排名 |
币种名 | 美元价格$ | 24H涨跌幅 |
流通市值$ |
初始发行价 |
24h最高价 |
24h最低价 |
1 |
EOS 柚子币 |
$0.59 | 1.64% | 6.6亿 | $1.06 | $0.59 | $0.58 |
Whether the block chain is 1.0, 2.0, or 3.0, the consensus mechanism is involved. Because all the public chain is community self-governing, there is no central leadership for decision-making, and in order to maintain the public chain, the majority of community users must agree.
Bitcoin uses the Workload Certification Mechanism (POW), which increases the difficulty of mining and the use of resources as a result of rising computing power. To remedy this deficiency, the Proprietary Proprietary Mechanism (POS) was created. The advantage of this consensus mechanism is that it avoids energy consumption, but the disadvantage is that speech rights are controlled by large money-holders, forming a centralization feature that runs counter to the original intent of decentralizing the block chain.
委托权益证明机制(DPOS)是社区自治的,由社区所有持币人共同投票选出21个超级节点。由这些超级节点代理持币人验证和记账;而这些超级节点的权利是相等的;DPOS就像董事会投票,持币者投出一定数量的节点 (董事);代表按照既定时间表,轮流产生区块,如果代表没能很好的行使权力(比如产生区块),他们会被除名,网络会选出新的超级节点来取代他们;所有的代表将收到平均水平区块所含交易费的10%作为报酬。这就是EOS采用的共识机制。
The trust equity certification mechanism (DOS) is community self-governing, with all of the community’s currency holders voting together to select 21 super-nodes. These super-nodes represent the currency holders for validation and accounting; these supernodes are equally entitled; the DPOS vote is like a board vote, and the currency holders cast a certain number of nodes (Directors); delegates produce blocks on a rotating basis according to the established timetable, and if representatives fail to exercise their authority (e.g. by producing blocks), they are removed, the network selects new supernodes to replace them; all delegates are paid 10 per cent of the transaction costs contained in the average block. This is the consensus mechanism used by EOS.
1、EOS 有点类似于微软的windows平台,通过创建一个对开发者友好的区块链底层平台,支持多个应用同时运行,为开发DPOS提供底层的模板。
1. EOS is a sort of Microsoft-like Windows platform that supports the simultaneous operation of multiple applications by creating a bottom-of-the-developing block chain platform that is friendly to the developers and provides a bottom-of-the-ground template for the development of DOS.
EOS solves the problems of chain delay and data through parallel chains and DOS, which is a million-degree processing volume per second, while Bitcoin is about seven times a second, and the Tails are 30-40 times a second.
EOS is free of charge and has a wider audience.
EOS creates blocks through credible accounts (trustors) selected by the community. Such mechanisms are similar to stock companies, where ordinary stockholders cannot act as decision makers, and therefore require representatives to be elected by means of voting; in the EOS system, trustees are representatives chosen by ordinary users, who act as block producers.
EOS is a community-driven decision-making project, so the number of supernodes is not constant, and if the number of supernodes is no longer sufficient to meet the project’s development, community members may vote to increase the number of supernodes.
EOS 系统有一个硬性的条件,即每年产生的新代币数量不能超过代币总量的 5%。也有言论称新产生的代币中 50% 归 21 个超级节点,另外 50% 归其余 100 个候补节点。
The EOS system has a rigid condition that the amount of new currency generated per year cannot exceed 5% of the total number of the tokens. There are also claims that 50% of the newly generated coins fall into 21 supernodes and 50% into the remaining 100 alternate nodes.
EOS并不是像比特币和以太坊那样的货币,而是基于EOS软件项目之上发布的代币。可以说 EOS 整个系统的价值,就完全维系于这 21 个超级节点和 100个候补节点之上。成为超级节点获得的直接收益来自区块生产奖,EOS 中的超级节点不需要完成全部工作量来证明,可以直接广播区块到网络中,让其他节点进行验证。一旦一个节点完成了区块生产并通过其他节点的验证,它就可以将这个区块添加到区块链上,并获得新的代币作为出块奖励。
EOS is not a currency like Bitcoin and Etheria, but is based on a token issued on the EOS software project. It can be said that the value of EOS as a whole is fully attached to the 21 supernodes and 100 alternate nodes. The direct benefit of becoming a supernode comes from the block production prize, and the EOS supernode does not have to complete the full workload to prove that it can broadcast blocks directly into the network, allowing other nodes to be validated. Once a node has been produced and validated by other nodes, it can add the block to the block chain and receive a new token as an incentive.
First, ETH, as an initial intellectual contract, does not operate on ETH free of charge, and depends on your gas, and if Gas runs out, the contract stops. According to the people who used it, the ETH trading platform is slow and cardy and expensive. But EOS does not have problems with this, depending on the number of EOS. The more EOS you have, the more you can lease, the greater the return you get. The second EOS is simple and does not need to write a lot of modules on your own, because it provides a platform for developers, which significantly lowers the threshold of development; here, as an ordinary investor, having an EOS is equivalent to having a real estate, which can be used to rent, earn money.
Dan Larimer 认为应该将生产奖励分为三部分,分别作为,超级节点区块生产奖励、备用节点奖励、新提案奖励,具体比例尚不清楚。EOS 代币代表的是 EOS 生态中带宽,算力,存储空间等资源的使用额度。建设好生态,吸引开发者开发优质应用,有越来越多的业务在 EOS 区块链上开展,EOS 上的资源才会成为一种稀缺品,从而支撑起 EOS 代币的价格,让它 to the moon。
Dan Larimmer argues that production incentives should be divided into three parts, as supernode production incentives, stand-by node incentives, new proposal incentives, which are not yet known. EOS tokens represent the amount of use of EOS eco-bandwidth, arithmetic, storage space, etc.