
资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:46 评论:0
隐私计算之TEE技术和应用实践分析Analysis of TE-Technology and Applied Practice for Privacy Calculatin...



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Analysis of TE-Technology and Applied Practice for Privacy Calculating


In the age of big data, problems of data flow, security, etc., have followed.


According to IDC, global data aggregates are expected to reach 44 ZB by 2020, and our data volume will reach 8060 EB, or 18% of the global total. In 2025, the size of global big data will increase to 163 ZB, but 98% of corporate data will be isolated, making it difficult for them to be stored and their value to be fully exploited. With the rapid increase in the volume of data and the specific nature of the data itself, the issue of data flow security is particularly important.



In an era of high data security problems, TEE technology in privacy calculations is gaining interest as a technology that allows data to be calculated in a way that ensures that they are “available and not visible”.


i. Introduction to privacy computing TEE Technology

TEE全名为可信执行环境(Trusted Execution Environment)是计算平台上由软硬件方法构建的一个安全区域,可保证在安全区域内部加载的代码和数据在机密性和完整性方面得到保护。其目标是确保一个任务按照预期执行,保证初始状态的机密性、完整性,以及运行时状态的机密性、完整性。

The full name of TEE is " Trusted Implementation Environment ", which is a secure area built by hardware and software on the computing platform, guaranteeing the confidentiality and integrity of codes and data loaded within a secure area. The objective is to ensure that a task is carried out as expected, ensuring confidentiality, integrity of initial status, and confidentiality and integrity of operational status.

1.1 发展历史

1.1 History of Development

TEE相关标准组织的成立:1999年,康柏、HP、IBM、Intel、微软等企业发起成立了可信计算平台联盟TCPA(Trusted Computing Platform Alliance)该组织于2003年改组为可信计算组织TCG,并制定了关于可信计算平台、可信存储和可信网络链接等一些列技术规范。

Establishment of TEE-related standards: In 1999, Comp, HP, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, among others, initiated the establishment of a coalition of credible computing platforms, TCPA, which was restructured in 2003 as a credible computing organization, TCG, and has developed a number of technical specifications on credible computing platforms, credible storage and credible web links.

TEE的实现:2009年OMTP (Open Mobile Terminal Platform,开放移动终端平台)率先提出了一种双系统解决方案:即在同一个智能终端下,除了多媒体操作系统外再提供一个隔离的安全操作系统,这一运行在隔离的硬件之上的隔离安全操作系统用来专门处理敏感信息以保证信息的安全。

The realization of TEE: The 2009 OMTP (Open Mobile Teleport Platform, Open Mobile Terminal) pioneered a two-system solution: under the same smart terminal, provide an isolated and secure operating system, in addition to the multimedia operating system, which operates over isolated hardware and is dedicated to handling sensitive information to ensure its security.

TEE相关标准的规范:2011年GlobalPlatform(全球最主要的智能卡多应用管理规范的组织,简称为GP)从2011年起开始起草制定相关的TEE规范标准,并联合一些公司共同开发基于GP TEE标准的可信操作系统。因此,如今大多数基于TEE技术的Trust OS都遵循了GP的标准规范。

Regulation of TEE-related standards: The 2011 GlobalPlatform (the world’s leading organization of smart cardto-applying management codes, known as GP) started drafting relevant TEE-standards starting in 2011 and working with companies to develop credible operating systems based on GP TEE standards. Thus, most Trust OS based on TEE technologies now follow the GP-standards.

TEE相关的芯片厂商:在国外 ARM公司、Intel和AMD公司分别于2006、2015和2016年各自提出了硬件虚拟化技术TrustZone、 Intel SGX和AMD SEV技术及其相关实现方案,在国内由中关村可信计算产业联盟2016年发布TPCM可信平台控制模块,为国产化可信执行环境TEE技术的发展起到了指导作用,国内芯片厂商兆芯、海光分别在2017年和2020年推出了支持可信执行环境技术ZX-TCT、海光CSV(China Security Virtualization)。

TEE-related chip manufacturers: overseas ARM, Intel and AMD each proposed hardware virtualization technology TrustZone, Intel SGX and AMD SEV technologies in 2006, 2015 and 2016, respectively, and their associated realization programmes; domestically released by the China-Change Alliance of Credible Computing Industries in 2016, the TPCM Credible Platform Control Module has guided the development of credible national production of environmentally TEE technology; and domestic chip factory magnifying machines, sealights, supported credible implementation of environmental technology ZX-TCT in 2017 and sealight in 2020, respectively.



II, TEE classification and system architecture

TEE技术是隐私计算的核心技术之一,目前较为成熟的技术主要有:Intel SGX、ARM TrustZone、AMD SEV和Intel TXT。

TEE technology is one of the core technologies for privacy calculations, and the more mature technologies are currently: Intel SGX, ARM TrustZone, AMD SEV and Intel TXT.

2.1 Intel SGX

Intel? Software Guard Extensions(英特尔? SGX)是一组用于增强应用程序代码和数据安全性的指令,开发者使用SGX技术可以把应用程序的安全操作封装在一个被称之为Enclave的容器内,保障用户关键代码和数据的机密性和完整性。

Intel? Software Guard Extensions (Intel?SGX) is a set of instructions to enhance application code and data security, and developers use SGX technology to encapsulate the safe operation of applications in a container known as Enclave to safeguard the confidentiality and integrity of user key codes and data.

  (图片来自:Intel Sgx Product Brief 2019 )

Intel SGX最关键的优势在于将应用程序以外的软件栈如OS和BIOS都排除在了Trusted Computing Base(简称TCB)以外,一旦软件和数据位于Encalve中,即便是操作系统和VMM(Hypervisor)也无法影响Enclave里面的代码和数据,Enclave的安全边界只包含CPU和它本身。

The most critical advantage of Intel SGX is the exclusion of software stores other than applications, such as OS and BIOS, from the Trusted Contracting Base (TCB), and once the software and data are located in Encalve, even the operating system and VMM (Hypervisor) cannot affect the code and data in Enclave, where Enclave's secure boundary contains only the CPU and itself.

  (图片来自:Intel Sgx Product Brief 2019 )

SGX Enclave运行时主要由三个部分组成,分别是运行在Ring0的系统模块即SGX驱动,和运行在Ring3中的非可信运行时系统即uRTS,以及运行在EPC内存区的可信运行时系统(tRTS),其中Enclave代码和数据放置在被称为Enclave Page Cache。

SGX Enclave operates with three main components: the system module SGX, which operates in Ring0, and the uRTS, which operates in Ring3, which is not credible, and the tRTS, which operates in the EPC storage area, where Enclave code and data are placed in what is known as Enclave Page Cache.



SGX drives mainly the following:


Enclave loaded.


Memory space allocation and destruction.


Breaks in the processing of page changes and missing pages.


The main tasks of URTS are as follows:


Enclave loads and unmounts.


Call management to process all ECall and OCall requests.


Anomalous treatment, judging by specific anomalies, calls Enclave in reverse.


The main tasks of tRTS are as follows:


Enclave loaded.


Call management, handle ECall and OCall.

Enclave代码和数据放置在被称为Enclave Page Cache(EPC)的特殊内存区域中,该内存区域使用内存加密引擎(MEE)进行加密,下图展示的是SGX对Enclave内存的保护过程:

Enclave code and data are placed in a special memory area known as Enclave Page Cache (EPC), which is encrypted using the memory encryption engine (MEE). The figure below shows the SGX protection process for Enclave memory:

  (图片来自:Overview of Intel SGX - Part 1, SGX Internals)

值得关注的是,Intel SGX已经先后发布了SGX1与SGX2两代次。其中在服务端芯片中SGX2已在2021正式开始大规模商用。

It is interesting to note that Intel SGX has published SGX1 and SGX2 in two generations. SGX2 in the service-end chip has officially started a large commercial operation in 2021.



SGX2相较于SGX1增加了Enclave动态内存管理(Enclave Dynamic Memory Management,简称为EDMM)能力。在SGX1的指令集中,创建Enclave时需要提前确认Enclave需要用到的内存大小。并且在运行过程中代码模块不能动态加载到Enclave中。这种设计一是增加了Enclave的启动时间,因为需要确认所有内存地址。二是限制了EPC的空间大小,因为需要预分配,考虑到合理性,SGX1 EPC内存上限被设置为256M。这就导致了在运行过程中超过256M的堆栈,会被以换页的形式加密换出到系统内存中,类似换页就会带来较大的性能开销。

SGX2 adds the Enclave Dynamic Memory Management (EDMM) capability to SGX1 as opposed to SGX1. The SGX1 command concentration requires early confirmation of the memory size that Enclave needs to use when creating Enclave. The code module cannot be manually loaded into Enclave during the operation. This design increases Enclave's start-up time, as all memory addresses need to be identified. The EPC space size is limited by the need to pre-distribute, taking into account the reasonableness, and the SGX1 EPC memory cap is set at 256M. This results in a stack of more than 256M in operation, which will be encrypted out of the system in the form of a new page, and similar page changes will result in greater value for performance.

SGX2设计引入了EDMM机制,提供了在保证安全性的同时可动态扩缩Enclave内存的能力。EDMM方案中EPC中内存的分配主要有基于OCall事件触发的分配以及基于缺页终端触发的分配两种模式。其核心都是由SGX Driver分配内存页,再由Enclave确认分配生效,分配机制对应用层透明。

The SGX2 design introduces the EDMM mechanism, which provides the capability to dynamically expand Enclave memory while ensuring security. The EDMM program has two models for the distribution of memory based mainly on the OCall event trigger and the default terminal trigger. At its core, the SGX Driver allocates memory pages, then Enclave confirms that the allocation is effective and the distribution mechanism is transparent to the application layer.


SGX2 did not decrease security after the introduction of EDDM. SGX2 still ensures the consistency of Enclave memory pages, which can be measured. Since memory distribution depends on OS, to prevent OS from providing an erroneous memory page, each memory adjustment of Enclave requires a second check of the validity of the memory page (including permissions).


SGX supports the use of security authentication technology to prove to challengers the integrity and authenticity of user programs running in Enclave. SGX security authentication is divided into local authentication and remote authentication, with the remote authentication process for SGX shown below:

(图片来自:Intel Software Guard Extensions EPID Provisioning and Attestation Services)

(photograph by Intel Software Guard Extensions EPID Production and Agency Services)

2.2 ARM TrustZone

ARM TrustZone是ARM公司推出的TEE解决方案,它通过对原有硬件架构进行修改,在处理器层次引入了两个不同权限的保护域 --安全世界和普通世界,任何时刻处理器仅在其中的一个环境内运行。

ARM TrustZone is the TEE solution introduced by ARM, which, by modifying the original hardware structure, introduces two protected areas with different competencies at the handler level -- the safe and the ordinary world -- in which the processor operates at any time only in one of the environments.


At the same time, the two worlds are completely hardware-segregated and have different competencies, and the resources of applications or operating systems operating in the normal world to access the safe world are strictly limited, and in turn, the procedures operating in the safe world allow regular access to the resources of the normal world.



The chip chambers design and implement specific chips based on ARM's hardware design for TrustZone, and, based on TrustZone technology, can build a credible implementation environment, TEE, with operational systems based on TrustZone, such as high-quality QSEE, open-source OPTEE, etc., which is the overall structure of the high-quality QSEE.

  (图片来自:Blogspot: Exploring Qualcomms Secure Execution)


In terms of nationalization, the TrustZone programme, based on the ARM architecture CPU, has been launched by the Flying FT-2000CPU system, as shown in the figure below.

(图片来自:天津飞腾信息技术有限公司 FT-2000+/64 系统软件开发指南)

(photograph from Tianjin Flying Information Technology Ltd. FT-2000+/64 System Software Development Guide)


SEV是由AMD提出的安全虚拟化Secure Encrypted Virtualization技术。主要有三个核心技术:

SEV is a secure virtualization technology introduced by AMD. There are three main core technologies:


SVM, virtualization technology.


SME, memory encryption technology.


SEV, vacuum memory protection technology.

SVM即AMD Secure Virtual Machine的缩写。这是由AMD提供的虚拟化技术,用来X86上支持基于硬件的虚拟化技术,通过硬件提供的辅助加速功能,可以有效提高虚拟化性能。为了支持虚拟化技术,AMD虚拟机框架做了以下设计:

SVM, or AMD Security Virtual Machine. This is the virtualization technology provided by AMD to support hardware-based virtualization technology on X86, which can be effectively enhanced by the auxiliary acceleration function provided by hardware. To support virtualization technology, the AMD virtual machine framework has been designed as follows:


Provide a fast switch mechanism between VMM (i.e. Hypervisor) and Guest (i.e. virtual machines).


The ability to intercept specific instructions and events in a virtual aircraft.


External (DMA) access protection for memory.

辅助中断处理和虚拟中断(Virtual Interrupt)支持。

Auxiliary Disruption and Virtual Interrupt (Virtual Interrupt) support.


TLBs belonging to Guest and Host (host) are labelled to reduce the costs of virtualization.

SME是Secure Memory Encryption的缩写。AMD在DRAM的控制器中添加了加解密模块,用来控制内内存数据的加密和解密。

SME is an acronym for Secure Memory Enterprise. AMD adds a decryption module to the DRAM controller to control encryption and declassification of memory data.

  (图片来自:AMD Memory Encryption white paper)

SEV(Secure Encrypted Virtualization)是在SVM、SME的基础上对虚拟机进行保护提供的安全增加功能,主要完成对虚拟机内存数据的保护。

SEV (Secure Encryped Virtualization) is a secure addition to virtual machine protection on the basis of SVM, SME, which primarily completes the protection of data stored in virtual machines.

将主内存加密功能与现有的AMD-V虚拟化体系结构来支持加密的虚拟机。 加密虚拟机不仅可以让虚拟机免受物理威胁,还可以免受其他虚拟机甚至是hypervisor本身。 因此,SEV代表了一种新的虚拟化安全范例,特别适用于虚拟机不需要完全信任其主机的hypervisor和管理员的云计算系统。 与SME一样,不需要修改应用程序软件即可支持SEV。

The encryption virtual machine not only protects virtual machines from physical threats, but also from other virtual machines, even Hypervisor itself. Thus, SEV represents a new virtual security paradigm, especially for the cloud computing systems of virtual machines that do not need full trust in their hosts.

  (图片来自:AMD x86 Memory Encryption Technology)


In terms of nationalization, sealight has introduced relevant solutions.

2.4 Intel TXT

Intel TXT(Trusted Execution Technology)的主要目标是通过使用特定的Intel CPU、专用硬件以及相关固件,建立一个从开机就可信的环境,从而为系统上运行的用户程序提供更好的安全保护。

The main objective of Intel TXT (Trusted Exchange Technology) is to create an environment that is credible from start-up by using specific Intel CPUs, specialized hardware and related solids, thereby providing better security for user programs operating on the system.


Intel TXT依赖于可信平台模块(Trusted Platform Module,TPM)来保存软件的指纹信息,每次软件启动时都会Intel TXT都会检测并对比这些指纹信息是否一致,从而判断是否存在风险。

Intel TXT relies on a credible platform module (Trusted Platform Module, TPM) to preserve the software's fingerprint information, and each time the software is activated, Intel TXT will detect and match these fingerprint information to determine whether there is a risk.

Intel TXT引入了两个TCG概念:静态信任链(Static Chain of Trust)和动态信任链(Dynamic Chain of Trust),如下图所示。静态信任链度量平台配置,动态信任链度量系统软件、软件配置及策略。对于Intel TXT而言,信任根(Root of Trust)就是支持TXT技术的Intel CPU。

Intel TXT has introduced two TPG concepts: Static Train of Trust and Dynamic Trust, as shown in the figure below. The static trust chain measurement platform configuration, dynamic trust chain measurement system software, software configuration and strategy. For Intel TXT, the root of trust is the Intel CPU that supports TXT technology.



In terms of nationalization, the mega-chip has introduced a ZX-TCT solution based on its own design for an initial CPU series to be applied in a credible computing area.


iii, advantages and disadvantages of TE

3.1 TEE的技术特点

3.1 TET's technical characteristics

2009年OMTP(Open Mobile Terminal Platform)组织在《OMTP Advanced Trusted Environment OMTP TR1 V11》中明确定义TEE的相关概念和规范,定义TEE为“一组软硬件组件,可以为应用程序提供必要的设施”,相关实现需要支持两种安全级别中的一种:

OMTP 2009 in OMTP Advanced Trust Environment OMTP TR1 V11 clearly defines the relevant concepts and norms of TEE as “a set of hardware and software components that can provide the necessary facilities for applications”, and the related realization needs to support one of the two security levels:

(1)安全界别(Profile 1)目标要求可以抵御软件级别的攻击。

(1) The objective of the security community (Profile 1) requires resistance to an attack of a software level.

(2)安全界别(Profile 2)目标要求可以同时抵御软件和硬件攻击。

(2) The objective of the security sector 2 requires protection against both software and hardware attacks.


For TEE-related concepts and normative definitions, software and hardware manufacturers vary according to the form of their basic structure. While there are differences in technology realization, the common technical characteristics of TEE can be abstracted. Specifically, TEE has the following technical characteristics:

隔离性:X86架构的隔离机制从Intel 80286处理器开始,Intel提出了CPU的两种运行模式,并且逐步衍生出后来的不同的特权界别,再后来提出了安全区域更小的SGX机制实现可信执行环境TEE。同样的,ARM架构通过TrustZone技术实现了相关软硬件的隔离性,实现安全世界与非安全世界的隔离。TEE通过隔离的执行环境,提供一个执行空间,该空间有更强的安全性,比安全芯片功能更丰富,提供其代码和数据的机密性和完整性保护。

Segregation: The separation mechanism of the X86 structure begins with the Intel 80286 processor, where Intel proposes two modes of operation of the CPU, gradually deriving from the later privileged sectors, and then proposes a smaller SGX mechanism for the credible implementation of the TEE environment. Similarly, the ARM architecture, through the TrustZone technology, separates the relevant hardware and software from the non-safe world. The TEE provides an enforcement space that is more secure than the security chip function and provides confidentiality and integrity protection of its code and data.


Soft and hard synergies: While a standard definition can be used to achieve TEE either in software or hardware, in actual production settings there is more safety assurance and support in the industry through soft and hard combinations.


Expression: TEE is more supportive of top-level business expressions than a simple security chip or a purely software cryptographic privacy protection program, since only the logical division of privacy and non-privileged areas at the operational level is required to be defined, and there are no limits on the numeracy of language defining the algorithmic logic within a privacy area (Tullin is perfect). And since TEE already provides a "safe black box", data within a secure area need not be kept secret, thus supporting more algorithms and complex algorithms.

3.2 TEE的优势

3.2 The advantage of TE


The advantages can be summarized according to TEE-specific technologies:


(1) A credible region can support multilayered and highly complex algorithmic logic.


(2) The efficiency of the calculation is only three to four times higher than the stated calculation, and has a certain advantage over the 100-plus-fold loss of MPC and federal studies.


(3) is capable of responding to the means of attack under the malicious attack model, guaranteeing the credibility and measurability of the operational logic of TEE in a credible manner.

3.3 TEE的劣势

3.3 TEE's Disadvantage


The relative disadvantage of TEE is as follows:


(1) The programme achieves reliance on bottom hardware structures.


(2) Update upgrades require simultaneous hardware and software upgrades.


(3) There is a need to strengthen the development of more uniform industry-level and factual standards for TEE technology connectivity among different manufacturers.


, industry layout

可信执行环境TEE技术因可支持多层次、高复杂度的算法逻辑实现、 运算效率高和可信度量的方式保证TEE的运行逻辑的可信及可度量性的特性,受到业界一致认可,越来越多可信执行环境TEE的开源框架和产品踊跃而出。

Credible implementation of environmental TEE technologies has been endorsed by industry as a result of the credibility and measurability of the operational logic of the ETE in a way that supports multilayered, highly complex algorithmic logic realization, efficient operation and credibility, and has resulted in a growing number of credible implementation of the ETE open source frameworks and products.

4.1 开源框架

4.1 Open Source Framework


4.2 Teaclave

Teaclave是由百度公司开源的基于TEE的安全计算平台,目前是Apache孵化项目之一,在贡献给Apache之前项目名为MesaTEE。Teaclave设计思路是构建一个类FaaS(Function as a Service)的计算平台服务。平台在提供TEE机密计算、远程验证、安全存储等功能基础上,再通过一套任务管理框架实现了多任务的管理和并发操作。同时按照FaaS的设计逻辑实现计算函数的可插拔。

Teaclave is a 100-degree open-sourced TEE-based safe computing platform and is currently one of the Apache hatching projects called MesaTEE before contributing to Apache. Teaclave is designed to construct a type of Faas (Function as a Service) computing platform service. The platform enables multitask management and distribution of functions through a mission management framework that provides TEE secret computing, remote validation, secure storage, etc.


Teaclave backend core modules include management services, dispatch services, forensic services and confidential storage services, all of which are run in Enclave. Each module communicates through a unified version of the RPC interface and is verified in both directions at end-to-end. The specific function is performed by assigning the dispatch service to different TEE working nodes.

当前Teaclave支持两类计算实现,一类由Rust实现,通过实现预定义的run方法,并将类注册到执行器类中即可发起对应方法的任务。另一类由python实现,python实现的代码会在具体执行时被TEE内的解释器翻译执行。底层使用的是MesaPy for SGX解释器,目前已经支持Marshal、Math、Binascii、Itertools、Micronumpy等工具库。

The current Teaclave supports two types of calculations, one by Rust, which, by achieving the predefined run method and by registering the category to the implementer category, initiates the task of the corresponding method. The other category is implemented by python, and the code achieved by python is translated by the interpreter in the TEE at the time of the specific execution. The bottom level uses the MessaPy for SGX interpreter, which currently supports the Marshall, Math, Binascii, Itertools, Micronumpy, etc.

4.3 Graphene

Graphene是一个SGX LibOS项目,Graphene本身直接与SGX AESM Gateway服务进行交互,所以在实现上不依赖SGX SDK。目前已经封装了47个Host ABI接口,其中36个需要OCall。支持包括fork、exec在内大部分System V IPC。Graphene目前包含接近5万行LibOS代码和2万行SGX PAL代码。编译后接近1MB,可以说非常轻量。

Graphene is a SGX Libos project, and Graphene itself interacts directly with SGX AESM Gateway services, so it does not rely on SGX SDK for realization. Forty-seven Host ABI interfaces have been sealed, 36 of which require OCall. Most System VIPC support, includingfork, exec. Graham currently contains nearly 50,000 LiBOS codes and 20,000 SGX PAL codes.


The Graham user-state multi-process model is separated by LibOS, which is to start the new OS process by creating a new Enclave.

在Graphene上已经进行过充分验证的应用包括Tensorflow、Pytorch、OpenVINO等机器学习框架,Memchached、Redis、Nginx、Apache HTTP Server等企业级服务。

Applications that have been fully validated on Graham include machine learning frameworks such as Tensorflow, Pytoch and OpenVINO, enterprise-level services such as Memchached, Redis, Nginx and Apache HTTP Server.

4.4 Occlum

Occlum是蚂蚁金服公司开源的面向内存安全和多任务的SGX LibOS项目。和其他LibOS一样,Occlum目标是降低遗留应用迁移到SGX中的编码成本。对应用代码不做更改或者只做少量调整,就可以迁移到SGX中运行,获得机密性和完整性保护。

Occlum is the SGX LibOS project for RAM security and multitask. Like other Libos, Occlum aims to reduce the encoding costs of migrating legacy applications to SGX. Without changes to the application code, or with minor adjustments, it can be moved to SGX, where confidentiality and integrity are protected.


Occlum has the following main advantages over other similar LibOS projects:


Multiple process management in Enclave: The other Libos are currently single process models, and multiple Libos examples are needed to achieve multiple processes. Occlum provides a light Libos process that allows multiple independent processes to run in an Enclave. Occlum has three times the speed of inter-process communication in a laboratory environment.


Full-type document system support: Occlum supports multi-type document systems that can easily be shared between different Enclave processes or between Enclave and the external operating system. Occlum also achieves an encrypted file system based on SGX storage technology that ensures the encryption of internal Enclave data.


Memory security: This is mainly achieved by Occlum using a secure RAM language, Rust.


Containerization design: The command line tool is achieved and the Enclave example container can be managed in the same way as Docker.

4.5 OpenEnclave

Microsoft Open Enclave希望兼容不同的TEE技术,并且提供统一的编程API。Open Enclave是一套C/C++的SDK。Open Enclave目前主要支持Intel SGX,对ARM TrustZone的OP TEE OS支持还停留在预览阶段。

Microsoft Open Enclave wants to be compatible with different TEE technologies and to provide a uniform programming API. Open Enclave is a set of C/C++ SDKs. Open Enclave is currently mainly supporting Intel SGX, and OPTE OS support for ARM TrustZone is still in the preview phase.

Open Enclave SDK主要封装了Enclave生命周期管理、Enclave度量、Enclave内外互调用、系统调用、数据封装、远程验证以及一些密码学库。

Open Enclave SDK mainly covers Enclave life cycle management, Enclave metrics, internal and external Enclave calls, system calls, data encapsulation, remote validation and some cryptographic libraries.

Open Enclave移植了MUSL库(跨平台的C标准库),也适配了一些第三方库,包括Openssl、Mbedtls、LLVM LibC++等。

Open Enclave has transplanted the MUSL library (cross-platform C standard library) and is also equipped with a number of third-party libraries, including Openssl, Mbedtls, LLVM LibC++, etc.

4.6 Asylo

Google Asylo也提供了C/C++的SDK,但不同的是Asylo更进一步定义了基于SGX的应用实现规范,也就是所谓的编程框架。基于Asylo实现的应用也是分为非可信区和可信区,但互相的通信被约束为C/S模式。非可信部分实现客户端和Enclave管理器,可信部分实现计算服务端。

Google Asylo also provides C/C++ SDK, but the difference is that Asylo further defines the SGX-based application compliance norm, the so-called programming framework. The application based on Asylo is also divided into non-trusted and credible areas, but each other’s communications are bound to C/S mode. The untrustworthy part achieves the client and the Enclave manager, and the credible part achieves the computing service.

在远程验证方面,Asylo提供了基于Intel ECDSA Quoting Enclave和Assertion Generator Enclave(简称AGE)两种TCB模式,两种模式都是在SGX ECDSA远程验证模式基础上开发的,所以都需要CPU支持FLC。两者的区别是前者直接基于Intel QE提供了函数接口。而AGE采用了C/S模式,基于Asylo框架,成为了一个常驻GRPC服务,方便外部用户实时调用验证。虽然提升了远程验证的易用性。但显然,AGE的TCB会比单纯使用Intel QE更大。

In terms of remote validation, Asylo provided two TCB models based on Intel ECDSA Quoting Enclave and Assertion General Enclave (AGE), both of which were developed on the basis of the SGX ECDSA remote authentication model, and therefore required CPU support for FLC. The difference was that the former provided a function interface based directly on Intel QE. The AGE adopted the C/S model, based on the Asylo framework, as a permanent GRPC service, to facilitate real-time access by external users. While remote validation was enhanced, it was clear that AGE's TCB would be larger than the simple use of Intel QE.


In addition, Asylo combines secret envelopes, key consultations, and TEE service agents. In general, Asylo is a programming framework that uses SGX as a service.

4.7 OP-TEE

在ARM TrustZone生态中,Trusted OS是工程化相对密集的领域。OP-TEE是Trusted OS的一个开源实现。Trusted OS位于安全世界(Secure World)不是一个位于非安全世界(Normal World)的普通操作系统(Normal OS)。Trusted OS属于整个TrustZone应用的可信计算根,必须保证安全,所以相对而言代码量较少,通常而言代码量会比TA少一个量级。在Trusted OS中没有POSIX API,也没有动态链接库,所以其上运行的TA默认使用了静态编译。Trusted OS也需要依赖普通操作系统的帮助,比如对文件系统的访问、对外部设备的访问,都需要通过普通操作系统的系统调用完成。

In the ARM TrustZone ecology, Trusted OS is a relatively dense field of engineering. OP-TEE is an open source of Trusted OS. Trusted OS is located in Safe World and is not a normal operating system (Nomal OS) located in a non-safe world. Trusted OS is a credible computing base for the entire TrustZone application and must be secure.

OP-TEE包括安全世界操作系统(OPTEE_OS),普通世界客户端(OPTEE_Client),测试套件(OPTEE_Test / XTest)和Linux驱动程序。 操作系统和客户端符合Global Platform规范。 项目由Linaro维护,已经适配支持28多个平台/处理器。开发用户负责开发在Linux上运行的客户端应用程序(CA)和在OP-TEE上运行的可信应用程序(TA)。 CA使用TEE客户端API与TA对话并从中获取安全服务。 CA和TA使用共享内存在彼此之间传递数据。

OP-TEE includes the Secure World Operating System (OPTEE_OS), the General World Client (OPTEE_Cliet), which tests the package (OPTEE_Test/XTest) and Linux drivers. The operating system and client meet the Global Platform specifications. The project, maintained by Linaro, is well equipped to support more than 28 platforms/processors. The development user is responsible for developing the customer application (CA) that operates on Linux and the trusted application (TA) that operates on OP-TEE. CA uses the TEE client API dialogue with TA and obtains security services from it. CA and TA use shared in-house to transmit data between each other.

类似OP-TEE,开源的Trusted OS还包括OPEN-TEE、Trusty、SierraTEE、SafeG等,并且还有很多企业自用闭源的Trusted OS,比如苹果的Secure Enclave、高通的QTEE、三星的Knox、Teegris、Trustonic的Kinibi OS、华为的TrustedCore等。

Like OP-TEE, open-source Trusted OS also includes OPEN-TEE, Trusty, SierraTEE, SafeG, etc., and there are many enterprises with closed-source Trusted OS, such as Apple Secure Enclave, High Access QTEE, Three Stars Knox, Teegrís, Trusconic Kinibi OS, Hua TrustedCore, etc.

4.8 产品服务

4.8 Product services

中国信息通信研究院联合行业领军企业共同制修订了《基于可信执行环境的数据计算平台 技术要求与测试方法》。测试标准致力于为可信执行环境TEE在数据流通中的应用提供在任务处理能力、算法拓展性、环境验证、通信安全、计算机密性、一致性、数据存储、审计和运维这九个角度对产品能力提出规范要求,为可信执行环境技术在数据流通行业的落地提供可行性证明。

China Institute of Information and Communications (CICC) joint industry-led enterprises have revised the Technical Requirements and Test Methods of the Data Computation Platform based on a Credible Implementation Environment. The test criteria are aimed at providing credible implementation of environmental TEE applications in data flows with a capacity for task processing, arithmetic outreach, environmental validation, communications security, computational confidentiality, consistency, data storage, auditing, and transport support.


(Source: List of first enterprises assessed through the China Institute of Information and Communication Technology's Credible Implementation of the Environment data platform in December 2020)


V. TET-based applications and practices

5.1 应用场景:

5.1 Application scene:


Credible enforcement environmental techniques (later TEE) have been widely applied in many scenarios involving the calculation of privacy data because of their greater arithmetic generality and smaller loss of performance, and are particularly applicable to applications with the following characteristics:


The computational logic is relatively complex, and algorithms are difficult to adapt through techniques such as same-state encryption, or with too much reduced efficiency after conversion


The volume of data is high and the costs of data transmission and decryption are high.


Performance requirements are high and require that calculations be completed and results returned within a relatively short period of time.


A private computing scene that requires the participation of a credible third party and where data (partially or indirectly) can be obtained or countered by a credible third party.


The transmission of data and the use of the environment are in direct contact with the Internet and require protection against attacks from outside sources.


The parties to the data collaboration do not fully trust each other, and there is a risk of malicious attacks by the parties involved.


The most common of these specific applications include authentication comparisons of privacy identity information, analysis of multi-agency joint modelling of large-scale data, protection of ownership of data assets, computation of confidential data on the chain, privacy protection of smart contracts, etc.


Authentication of Private Identity Information


The authentication of identity information is one of the basic functions required for many digital applications, by matching users’ fingerprints, facial images, sound, etc., to verify the true identity of users to ensure security. In some settings, the regulatory authorities also require that the user’s real-name information be matched to meet the needs associated with social security management.


In the process of matching identification information, the user’s personal information needs to be uploaded by equipment and stored in a service-end database. Whether data are transmitted online, stored over time, or used during validation, there is a risk that the user’s privacy may be compromised by an external attack or by the application of his or her own malicious acts, thereby endangering the user’s property or even the safety of the person.


In order to reduce the risk of privacy leaks during identification matching, TEE technology is applied to include mobile end, PC end and various types of terminal equipment. Personal identification data collected by IO devices such as cameras, fingerprint identifiers, etc., are encrypted and transmitted to a privacy computing environment based on TEE technology, where data are decrypted, feature extraction, similarity matching, and the final results and reencrypted data are uploaded through secure transmission channels to the server end.


During the entire process, only the final matching results and encrypted raw data are available to the server, and the calculation of the explicit data is done exclusively in the user-controlled TEE of the terminal equipment, both to ensure the security of the user's privacy information and to prevent other applications on the terminal from cheating by interfering with the verification process.


Joint inter-agency modelling analysis of large-scale data


In the course of the development of a digital society, a wide range of products and services derived from big data technologies and data intelligence have had a wide impact on business and life, including, but not limited to, the development of business strategies based on big data, the forecasting of market trends, the assessment of user purchasing preferences, and the control of financial and social risks. As these scenarios evolve over time, demands for data dimensions and measurements are also increasing, and data generated by individual agencies using their own business alone are no longer sufficient to support these scenarios, so joint multi-data modelling has become an important trend.


Since large data analysis is difficult to avoid involving enterprise user and business data, in the process of multi-data integration and collaboration, it is hoped that the privacy information in the raw data entered will be adequately protected and that the final output results will only be derived through algorithms of results or models that do not contain specific data, i.e., the availability of data is not visible.


In this type of scenario, data privacy can be exchanged and calculated through a distributed network of TEE nodes across multiple agencies. Each party obtains data from a database by deploying to a local TEE node and encrypts the data through an encryption key based on the credible roots of TEE, which is negotiated through multiple TEE nodes and is visible only within the TEE secure area of each node. The encrypted data is transmitted between TEE node networks and eventually in a computing resource pool of the same TE node, and then decrypts, crosses and calculates the data in TEE. When the calculation is completed, the TE node is only about the result of the external output settlement, the original data and the computing process data are destroyed within TEE.


Multi-data joint modelling through TEE technologies can meet both the operational needs of multi-data collaboration and adequately protect the non-visibility of raw data between parties. And, compared to other distributed or pure-secret scenarios, the TEE-based programmes have more robust performance and arithmetic generality that can be better effective in scenarios involving large-scale data or with certain requirements for performance.


Protection of ownership of data assets


As national macro-data policies become more explicit about the need for data to be marketed, there is a tendency for data to be shared, traded and circulated among firms as an asset. However, data as a digital asset, with replicable and easily disseminated characteristics, and how to protect ownership of data assets in data-asset-sharing and transactions, is one of the first issues to be addressed in order to promote the marketization of data-producing factors.


Through the organic integration of TEE technology with block chain technology, data-sharing and transactions between enterprises can effectively ensure the separation and protection of data ownership and access rights. All data assets are recorded in the block-chain through the fingerprinting of data, retroactive and regulatory changes in ownership of data through the transaction records of the block-chain. When data access and ownership are separated, all data use must take place within TEE, and by documenting the value of the programme credibility that operates in TEE, the data owner can determine that data users use data only within the scope and manner agreed between the two parties, and when the computation process is completed, the original data will be destroyed within TEE, guaranteeing that ownership of the data will not be lost due to the sedimentation of the original data by the user.


In combination with TEE and block chain technology, the security, credibility and fairness of the data transaction process can be better guaranteed, and the division of data tenure can be made clearer so that the data production factor becomes a truly negotiable asset that promotes the full activation of the digital society to the potential of the data production factor.



In the face of the growing demand for electronic data storage, traditional methods of record-keeping have been gradually replaced by electronic record-keeping in block chains due to deficiencies such as cost, efficiency and difficulty in accessing them, ensuring that data “repository, extraction, presentation, comparison” and other elements of the block chain, such as their traceability, indeterminability and security transparency, are disclosed on the chain, and ensuring the security of data in the chain is one of the first issues to be addressed in order to facilitate the development of electronic record-keeping in the block chain.


In such scenarios, the confidential storage and computation of data on the chain can be achieved through TEE nodes. The parties on the chain store the data encrypted through an encrypted key, which is generated through a TEE node consultation on the chain and is visible only within the TEE secure area of each node. When authentication of data on the chain is required, the encrypted data is transmitted between TEE nodes, then decrypts the data in the TEE, and then compares the data with the data fingerprints stored on the chain, which are agreed on the whole network of blocks, confirming that the data have not been tampered with maliciously. After the calculation is completed, the TE node merely destroys the results of the external output, while the original data and computing process data are destroyed within TEE, thus enabling the confidential storage and computation of data on the chain.


With the addition of TEE technologies, the privacy of the data on the chain and of the processes used can also be better guaranteed, thus providing a secure, credible and fair record-keeping capability for the block chain, which can also be better located and served by users in all walks of life and is genuinely accessible to the population.

5.2 实践案例:

5.2 Practice cases:


Data privacy computing services based on credible implementation of the environment TEE, which are implemented through multiple data collaboration techniques, can meet the operational needs of data collaboration and adequately protect the non-availability of raw data between parties. And programmes based on TEE, which are more robust in performance and algorithms than other distributed or pure-secret calculations, are now located in operators, government, finance, the Internet, and the medical industry, and are organized on the basis of open online information.


Surgeon Online and China Telecom are organized around data flow scenes within telecommunications groups and between government and business clients. The bottom-of-the-chain technologies developed autonomously by Chinese telecommunications, and the integration of rush technologies in the direction of privacy computing online, address issues such as credibility, privacy, security, equity, traceability of data flows, and provide a new paradigm for data intelligence contracting pricing and circulation on the chain.


Through the capacity of credible computing + block chains, the 100-degree block chain and the cooperation of PWB build a platform for multi-partite data privacy calculations, allowing participants to combine some data without exposing the original data, without compromising privacy security and fair traceability, and helping to break down the data silo and make the data valuable.


A credible computing service for a credible computing service product launched by ants, which connects data from the chain with data sources under the chain, supports multi-data integration and governance, and provides a common and verifiable privacy data computing service for users, which is currently located on a data physics platform that links key information on logistics transport through a web-based freight platform, cross-checks key information from the real transport context, connects financial institutions, provides inclusive financial services to the logistics platform and embraces regulation to ensure real compliance.

国外的Fortanix是一家专注可信计算的公司,为企业提供数据隐私保护服务,该服务支持多家企业数据在可信环境中汇聚并进行数据分析任务,并在PayPal、Standard Chartered Bank等多家金融机构合作的项目中,完成了落地,通过多家金融机构的数据协作,极大的提升了金融机构反洗钱风控的准确性。

Fortanix, a foreign firm dedicated to credible computing, provides a data privacy protection service for businesses that supports the pooling of enterprise data and data analysis missions in a credible environment, and that has completed a project in cooperation with a number of financial institutions, such as PayPal, Standard Chartered Bank, which has greatly improved the accuracy of financial institutions'anti-money-laundering control through data collaboration with multiple financial institutions.


vi. Prejudice for future development

6.1 端到端的可信任

6.1end-to-end trusted


Credible implementation of environmental TEE technologies has become one of the many technical routes in the area of privacy computing and has the core advantages of being universal, high performance, low traffic over the web, support for artificial intelligence algorithms and unlimited expansion of arithmetic, but further improvements in the diffusion and credibility of TEE technologies are needed.


The first thing that needs to be provided is the ability of “trusted third parties” where TEE technology is essentially derived from chip security and encryption capabilities, so there is a high demand for the technical capabilities, sustainability, and security controlability of chip providers. In the broader context of autonomous domestic control and autonomous innovation, a number of manufacturers, such as home-grown chips, TEE intermediates, operating systems and privacy computing software, have joined forces to improve the availability, performance, safety and interoperability of national chip TEEs in order to truly provide end-to-end privacy computing and data flow programme capabilities. As of the second quarter of 2021, many home-grown chips have been seen to be found where solutions related to privacy calculations have been found, and it is believed that there will be more trusted examples of national production TEE practice in the near future.


Second is the ability to “decentralize and large-scale network”, which the technical essence of TEE from the chip provides an encrypted memory space for a single server, which cannot solve the problem of multi-participating and large-scale data volume in a physical location using only one TEE, which requires the construction of a large TEE cluster of distributed network by means of software and intermediates, with real ownership by any participant of the TE-calculation, and the ability of any computing task to move flexibly in parallel to the appropriate TE-node, in order to achieve a new paradigm of data flow for decentralizing and flexible network, in line with the new national requirements for data flow and sharing across the trans-area network.

6.2 工业标准

6.2 Industrial standards

TEE技术已经成为硬件行业和软件行业争相布局的安全领域。硬件行业包括全球最领先的计算芯片设计制造商Intel、AMD、ARM都提出了各自的TEE实现方案;软件行业,虚拟化方向包括VMware、Xen、KVM都在跟进TEE虚拟化方案,云服务行业包括AWS、Azure、Google Cloud、Alibaba Cloud、IBM Cloud、Oracle Cloud都在推出基于TEE的安全计算服务。可以确信,在不久的将来,可信执行环境TEE一定会成为安全计算的基础技术。

TEE technology has become a security area for the hardware industry and the software industry. The hardware industry, including the world’s leading producers of computing chips, Intel, AMD, and ARM, have proposed their own TEE realization programmes; the software industry, with virtualization orientations including VMware, Xen, and KVM, are following up on the TEE virtualization programme, and the cloud services industry, including AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Alibaba Cloud, IBM Cloud, oracle Cloud, are all introducing TEE-based safe computing services.

6.3 开发者友好度

6.3 Developer Friendly

对于目前TEE LibOS技术路线来说,较小的TCB和较完备的POSIX兼容性看起来是一对矛盾的工程化目标。较小的TCB意味着更简单更透明的基础依赖层以及更低的信任成本,较完备的POSIX兼容性意味着遗留系统迁移到TEE中运行的改造工作更少。目前看来工程界还没有找到两全其美的解决方案。不过有越来越多的LibOS项目在压缩自己的设计复杂度和代码量,同时也在兼容覆盖更多的系统调用。

For the current TEE LibOS technical route, the smaller TCB and the more complete POSIX compatibility appear to be conflicting engineering objectives. The smaller TCB means a simpler and more transparent base dependency layer and lower trust costs, and the more complete POSIX compatibility means that the legacy system moves to the TEE with fewer modifications. It appears that the engineering community has not yet found a two-size-fits-all solution. But an increasing number of LibOS projects are compressing their design complexity and code sizes, while also covering more systems.


But with the exception of C/C++, Rust, Python, Golang, etc., other SDKs are not covered from API, with a single language, and cannot directly support engineering in the production environment. But we can see that more and more research and development resources are invested in the development of the SDK itself, and more and more projects rely on the SDK for development. Another idea is to find a way to match the common language, which is being tried most often with the TEE for WASM, which can translate any advanced language code into the WASM code and then implement it.

6.4 TEE实例化

6.4 TEE exemplify


Empiricalization of TEE is the solution to the problem of uniformity in the operation of TEE. Regardless of which TEE technology is used, it can be seen that each manufacturer’s original program is pursuing exemplifying segregation within the same TEE chip. TEE provides resource management, with the internal operating logic and the number of running and running, depending on the specific process logic.

这个方向后续可以关注TEE与云原生的结合,云计算服务厂商目前都在推出单个的安全容器服务,后续会逐步过渡到支持安全容器在云原生系统中调度。同时也可以关注异构TEE硬件的通用实例化技术,包括SGX Enclave、TrustZone TA以及AMD SEV,可能可以找到一致的实例化通用描述,从而方便未来在跨硬件跨云的灵活调度。

Follow-up to this direction could focus on the combination of TEE and cloud-borns, where cloud computing service providers are now introducing individual safety container services, which will gradually transition to supporting the deployment of safety containers in cloud-based systems. Attention could also be given to generic exemplifying techniques for asymmetric TEE hardware, including SGX Enclave, TrustZone TA, and AMD SEV, which may find consistent generic descriptions that will facilitate future flexible movement across hardware over clouds.

6.5 自主可控性

6.5 Autonomous control


As domestic governments, finance, and other important areas of relevance to the livelihood of the nation have gradually increased their autonomous regulatory requirements in the area of computer hardware and software, the development of data flow and privacy computing techniques that rely on a combination of hardware and software – TEE – into fully autonomous technologies and become a topic of concern to the industry in the real business landscape, the development and roll-out of TE-based solutions by multiple chip manufacturers in the country is also taking place, and innovations have been made in the production of TE-based technologies in the context of the expansion of trust chains, integrated cryptography algorithms, and so on in the other countries. With the rapid growth of domestic production of CPUs, rapid breakthroughs in soft and hard combination privacy computing techniques, and growing awareness of inter-agency collaboration on data across industries, national production of TE-based technologies that meet the requirements of autonomous control are bound to become the mainstream of future TE-based technologies.

6.6 多技术融合

6.6 Multi-Technology Integration


Technical solutions to meet the complex application needs of a commercial production environment that secures a credible flow of data are far from sufficient. Technologies that need to be integrated can be analysed at four levels: secure, credible, transportable and intelligent peacekeeping data.


From the point of view of system security, system security is a prerequisite for data privacy protection, and if a system on one side is breached by an enemy, all privacy strategies built on it are zero. Security primarily ensures that communications within and across areas of the system are reliable and resistant to attack. So technologies such as TEE, credibly calculated, encrypted communications are needed to secure and strengthen existing bottom systems.


From the point of view of system credibility, the system itself ensures that all aspects of behaviour are tracked and audited. So it is necessary to ensure that the elements that flow between the parties are measurable. There is a flow of computing tasks between the parties, a flow of algorithmic needs, and a sharing of arithmetic power, all of which can be quantified, either directly or indirectly, through cryptographic algorithms, TEE, etc., and then through the chain of blocks, to prove the existence of resistance.


In terms of the transportability of the system, because it is a multi-dimensional distributed system with flexible deployment and standardized delivery capabilities. In the design of the system, it is built on cloud-based standards that allow easy cross-coated deployment and compatibility with different hardware systems at the bottom.


In terms of data intelligence, because the value of data depends on the computing power of data mining. The purpose of a system of data collaboration is to extract the value of data, which necessarily requires the integration of large existing data systems and data mining algorithms that have been repeatedly validated in the production environment.


In conjunction with the above analysis, a secure and credible data flow system requires multi-technology integration, not only TEE, but also block chains, cloud logs, data mining, etc., will be the cornerstone of technology in this area.


The author's profile is Liu Xuan, Liang Wei, Yang Mingchuan, Gao Weibo, Xiaoqing Xiaoqing, Zhao Gun, Choi Wenbo, Jilin Branch, China Telecommunications Company Ltd., Guo Linhai, Gaoyang, Ministry of Information Technology and Technology, Poifan Bank, Chen Ho-dong, Song Yumong, Mau Hongbin, Zhang Yashin, Zhou Yue-chung, and Yue-chun, China Institute of Information and Communications Research, Jiaki and Yuan Bo.




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    人类似乎陷入了一个历史悖论,即我们总是重复同样的错误,无法真正从过去的错误中吸取教训。近年来,我们对世界各地接连不断的挑战和危机深感不安。20 19年突如其来的疫情,乌克兰的战火硝烟,欧洲的天然气供应危机以及全球少数国家的饥荒,所有这些问题都像洪水一样,一个接一个地涌来。如果你今天感到心情沉重,不要失去希望,因为明天可能会带来更严峻的挑战。首先,让我们深入讨论名为1929大萧条的时期。这场大萧条实际上是指从1929到1933的一场影响深远的经济危机。这场危机首先起源于美国,然...
  • 2000年美国GDP占世界的304%,中国GDP仅占35%,现在呢?
