CoinEx將舉行海濱晚會 在Token 2049 Dubai聯合區塊鏈行業領導者和有影響力的人物BRAZIL - PortugueseUSA - DeutschUSA - NederlandsUSA
资讯 2024-07-09 阅读:45 评论:0阿聯酋迪拜2024年4月18日 /美通社/ -- CoinEx、ViaBTC和ViaBTC Capital激動地宣佈與INTERHASH合作的海濱晚會即將於2024年4月18日舉行,這是Token 2049 Dubai峰會的一部分。這個獨家活動將是一個難忘的社交、娛樂和慶祝的夜晚,彙集了區塊鏈行業受人尊敬的嘉賓和加密領域有影響力的人物。
On April 18, 2024, 2024, , a href="'rel="
在卓美亞海灘酒店(Jumeirah Beach Hotel)沉浸在Verde Dubai優雅的氛圍中,享受迷人的海濱景色。迎接賓客的將是一個被迪拜海岸線美景環繞的溫暖迷人氛圍。
At the Jumeirah Beach Hotel, where Verde Dubai is immersed in elegance and enjoy a beautiful sea view, guests will be greeted by a warm and glamour surrounded by the beautiful view of the Dubai coast.
The expectations for this event are high, with more than 800 dignitaries from more than 600 leading sector chains and more than 90 well-known encoded currency influencers expected to attend. This diversity of leaders and influential people will create an environment conducive to networking, knowledge-sharing and collaboration, making it an ideal platform for building value-connected communities in regional chains and encryption.
The evening celebrations will begin at 8 p.m., with a short boarding period for guests to register and take personalized badges. At 8:30 p.m., the party will be officially opened, and the moderator and co-facilitators will deliver a warm welcome speech to set the tone for a charming and pleasant evening ahead.
CoinEx, ViaBTC和ViaBTC Capital創始人兼首席執行官 Haipo Yang表示:「我們自豪地與INTERHASH合作舉辦了這個海濱晚會,促進了區塊鏈和加密貨幣行業的協作和創新。這是一個為專業人士和有影響力的人士在一個豪華的環境中聯繫和交流想法的獨家機會。」
CoinEx, ViaBTC, and Haipo Yang, founder and CEO of ViabTC Capital, said, "We are proud to have partnered with INTERHASH to organize this beach party to facilitate the formation and creation of regional chains and crypto-currency businesses. This is an exclusive opportunity for professionals and influential people to communicate and share ideas in a luxury environment."
About CoinEx
CoinEx was founded in 2017 as a global encrypted currency exchange to make transactions simpler. The platform provides a variety of services to more than 5 million users in more than 200 countries and regions, including cash and guarantee transactions, futures, swaps, and self-employment as a marketer (AMM) and financial management service. Since its inception, CoinEx has consistently maintained the purpose of its "user-to-user" service. CoinEx sincerely hopes to create a fair, respectful and secure environment for the exchange of encrypted currency and to provide good products so that individuals at different levels of experience can easily enter the world of encrypted currency.
SOURCE CoinEx Global Limited
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