, . It represents not just a chain, but a brand-new decentralised infrastructure and application development environment that redefines the role and possibilities of block-chain technology in the digital economy age with its unique design concept and technical architecture.
首先,明确以太坊的身份——它是一个公有链(Public Blockchain),意味着任何人都可以参与到以太坊网络中,无需许可地进行交易验证、数据存储和智能合约执行。以太坊的区块链数据对所有人公开透明,确保了去中心化和不可篡改的特性。每一个参与者都可以自由运行一个节点,加入到以太坊的全球网络中,共同维护和更新区块链账本。
In the first place, it is clear that it is a public chain (Public Blockchain), which means that anyone can participate in the Etherm network without permission for transaction validation, data storage, and intelligent contract execution. Ether's block chain data is transparent to all and ensures decentralized and non-manageable features. Each participant is free to run a node and join the Ether's global network to maintain and update the block chain books.
不同于比特币这样的单纯数字货币系统,以太坊的最大革新在于引入了智能合约(Smart Contract)的概念。智能合约是在以太坊区块链上运行的程序代码,当满足预设条件时,会自动执行相应的动作,如转账、兑换、触发事件等。这一创新极大地拓展了区块链的应用范围,使其能够支撑各类去中心化应用(Decentralized Applications, DApps)的构建,包括金融衍生品、去中心化自治组织(DAOs)、去中心化金融(DeFi)产品、非同质化代币(NFTs)市场等。
Unlike simple digital money systems like Bitcoin, the biggest innovation in Tails has been the introduction of the concept of smart contracts. Smart contracts are program codes that run on the chain of blocks in Taipan, and when the predefined conditions are met, they automatically execute the corresponding actions, such as transfers, conversions, trigger events, etc. This innovation has greatly expanded the application of block chains to enable them to support the construction of various decentralized applications, including financial derivatives, decentralized self-government organizations (DAOs), decentralized finance (deFi) products, non-consistency currency (NFTs) markets, etc.
The basic asset in circulation in the Taiwan network is called Ether, or ETH, which is not only a network medium, but also a consumption of “ fuel & & rdquo; or so-called Gas fees for the implementation of smart contracts. Users holding ETH are able to participate in network maintenance and decision-making, for example by participating in consensus processes through stking, or by voting on EIPs.
随着以太坊生态的壮大和技术迭代,其自身也在不断演进。从PoW(工作量证明)向PoS(权益证明)的过渡,即以太坊2.0的升级,标志着以太坊朝着更高的可扩展性、更低能耗和更强健经济模型的方向发展。同时,以太坊还鼓励和支持各种Layer 2扩容解决方案以及侧链技术,力求在保持去中心化的同时提升网络性能。
The transition from PoW (Certificate of Work) to PoS (Certificate of Interests) – the upgrade of Taipa 2.0 – marks a move toward a more scalable, less energy-consuming, and more robust economic model. At the same time, it also encourages and supports a variety of Layer 2 augmentation solutions, as well as side-chain technologies, that seek to enhance network performance while maintaining decentralisation.
In conclusion, as noted above, Ether is not only a public chain with huge value transfer and intelligent contract enforcement, but also an open and open development platform for sustained innovation, inclusiveness and inclusion, bringing unprecedented decentralized solutions to the global economy and society and promoting the widespread application and development of block-chain technologies worldwide.
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