Over the past few years, a large number of artists have entered the encryption economy.
What is the motivation of these creators?
They can earn royalties from the second sale of their work.
然而,在目前的模式下,NFT 版稅並非必選項。
However, under the current model, NFT royalties are not mandatory.
傳統的 NFT 市場通過鏈下基礎設施兌現版稅,但許多市場最近已經開始採取行動,明確地將這些支付設為可選或完全取消。
The traditional NFT market pays a cash tax through the infrastructure of the chain, but many markets have recently begun to take action to explicitly set these payments as optional or outright cancellations.
DAV NFT 是最近開始探索這一選項的代表專案,這讓許多人想知道接下來會發生什麼?
DAV NFT is the representative project that has recently begun to explore this option, which has led many to wonder what will happen next.
我們肯定會看到的一件事是新 NFT 市場的爆炸式增長。
One thing we'll certainly see is the explosive growth of the new NFT market.
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DAV NFT是義大利米蘭大公基金會為紀念歐洲文藝復興時期偉大的藝術天才和科學大師列奧納多.達.芬奇而開發的非同質化藝術數字藏品財富計畫,目的是通過創新的區塊鏈科技與去中心化金融相結合,為建設多領域全生態的聚合應用場景作引流。在創造更多社會價值和財富效應的同時,為全球經濟和民眾開啟一扇通往財富快車道的大門,幫助更多的人獲得實現個人財富倍增的難得機會,進而推動DAV生態應用更快的發展和更多的個體快速實現財富自由及個人夢想,以此向列奧納多.達.芬奇這位500年前劃時代的科技全才與巨人致敬!
DAV NFT is a project for the wealth of non-congenital art digital collections, developed by the Italian Grand Fund to honour the great European Renaissance talent and science master Leonardo Da Vinci, with the aim of combining the creation of new regional chains with decentralized finance to lead the way to the creation of multi-dimensional, all-round convergences. At the same time as creating more social values and wealth, open a door to the global economy and people to the fast-track of wealth, helping more people to gain the rare opportunity to multiply their personal wealth, and to move the DAV to faster growth and more rapid and real financial freedom and personal dreams to pay tribute to Leonardo da Vinci, who was born 500 years ago.
The Grand Fund is one of the oldest and most mysterious family heritage funds in Italy, with investments in finance, securities, real estate, manufacturing, planting, medicine, trade, scientific research and high technology, all over the five continents.
Based on some parts of Leonardo da Vinci’s manuscript, which combines the inclusive value of creating new technologies and decentralizing finance in the region, the Milan Grand Foundation has developed an economic model that multiplys the wealth of the windmills and ensures that participants receive a high and permanent return on investment through lower investment capital, quickly realizes the doubling of personal wealth and comes from the same time as the Financial Freedom Club, which has created a rapid flow of all-round convergence of the DAV landscape to create more value and benefit for society and the population.
DAV NFT風火輪永續迴圈財富倍增計畫
Dav NFT windmill Multiplier Finance Project
DAV NFT風火輪永續迴圈財富倍增計畫一旦推出,勢必成為資本市場中的一匹黑馬,引領人們快速奔向金光燦爛的彼岸。因為DAV NFT風火輪永續迴圈財富倍增經濟模型,有著無以倫比的優勢和閉環,其邏輯已經決定了該計畫的發展方向和價值前景。只要參與,就註定收穫;只要努力付出,就必定獲得高倍的回報並一定能夠快速實現財富倍增!
Once launched, the DAV NFT cycle will become a black horse in the capital market, leading people quickly to the other side of the gold. The logic of the DAV NFT cycle, with its unparalleled advantages and shut-down economic model, has determined the course and value prospects of the project.
借助不可替代通證(NFT)技術實現傳統藝術品的新型數位化,同時DAV NFT協議讓NFT能夠快速再流通中獲得價值;四進一出的機制模型保障每個NFT藏品能獲得1.6倍的流通分紅,自動迴圈機制將使系統永續作下去,每個獲利的NFT作品將自動購入下個藏品進行二輪迴圈
The new digitalization of modern-traditional art with the help of non-replacement NFT technologies allowed NFT to regain value in rapid re-routing, while the quadrupled model guaranteed 1.6 times the distribution of each NFT collection, with automatic loop systems that would perpetuate the system, and each profitable NFT product would automatically be purchased into the next collection for a two-round cycle.
The team behind Davinci (DAV), made up of experienced developers, noticed that there were many inefficiencies in the area of the chain, and that user experience was getting better with technology, but the problem with each of the different agreements remained, and we decided that it was time to start developing our own expansionary agreement, designed entirely around a new NFT auction, and to focus on users/distributors throughout the development cycle.
Our goal is to create an incentive NFT trading platform where developers and investors can come together to create new initiatives in a decentralised economy.
你們將看到了一個新的NFT交易平臺的未來,那就是“數字收藏優先”基於傳統藝術品為價值支撐。 在未來,DAV NFT平臺鑄造了第一批收藏品,並為第一批客戶提供了產品,平臺是開源的,並允許人們創建自己的規則和體驗版本。 這些開發人員將不再專注於軟體,而更專注於創建人們想要擁有的收藏品。 這只是去中心化的一個例子,通過這種去中心化的視角觀察世界會讓您思考為NFT 為藝術品創作創造有趣體驗的全新方法。
In the future,
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