行情 | BTC市场份额占比回升至47.7%
据CoinMarketCap数据显示,比特币市场份额回升至47.4%,较7月初增长了近10%,为2017年12月20日以来的最高值。大量法币入场与比特币市场份额呈正比,例如比特币达到历史最高点2万美元的六个月期间,比特币市场份额从38%增加到66.5%。最近对比特币价格的下行压力对哈希率并无影响,近期哈希功率达到了50 EH / s的历史最高水平,几乎是2017年峰值13EH/s的四倍,哈希率的剧增代表比特币网络投入了的大量资金,目前12.5比特币的区块回报可能会激励矿工积累更多的比特币,预期18年末比特币区块回报将回归到接近25万美元。
According to CoinMarketCap, the market share of Bitcoin has risen back to 47.4%, nearly 10% since early July, the highest since 20 December 2017. A large amount of French currency entry compared favourably with the market share of Bitcoin, for example, increased from 38% to 66.5% over a six-month period when Bitcoin reached its historic peak of $20,000. The recent downward pressure on Bitcoin prices has had no effect on Hashi's rate, with Hashi's recent record peak of 50 GH/s, almost four times the peak of 13 ÉH/s in 2017, and Hashi's dramatic increase represents a significant investment in Bitcoin's network.
行情 | 全球加密货币市值缩水209亿元人民币
The market value of the global encrypted currency has shrunk by RMB 20.9 billion.
According to the AICoin data, the market value of the global encrypted currency is currently about RMB 18,76,59 million, down by about RMB 20.9 billion from the previous RMB 18,288,604 million. The market value of the encrypted currency market is now ranked first by Bitcoin, with a market value of RMB 811.5 billion, which is about RMB 8.4 billion lower than the previous RMB 81,99.9 billion, and is currently about 44.89 per cent; the total market value is about RMB 28,1.3 billion, an increase of RMB 200 million and an increase of RMB 15,56 per cent from the previous RMB 28,1.1 billion; and the third market value of the RMB 10,95 billion is about RMB, a decrease of RMB 5.5 billion and a decrease in the market value of 6,05 per cent from the previous RMB 11.5 billion.
行情 | 三大币种24小时成交额均有增长
There's a 24-hour increase in all three currencies.
根据公开数据显示, 24小时成交额排行中成交额排名第一的是比特币,平均成交额为2219224万人民币,相对之前上升156887万人民币,上升幅度约为7.6%,占比降为26.41%;排名第二的是泰达币,平均成交额1849561万人民币,相对之前上升169162万人民币,上升幅度约为10.07%,占比为22.39%;排名第三的是以太坊,平均成交额958678万人民币,相对之前上升38550万人民币,上升幅度约为4.19%,占比为11.41%。
According to public data, the first place in the 24-hour line was Bitcoin, with an average of RMB 2,22,922.4 million, an increase of RMB 15,688.87 million, or about 7.6 per cent, or a decrease of 26.41 per cent; the second place was Tedar, or an average of RMB 1,149.56.1 million, or an increase of approximately RMB 16.06 million, or 22.39 per cent; and the third place was Tails, or an average of RMB 95,86.78 million, or an increase of RMB 385.5 million, or an increase of approximately 4.19 per cent, or 11.41 per cent.
行情 | ETC领涨市值前20币种 超越NEO市值位列第十三
The market value of the ETC rises in the top 20 currencies and exceeds that of the NEO by the thirteenth .
According to coinmarkcap, the market for encrypted money today is falling, and ETC now stands at a global average of $17.72 for the top 20 by 6.91%. At the same time, ETC now has a market value of approximately $1.84 billion, surpassing the value of NEO as the 13th currency in the market.
行情 | USDT加密货币交易占比下降4.83%
USDT encrypt currency transactions drop by 4.83%
At present, bitcoin transactions are ranked according to the currency of the transaction, ranking first in the USDT, or 53.94 per cent, a decrease of 4.83 per cent compared to the previous rate; second in the United States dollar, or 22.63 per cent, an increase of 2.07 per cent compared to the previous rate; and third in the yen, or 12.79 per cent, an increase of 0.69 per cent compared to the previous rate, a slight change.
分析 | 1/3的比特币集中在1600个钱包里,普及数字资产仍需努力
One third of the bitcoin of 根据数字资产分析公司Chainalysis提供的数据显示,超过三分之一的比特币都集中在1600个钱包中。上文提到的1,600个钱包每个都至少持有1,000个比特币,其中有100个钱包持币量超过10,000 BTC。Chainalysis首席经济师Phillip Gladwell指出:财富的集中化意味着比特币存在高波动性的风险,因为小部分人的举动将会对价格产生重大的影响。除此之外,Chainalysis还发现长期持有者的数量正在不断减少,不少做短线的投资者持币量则越来越多。这就意味着双方之间的力量格局发生了变化,市场中短期投机者数量正在不断增加。 According to data provided by the digital asset analysis company Chainalysis, more than one-third of the bitcoins are concentrated in 1,600 wallets. The 1,600 wallets mentioned above each hold at least 1,000 bitcoins, of which 100 hold more than 10,000 BTC. 分析 | BTC人气热度达阶段底部 全网算力结束涨势 analysis > > BTC end the rise in full network arithmetic at the bottom of the human heat phase 据TokenInsight 数据显示,反映区块链行业整体表现的TI指数北京时间8月7日9时报725.00点,较昨日同期下跌13.93点,跌幅1.89%。通用平台指数TIG报671.44点,较昨日同期下跌5.89点,跌幅0.87%。另据监测显示,BTC人气热度增速在昨日达到冰点后小幅反弹至0.038%,全球转账数也随之反弹至20.1万(昨日约17万);全网算力46.03EH/s,较昨日下降1.7%。BCtrend分析师认为,BTC人气已达阶段底部,维稳7日均线后小幅反弹可期。技术分析方面,独立分析师Tommy认为,从目前走势观察,BTC短期空头力量有所减弱,预计会在6800美元左右止跌,迎来较大幅度反弹。 According to TokenInsight, the TI index, which reflects the overall performance of the block chain industry, was reported at 725.00 Beijing time on August 7, and fell by 13.93 points, or 1.89 per cent, over the same period yesterday. The General Platform Index, 671.44, fell by 5.89 points, or 0.87 per cent, over the same period yesterday. Also, according to monitoring, the BTC human gas heat increase rebounded to 0.038 per cent after reaching the ice point yesterday, with global transfers rebounding to 201,000 (about 170,000 yesterday); the full network capacity fell by 46.03 EH/s, or 1.7 per cent, compared to yesterday, and BCtrend analysts believe that BTC has reached the bottom of the phase, with a small rebound after 7 days of stability. 分析 | 财富管理公司Canaccord Genuity:比特币ETF或将于2019年3月获批 据coindesk报道,财富管理公司Canaccord Genuity在最新的加密市场报告中指出,期待已久的比特币ETF可能将在2019年获得批准。该财富管理公司表示,虽然理论上讲,SEC可以在8月10日做出决定,虽然VanEck SolidX的比特币信托基金被许多人视为最有可能获得批准的,但人们普遍认为SEC将延长决定的截止日期。在这种情况下,SEC可能要到2019年3月才能做出决定。 According to Coindesk, in the latest encryption market report, the wealth management company Canaccord Genuity stated that the long-awaited Bitcoin ETF might be approved in 2019. The wealth management company indicated that while in theory SEC could make a decision on August 10, while VanEck SolidX’s Bitcoin Trust Fund was considered most likely to be approved by many, it was widely believed that SEC would extend the deadline for its decision. 分析 | 华尔街日报:加密交易团体过去六个月通过价格操纵获利8.25亿美元 据华尔街日报8月5日发布的一项研究,数十个有组织的加密“交易团体”正在操纵一些最大的在线交易所的加密货币价格,已在过去六个月通过操纵市场获利8.25亿美元。价格操纵主要由有组织的“交易团体”通过使用Telegram等服务进行。据报道,华尔街日报在1月至7月底对交易平台之间的交易数据和在线交流进行了审查,确定了175个“拉高出货”的计划,涉及121种不同代币。 According to a study published by the Wall Street Journal on 5 August, dozens of organized crypto-trading “trading groups” are manipulating the price of the encrypted currency of some of the largest online exchanges and have earned $825 million over the past six months through market manipulation. Price manipulation is mainly carried out by organized “trading groups” using services such as Telegram. The Wall Street Journal reportedly reviewed transaction data and online exchanges between trading platforms between January and the end of July, identifying 175 “pull-up” schemes involving 121 different currencies. 分析 | PeckShield:EOS生态内Fomo3D类游戏“外挂”侵扰游戏玩家权益 Analyze PeckShield: EOS eco-based Fomo3D-type game "Hand Up" player interest 近日,区块链安全公司PeckShield研究人员发现,一种直接锁定游戏大奖的“外挂”出现在诸如ITE、EOS3D、EOSDAY等多个EOS生态内的Fomo3D类游戏上。合约攻击合约,“外挂”获取小概率大奖如探囊取物,夺走了原本属于游戏玩家的权益,严重影响了该类游戏的生态平衡。由于EOS生态数据链上可查,攻击者可通过查看游戏合约的链上数据,用简单的模拟发送请求即可实现“外挂”,并且与以太坊不同的是,整个实施过程门槛低且零成本,加剧了“外挂”的泛滥,甚至会威胁EOS生态稳定。据悉,受此类“外挂”高频刷奖影响,EOS的CPU、RAM短时间内均有明显波动。EOS生态内的各类游戏,用户参与门槛低且玩法多样,正逐渐呈风靡之势,此类“外挂”将吞噬受影响游戏的可玩性,加速该游戏的“衰亡”,最终影响EOS生态秩序。PeckShield呼吁EOS游戏开发商加强防范意识,可通过限制单用户操作频次以及各种反作弊策略手段进行防护。同时也提醒广大游戏爱好者谨慎参与。 In recent days, PeckShield researchers at the block chain security firm have found that an “exterior” of a direct lock-up game can be found in the Fomo3D game in several eco-economys such as ITE, EOS3D, EOSDAY, etc. The contract of attack, “exterior” to a small probability prize, such as a probe, has seriously affected the ecological balance of the game. As a result of the search on the EOS ecological data chain, the attackers can be “extracted” by viewing the data from the game contract, sending requests by simple simulations, and, unlike in the near future, by the low threshold and zero cost of the entire implementation process, increasing the proliferation of “excrete” and even threatening the ecological stability of the EOS. 分析 | 推特上存在1.5万个加密诈骗机器人 analysis > 15,000 encryption fraud robots on Twitter 据Cointelegraph报道,网络安全公司Duo Security近日发布的最新研究显示,发现约1.5万个诈骗机器人在推特上传播有关加密货币的虚假信息。这一结果是通过分析8800万推特用户的最新200条推文得出。 According to Cointelegraph, a recent study released recently by Cybersecurity, Duo Security, found some 15,000 fraudulent robots spreading false information about encrypted money on Twitter. This result was obtained by analysing the latest 200 tweets from 88 million Twitter users. 动态 | 全球比特币ATM安装速度为日均8.36台 Dynamics > Global BitcoinATM installed at an average of 8.36 units per day 根据数据显示,近7日比特币ATM的安装速度为日均8.36台比特币ATM。 According to the data, the installation rate of the Bitcoin ATM was 8.36 Bitcoins ATMs per day on almost seven days. 声音 | 华尔街分析师:BTC或将是熊市中的避风港 据CNBC消息,华尔街Fundstrat常务董事兼研究主管Tom Lee表示,BTC或将是熊市中的避风港。他认为早前SEC主席定义数字货币为商品,这意味着数字货币不会被视为证券。近期对比特币ETF的讨论,也有利于BTC。但最近BTC总市值在数字货币市场总市值中的比例达48%,创近几个月内新高,这也许是BTC“回归”的真正信号。 According to CNBC, Tom Lee, the director and research director of Fundstrat on Wall Street, said that BTC would be a safe haven in Bear City. He believed that the earlier Chairman of the SEC had defined digital currency as a commodity, which meant that digital currency would not be considered a security. Recent discussions about the BTC’s ETF would also benefit BTC. But recently, BTC’s total market value was 48% of the total market value of the digital money market, making it new in recent months, which might be the real signal of the BTC’s “return”. 声音 | 麦当劳中国首席执行官:MacCoin是收藏币 没有现金价值 McDonald's China CEO: MacCoin is a collection of coins with no cash value 8月6日,麦当劳MacCoin币正式上线。麦当劳中国首席执行官张家茵表示:MacCoin是全球首款用食物作为信用支撑的收藏币,没有现金价值。区别于比特币等虚拟货币,MacCoin是有实体的。 On August 6, McDonald’s MacCoin was officially online. McDonald’s Chinese CEO, Zhang Jiain, said that MacCoin was the global first collection of foods supported by credit and had no cash value. Unlike virtual currencies such as Bitcoin, MacCoin is real. 政策 | 澳门金融管理局再次提醒虚拟货币可能涉及欺诈行为 Once again, the Macao Financial Services Authority reminds the virtual currency of possible fraud . 澳门金融管理局(金管局)公告显示,再次提醒居民,虚拟货币属“虚拟商品”,不属法定货币或金融工具,居民须提防“虚拟货币”或可能涉及的欺诈行为,甚或可能被利用进行违法犯罪活动。 金管局已明确规定本澳所有银行及支付机构,不得直接或间接参与或提供任何与虚拟货币有关,包括以虚拟商品用作交易货币的金融服务。金管局并重申,任何机构在未经许可的情况下透过任何方式提供受监管的金融服务,如货币兑换、跨境资金转移或提供金融交易平台等,均违反《金融体系法律制度》的相关规定。 金管局已与司法警察局建立紧密合作机制打击非法金融活动,近年已多次透过媒体呼吁居民必须小心,注意风险。 The Macao Financial Authority (MBA) has clearly stated that all banks and payment agencies in the country shall not directly or indirectly participate in or provide any financial services related to virtual currency, including the use of virtual goods as a currency for transactions. It has also reiterated that any institution providing regulated financial services through any means, such as currency exchange, cross-border transfer of funds, or the provision of a platform for financial transactions, without authorization, is in violation of the relevant provisions of the Financial System Legal System. 动态 | 比特币超市采用XRP作为另一种支付方式 据ambcrypto.com消息,一家名为Bitcoin Superstore的基于数字货币的在线零售商在8月6日宣布XRP被他们接受为其中一种支付方式。客户现在可以通过XRP和其他五种数字货币BTC、BCH、LTC、ETH和DASH在比特币超市中使用。 According to ambcrypto.com, a digital-based retailer named Bitcoin Superstore announced on 6 August that XRP was accepted by them as one of the modes of payment. Clients can now use it in Bitcoin supermarkets through XRP and five other digital currencies, BTC, BCH, LTC, ETH and DASH. 动态 | 韩国准许法币入金 亚洲多国区块链政策逐步开放 据悉,韩国日前允许交易所法币入金,年满19岁韩国籍投资人可将本人名下的银行账户与bithumb账户绑定,以此来提供更快速更准备的存取款服务,投资人可通过实名认证存取款号码存入韩元。另据早前消息,菲律宾证券交易委员会(SEC)批准ICO草案,将推进数字货币在菲律宾的合法销售;蒙古国政府支持的蒙古国国家区块链数字资产交易所(MDEX)也将于近期上线,亚洲多国区块链政策逐步开放。 It has been reported that South Korea has recently allowed exchange money to be paid in French, that Korean investors who are 19 years of age or older can bind their bank accounts to bithumb accounts as a means of providing faster and more prepared access to the funds, and that investors can deposit the ICO into the won through a real-name certified access number. According to earlier information, the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved the draft ICO, which will facilitate the legitimate sale of digital currencies in the Philippines; and that Mongolia’s National Fragmented Digital Assets Exchange (MDEX), supported by the Government of Mongolia, will be launched in the near future, and the Asian Multinational Block Chain Policy will be gradually opened. 动态 | Bitconnect发起人收到SEC传票 9月14日出席作证 据Cryptovest消息,Bitconnect项目前投资者及发起人Trevon James已收到SEC传票,9月14日将出席为Bitconnect项目作证。此前消息,Bitconnect项目被指控为庞氏骗局,遭个人投资者和Silver Miller律所等机构的多次上诉。自2016年中期以来,直到BitConnect项目崩溃,Trevon James使用他的YouTube频道发送他的推荐链接,并从中获利。 According to Cryptovest, Trevon James, a former investor and sponsor of the Bitcontract project, received a summons from SEC to testify for the Bitcontract project on 14 September. Previously, the Bitcontract project was accused of a ponzi scheme and was appealed by individual investors and Silver Miller. Since mid-2016, until the collapse of the BitConnett project, Trevon James used his YouTube channel to send his recommended link and profit from it. 动态 | BTC网络算力突破52 EH/秒 价格追随算力 Dynamic BTC network computing over 52 EH/sec Price tracking 据Blockchain确认,目前比特币网络算力已经达到了52 EH/秒(EH=quintillion hashes),这是历史上比特币首次突破这一阈值。Blockchain的数据显示,仅在过去3个月比特币算力就增长了60%。上月中旬比特币算力还只有43 EH/秒。数字货币评论员Max Keiser预测,基于这些技术支撑,比特币价格将上涨,因为“价格追随算力”。 Blockchain confirms that the Bitcoin network is now 52 EH/seconds, the first time in history that Bitcoin has broken this threshold. Blockchai's data show a 60% increase in bitcoins in the last three months alone. Bitcoin was 43 EH/seconds in mid last month. Digital currency commentator Max Keiser predicts that, on the basis of these technologies, Bitcoin prices will rise because of “price follow-the-calculation”. 动态 | 韩国元喜龙:希望将济州岛打造为区块链枢纽城市 据8月6日消息,韩国济州道知事元喜龙日前发表演讲,表示希望将济州岛打造成瑞士楚格市、马耳他、新加坡等地一样的区块链集散地。元喜龙知事表示:“区块链技术是韩国能够在互联网领域发挥力量的最初和最后的机会” According to the news on August 6, Korea's Jeju Governor, Heilong, made a recent speech in which he expressed the hope that Jeju Island would become a cluster of blocks like the Swiss city of Chug, Malta, Singapore, etc. “The block chain technology is the first and last chance for Korea to be able to play its part in the Internet field.” 动态 | 印度很快将会拥有自己的加密货币 India will soon have its own encrypted currency. 据dnaindia消息,印度可能很快就会获得它自己的加密货币,相关接近开发人员的消息人士告知Zee Business,目前政府正在研究与虚拟货币相关的技术和应用程序,并正试图找到一种积极的方式使用该技术,期待在国内开发本土虚拟货币。据透露,原生虚拟货币的蓝图将在2018年9月前准备好,与加密货币相关的最终指导方针将在9月的第一周发布。目前,它正在与RBI,SEBI和其他利益相关方进行谈判。 According to dnaindia, India may soon have access to its own encrypted currency, and sources close to developers have informed Zee Business that the government is currently studying technologies and applications related to virtual money, and is trying to find a positive way to use it, looking forward to the development of indigenous virtual currency in the country. It has been revealed that the blueprint for the original virtual currency will be ready by September 2018, and that the final guidelines relating to encrypted money will be released in the first week of September. 动态 | 全球数字货币已超1600种 存在大量空气币 据中国新闻网报道,腾讯安全联合知道创宇日前发布的《2018上半年区块链安全报告》指出,全球出现过的数字加密货币已超1600种。这1600多种数字货币中,存在大量完全没有实体项目支撑的“空气币”,被认为一文不值。 According to the Chinese News Network, Tseng Security United is aware that the first half of 2018 block chain security report released before Soowoo states that more than 1,600 digitally encrypted currencies have emerged worldwide. Of the more than 1,600 digital currencies, a large number of “air coins” that are completely unsupported by physical projects are considered to be worthless. 动态 | metahash出现同名涉嫌欺诈的山寨合约 > 第三方大数据评级机构RatingToken最新数据显示,2018年8月5日全球共新增905个合约地址,其中193个为代币型智能合约。RatingToken安全审计团队发现,名为MetaHash Coin(MHC)的某山寨合约有疑似聚集资金的行为,智能合约检测3.17分,存在7个中危漏洞。该合约与近期较为火热的众筹项目metahash同名,但与metahash官方核实后确认其并未创建MetaHashCoin(MHC)合约,此合约有欺诈嫌疑。另外,此山寨合约创建者还创建了多个同类型合约,代码中均存在诱导用户转入ETH的行为。 昨日新增合约中还发现QQToken(QQ)和Bitcoin(BTC)等山寨合约,RatingToken安全审计团队提示用户,近期同名山寨合约增发频繁,用户需提高警惕,可登录RatingToken官网,一键检测合约质量。 According to the latest data from the third-party big data rating agency, RatingToken, 905 new contract addresses were added to the world on August 5, 2018, of which 193 were token-based smart contracts. The RadingToken security audit team found that there was a suspicion of pooling funds for a contract named Methakash Coin (MHC), which contained 3.17 points in a smart contract, and seven mid-point holes. The contract was identical to the recent hottest mass project Metahahash, but confirmed after official verification with Metahaash that it did not create a Methakash Coin (MHC) contract, which was suspected of fraud. In addition, the owner of the contract created a number of similar contracts, all of which contained codes to induce users to move to ETH. 动态 | 彭博社:高盛或为加密货币基金提供托管服务 Developments Bloomberg: Goldman Sachs or hosting of an encrypted monetary fund 据彭博社消息,据相关人士透露,高盛正在考虑为加密货币基金提供托管服务。这意味这高盛将代表基金持有加密货币,减少客户遭受黑客攻击的风险。目前具体服务还在研究中,尚未设定具体的推出时间。 According to Bloomberg, according to sources, Goldman Sachs is considering hosting an encrypted monetary fund. This means that Goldman Sachs will hold encrypted money on behalf of the fund to reduce the risk of hacking. 动态 | Vite预览版浏览器和钱包功能提前发布 Dynamic > Vite Preview Browser and Wallet functionality issued in advance 8月6日17:30,Vite公布了预览版区块链浏览器和钱包功能的截图。据官方消息称,预览版可以实现基于Dag账本结构的账户生成、异步的转账、快照块对全局账户的快照和链式的递增、交易的查询等功能,涵盖了Vite系统的非常核心的几个模块,预计近期会发布预览版区块链浏览器和钱包。 On 6 August, at 1730, Vite published a screenshot of the block-chain browser and wallet function of the preview version. According to official sources, the preview version enables account generation based on the Dag account structure, asymptomatic transfers, snapshots and chain increment to global accounts, transactional queries, etc., and covers several very core modules of the Vite system, and it is expected that the preview block-chain browsers and wallets will be released in the near future. 动态 | 乌克兰或将对加密货币征税 Dynamics Ukraine or will tax encoded currency 据Economic union消息,乌克兰或将对部分加密货币业务征税,相关法案将很快提交给当地议会。该法案中称,将对差额(销售的代币价格和购买时或与挖矿成本的差价)征收5%的税,个人也必须支付1.5%。计划从2019年开始,暂定到2025年。这项税收会影响到从加密货币交易所取回变现、或者购买商品和支付服务,加密货币之间的交易不受影响。 According to Economic unit, Ukraine will either tax part of the encrypt currency business, and the bill will soon be submitted to the local parliament. The bill states that a 5% tax on the difference (the currency price of the sale and the difference between the purchase and the cost of mining) must also be paid by the individual. The plan starts in 2019, tentatively until 2025. This tax will affect the recovery of cash from the encrypt currency exchange, or the purchase of goods and payment services, and transactions between encrypted currencies will not be affected. 动态 | 比特大陆将于明年初开启在美国德州的挖矿业务 . 据Coindesk报道,比特币矿业巨头比特大陆在德克萨斯州Rockdale的加密货币挖矿设施公司正式营业,并预计明年初开始挖矿业务。作为其“北美战略投资和扩张计划”的一部分,比特大陆将在未来七年内,在这一区块链数据中心投资5亿美元。 According to Coindisk, the Bitcoin mining giant, Bitland, is officially operating in Rockdale, Texas, and is expected to start mining early next year. As part of its Strategic Investment and Expansion Plan for North America, Bitcoll will invest $500 million in this sector’s chain data centre over the next seven years. 动态 | 王福重删除“纳斯达克上线数字货币交易微博” Wang Fook deleted the words “Nazdak's online digital currency transaction on Twitter” . 经济学教授王福重今日12:42在微博表示:“纳斯达克已确认,计划在10月上线数字货币交易。这一重大动作,将导致近期全球投资资金开始流向美国,美国将成为真正意义上的数字货币主宰市场。”然而,近日并无权威媒体报道相关消息。刚刚王福重已删除此条微博。 Professor Wang Fukang said today at 12:42 in Weibo: “Nasdak has confirmed that he is planning to go online in October for digital currency transactions. This major move will lead to global investment funds starting to flow to the United States in the near future, where the United States will dominate the market in the real sense of digital money.” However, there has been no authoritative press coverage in recent days. Wang Fuk has just deleted the tweet. 动态 | 全球比特币ATM已超3500台 据ccn报道,据跟踪比特币ATM的领先机构Coinatmradar的最新数据,比特币价格的下滑对全球安装和使用加密ATM的速度没有太大影响。截至目前,全球共有3503个比特币ATM。其中有1846(约52.7%)支持小币种,其中49%和32.1%的ATM分别能支持LTC和ETH。2017年初,比特币ATM总数为1000余台。 According to ccn, following up on recent data from Coinatmradar, a leading agency in BitcoinATM, the decline in bitcoin prices has had little effect on the speed of installation and use of encryption ATMs globally. To date, there are now 3503 bitcoins ATMs worldwide. Of these, 1846 (approximately 52.7%) support the currency, of which 49% and 32.1% ATM support LTC and ETH, respectively. At the beginning of 2017, the total number of bitcoins ATMs was over 1,000. 动态 | 俄亥俄州定义区块链和智能合约的法案已生效 The Ohio Act defining block chains and smart contracts has entered into force at . 据ethnews报道,今年5月,俄亥俄州参议员Matt Dolan向该州立法机构提交了一项法案,旨在澄清区块链签名和合约的法律地位。该法案SB300未能推进,但其部分内容作为修正案被归入另一项涉及网络安全的法案SB220。此前SB220于5月份通过参议院,6月份通过众议院,并一直在等待州长的决定。上周五州长John Kasich终于宣布已签署该法案,SB220修正案正式生效。根据该法案,通过区块链技术获得的记录或合同被视为电子形式的,并成为电子记录。 According to Ethnews, in May this year, Senator Matt Dolan of Ohio submitted to the state legislature a bill aimed at clarifying the legal status of block chain signatures and contracts. The bill SB300 failed to move forward, but part of its content was included as an amendment in another bill, SB220 dealing with cyber security. SB220 was passed by the Senate in May, the House of Representatives in June, and was awaiting the decision of the governor. Last Friday Governor John Kasich finally announced that the bill had been signed and the SB220 amendment came into force. Under the bill, records or contracts obtained through block chain technology were considered electronic and became electronic. 动态 | 瑞士苏黎世Maerki Baumann私人银行宣布将开始接受加密货币 据bitcoinist报道,苏黎世的Maerki Baumann私人银行将接受数字货币。唯一的条件是他们必须收到服务或成功采矿。该银行将用于验证加密货币来源的机制尚未公布。银行方面表示:Maerki Baumann密切关注这些投资工具的发展和基础监管,而不承诺参与该领域。这涉及对加密货币的投资以及交易和存储这些工具所需的技术。我们目前将加密货币视为替代投资工具,但我们的经验和数据(价格,波动性,交易量)有限。 According to bitcoinist, the private bank of Maerki Baumann in Zurich will accept digital currency. The only condition is that they must receive services or succeed in mining. The mechanism used by the bank to verify the source of encrypted money has not yet been published. Bankers say that Maerki Baumann is closely following the development and underlying regulation of these investment instruments, and is not committed to participating in them. This involves investing in encrypted money and the technology needed to trade and store them. 动态 | 西佛吉尼亚州居民将使用区块链支持的APP对联邦选举进行投票 West Virginia residents will vote for federal elections using the APP, supported by block chains 据cnn报道,西弗吉尼亚将成为美国首个使用智能手机应用程序对联邦选举进行投票的州,旨在使身处国外的居民在11月份的选举中的投票更容易。但是选举诚信和计算机安全专家对通过手机投票这一前景表示震惊,并且有人甚至将其称为“一个可怕的想法”。西弗吉尼亚州州长Mac Warner和开发该应用程序的波士顿公司Voatz坚称这一技术是安全的。使用者必须首先通过拍摄政府颁发的身份证件和自拍视频进行注册。 Voatz表示,其面部识别软件将确保照片和视频显示同一个人。一旦获得批准,西弗吉尼亚的选民将可以使用Voatz应用程序投票。该公司称,选票是匿名的,并记录在区块链上。 Cnn reports that West Virginia will be the first state in the United States to vote on federal elections using smartphone applications to make it easier for residents abroad to vote in the November elections. But election integrity and computer security experts are shocked by the prospect of voting through mobile phones, and some even call it “a terrible idea.” West Virginia Governor Mac Warner and Boston company that developed the application maintain that this technology is safe. Users must first register by taking government-issued identity papers and self-recorded videos. 动态 | 美国众议院议员拥有价值或高达8万美元的加密货币 The Congressman of the United States owns encrypted currency worth or up to $80,000 据newbtc报道,今年6月底,美国众议院道德委员会通过了一项法案,要求众议院的所有成员必须以与报告其他金融资产一样的的方式报告他们的加密货币持有量。此外,成员还需在交易后45天内报告加密货币交易。目前,众议员Bob Goodlatte(R-Va)已报告了他持有的比特币,比特币现金和以太坊的数量。据Sludge的报道,Goodlatte是唯一一名报告加密货币投资的成员。他拥有价值1.7万美元到8万美元的加密货币。并且其加密货币持有的披露实际上是在新法规生效之前进行的。 Now, Congressman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va) has reported the amount of Bitcoin, Bitcoin cash and Etheria. According to Sludge, Goodlatte is the only member reporting the investment of encrypted money. He has encrypted currency worth between $17,000 and $80,000. 动态 | 菲律宾正在寻找中央银行发行数字货币的可能性 The Philippines is looking for the possibility of a digital currency being issued by the central bank. 据cointelegraph报道,菲律宾正在寻找中央银行发行数字货币(CBDC)的可能性。菲律宾央行的Nestor Espenilla总裁表明,该行最近正在对其他国家发行CBDC的状况以及地方金融系统进行调查,并对信贷供给以及金融体系的影响进行全面的考虑。 The Philippines is looking for the possibility of issuing digital currency (CBDC) by the central bank. The CEO of Nestor Espenilla, the Philippine Central Bank, has indicated that the Bank has recently been conducting a survey of the status of CBDC distribution in other countries and the local financial system, as well as a comprehensive consideration of the availability of credit and the impact of the financial system.
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