全球企業投放於雲計算的預算不斷增加,騰訊旗下雲業務品牌騰訊雲今日宣布於曼谷、法蘭克福、香港及東京設立四個全新數據中心,以應對全球與日俱增的客戶需求。隨著新數據中心的成立,騰訊雲的基礎網絡設施現已覆蓋全球27個地理區域(Regions)及66個可用區(Availability Zones, AZ),包括曼谷、法蘭克福、東京的第二個可用區(Availability Zone 2, AZ2)和香港的第三個可用區(Availability Zone 3, AZ3),滿足全球日益增長的業務需求。
The budget for global corporate investment in cloud computing is constantly increasing. >Availability Zones, AZ, >, including Bangkok, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, and Tokyo's second available area (Availability Zone 2, AZ2) and Hong Kong's third available area (Availabilty Zone 3, AZ3), meet the growing global demand.
Frost & Sullivan的數據顯示,截至2020年全球有52%的企業正在使用雲服務,34%的企業打算於未來兩年增設雲基礎設施。Gartner的最新報告亦指出,全球終端用戶使用公有雲服務的開支預計將由2020年的2,700億美元上升至2021年的3,323億美元,按年增長23.1%,標示著騰訊雲打算進一步開發、現已蓬勃發展的雲產業將會有更大增長空間。
騰訊雲國際高級副總裁楊寶樹(Poshu Yeung)表示:「雲市場發展迅速,騰訊雲期望能透過提供更多元化的雲產品及更強大的冗餘和備份選項,進一步履行對客戶的承諾。騰訊雲同時於曼谷、法蘭克福、香港及東京設立四個全新數據中心,標誌著公司又一重要里程的同時,更配合我們計劃迅速有效地拓展國際業務的策略。騰訊雲更計劃於今年內在全球增設超過30%的數據中心,應對未來全球對雲服務的需求。」
Poshu Yeung, Senior Vice-President of the International Network, says, "The cloud market is growing rapidly, and the cloud expects to meet further client commitments by providing more diversified cloud products and stronger redundancy and backup options. Four new data centres have been set up in Bangkok, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, and Tokyo, marking another important mile in parallel with our strategy to expand international business quickly and effectively.
為配合騰訊雲一直提供突破及頂尖創新技術的步伐,所有新設立的數據中心均座落於主要網絡樞紐,設備符合國際第三級(Tier-3)標準,提供可靠及高質素的邊界閘道器協定(Border Gateway Protocol),連接本地及國際的主要網絡服務商。
As part of the communication cloud, all new data centres are located in the main network, equipped to meet international Tier-3 standards, provide reliable and high quality border router protocols, connect to major local and international Internet service providers.
With regard to global infrastructure, the setting up of a completely new data centre is the latest strategy for a steady increase in communications, starting with the establishment of the second available area in Korea by the end of 2020, followed by the opening of the first local data centre in Indonesia in April 2021, and the third available area in Singapore.
Technology Clouds is a secure, reliable and high-performance public cloud service provider. The infrastructure for the operation of this message combines the advantages of its vast user platform and ecosystem system and continues to enhance its rich global service for the public and private domain.
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