检查难、联网收费稽查压力大等问题。区块链技术既能够保证数据的安全性,又能确保清分结算的实时性,从而实现跨省车辆通行信息、收费信息的公开透明,减少交易摩擦。结合区块链技术,可以提供通行费的实时清分结算,达到降本增效目的。 Block chain technology can address issues such as the long inter-provincial toll clearing cycle, the difficulty of evading the fee check, and the high pressure to network the fee check. Block chain technology can ensure both data security and the real-time nature of the settlement, thereby achieving cross-provincial traffic information, open transparency of the fee information, and less trade friction. 基于区块链的高速公路自由流收费架构图 Chart of free-flow free-flow structure of highways based on block chains 基于区块链的高速公路自由流收费架构整体采用多级区块链网络,管理层级逐级下分,数据逐级保存。通过智能合约将采集的车辆通行数据上链,并对通行数据进行更加高效地加工处理,产生车辆交易流水、所有车辆车牌信息、龙门架系统设备及安全状态信息、跨省通行费计算结果等加工数据,为高速公路收费业务划拨扣款与结算提供依据,还可以向个人或企业用户提供车辆行驶轨迹查询、计费结算管理、数据分析等服务。 The block-based free-flow structure of highways is based on a network of multi-level block-chains, with management rankings and data preservations on a level-by-level basis. Smart contracts provide for the upper chain of vehicle traffic data collected and more efficient processing of traffic data, generating processed data such as traffic water, information on all vehicle licence plates, equipment and security systems, information on cross-provincial toll calculations, and providing a basis for the transfer of deductions and settlements for highway toll operations. Individual or enterprise users can also be provided with services such as vehicle track search, billing management, data analysis, etc. 2、区块链 + 物流供应链金融 2. Block chains & nbsp; + & nbsp; logistics supply chain finance 长期以来,小微企业由于自身信用不足、抵质押物相对缺乏、信息不对称等原因导致其融资难、融资贵、融资慢。随着金融科技的发展,区块链技术被业内认为是破解供应链金融当前困境的解决方案,“区块链 + 供应链金融”被越来越多地应用于实际业务中。 For a long time, micro-enterprises have faced difficulties in financing, high-value financing, and slow financing due to their own lack of credit, relative lack of collateral, asymmetrical information. With , block-chain technology has been recognized by industry as a solution to the current financial dilemma of the supply chain, “block chains & nbsp; + & nbsp; supply chain finance” is increasingly being applied in practical operations. 以无车承运人货运监管服务信息平台为例,虽然无车承运人平台在很大程度上缓解了“货找车”、“车找货”的货源与车源不匹配的问题,但建立和维护成本较高,平台三方诚信机制不健全。信息保密度及可靠性无保障,结算复杂,阻碍了无车承运人平台的发展。 In the case of the Carless Carrier Cargo Control Service Information Platform, the lack of compatibility between the “car search” and “car search” sources is significantly mitigated by the fact that the establishment and maintenance costs are high and the three-way integrity mechanism of the platform is inadequate. The lack of confidentiality and reliability of information and the complexity of settlements hinders the development of the carless carrier platform. 通过区块链结合 IoT 技术,在平台上实现物流数据、交易数据、资金数据上链,并对接各监控、监管等平台,实现物流数据全路径监测,降低交易成本,实现实时交易结算,提高交易效率和资产利用率。分布式存储交易数据提高数据的不可篡改和高安全性,基于智能合约实现交易流程的自动化进行,在此基础上实现线上金融授信服务,为核心企业的上下游物流公司及个体工商户提供融资。 Through block links & nbsp; IOT technology, logistics data, transactional data, financial data are linked to the platform and linked to various monitoring, regulatory and other platforms, logistics data are monitored on a full-track basis, transaction costs are reduced, real-time transactions are settled, and transaction efficiency and asset utilization are improved. Distributed transaction data are stored in a way that enhances the non-discrepability and high security of the data and automates the transaction process based on smart contracts, on the basis of which online financial award services are made available to finance both upstream and downstream logistics companies and individual business owners of core enterprises. 3、区块链 + 交通综合行政执法 3. Block chain & nbsp; + & nbsp; integrated traffic administration enforcement 全国各地的交通综合执法存在跨部门、跨地区、跨专业信息不联通,监管信息化程度低,数据时效和安全性差等问题。加快交通执法信息整合、推进智慧执法是当务之急。通过引入区块链技术,促进道路运输执法、路政航政执法、海事执法、污染防治、工程质量监督等多项业务信息互联互通,促进跨部门、跨地区一体化执法信息数据共享。将执法流程和记录、行政处罚、信用评价等信息上链,增强执法的规范性和透明度,以及运输全过程监管数据的时效性和安全性,缓解监管部门压力。 Integrated traffic law enforcement across the country is cross-sectoral, cross-regional, multi-disciplinary and non-connected, with low levels of regulatory informationization, data timeliness and security issues. It is imperative to accelerate the integration of traffic law enforcement information and advance intelligent law enforcement. Through the introduction of block-link technology, many operational information, such as road transport law enforcement, road traffic law enforcement, maritime law enforcement, pollution prevention and engineering quality control, are linked and cross-sectoral, cross-regional and integrated law enforcement information-sharing is facilitated. The chaining of law enforcement processes and records, administrative sanctions, credit evaluation, etc., enhances the normative and transparency of law enforcement, as well as the timeliness and security of transport process-wide regulatory data and reduces the pressure on the regulatory sector. 3.1跨地区交通执法数据共享 3.1 Cross-regional traffic law enforcement data-sharing 传统数据共享方案缺乏标准的信息化系统,导致跨地区的数据共享难以实现。区块链技术可以克服现有技术的缺点与不足,通过跨区域的区块链智能合约,实现所有参与节点的执法结果数据的实时同步更新,解决执法结果可信共享问题。 Traditional data-sharing programmes lack a standard system for information sharing, which makes it difficult to achieve cross-regional data sharing. Block chain technology can overcome the shortcomings and deficiencies of existing technologies by simultaneously updating, in real time, the law enforcement outcome data for all participating nodes through multi-regional block chain smart contracts, and addressing the credible sharing of law enforcement results. 部署跨区域执法结果的联盟链,以各级执法单位创建节点,通过权限控制和证书校验实现联盟成员的接入管理。部署记录跨区域执法结果的区块链智能合约,更新执法结果数据并同步至各节点,相关执法部门可在各联盟链节点上查询。 Deployment of a coalition chain of cross-regional law enforcement results to create nodes for law enforcement units at all levels, and access management for Alliance members through access control and certification. Deployment of block-link smart contracts to record cross-regional law enforcement results, updating and synchronizing law enforcement results data to nodes, which can be consulted by the relevant law enforcement authorities at the respective coalition chain nodes. 3.2交通执法公示平台 3.2 Transport Law Enforcement Publicity Platform 行政执法公示制度、执法全过程记录制度、重大执法决定法制审核制度是国家在行政许可、行政处罚、行政强制、行政征收、行政收费、行政检查六类行政执法行为中推行的“三项制度”。为解决行政执法单位落实“三项制度”工作中遇到的自证难、存储难、落地难、追溯难以及数据安全、数据隐私问题,通过建设“区块链 + 行政执法”存证管理平台,能够对行政执法提供全流程规范记录及存证服务,实现对行政执法过程中视频、音频、相关文书、资料等信息的存证,使得数据安全性高、不可篡改、可追溯,保证行政执法数据安全性和时效性,实现数据的规范和互联互通,提高行政执法可信度及透明度,实现数据自动归档及管理。 The system of administrative law enforcement publicity, the system of record-keeping throughout the law enforcement process, and the system of legal review of major law enforcement decisions are the “three systems” introduced by the State in the six categories of administrative law enforcement acts: administrative licensing, administrative sanctions, administrative enforcement, administrative coercion, administrative charges, administrative inspection. In order to address the self-identification difficulties, storage difficulties, geographical difficulties, retroactive difficulties and data security and privacy problems encountered by administrative law enforcement units in the implementation of the three systems, through the construction of a “block chain” & nbsp; + & nbsp; administrative law enforcement” record-keeping platform, the ability to provide administrative law enforcement with a full-process regulatory record and documentation service, the documentation of video, audio, related documents, information, etc., information in the administrative law enforcement process, the high security of data, their indeterminability and traceability, the security and timeliness of administrative law enforcement data, the normative and interconnectivity of data, the credibility and transparency of administrative law enforcement, and the automated archiving and management of data. 3.3区块链+交通安全生产监管 3.3 Block chain + traffic safety production regulation “两客一危”是交通安全监管的重点与难点,现有的监管信息系统成本高、监管难度大。利用区块链安全可信、公开透明、不可篡改和可追溯的技术特性,全方位细化对“两客一危”车辆的整体监管,实现车辆许可、审批、运营、处罚等的全流程监管。基本流程如下: The “one customer at risk” is the focus and difficulty of traffic safety regulation, and the existing regulatory information systems are costly and difficult to regulate. Using the technical characteristics of block chain security to be credible, open, transparent, non-reciprocal, and retrospective, the overall supervision of the “one customer at risk” vehicle is refined in all its aspects, and full-process control of vehicle licensing, approval, operation, penalties, etc. is achieved. The basic processes are as follows: 认证。“两客一危”的市场主体、许可部门、审批部门、动态监管部门、执法部门提交申请,经审核后分配权限,完成认证。每个参与的市场主体和部门都拥有独一无二的身份。 Each participant has a unique identity. 关键信息上链。上链的信息包含市场主体信息(与“两客一危”相关的企业、车辆、人员全部的档案信息、台账信息、资证信息、操作规程等)、许可审批信息、动态监管信息(定位、路线、视频、主动防控、监管报警等)、执法检查信息(执法检查事项、程序、人员、对象、时间、结果等)、行政处罚信息(处罚业务流程、文书、案号、结果、人员、对象等)、信用评分等。 The information in the upper chain consists of information on the main body of the market (business, vehicles, all persons in danger, account information, financial information, operating protocols, etc.), licensing information, dynamic regulatory information (location, route, video, active control, supervisory alarm, etc.), law enforcement inspection information (law enforcement inspection matters, procedures, persons, objects, time, results, etc.), administrative sanctions information (punishment of business processes, documents, case numbers, results, persons, objects, etc.). 各部门协同监管。交通运输部门率先实现“两客一危”的信息上链,建设“两客一危”联盟链,引导公安、环保、城管、工商、车辆厂、改装厂等其它与“两客一危”有关的政府部门或者行业上链,形成全生态信任共识和跨界协同,提升“两客一危”行业的监管范围和监管效率。 The transport sector has taken the lead in achieving a “one customer at risk” information chain, building a “one customer at risk” union chain, leading other government departments or industries involved in “one customer at risk” such as public security, environmental protection, urban management, business and industry, vehicle factories, and retrofitting plants, creating a consensus of full ecological trust and cross-border synergies, and increasing regulatory coverage and efficiency in the “one customer at risk” sector. 4、区块链 + 信用交通 4. Block chains & nbsp; + & nbsp; credit transport 信用交通区块链主要服务于交通领域的信用体系,各地交通运输主管部门、物流平台、第三方企业的信用数据上链,各节点实时同步共享信用数据,提升各地数据共享的效率和准确性。结合交通运输部信用交通平台,形成互信账本,信用数据可信可溯,从而建立完善的个人、企业以及车辆的信用评价体系,服务于监管和行业应用。 The credit block chain serves primarily the credit system in the transport sector, local transport authorities, logistics platforms, and credit data chains of third-party enterprises, sharing credit data in real time and simultaneously across nodes, and improving the efficiency and accuracy of data sharing across locations. In conjunction with the Ministry of Transport and Transport credit transport platform, trust accounts are created and credit data are credible and retraceable, leading to a well-developed credit evaluation system for individuals, businesses and vehicles, serving regulatory and industry applications. 信用交通区块链的主要设计思路为一条“监管链”、多条“应用链”双层多链的设计模式,既可以保证跨链业务同步,数据跨链共享共用,又可以保持应用链的独立运行。其中“监管链”面向行业各级政府管理机构,接入现有交通信用评价系统,支撑行业各项信用监管业务;“应用链”支撑各类行业应用,例如物流金融服务、网约车行业负面评价、高速公路偷逃费等。 The main lines of design for the credit transport block chain are a “chain of custody” and a multi-layered design model of multiple “application chains” that ensures the synchronization of cross-chain operations, the sharing of data across chains, and the independent operation of the application chain. The “chain of custody” is directed to industry government authorities at all levels, with access to existing transport credit evaluation systems, and underpins industry credit regulatory operations; and the “application chain” underpins industry applications, such as logistics financial services, negative evaluation of the Internet car industry, highway evasion fees, etc. 5、区块链 + 多式联运电子提单 5. Block chains & nbsp; + & nbsp; multimodal electronic bills of lading 多式联运是一种整合多种运输方式的运输组织形式,通过无缝衔接各种运输方式,提高整体运输效率与质量。提单是多式联运货物运输的重要部分,对多式联运的运行效率和服务质量影响较大。虽然传统的电子提单流转效率高,并且在一定程度上可以防范提单伪造,但由于电子提单无纸化、电子化的特点,致使其不像纸质提单可被实际占有。电子提单未来发展迫切需要解决流转过程中的质押、交易双方权益保护、当事人责任合理分配等难题。 Multimodal transport is a form of transport organization that integrates multiple modes of transport, improving overall transport efficiency and quality through seamless connections between modes of transport. A bill of lading is an important part of the multimodal transport of goods and has a greater impact on the efficiency and quality of multimodal transport. While traditional electronic bill of lading flows are efficient and, to some extent, safe from forgery, electronic bills of lading are not paperless and electronic in nature, making it physically accessible. 多式联运电子提单引入区块链技术,支持承运人、金融机构、托运人、海关、商检等多个参与方在线协作完成电子提单签发、电子提单转让、货款支付、货物检查等事项。在区块链网络中存证的每笔记录可以保障承运人和托运人双方安全透明、公平公正的完成交易,最大程度的发挥电子提单的价值。 Electronic bills of lading for multimodal transport introduce block chain technology to support the online collaboration of multiple participants such as carriers, financial institutions, shippers, customs, commercial inspection, etc. to complete electronic bill of lading issuance, transfer of electronic bills of lading, payment of goods, inspection of goods, etc. Each record recorded in the block chain network ensures the safe, transparent, fair and equitable completion of transactions by both carriers and shippers and maximizes the value of electronic bills of lading. 6、区块链 + 物流追溯 6. Block chains & nbsp; + & nbsp; logistics retrospective 基于区块链的商品溯源平台通过区块链技术与物联网技术实现商品从生产、加工、运输到销售等全过程的透明。区块链技术能够确保信息的有效性和安全性,而物联网技术能够保证数据在获取过程中的真实性和可靠性,消费者可以通过商品上的溯源码追溯商品的信息。参考流程如下:在产品生产环节,通过物联网技术,把传感器节点布置在产品的生产基地中,实时获取产品在生产加工过程中的各种有效信息,如生产环境、生产时间和生产流程等信息,并通过智能合约上链;产品出库时,生产商将产品信息、生产商信息、包装信息和存储信息等上链,为系统提供源头信息;生产商与物流商交接时,将交易过程上链;物流商收到产品后,依次进行扫描,将企业信息与产品状态信息上链后运输,并记录运输物流环节信息;产品到达零售商时,零售商进行入库扫描并将交易信息、零售商信息和商品储存信息上链;消费者在购买商品时可以通过扫描商品上的溯源码来追溯商品信息。 The chain-based commodity traceability platform is transparent throughout the process, from production, processing, transport, to marketing, through block chain technology. Block-chain technology ensures the validity and security of information, while material-networking technology ensures the authenticity and reliability of data in the acquisition process, and consumers can trace commodity information through commodity-based trace codes. Reference processes are as follows: in product production, through product-networking technology, the location of sensor nodes in the product's production base, real-time access to a range of useful information in the production process, such as information on the production environment, production time and production processes, and on-line through smart contracts; when products arrive in the retailer's warehouse, manufacturers scan the chain of information on products, producers, packaging information and storage, and provide source information to the system; when producers interface with logistics dealers, chain the transaction process; when logistics dealers receive the product, scan the goods, transport the information on the status of the enterprise and the product, and record the information on the transport logistics chain; when the product arrives in the retailer, the producer scans the chain of trade information, retailers's information on the merchandise; and the chain of merchandise can be traced to the commodity. 7、区块链 + 智慧交通工地 7. Block chains & nbsp; + & nbsp; intelligent transport sites 相对于传统的工地建设,智慧工地越来越朝着“无人监工”的“无人工地”状态的演进,将人与物进行了自动感知、工作互联,借助于区块链技术,将所有数据进行存证。基于区块链技术和物联网技术,以建筑施工现场为源头,围绕“人员、设备、建材、环境、规范”五方面,链接业主、承包商、监管部门,通过施工数据采集与智能分析、工地人员智能管理、智能环境检测、智能设施装备管理,利用区块链多中心化、公开透明、不可篡改等特性,可保障工程数据的安全可信,优化管理流程,降低制度性交易成本,提升交通施工和养护的质量、安全、环保水平,实现科学预算和资金节约。区块链的作用主要体现在多个方面: As opposed to the traditional construction of sites, smart sites are increasingly moving towards the “no-man” state of “manual land”, which automatically senses and connects people and objects, using block-chain technology to document all data. Based on block-link technology and material-networking technology, building sites are the source of information, linking owners, contractors, regulators, scientific budgets and financial savings through construction data collection and smart analysis, site intelligence management, smart environmental testing, smart facility equipment management, the use of multi-centreized, transparent and non-robative sector chains, the security of engineering data, the optimization of management processes, the reduction of institutional transaction costs, the improvement of the quality of transport construction and maintenance, safety, environmental protection, and the role of the chain of scientific blocks in a number of areas. 7.1工程管理 7.1 ENGINEMENT MANAGEMENT 将承包方、供应商、监理方信息上链,真实记录项目管理全过程,有利于施工过程透明,规避非法转包、偷工减料、压价回扣等问题,防止传统工程机械管理中出现的台本数据造假、加油数据造假等行为。 The uplinking of information from contractors, suppliers, supervisors, real record-keeping of the entire project management process is conducive to transparency in the construction process, avoidance of illegal subcontracting, theft of materials, price rebates, and prevention of counterfeiting of desktop data in the management of traditional engineering machinery, refuelling data, etc. 7.2资金管理 7.2 MANAGEMENT OF FUNDS 多方参与的联盟链可以高效实时同步交易数据,准确跟踪工程进展、采购数据、消耗数据,规范工程资金管理,优化资金管理流程,实时请款和支付结算,节省大量时间和人力。 The multi-participating coalition chain allows for efficient real-time synchronization of transactional data, accurate tracking of engineering progress, procurement data, consumption data, regulation of engineering fund management, optimization of fund management processes, real-time claims and payment settlements, and significant savings in time and manpower. 7.3安全监管 7.3 Security supervision 针对施工过程中安全检查形式化、施工人员管理难、执行效率低等问题,区块链技术将施工过程中的质量与安全信息上链,及时发现风险隐患,合理安排各监督节点的工作进度,提高安全管控力度。 In response to the formalization of security checks during construction, difficulties in the management of construction personnel and inefficiencies in implementation, block chain technology links quality and safety information to the construction process, detect risks in a timely manner, rationalize the pace of work at the various monitoring nodes and improve security control. 1、愿景目标 1. Vision objectives 1.1指导思想 1.1 GUIDELINES 学习借鉴,大胆创新。总结国内外区块链技术产业发展的实践经验,借鉴金融等先行应用领域的设计架构、技术标准、开发模式,瞄准交通运输人流、货流、信息流、资金流、商流“五流合一”特性,在学习借鉴基础上大胆创新,开发区块链技术在交通运输行业应用价值、产业空间。 Learning from, and making bold innovations. Taking stock of practical experiences in the development of technology industries in the country and abroad, and drawing on design structures, technical standards and development models in the field of advanced applications, such as finance, targeting transport flows, currents, information flows, financial flows, business flows, “five streams” of innovation based on learning and learning, developing the value of block-chain technologies in the transport sector and industrial space. 融合发展,发挥效能。推进区块链与交通建设、运营、管理和服务的深度融合,推进区块链与物联网、大数据、云平台、人工智能、5G 通信、超级计算的技术融合,充分挖掘区块链技术优势,发挥对促进交通信息联通、降本增效、安全可信、运行规范透明的效能。 Integrating development and effectiveness. Promoting the deep integration of block chains with transport construction, operation, management and services, the technological integration of block chains and objects, big data, cloud platforms, artificial intelligence, 5G communications, super-counting, the full exploitation of technical advantages of block chains, and the effectiveness of promoting transport information connectivity, mitigation efficiency, security credibility and transparency in operating norms. 政府引导,市场主导。发挥政府的政策促进、支持引导作用,做好监管规则制定。以需求为导向,充分发挥市场对资源配置的决定性作用,发挥企业创新主体、投资主体、服务主体作用,发展壮大交通运输领域区块链技术产业。 Government-led, market-led, government policy-driven, supportive and regulatory-oriented. Demand-driven, market-driven and resource-discretionary, business-innovated, investment-based, service-oriented and technology-based industries in the transport sector are growing. 重点突破,试点示范。加快区块链底层开发平台、关键核心技术、标准规范的攻关,选择典型的区块链应用场景重点加以突破,形成示范效应,在政府、企业积极开展试点,以多点带面,推动区块链技术应用和产业化发展。 Focus on breakthroughs, pilot demonstrations. Speed up the closing of the block chain bottom development platform, key core technologies, standards and standards, opting for typical block chain application scenarios to break through, creating a demonstration effect, and actively piloting it in government and enterprises, with a multi-point approach, to promote the technological application and industrialization of the block chain. 多方协作,开放共享。大力推进政产学研用全面协作,搭建合作平台,发挥各自优势,联合开发。推进区块链底层开发平台免费开放,推动跨部门、跨地区交通信息数据共享,为区块链应用创造良好的基础条件。 There is a strong push for full-scale collaboration in the field of political science, building platforms for cooperation, building on their respective strengths, and developing them jointly. The platform for the development of the bottom of the block chain is free and open, promoting the sharing of cross-sectoral and cross-regional transport information data, and creating a good foundation for the application of the block chain. 1.2目标 1.2 Objectives 报告建议,全面加快交通运输行业“建链、上链、用链”进程,加快区块链在交通基础设施、货运物流、客运出行、行业管理服务中的场景应用,形成泛在的交通运输区块链网络,交通运输领域区块链技术创新、应用水平、产业发展应走在全国前列,交通运输力争成为区块链科技创新高地、应用示范高地、产业发展高地、创新人才高地,区块链在促进交通运输行业数据共享、优化业务流程、降低运营成本、提升协同效率、建设可信体系等方面的作用得以充分发挥,成为交通运输发展的新引擎。在各级政府的支持引导下,报告建议力争到 2023 年,交通区块链基础层、技术层和应用层实现全链条突破,建成交通区块链底层开发的开源平台,形成交通区块链技术标准体系,区块链应用关键核心技术取得重大突破,集聚一批高水平人才队伍,建成若干一流的创新创业平台载体,交通运输区块链重点场景应用取得成功并形成示范效应。力争到 2025 年,交通运输区块链技术研发和应用水平处于国际先进水平,形成涵盖支撑平台、核心技术、关键系统和集成应用的完整产业链和高端产业群,畅通区块链创新链、应用链、价值链,区块链技术在交通运输行业广泛应用,在提升交通运输治理能力和服务水平上发挥明显作用。 The report recommends that the process of building “chains, upper chains and chains” in the transport sector be fully accelerated, that the role of block chains in transport infrastructure, freight logistics, passenger movement and industry management services be fully realized and that they become a new engine for transport development. With the support of all levels of government, the report recommends technological innovation, application levels and industrial development in the transport sector; that transport be at the forefront of technological innovation in the transport sector; that transport be at the top of the entire chain; that transport be at the base of the transport sector, at the bottom of the transport sector, at the start of an open-source platform for industrial development; that it be at the bottom of the transport sector; that it be built into a system of technical standards for the governance of the transport sector; that business processes be optimized; that it be at the centre of the transport sector; that it be at the centre of the transport sector; and that it be at the end of the transport chain; and that it be at the end of the production chain; and that it be at the end of the production chain, at the end of the technology chain and at the end of the end of the production chain; 2、大力推进交通区块链应用基础层建设 2. A major boost to the development of the infrastructure of the transport block chain 2.1构建交通区块链底层开源技术平台与生态 2.1 Building open-source technology platforms and ecology at the bottom of the transport block chain 报告建议,建设为交通运输行业打造的底层区块链操作系统。构建交通区块链理论与技术平台,鼓励科研机构、高等院校和企业研发适用交通运输场景的基础芯片、场景服务器,建设自主可控的底层开源技术平台。聚焦交通运输领域信息化痛点,优化底层区块链技术,研发交通区块链 BaaS 公共基础平台,免费供使用者开发。健全激励机制、评价机制,推动底层开源技术平台良性发展,避免资源重复投入,建设具有国际影响力、行业特色的交通区块链开源社区,促进沟通、学习、交流。积极构建创新活跃的区块链开源生态,推动公共交通资源开放,提升交通区块链应用场景的成熟度。 The report recommends the construction of a bottom-block chain operating system for the transport sector. Constructing a transport block chain theory and technology platform, scientific institutions, institutions of higher learning and enterprises are encouraged to develop basic chips and scene servers for the application of the transport landscape, and to build an autonomous and manageable bottom-source technology platform. Focusing on information pain points in the transport sector, optimizing the bottom-line block chain technology, developing a transport block chain & nbsp; and the BaaS public infrastructure for free user development. Sound incentives, evaluation mechanisms, promoting sound development of the bottom-level open-source technology platform, avoiding duplication of resources, building communities with international influence and industry characteristics, promoting communication, learning and communication. 2.2打造基于区块链的可信交通信息基础设施 2.2 Development of a credible transport information infrastructure based on block chains 报告建议,推进交通运输可信数据上链,提供交通运输基础信息的基本公共服务。推进区块链 + 交通大数据服务平台建设,动员交通运输行业加快推进信息资源“上链”,解决交通信息孤岛问题。加快交通运输区块链基础业务平台建设,建成统一数字认证平台、政务数据共享平台、统一交通信用平台,提供性能稳定安全的区块链基础支撑能力,降低技术使用成本和应用开发门槛,为交通区块链生态发展创造条件,提升场景应用效率。 The report recommends that the chain of credible transport data be advanced to provide basic public services that provide basic information on transport. Promotion of block chains & nbsp; + & nbsp; development of a large transport data service platform to mobilize the transport industry to accelerate the promotion of information resources `uplinks' to solve the problem of transport information islands. Acceleration of the infrastructure operating platform of the transport block chain to create a unified 2.3加强交通区块链基础研究和关键核心技术攻关 2.3 Strengthening basic research on the transport block chain and key core technical clearances 报告建议,聚焦区块链前沿基础理论,结合交通领域特点,支持在密码学、分布式计算和存储、共识机制、高性能计算、可信芯片等重点领域深入研究区块链基础技术。围绕满足交通行业大规模应用的需求,在区块链隐私保护、零知识证明、安全多方计算、跨链协议、智能合约、链上链下协同等关键核心技术方面取得突破,形成成熟完善、可持续迭代的技术架构体系。加快区块链与 5G、物联网、大数据等融合技术研究,促进场景化的技术融合应用。 The report recommends that the focus on block chain frontier theory, taking into account the characteristics of the field of transport, support an in-depth study of block chain infrastructure technology in the priority areas of cryptology, distributed computing and storage, consensus mechanisms, high performance computing, credible chips, etc. A breakthrough in key core technologies such as block chain privacy protection, zero knowledge certification, safe multi-counting, cross-chain agreements, smart contracts, and synergetic synergies under the chain will result in a well-developed and sustainable technology architecture. Accelerate the integration of block chains with to facilitate the integration of technology applications for landscape integration. 2.4建立交通区块链技术应用标准体系 2.4 Establishment of a system of standards for the application of technology in the transport block chain 报告建议,研究国内外区块链标准化现状与趋势,紧跟国家区块链标准研究制定方向,针对交通运输行业特点,建立交通区块链技术应用标准体系,明确交通区块链标准体系组成,分批制定交通区块链基础服务、公共服务、行业应用等系列标准,重点解决应用标准、过程标准、跨链操作标准、安全标准,推动交通区块链研发和应用规范化发展。 The report recommends a study of the current status and trends in the standardization of block chains at home and abroad, closely following the development of national block chain standards, establishing a system of technical application standards for the transport sector, defining the composition of the transport block chain standard system, developing a series of standards for the basic services of the transport block chain, public services and industry applications, focusing on the application of standards, process standards, cross-chain operating standards and safety standards, and promoting the development and application of regulatory development of the transport block chain. 3、大力推进区块链与交通运输场景融合应用 3. Intensive promotion of the integration of block chains and transport scene applications 3.1区块链+交通基础设施 3.1 Block chain + transport infrastructure 报告建议,在交通基础设施建设、运营、管理服务全生命周期中积极推广区块链技术应用。在高速公路不停车电子收费系统(ETC)中引入区块链技术,实现快捷收费,建立基于区块链分布式账本的通行费清分结算系统,探索区块链技术在高速公路黑名单逃费车辆管理系统中的应用,推进基于北斗导航 +5G 通信 + 区块链的新型公路自由流收费系统。加强区块链技术在交通工程建设质量监管领域的应用,搭建“联盟链”实现工程项目设计、施工、监理、试验检测数据共享,利用区块链“共识算法”解决原材料生产、现场施工、验收检测、行业监督各方面的数据溯源、安全和信任问题。加快在公路行业施工和养护中引入区块链技术,将智能合约应用于现场设备作业施工监控和公路养护监测,规范预防性养护,鼓励区块链技术与 BIM 技术的融合应用,实现项目全生命周期数据信息的可查可溯。推进“区块链 + 工程招投标”示范应用,促进工程进程各环节流转、交易、结算更加透明、顺畅。 The report recommends the active promotion of block-chain technology applications throughout the life cycle of transport infrastructure construction, operation and management services. The introduction of block-chain technology in the free-riding electronic charge system (ETC) for highways without parking, the introduction of fast-track charges, the establishment of a toll clearing system based on block-chain distribution ledgers, the exploration of the application of block-chain technology in highway blacklist vehicle management systems, the advancement of North Doo navigation & nbsp; +5G communications & nbsp; +nbsp; the introduction of new block-flow-to-charge systems in road construction and maintenance; the enhancement of the application of block-chain technology in the area of quality control of traffic engineering; the construction, monitoring, testing and sharing of data for engineering projects; the use of block-link “consensual algorithms” for raw material production, on-site construction, receiving and inspection, industry supervision, data traceability, security and trust issues; the acceleration of the introduction of block-to-block technology in road construction and maintenance; and the introduction of supply-to-flow-to-technology technology; the introduction of Sput-to-to-to-to-transit technology; 3.2区块链+货运物流 3.2 Block chain + freight logistics 报告建议,积极利用人工智能、物联网、区块链等技术推广物流信息溯源及全程监测,建立区块链物流防伪追溯平台,提供生产、运输、第三方检验以及通关和报检的商品运输全过程溯源,实现商品的防伪、品质溯源以及重大安全问题出现时的召回与责任界定。加快推进物流运输过程凭证无纸化和多式联运电子提单,鼓励航运企业建立区块链电子提单应用平台,将电子海运提单流转及电子签收过程写入区块链存证,支持承运人、收发货人、金融机构、托运人、海关、商检等多个参与方在线完成提单整体流转过程,实现电子提单的签发、流转和海运货物的溯源和追踪,缩短单证处理、结算的周期,提高运转效率和数据安全,防范提单被伪造、修改、丢失风险。支持建立货运物流区块链应用平台,聚合货主、司机、货源、运力、货款、融资等信息,实现智能车货匹配,提供供应链金融服务。 The report recommends the active use of technologies such as artificial intelligence, physical networking, block chains, and the promotion of back-to-back and full-time monitoring of logistics information, the establishment of a platform to prevent fraudulently retroactivity of segmental logistics, the provision of back-to-back transport of goods through production, transport, third-party inspection and customs clearance and inspection, the prevention of forgery of commodities, the traceability of quality and the definition of responsibility in the event of major security problems. Expedite the promotion of paperless and multimodal electronic bills of lading for logistics transport processes, encourage shipping enterprises to establish an electronic bill of lading application platform for block-to-chain transmission and electronic signature processes, support carriers, senders, financial institutions, shippers, customs, customs, inspection and so on-line completion of the entire bill of lading process, the issuance, transfer and tracing of electronic bills of lading, shortening document processing, settlement cycles, improving operational efficiency and data security, and preventing the risks of forgery, modification and loss of bills of lading. 3.3区块链+客运出行 3.3 Block chain + passenger departures 报告建议,加快区块链在网约车及共享汽车等共享交通领域的应用,构建互信机制,推进历史应用数据和性能数据上链,约束、规范司机、乘客等用乘车行为,强化对网约车平台源头追溯能力,提升出行安全。推进区块链技术在城市交通治理领域的应用,通过交通出行数据上链,实现智能交通疏导、路线调整、运力调度,缓解交通堵塞问题。运用区块链技术推动智慧城市演进升级,扩充城市大脑容量,提升城市交通管理智能化、服务便利水平。开展基于区块链技术的 P2P 交易研究和应用,实现出行便捷安全支付。推进区块链技术应用于一体化出行 MaaS 解决方案,建设出行“基础链”,为公众提供整合多种交通方式、“交通 + 旅游、餐饮、住宿、商务”的一体化、全流程智慧出行服务。积极探索区块链与车路协同无人驾驶的技术融合。 The report recommends that the use of block links in the area of shared transport, such as traffic traffic, be accelerated, inter-trust mechanisms be built, historical applications of data and performance data be promoted, vehicle behaviour is regulated, drivers, passengers are regulated, etc., and trip safety is enhanced. The application of block chain technology in the area of urban transport governance is promoted to enhance intelligent traffic diversion, route alignment, transport facilitation of urban traffic management through traffic and traffic data uploads. The use of block-link technology promotes the evolution of intelligent cities and expands the chain of historical applications of data and performance data uplinks , improves the intellectualization of urban traffic management, services facilitation of traffic congestion. 3.4区块链+交通金融服务 3.4 Block chain + transport financial services 报告建议,探索发展交通运输电子票据区块链平台,连接交通市场主体、金融机构和监管方,实现传统票据市场向数字票据市场的跨越式发展。加快建设基于区块链的交通企业融资、债券发行服务平台,鼓励金融机构与信用中介机构利用区块链技术,建立金融机构和交通企业的联盟链,完善信贷管理和债券发行体系,提升债券发行效率。依托区块链技术大力发展供应链金融,集成创新自主可控的供应链金融技术,建设供应链金融的区块链应用平台,连接供应链相关方、第三方金融机构及监管方,依托供应链实现信用管理、融资服务、存贷管理、资金管理、交易管理,解决交通运输中小企业“融资难、融资贵”的问题,促进金融更好服务实体经济。基于无车承运人平台,推进基于区块链的运单电子化,开发运费授信普惠金融服务产品。研究面向铁路、港口、航运企业的多式联运联盟链,共享物流信息,提升供应链金融服务效率。推进交通资产数字化,推进各类资产在区块链上登记、存证、确权、交易、溯源,打造基于区块链的交通资产证券化平台。 The report recommends the exploration of the development of a segmental platform for electronic transport instruments to connect transport market players, financial institutions and regulators to cross-border development of traditional paper markets to digital paper markets. Expedite the building of a platform for transport enterprise finance, bond issuance services based on the block chain, encourage financial institutions and credit intermediaries to use block-chain technology, establish a chain of alliances between financial institutions and transport enterprises, improve credit management and bond issuance systems, and improve the efficiency of bond issuances. Building on a block-chain technology to significantly develop supply chain finance, integrate innovative and autonomous supply chain finance technologies, build a sector-wide application platform for supply chain finance, connect supply chain players, third-party financial institutions and regulators, build a supply chain-chain-based platform for credit management, finance services, loan management, financial management, transaction management, address the problems of transport SMEs' “finance difficulties, finance dignitaries” and promote the economy of better financial service entities. 4、大力推进区块链与政府治理场景融合应用 4. A strong push for the integration of the block chain with the governance landscape 4.1推进跨部门跨专业跨地区政府信息共享 4.1 Promote cross-sectoral, cross-disciplinary and cross-regional government information-sharing 报告建议,围绕交通运输行业公共服务、市场监管和环境保护,探索基于区块链的跨政府部门、跨运输方式、跨地区信息共享新模式,增进政府间协作,促进综合运输协调发展和区域交通一体化发展。推进交通运输行业基础数据安全共享开发,提高政府透明度,增强政府公信力。建立基于区块链技术的政务数据共享开放平台和行政审批平台,实现数据分布式共享和集中使用,助推“最多跑一次”改革,提升行政审批服务效率。 The report recommends exploring new models for cross-government, cross-transport and cross-regional information-sharing based on sector chains around public services, market regulation and environmental protection in the transport sector, enhancing intergovernmental collaboration for integrated transport coordination and integrated regional transport development. Promoting the development of secure sharing of basic data in the transport sector, increasing government transparency and enhancing government credibility. Establishing open platforms for government data sharing and administrative approval based on block chain technologies, achieving data sharing and centralization, promoting “up to one run” reforms and improving the efficiency of administrative approval services. 4.2推进区块链+交通信用体系建设 4.2 Advancing block chains + building of transport credit systems 报告建议,加快推进各级交通运输部门、交通行业关联企业以及第三方企业、个人、运输工具等信用数据上链,实现信用信息“可信采集、可信共享、可信可溯”,形成互信账本,利用区块链技术实现全行业信用监管。打造交通“信用链”,统一负面信息管理,对行业内参与主体形成威慑并对违法违规人员进行惩罚,建设共建、共治、共享的交通信用体系。 The report recommends that the chain of credit data be accelerated at all levels of the transport sector, linked enterprises in the transport sector and third-party enterprises, individuals, means of transport, and that credit information be “crediblely collected, shared and crediblely retraceable” and that trust books be developed, using block-chain technology for industry-wide credit regulation. Transport “credit chains” are built, negative information management is harmonized, participants in the industry are deterred and those who violate the law are punished, and a co-building, co-management and shared transport credit system is built. 4.3推进区块链+交通综合执法建设 4.3 Advancing block chains + integrated traffic law enforcement 报告建议,大力推进区块链在交通运输综合行政执法信息化系统、执法装备中的应用,促进智慧执法、精准执法、非现场执法,降低执法廉政风险。将市场主体、运输工具、行政许可、运输过程、执法流程和记录、行政处罚、信用评价上区块链,形成交通执法账本,优化固化执法取证存证,实现执法全流程规范记录及存证服务,实现严格规范透明阳光执法。在政府主导的联盟链上推动各执法部门和监管部门数据共享交互,加强执法业务协同,促进一体化交通执法。推进区块链在“两客一危”、超限超载、网约车、黑车、大件运输等安全监管重点领域,污染防治重点领域,工程质量监督领域的应用,提升交通安全和绿色发展监管水平。 The report recommends that the use of block chains in integrated transport administrative law enforcement information systems, law enforcement equipment be vigorously promoted to promote intelligent law enforcement, precision law enforcement, off-site law enforcement and reduce the risks of law enforcement integrity. Uplinks of market subjects, means of transport, administrative licences, transport processes, law enforcement processes and records, administrative sanctions, credit evaluation, transport law enforcement record-keeping, optimization of law enforcement evidentiary records, enforcement full-process regulatory record-keeping and record-keeping services, strict regulation of transparent sunny law enforcement, promotion of data-sharing between law enforcement and regulatory authorities on government-led alliances, increased operational synergy and promotion of integrated traffic law enforcement. 4.4推进区块链+行业管理服务平台建设 4.4 Advancing the block chain and building the industry management service platform 报告建议,将区块链技术与数字政府建设紧密结合,建立基于区块链技术的交通政务平台、党建平台和服务平台,提升行政管理和服务水平。围绕行业治理体系建设,将区块链技术植入行业管理和服务信息化系统,升级完善交通建设项目管理、交通养护管理、预算及绩效管理、信用管理、物流监管、客运出行管理服务、路网运行管理服务、交通安全应急管理等平台系统,提升系统效能。 The report recommends that block-chain technology be closely integrated with digital government-building, that a transport government platform, party-building platform and service platform based on block-chain technology be established, and that administrative and service levels be upgraded. With the construction of the industry governance system, block-chain technology is embedded in the industry management and service information system, and that systems such as platform systems as transport construction project management, traffic conservation management, budget and performance management, credit management, logistics regulation, passenger and travel management services, road network operation management services, and traffic safety emergency management be upgraded to enhance system effectiveness. 5、大力推进交通区块链产业生态建设 5. A major effort is being made to promote eco-development in the transport block chain industry 5.1发展交通区块链市场 5.1 Developing Transport Block Chain Markets 报告建议,交通运输各级政府部门在制定交通新型基础设施规划、政策以及推进项目建设过程中,要充分考虑区块链技术融合应用需求。鼓励各类交通运输企业抢抓新一轮技术革新和产业变革、智慧交通快速发展机遇,将区块链技术融入产品和服务中,扩大交通区块链应用与服务市场。鼓励交通产业资本、金融资本、互联网等高科技产业资本参与交通运输区块链项目投资与建设。 The report recommends that government departments at all levels of transport take fully into account the need for technology integration applications in the development of new transport infrastructure plans, policies and projects. Transport enterprises are encouraged to seize new opportunities for technological innovation and industrial change, rapid development of intelligent transport, integration of block-chain technologies into products and services, and expansion of the market for transport block-chain applications and services. 5.2促进交通区块链创新企业发展和产业集群 5.2 Promotion of innovative enterprise development and industrial clusters in transport block chains 报告建议,打造创新能力强、发展潜力大、掌握核心技术的区块链领军企业,培育一批行业独角兽企业和高成长性特色企业。建立交通区块链企业对接资本市场服务机制,鼓励优势企业上市融资。构建交通区块链一体化产业链体系,加快区块链关键技术转化应用,促进技术集成与商业模式创新,积极培育区块链新兴业态,强化产业链上下游衔接互动和协同发展,打造具有国际竞争力的交通区块链产业集群。 The report recommends the creation of sector-led enterprises with high innovative capabilities, high potential for development and mastery of core technologies, and the development of a cadre of industrial Licornes and high-growth niche enterprises. The creation of mechanisms for matching capital market services for transport block-link companies and encouraging the listing of niche enterprises. The construction of an integrated industrial chain system for transport block chains, the acceleration of key technology conversion applications for block-chains, the promotion of technology integration and business model innovation, the active nurturing of new industries in block chains, the enhancement of upstream and downstream linkages and the development of synergies in industrial chains, and the creation of internationally competitive clusters of transport clusters. 5.3搭建交通区块链产业协同创新平台 5.3 Co-innovation platform for the transport block chain industry 报告建议,围绕技术、应用和产业发展,推进多种类型交通区块链创新研发合作平台建设,吸引产、学、研、资、用等多方主体加入,构建协同创新、互利共赢的产业链生态。支持交通区块链创新创业孵化载体建设,以成果转让、许可使用、作价入股等方式推进科技成果落地转化。 The report recommends the promotion of innovative research and development cooperation platforms on technology, applications, and industry development, involving a wide range of actors, including production, learning, research, capital, and use, in order to create synergies and mutually beneficial and win-win industrial chain ecology. 5.4建设交通区块链产业创新基地 5.4 Construction of an innovative base for the transport block chain industry 报告建议,鼓励优势和条件成熟地区结合智慧交通产业布局规划,建设交通区块链产业创新发展基地、产业园,积聚一批智慧交通企业。交通区块链创新主体可参照地方促进区块链产业发展办法享受培育奖励,对经认定的区块链创新基地、区块链产业园,给予培育奖励、运营补贴及人才引进补助。给予企业运营政策优惠和支持。 The report recommends that priority and well-established areas be encouraged to combine the design of intelligent transport industries with the construction of innovative development bases, industrial parks, and a pool of intelligent transport enterprises. 5.5设立交通区块链产业投资基金 5.5 Establishment of a transport block chain industry investment fund 报告建议,建议按照“政府引导、社会主导、市场化运作”的原则,支持各级地方政府、交通运输主管部门、产业联盟设立交通区块链产业投资基金。鼓励工业和信息产业投资基金按市场化方式与交通企业、通信运营商、高科技企业、汽车制造商、金融机构等多方合作共同设立交通区块链产业投资专项基金,为交通区块链产业提供天使投资、股权投资、投后增值等多层次服务。科学规范基金使用管理,促进基金形成良性循环。 The report recommends that support be given to local governments at all levels, transport authorities, and industrial unions in setting up a transport block industry investment fund, in accordance with the principles of “government-led, socially owned and market-oriented” operation. The Industrial and Information Industry Investment Fund is encouraged to establish a dedicated transport block industry investment fund in a market-based manner in cooperation with transport enterprises, communications operators, high-tech enterprises, automobile manufacturers, financial institutions, etc., to provide a multi-level service to transport block chain industries, such as angel investment, equity investment, and post-investment value addition. 交通新基建投融资区别于传统交通基础设施投融资,市场作用空间大,政府主要做好规范和引导。政府在铁路、公路、航道等传统交通基础设施投融资方面发挥主导作用,而交通新基建涉及的新技术来自于电子通信、导航、计算机、互联网、智能制造、金融、汽车工业等产业,这些产业领域市场发挥着主导作用,投融资实行完全市场化运作。交通新基建参与方众多,应充分发挥通信运营商、互联网企业、金融企业、大数据和计算机等高科技企业、汽车制造商等参与方的积极性,利用市场机制,让企业投资新基建中的智能设施设备和系统建设,通过产品端和服务端获取回报。金融资本、产业资本在交通新基建中将扮演关键性作用。交通新基建背后是巨量的人流、货流、资金流、信息流,对金融资本有天然吸引力。华为、阿里、腾讯等科技巨头和电信运营商具有强大的科技研发能力和资金实力,积极对下游交通产业链进行战略性投资布局。经过几十年的发展,中央和一些地方交通投资集团实力也不断壮大。交通新基建加速新技术的产业应用,催生大量创新应用、新业态、新模式,深刻影响交通出行模式和消费行为,形成广阔的市场钱景,必然成为金融资本和产业资本的逐鹿之地。为促进区块链技术在交通运输领域的应用,需要创新投融资模式,建立政府有效引导、市场为主、金融和产业资本与交通深度融合的交通新基建投融资机制,为交通新基建提供富有活力的资金保障。 New capital financing for transport is differentiated from traditional transport infrastructure financing, with large market spaces, and government is largely regulated and guided. Governments play a leading role in financing traditional transport infrastructure, such as railways, roads, waterways, and new technologies for investment in new transport infrastructure, such as electronic communications, navigation, computers, the Internet, smart manufacturing, finance, and the automotive industry, where markets play a leading role and are fully marketed. The new infrastructure for transport, with its many players, should take full advantage of the dynamism of communications operators, Internet enterprises, financial enterprises, large-scale data and computer-based high-tech enterprises, auto manufacturers, etc., using market-based mechanisms for investment in new transport infrastructure and the construction of smart facilities and systems, with their firms investing in new transport infrastructure and services. 1、政府购买服务模式 1. The government purchase service model 由政府出资,采取公开招投标的形式,由市场主体承担交通区块链项目设计、投资建设和运维。系统建成后,政府对投资运行主体的服务质量进行考核,根据服务质量和内容,安排服务购置费用。这种模式适用于政府性的交通行业管理和服务信息平台、公益性交通新型基础设施。 This model applies to government transport sector management and service information platforms and new public-interest transport infrastructure. 2、PPP 模式 2. PPP Mode PPP 模式是在基础设施及公共服务领域建立的一种长期合作关系。通常模式是由社会资本承担设计、建设、运营、维护基础设施的大部分工作,并通过“使用者付费”及必要的“政府付费”获得合理投资回报;政府部门负责基础设施及公共服务价格和质量监管,以保证公共利益最大化。PPP 按付费机制有三类:政府付费项目、使用者付费项目和可行性缺口补贴项目。交通区块链项目可积极采用 PPP 模式吸引社会资金,主要适用于传统交通基础设施的智能化改造项目、新建智慧交通基础设施项目。 The PPP model is a long-term partnership in infrastructure and public services. The usual model is that social capital assumes most of the work of designing, building, operating, maintaining infrastructure and obtaining a reasonable return on investment through “user fees” and the necessary “government fees”; government departments are responsible for the regulation of infrastructure and public service prices and quality to ensure that the public interest is maximized. There are three types of payment mechanisms: government-paying projects, user-paying projects, and feasibility gap subsidies. 3、市场主体投资 3. Investment by market agents 对于经营性的新基建项目,由企业负责项目投资,可采取独资或多方股权合作。考虑到交通新基建项目背后的人流、货流、资金流、信息流对资本有天然吸引力,对于传统的应由政府购买服务或政府付费补贴的、公益性新基建项目,也可以利用“流量”特性吸引高科技企业、金融资本和产业资本,由市场投资主体负责项目建设和运维的全部投资。资本不局限于项目投资直接获得收费收入,但可通过“流量经济”模式获取其他渠道收益。 In the case of new capital projects of a business nature, the enterprise is responsible for the investment of the project, which may involve exclusive or multi-equity cooperation. Given the natural appeal of the capital to the capital behind the new infrastructure projects of transport, it is also possible to use the “flow” character to attract high-tech enterprises, financial capital and industrial capital, with the market investor responsible for all investment in the construction and maintenance of the project. 为加快推进区块链在交通运输行业的研发与应用,建议交通运输主管部门出台相关指导意见,推进交通区块链人才梯队建设,开展项目试点示范,建立完善监管机制,营造良好环境,并给予政策扶持。为此我们建议: In order to accelerate the development and application of the block chain in the transport sector, it is recommended that the transport authorities adopt guidance to promote the development of the road block ladder, carry out pilot demonstration projects, establish improved regulatory mechanisms, create an enabling environment and provide policy support. In this regard, we recommend that: 1、推进人才梯队建设 1. Promotion of the Talent Echelon 交通运输行业应坚持培养和引进相结合,大力支持引进区块链关键核心技术领域急需紧缺的人才及创新创业团队。通过重大研发任务、示范项目、应用系统和基地平台建设,集聚区块链高端人才,锻炼研究能力。充分发挥高等学校学科专业优势,依托科研项目及实验室建设,深入推进学科交叉融合,培养一批高水平复合型创新人才。加大区块链产业人才培育力度,支持区块链普及、教育、培训体系建设,建立区块链产业人才库。 The transport sector should continue to develop and introduce a combination of strong support for the introduction of badly needed talent and innovative entrepreneurial teams in key core technical areas of the block chain. 2、推进项目试点示范 2. Demonstrations of pilot projects to advance the project 建议政府部门科学规划交通区块链产业发展布局,在交通基础设施、货运物流、客运出行、行业管理服务领域,分别围绕重点场景,选择积极性高、创新能力强、优势突出的地区、单位或企业,开展区块链应用项目试点示范,形成可复制可推广的经验。 It is recommended that government departments undertake scientific planning on the layout of the development of the transport block chain industry, and in the areas of transport infrastructure, freight logistics, passenger movement and industry management services, each focusing on a priority scenario, selecting areas, units or enterprises with high motivation, innovative capabilities and strong strengths, and developing pilot demonstration projects for the application of the block chain to generate replicable and replicable experiences. 3、给予政策扶持 3. Policy empowerment 建议各地、各相关部门制定符合区域特色、交通行业特点的区块链扶持政策。各级交通运输部门要加大对交通区块链科研经费安排,发挥政策引导和资金杠杆作用,利用交通专项资金、产业基金,引导社会资本、技术和人才集聚,协调金融机构对重大交通区块链项目给予信贷支持,支持交通区块链产业发展。 It is recommended that local and relevant sectors develop policies to support block chains that are adapted to regional characteristics and characteristics of the transport sector. The transport sector at all levels should increase its funding arrangements for research and development of the transport sector, using policy guidance and financial leverage, using special transport funds and industry funds, to channel social capital, technology and talent pooling, and to coordinate financial institutions’ credit support for major transport block chain projects to support the development of the transport sector chain. 4、完善监管机制 4. Improving regulatory mechanisms 建议政府部门按照包容审慎、鼓励创新的监管原则,探索制定区块链技术与应用管理相关政策规章,研究完善区块链风险管理机制;加强交通行业的市场监管,建立完善的预防机制;加强国际合作,共同打击利用区块链技术的犯罪行为;加强区块链技术研发与应用的数据监管,依法保护企业和个人数据隐私。 It is recommended that government departments explore the development of policies and regulations relating to block chain technology and application management, in accordance with the principles of inclusive, prudential and innovative regulation, and that they study the improvement of block chain risk management mechanisms; strengthen market regulation in the transport sector and establish sound prevention mechanisms; strengthen international cooperation to combat criminal acts using block chain technology; and strengthen data regulation for the development and application of block chain technology and protect the privacy of business and individual data in accordance with the law. 5、营造良好环境 5. Creating an enabling environment 建议由学术性社会团体组织开展区块链教育培训,提高干部群众区块链知识水平。各方应加强引导宣传工作,凝聚社会共识,形成行业自觉运用区块链新技术的良好氛围。支持通过举办交通区块链论坛、展会、创新创业大赛、互动体验等活动,激发创新活力,展示创新发展成果,促进资本、人才、技术聚集。 It is recommended that educational training on block chains be organized by academic social groups in order to raise the level of knowledge of the cadres’ block chains. All parties should step up their advocacy efforts to build social consensus and create a favourable climate for the industry to use the new technologies of block chains consciously. …… (报告观点属于原作者,仅供参考。报告来源:中国公路学会、 中国银行、 中银金融科技有限公司、 杭州趣链科技有限公司、 华为技术有限公司华为云、交通金融科技创新联合实验室) Source: China Road Society, & nbsp; , 如需完整报告请登录【未来智库官网】。 Available at https://www.vzkoo.com/"rel="noformlow"title="https://www.vzkoo.com/"target="_blank" > Network of Future Think Tankers二、交通运输区块链顶层设计和关键技术
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