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据环球时报3月29日报道,虚拟货币Terra和Luna崩盘致全球投资者损失惨重,该案核心人物、Terraform Labs创始人权道亨在黑山被捕,韩国、美国、新加坡对其展开引渡之争,在韩国社会持续引发热议。
reported on 29 March by the Global Times that the collapse of the virtual currency of
据新华社3月24日消息,权道亨现年31岁,因创立Terraform Labs并打造风靡一时的TerraUSD及其平台代币Luna,一度成为韩国乃至国际“币圈”风云人物。但这两种号称挂钩稳定资产的货币去年5月币值狂跌,市值蒸发大约400亿美元,让许多投资者血本无归。
According to the Xinhua Society, on March 24, evaporated about $40 billion, leaving many investors without blood .
quotes from the Wall Street Journal on 14 March, according to which informed sources, the United States Department of Justice is investigating the collapse of TerraUSD's stable currency last year, which increases the risk that its founder, Korea's encrypted money entrepreneur, will face United States criminal charges.
, from windy to infamous, the rapid fall of the powerful and TerraUSD is a microcosm of the turmoil in the global currency circle. The thunderstorms of several well-known encrypted money platforms have triggered investigations and tightened regulations in many countries. The collapse last year of FTX Research, an encrypted currency trading platform in the United States, and its sister agency, Alameida, has brought into question the long-term prospects for the development of the encrypted money market.
, 24 March, in Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro, Kwong Hagen was brought to court.
Photo source: Xinhua Society
On 29 March, quoted by the Global Times as a report by KBS Television Korea on 27 March. On 26 March, the court of Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro, ordered a 30-day extension of the detention period of Quaker and his close friend, Han, on the grounds that the two persons were at risk of absconding and had not been identified.
韩国《京乡新闻》26日报道称,权道亨推出的虚拟货币Terra和Luna价值暴跌99%,据推测韩国国内受害者可能多达20万。韩国检方认为,他故意操纵市价,导致投资者遭受逾50万亿韩元(约合2651.5亿元人民币)的损失。权道亨在崩盘前一个月从韩国出境,飞往Terraform Labs总公司所在地新加坡。韩国检方随即对其展开调查,权道亨经由迪拜逃往欧洲。2月,美国证券交易委员会以涉嫌欺诈起诉权道亨。
Korea's “King Town News” 26 reported a 99% drop in the value of the virtual currency Terra and Luna, which is supposed to be as many as 200,000 victims in Korea.
reported on 24 March by the Xinhua Society, on 23 March, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Montenegro informed that Kwong and another Korean citizen, Han Changjun, had been arrested on that day at the airport in Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro, and taken to the state prosecutor's office of Montenegro on suspicion of “false documents”.
, 24 March, in Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro, Kwong Hagen was brought to court.
Photo source: Xinhua Society
The Montenegrin police subsequently seized three laptops and five cell phones with the two persons. The Ministry of Internal Affairs stated that the Montenegrin side had not found a record of the entry of the two persons. The Korea National Police Office confirmed on 24 March that the person arrested in Montenegro was the owner of the Quakers, after matching fingerprints. The Korean prosecution stated that it was prepared to negotiate extradition with the Montenegrin side. Later that day, the United States District Court of Manhattan in New York City issued eight criminal charges against the Quakers, including securities fraud, electronic fraud, commodity fraud, conspiracy to commit two separate offences.
美国证券交易委员会上月对权道亨及其与他人联合创立的区块链企业Terraform Labs发起民事诉讼,指控权道亨“导演了涉及数十亿计美元加密货币资产的证券欺诈骗局”。
Last month, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission initiated a civil suit against Triraform Labs, a company founded by the Quakers and their association with others, accusing the Quakers of “directing a securities fraud scheme involving billions of dollars of encrypted monetary assets”.
In September last year, the Korean Prosecution Service in Seoul applied to Interpol for a red warrant seeking the assistance of that organization in the pursuit of Kwong. Last December, he appeared in Serbia, a neighbouring country of Montenegro, but his whereabouts were unknown.
据环球时报援引韩国《世界日报》27日报道,按照权道亨罪行的严重程度,美国法庭可能判处其100年监禁。有律师认为,权道亨在美国判刑最少在50年以上。此外,由于Terraform Labs公司总部位于新加坡,新加坡也要求引渡权道亨。连日来,不少美媒也纷纷报道、关注权道亨的案件,美联社在题为《权道亨:从韩国虚拟货币天才到不光彩的逃亡者》的报道中称Terra币是传销金融诈骗,《华盛顿邮报》在题为《虚拟货币巨人权道亨如何沦落为逃亡者》的报道中也详细介绍了权道亨其人及其犯罪情况。
quotes from the Korean Daily News 27 that
On 24 March, in Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro, Kwon (right) was brought to court.
Photo source: Xinhua Society
quotes from Bombo on March 27th, when his lawyer stated that he denied the charges of attempting to leave Montenegro with a false passport.
权道亨和Hon Chang Joon的律师Branko Andjelic在电话中称:“他们因推定的潜逃风险而被捕,理由是涉嫌伪造护照,而两人对此都予以否认;他们坚持认为护照是合法有效的。”Andjelic对可能将权道亨引渡到韩国或任何其他国家不予置评。黑山当局称两人还携带着比利时和韩国旅行证件,而国际刑警组织证实其比利时护照系伪造。
“They were arrested on the basis of their presumed absconding risk on the grounds that they were suspected of having forged a passport, which both denied; they both denied; they insisted that the passport was legally valid.” Andjelic did not comment on the possibility of extraditing him to South Korea or any other country. The Montenegrin authorities claimed that they were also carrying Belgian and Korean travel documents, and Interpol confirmed that their Belgian passports were forged.
quotes from the Wall Street Journal on 14 March, according to which informed sources, the United States Department of Justice is investigating the collapse of TerraUSD's stable currency last year, which increases the risk that its founder, Korea's encrypted money entrepreneur, will face United States criminal charges.
知情人士称,美国联邦调查局(FBI)和纽约南区联邦地区法院最近几周询问了权道亨公司Terraform Labs的前团队成员,并试图面谈其他人。FBI和纽约南区都隶属司法部,纽约南区经常在一些知名金融犯罪案中代表检方。
According to sources, the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Federal District Court for the Southern District of New York have questioned former members of the Quakers company Terraform Labs in recent weeks and have tried to interview others. The FBI and the Southern District of New York are part of the Department of Justice, and the Southern District of New York often represents the prosecution in a number of well-known financial crimes cases.
美国证券交易委员会上个月在曼哈顿联邦法院对权道亨和总部位于新加坡的Terraform Labs提起民事欺诈诉讼,指控权道亨和该公司在TerraUSD的风险方面误导投资者。
The United States Securities and Exchange Commission filed a civil fraud suit last month in the Federal Court of Manhattan against the Quakers and Terraform Labs, based in Singapore, accusing the Quakers and the company of misleading investors about the risks of TerraUSD.
According to , the scope of the investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice is similar to that of the U.S. Securities Trade Commission . According to the information received, investigators asked about the relationship between the Korea Payment Application Chai and Terraform's underlying block chain created in support of TerraUSD.
> editor Sun Chiseng ? >? >/strong > source ?
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