
资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:44 评论:0
通过区块链,在物品流通的全链路的每个节点上都会有信息、数据被记录存储下来,且这些信息、数据不可篡改,可被完整追溯,并被打上时间戳。这就自然衍生出了区块链在供应链管理领域的另一个重要用途——防伪溯源。Through the block cha...



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Through the block chain, information is stored and data is recorded at every node of the entire chain in which the goods flow, and such information, data cannot be tampered with, can be traced in a complete and time-stamped manner. This naturally results in another important use of the block chain in the area of supply chain management — anti-prescriptive traceability.


At present, the application of block chains against fraudulent traceability has been widely tried in the fields of pharmaceuticals, art, collectors, luxury goods. After all, block chains are costly, technological development is more difficult,


At the same time, the simple use of block chain technology does not allow for independent anti-pseudo-retroactivity, but rather technologies such as the superstition network, artificial intelligence, etc., must ensure that any movement in the flow of goods on-line is detected and discussed in the context of anti-pseudo-retroactivity is meaningful.


So what is the current status of the use of the block chain in the area of protection against perjury?



There has been a domestic attempt to use the block chain for retroactive agricultural products, with a greater emphasis on the use of the block chain as a marketing tool where the technology of the block chain is less difficult to achieve, but less necessary and meaningful.


In the area of retailing, since the beginning of 2017, Wal-Mart and IBM have been collaborating on the use of block chains to track and verify the traceability of food sales from origin to shops, superimposed with artificial intelligence and object networking techniques, and recently completed two conceptual validations based on block chains.



The purpose of these two conceptual validations is to provide a safe traceability of the food they end up selling and to optimize the supply chain.


Wal-Mart, in addition to using the block chain to track the arrival, origin and date of production of all food products it imports and exports, ensures the identification and removal of recalled foods from the Wal-Mart product list.



One of the experiments carried out by Wal-Mart is to trace Chinese pork production and track its storage and transport in the United States using block chain technology. By using block-chain technology, artificial intelligence, and a network of objects, the entire food route is recorded, which means that pork entering Wal-Mart can also be returned from various Wal-Mart stores.



Wal-Mart, by experimental calculations, uses block chains to trace food from traditional methods from seven days to 2.2 seconds.


The IBM, which is heavily marked in the area of block chains, sees the problem of block chains not tracking merchandise flows online. To this end, IBM has developed the smallest computer in the world. It is said that this computer, which is only one millimeter by one millimeter, is even smaller than salt particles, has a calculator capacity equivalent to X86 levels in the 1990s, at a cost of about 10 cents.

 “试想一下,在一系列的产品和零部件中,把最小的计算机嵌入进去,可以通过最小的计算机的计算能力做区块链的数字签名、信息加密。通过这样最小的计算机跟区块链的结合,我们可以把整个的产品和零部件从数据的产生、数据的存储、数据的交换的过程很好的追踪起来。” IBM中国研究院副院长董进表示。

& nbsp; “Think that, in a series of products and parts, the smallest computer is embedded, and digital signatures and information encryption of block chains can be done through the smallest computer computing capability. By combining the smallest computer with the block chain, we can track the entire product and component from the process of data generation, data storage, data exchange.” IBM Vice-President of the Chinese Academy of Research, Dong Quantified.



The combination of block chains with the smallest computer will lead to a series of innovations in the field of logistics supply chains, such as innovations in food security and innovations in credible products.


We turn our eyes back to the two major domestic power suppliers, Ali and Kyundong, whose power platforms have applied and competed for block-chain technology, also focused primarily on anti-prostitution, and on anti-prostitution in combination with cross-border trade.


Indeed, this is an area in which the pain is striking and obvious, where counterfeit imports have been banned, and where cross-border traders/electrics face real bottlenecks — the sudden rise of cross-border power suppliers, sealifts, and a sharp increase in the number of customs cargoes, while the shortage of customs staff and the large number of connections that require manual processing have resulted in a large backlog of customs cargoes and very slow processing, which has also limited the efficiency of the entire cross-border logistics operation.


Moreover, it has been investigated that smuggling by customs officers, in collaboration with their relatives, is made more difficult by the fact that, once the block chain is operational, it operates with non-manual and non-manual features.


As a result, it is important to ensure that the block chain, which is linked to cross-border trade, is connected to the construction of the block chain. Once cross-border trade is made possible for all parties involved, the chain can be truly applied to the entire chain, and the efficiency and security of cross-border logistics as a whole will be greatly enhanced.


This task, which requires the involvement of all parties involved in business and government organizations, can only be achieved with the corresponding impetus of giants such as Ali and Kyundong.



At present, whether Ali or Kyundong, the system records all relevant information on imported goods, including production, transport methods, customs, inspection and third-party verification, as detailed in the block chain-based system ().


Domestically, as a result of counterfeiting and smuggling, there have been long attempts at commodity traceability by power platforms like Ali and Kyundong, but little progress has been made. This is due to natural interests and competing claims among platforms.


As early as 2014, for example, Ali Baba tried to implement a two-dimensional system of planetary systems designed to protect against perjury, covering billions of commodities, including fast-selling, make-up, alcohol, and agricultural products, including hundreds of brands such as Seng Nam Spring, Heng Big Ice Spring and Unilever.



However, this centralization, led by Ali, has faced real obstacles in moving forward: for producers and brand owners, their commodities have gone through a full range of channels, not just through Skycats, and other platforms, such as those in Kyoto, have been disputing, pitting suppliers and passive. As a result, suppliers have chosen to work with Skycats only once to put up a batch of goods, which has become a means of obtaining marketing positions for their own commodities on the Skycat page at the time.



In terms of the failure of the Star of Heaven, the reality of commodity traceability is that



A true block chain should be applied beyond technology, and more importantly, a “shared, coordinated” and decentralised collaborative mechanism, with incentives that allow the nodes on the chain to come together. This requires that the parties on the chain be creatively able to develop a chain of rules and systems that truly go to the centre, so that trust can happen naturally.



At present, it appears that, even if the true application of block chain technology is promoted, there are still conflicts between domestic electric power platforms, and it is likely that one of them would be unique if it were the fastest to become the first block chain traceability platform.


Ali Bababen is now studying the block chain even further. In February 2018, Greenbird Logistics and Skycat International, under Alibaba, declared that it had been fully operational to track, upload, document information throughout the chain of logistics for cross-border imports, and to track logistics data based on the anti-poding properties of the block chain.


Today, Skycat International’s cross-border commodity traceability program covers the import of rookies at bonded ports such as Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Tianjin, Ningbo, Chongqing, Fu, and Zhengzhou. More than 30,000 imports from over 50 countries support block-chain-based logistics trails.


In November 2016, Gyeongdong established the Y Department of Enterprise, which began research on block chain technology and the exploration of applications. In 2017, Gyeongdong formally launched the Technical Platform for Counterfeiting Retaliation of Block Chains and participated in the formation of a series of block chain cooperation alliances. In June 2017, the Gyeongdong Ministry of Agriculture, the National Quality Inspectorate, the Ministry of Industry and Communications, among others, announced the establishment of the “Kyoto Quality Anti-Psystem Alliance for Counterfeiting”. In December 2017, Gyeongdong U. Walma, IBM, and Qinghua University established the first Secure Food Zone Retrieval Alliance. In February, Gyeongdong joined the Global Block Chain Freight Alliance () to cooperate with global freight giants, including UPS, Federal Express, and others, in the area of sector chains.




Block chains can also be used to address the problem of counterfeit medicines, which, according to INTERPOL data, account for 1 million deaths each year from counterfeit drugs, prohibited drugs, about 50 per cent of drugs sold on rogue websites and 30 per cent of drug products in emerging markets.


DHL and Essenstein are promoting a sequence numeration project based on block chains (Serialization) with the aim of giving the pharmaceutical industry a complex and systematic tracking capability. The drug serial number code gives a unique identity to each packaged drug that records the origin, lot number, expiry time of the drug product. Sequencial coding allows each drug box to be tracked online in real time to monitor the life cycle phase of the drug.


The greatest pain with the serialization of traditional drugs is that it is too difficult to trace if the drugs are removed or reloaded or packaged into containers to be transported again into a box.


In response to this traditional pain, DHL and Essenger now have a set of conceptual proof mechanisms in place to demonstrate the role that block chain technology can play at the commodity level. The objective of the mechanism is to prove that pharmaceutical products are legally produced and sold, and eventually reach the end consumer hand through logistics.


DHL and Essenstein set up a sequenced tracking prototype based on block chains, which includes a global network of nodes across six regions. The prototype system records every step of a drug, from production, out-of-plant to entering a pharmacy shelf, eventually to a consumer audience. In line with the prototype test reality, block chain technology can handle more than 7 billion drug serial numbers, with 1,500 data processing per second.



Everledger is a more classic case in the area of block chain application, where a block chain is used to assign digital identity to diamonds and to guarantee the traceability of each diamond for value recognition purposes.


Here again, we can see that the most advanced areas in which the block chain is currently being applied are bulk or high-value commodities.


Everledger is an entrepreneurial company in the area of block chains, founded in 2015 and based in London, which combines block chains with technology such as machine vision, object networking, artificial intelligence, and provides a one-stop tracking and identification platform for luxury items such as jewellery, alcohol, works of art.



The IBM block chain solution can be used to prevent unverified access and malicious digital manipulation from within to meet the stringent security requirements of the diamond industry.


Half of the technical core of


In the case of diamonds, Everledger uses software to collect data on 40 points in the finished diamonds and to generate a “digital fingerprint” of `strung' diamonds


Moreover, the technology of Everledger solves the problems that traditional paper-based certificates in the diamond industry can create. , for example, paper certificates are difficult to keep, store, forge, and a certificate has to pass through multiple operators, making it difficult to use paper documents.


More than 2 million diamonds have now been certified and recorded on the Everledger block chain platform.


2018年3月末,Everledger宣布完成A轮融资,募集1040万美元。由来自加拿大的GMP Securitites和Fidelity Investments领投, Vickers Ventures Partners、 Graphene Venture Capital及老股东FPV、分布式资本、Bloomberg Beta和乐天集团跟投。

In late March 2018, Everledger announced the completion of the A round of financing, raising $10.4 million. The investment was led by GMP Securities and Field Investments from Canada, & nbsp; Vickers Ventures Partners, & nbsp; Graphene Venture Capital and its old shareholders, FPV, distributed capital, Bloomberg Beta, and Leisure.




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