bitget交易平台 消息,6 月 17 日,据 Cointelegraph 报道,由于以太坊 Layer 3 的 TPS 突然飙升,以太坊生态系统的每秒交易量 (TPS) 已激增至历史新高。
Bitget trading platform, June 17, reported by Cointelegraph that the amount of transactions per second (TPS) in the Ether Layer 3 ecosystem had risen to an all-time high as a result of the sudden surge in TPS.
L2BEAT 数据显示,6 月 16 日,包括 Layer 2 和 Layer 3 区块链在内的以太坊扩容网络共计记录了 246.18 TPS,相当于全天估计有 2120 万笔交易。
L2BEAT data show that on 16 June, the Ether-based extended network, including the Layer 2 and Layer 3 block chains, recorded a total of 246.18 TPS, equivalent to an estimated 21.2 million transactions throughout the day.
超过 41% 的交易发生在 Xai 上,6 月 10 日之前,Xai 的 TPS 徘徊在每天 1 左右,但此后几乎每天都在上升,于 6 月 16 日达到最高 101.72 TPS。Base 和 Arbitrum 在 6 月 16 日分别以 33 和 21 TPS 位列前三。
More than 41% of transactions occurred on Xai, where Xai's TPS hovered around 1 day before June 10, but has since risen almost daily, reaching the highest of 101.72 TPS on June 16. Base and Arbitrum ranked in the top three by June 16 by 33 and 21 TPS, respectively.
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