遇到虚拟货币诈骗怎么办? 七种最常见手法,教你如何预防!

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With the rise of encrypted currency in recent years, many fraud syndicates have begun to turn their targets to currency circles, and you often see related frauds on the news.

看到这些诈骗时,可能许多人会想:我又没那么笨,怎么会上当? 但其实其实诈骗的手法层出不穷,甚至还会运用到 Deepfake 技术来进行诈骗;

When you see these frauds, a lot of people may think: I'm not that stupid, how can I get caught up in it?


This paper thus helps you to transfer the most common forms of fraud in seven currency circles and to teach you how to avoid falling into these traps.


The most common form of fraud in the currency circle, like traditional finance, is the direct roll-out of the platform or the project party (R & D team).

像是台湾的比特之星交易所、土耳其的THODEX都是如此; 之前搭上鱿鱼游戏热潮而推出的鱿鱼币(SQUID)也在暴涨 700 倍以后落跑,让一堆人血本无归。

Like Taiwan’s Bit Star Exchange, Turkey’s THODEX, and the SQUID, which was launched in the run-up to the squid game, fell 700 times and left a bunch of people dead.


In fact, I myself have been confronted with questions on Facebook or in the Line group about the safety of the exchange or the project.


However, the usual question is that you can't find any information on the Internet, so the probability that it will explode is, as you can imagine, quite high.


How can


deals only on large exchanges and is the best way to prevent cryptographic currency fraud ;


Since the above projects are products that have already been reviewed by a professional team, there is little to worry about the other party's volume, but only about its future performance.

当你听到一间新的交易所时,可以先到 Coinmarket Cap 查询它在全球的排名如何; 基本上排名在 100 名以外的交易所就可以直接略过了。

When you hear a new exchange, you can ask CoinmarketCap about its global ranking; it can be omitted directly from exchanges that are essentially ranked beyond 100 names.


In the past, I have organized a number of compliance exchanges that support Chinese and have received government regulatory licences for information: a trusted currency ring exchange.


In addition, if you find yourself locked out by the platform, you should ask immediately what the problem is with the service, whether it is due to a system error or if it exceeds the limit of the amount paid in the day.


Don't do this on your own, and don't believe what the other side says about "the need for foreign currency money to pass in order to raise money" and "tax issues need to be replenished."


Since a formal exchange does not have to do such things to make regular payments, further remittances will only increase its own losses.


This also provides a list of fraud platforms that have been compiled by the Police Department, and when you meet a new platform, you can also come here to check fraud: Personally Informing Fake Investment (Bylines will not make money, do not listen to Internet Users for Investment) .

至于如何判断一个项目是不是来Rug Pull(卷款跑路)的? 最初步的筛选就是看它未来打算上架在哪里。

How to determine whether a project is coming to Rug Pull? The initial screening is to see where it intends to go in the future.

真正优秀的项目、货币都会寻求在大型交易所或平台上销售,因为这样不但能获得更多的资金,同时也能打出知名度。 (就像美股都会选择三大交易所,而不是路边随便找一间股票做市商来上市一样)

A truly good project, money, would seek to sell on a large exchange or platform, because it would not only get more money, but also raise visibility.


Most of the projects that can only be performed in the community or in private are based on the fact that they cannot pass through the exchange because of their safety and development, so they can only raise funds in private;


It also reflects the fact that it does not have any investment value and is likely to be a simple circle of money or a ponzi scheme with a back payment.


To go further, it is also possible to further examine the safety of the project by looking at the past background of the team (whether there is a endorsement of performance), the network of officials, the White Paper and the state of business of social platforms (the number of people living, or simply the purchase of awards and follow-up).

大家都知道使用大型交易所可以降低被诈骗的风险; 但相对地,诈骗集团同样也知道这点。

It is well known that the use of large exchanges reduces the risk of fraud; but, relatively, the same is true of fraud syndicates.

所以有些不肖人士会仿冒知名交易所,把网站的相似度做的跟原网站一样,并在 Google 买广告,导致你搜索结果的第一位会出现这些假交易所;

So some of the less fortunate would fake a well-known exchange, do the same similarity as the original website, and buy advertisements in Google, leading to the appearance of these fake exchanges in the first place in your search results;


When you enter the account code on these false sites, the other party steals your information and transfers the money.


How can

网站的 LOGO、样式都可以模仿,不过诈骗集团没办法连「网址」也一起仿冒

The site's LOGO, which can be replicated, can't be replicated by the fraud group even by the website.

所以在进入交易所后,务必先确认网域名称是否正确,像是 Binance 有没有被偷改成 Binance1、Binannce 之类的;

So after entering the exchange, it is important to confirm whether the domain name is correct, like Binance, whether it has been stolen and changed to Binance1, Binannce, etc.;


Or you can access major exchanges directly through links to articles I wrote before and add them directly to bookmarks or my favorites, so you don't have to worry about finding fishing sites .

有时候你会收到假扮成客服的私讯或短信,表示你的钱包或账户遇到问题,需要提供私钥或注记词来证明你是本人... 云云; 不过当你照做以后,下一秒资产就会被全部转走。

Sometimes you get a private message or a text message pretending to be a customer's dress, saying that your wallet or account is in trouble and that you need a private key or a note to prove you're your own... cloud; but when you do, the next second the assets are transferred.


To emphasize here,


With a private key or a note, the other party will be able to log directly into your wallet, not only to reset the password, but also to transfer your assets directly.


If conventional finance is used as a metaphor,


So don't let anyone know your private keys and notes, except your trusted relatives.

另外有一种手法是寄信表示你的资产受到威胁,或者是网站将更换到新的网址... 等等,一旦按照上面指示进行操作,一样会导致信息外泄。

Another way is to send a letter indicating that your assets are under threat, or that your website will be replaced with a new site... etc., if you operate as instructed above, it will result in a leak of information.


The following figure, for example, is a fake letter that counterfeits money, which will be used as soon as it is checked on the web site:




When you're not sure if the information you receive is sent by an official, you can contact the customer service on your own (in no way, of course, it's not through the text message, but by yourself).

也可以直接在我们的 Line 群组里直接发问,确认是不是真有其事。

Also directly at our strange>Line Group

某天,你在线上跟人用 U 做交易,你扫了对方给你的地址 QR Code,把USDT 转到指定的钱包里,但你明明只输入部分金额,为什么最后钱包里面的所有钱全都不见了呢?

One day, you made a deal with U online, you cleaned out the address you gave to QR Code, transferred the USDT to the specified wallet, but you only entered a portion of the amount, why did all the money in the last wallet go missing?

这是因为对方给你扫的 QR Code 是自制的假货,里面偷藏了「代币转账权限」,所以当你授权转币时,也在无意间交出了转账权限,因此对方就可以直接把你的钱都转走。

This is because the QR Code, which the other party cleaned for you, is a home-made fake, and it hides "money transfer privileges", so when you authorize the transfer of money, you hand over the transfer rights by accident, so the other party can simply transfer all your money.

正常来说,扫QR Code后,会直接跳出付款信息(顶多多一道确认入金的手续),完全不需要额外授权或移动到第三方平台,

Normally, cleaning up QR Code would result in a direct jump out of payment information (up to one confirmation procedure) without any additional authorization or movement to a third-party platform.


So, like the following picture, it's a fraud:



另一个办法是确认页面右上角的符号,正常的转账页面右上角会是扫QR Code的图样; 而诈骗自制的页面则会是「X」:

Another way is to confirm the symbol of the top right corner of the page, the normal top right corner of the transfer page would be to sweep QR Code, while the fraudulent home-grown page would be "X":




How can

最稳健的方法就是只跟自己信任的人进行交易; 或是要求对方直接提供文字地址(英数那一串),而不是扫QR Code

The surest way is for ; or .

如果真的得和陌生人进行 C2C 的话,会建议使用大型交易所的 C2C 服务,并找那些成交率高、且有官方认证标章的人交易。

If you really have to do C2C with strangers, it is recommended to use the C2C service of a large exchange and to deal with those with high turnover and official certified seals.


Some people pretend to be new and then knowingly leak their wallet keys to you;

当你登进去后,会发现钱包里面有非常多的 USDT,但却没有手续费可以转币(例如 Metamask 需要 ETH 才能转币,而对方钱包里面只有 USDT)。

When you log in, you find that there are a lot of USDTs in your wallet, but there is no fee to transfer it (e.g. Metamask needs ETH to do so, whereas only USDTs are in your wallet).

这时候有些人为了把里面的币转走,就会转 ETH 到这个钱包里面,但只要一转进去,ETH 就会在瞬间被对方的机器人提走,而对方就是借此骗取别人的 ETH。

That's when some people turn ETH into this wallet in order to move the money inside, but as soon as they do, ETH will be removed by each other's robots, and that's how they trick others.

预防这种诈骗的方法也很简单,只要直接无视+封锁就行了; 毕竟币圈没有什么天上掉下来的馅饼,反倒是有很多不请自来的诈骗

The way to prevent such fraud is also simple: simply ignore the + blockade; after all, there are no heavenly pies in the currency ring, but there are a lot of uninvited frauds .


Sometimes even an operating team or a celebrity's text can't be trusted.

现在大家最广泛使用的几个社交平台,包含脸书、IG、推特、Discord,都有被黑客成功入侵的案例; 也发生过好几次营运团队或名人被骇而发布假贴文的事情。

Several of the most widely used social platforms, including Facebook, IG, Twitter, Discord, have been successfully hacked; and there have been several cases where operating teams or celebrities have been horrified to issue false stickers.

例如知名 NFT 无聊猿的 IG 之前就曾多次被骇,发布诈骗贴文,使得许多人误点链接,导致自己的无聊猿被黑客转走。

For example, , known as the NFT's boring ape's IG, was shocked several times before and issued fraud stickers , causing many people to miss links, leading to their bored ape being moved by hackers.


At 7/15 p.m. in 2020, prominent people such as Buffet and Obama were shocked at the same time and sent a letter saying that I would give you twice as much, for 30 minutes, as long as $1,000 in bitcoins were transferred to this address.


Hackers are smart enough to limit their time to 30 minutes, leaving people with no time to prove the truth, but also to create FOMO sentiment that allows many people to fight for remittances.


Although two months later (three juveniles, sentenced to three years in prison, five years in prison, and another one is still in the review phase), no recovery was possible.


图源:全球政商大咖推特惊传被骇! 拜登、比尔盖茨、巴菲特受害

除了贴文以外,影片也不一定可信; 因为过去也有直接窃取名人影片,让大家以为真的是名人在现场发言的案例。

In addition to the post, the film is not necessarily credible; there have been cases in the past where celebrity films have been directly stolen, making people think they are really celebrities speaking on the scene.

例如有人曾经拿 MUSK 一年前的直播伪装成是现在的直播,然后在旁边放转账地址,藉此吸引大家转账进去;

For example, someone used to use Musk's live broadcast a year ago as a cover for the current live broadcast, and then put a transfer address next to it to attract transfers;

也有的人会利用 Deepfake 技术+变声器伪装成名人,并在直播中亲口保证只要把钱转到这地址,事后就会还你好几倍的报酬。

Some people use Deepfake technology + voice changers to disguise themselves as celebrities and promise themselves on the live that they will pay you several times as much as they transfer the money to the address.

像是下图就是有心人透过 Deepfake 伪装成 Musk、木头姊等知名人士,并讲说只要转币过来就会给你回馈,至今已经骗取上亿美元

Like the figure below, the well-intentioned individuals disguised through Deepfake as Musk, woody sisters, etc., said that https://r.sinaimg.cn/large/article/943774e588ad423a16a5550da2268a80

币安虽然是全球最大的交易所,不过官方在C2C买币担任的角色只是「媒合平台」,并不负责保障双方交易时的安全。 (就像你去警局跟人面交,对方如果给假货的话你可以请警方协助处理,但警察没有帮你在事前确认这是不是假货的义务)

Although it is the world’s largest exchange, the official role in C2C money purchases is simply a “mixed platform” and does not guarantee the security of both sides of the deal. (Just as you go to the police station to deal with people, you can ask the police for help if they give fake goods, but the police have no obligation to make a prior confirmation that this is not a fake.)


A number of C2C frauds have recently been reported in the currency, with small sales orders and fewer deals, but the transaction rate must be 100 per cent.

卖家会跟你说自己还有很多 U 分散在不同钱包,这么做是为了怕被恶意下单,所以要从别的钱包额外再转给你...... 这时你一但相信的话就会中招,对方会直接拿钱跑路,你也只能向币安举报+报警处理而已。

Sellers will tell you they've got a lot of U in different wallets, and they'll have to transfer it from other wallets to you for fear of being misled... and then you'll get it, you'll get it, you'll get it, you'll get it, you'll get it, you'll just have to report it to Yuanan and you'll have to report it to the police.


So here it is suggested to find sellers with high turnover, high turnover and yellow-cut names.

有黄勾勾代表对方是通过币安验证的商家,有缴纳保证金; 因此就算跑路的话你也能得到相应的补偿。

There's a yellow hook that represents each other's businesses that have been certified by currency, and there's a bond; so you're compensated even if you run away.


It's like the following picture of a shop with a yellow hook:



In addition, there is no need to look for businesses whose exchange rates are strange, such as the current rate of 30 in the United States dollar, at which point the opening price of 28 is problematic and recommended for evading.


White List address


(a) To share an additional piece of information here, some of which are all the so-called "bill list addresses" for transactions, and once set, you can only transfer the currency to those addresses;

因此就算不小心误点木马程序的话,黑客也没办法把你的资产转进自己的钱包当中; 这时你就有足够的时间可以把资产转移到其他安全的钱包里。

So even by mistake, hackers can't transfer your assets into their wallets; then you have enough time to transfer them to other safe wallets.


Cold Wallet >/strang >


Cold wallets, also known as hardware wallets or offline wallets, can significantly reduce the likelihood of hacking and are considered to be one of the most secure ways to preserve encrypted currencies at present because of the unconnected process.

冷钱包的外观会像是 USB 或一张卡片,当你需要使用时再接上电脑就可以了。

The cold wallet will look like a USB or a card, and you'll just have to put it on the computer when you need it.

目前所知最受欢迎的冷钱包品牌有CoolWallet (台湾品牌)、LedgerTrezor 等等,价格大约落在3,000至5,000台币左右; 因此如果你的币圈资产高于这个价格的话,其实就可以考虑买一个冷钱包来放币。

The most popular brands known at present are (Taiwan brand), ,


Despite the high level of security, cold wallets must keep their own private keys (association notes), and there have been many cases in the past in which they could not recover their assets because they had been forgotten;


It is generally recommended that private keys or notes be engraved in iron chips, or copied on paper and protected bells, and then locked in a safe to avoid loss.


Here's a bunch of lazy people who are trying to prevent all kinds of fraud:

  • 使用正规的大型交易所进行交易,并且确认网址正确
  • 不要理会任何陌生人的私讯
  • 官方永远不会跟你索取私钥和注记词,也不会要求你把币转到特定地址
  • 如果名人或营运团队发出奇怪讯息,必须确认对方是不是被骇了
  • 不要贪小便宜,币圈没有什么天上掉下来的馅饼,但倒是有很多不请自来的诈骗
  • 遇到诈骗时,可以向官方客服进行确认,或是打165反诈骗专线询问


There is no more effective way to prevent fraud than not to take advantage of cheapness and actually take time to study it.

不贪小便宜可以帮你回避大半诈骗; 而花时间研究则能帮你补足剩下的另一半。

It's not cheap, it'll help you avoid most of the fraud, and it'll help you make up for the rest of the research.

想象一下,当你在购物时,是透过精挑细选后买到的产品比较好; 还是完全不调查,随便乱买的产品会比较好?

Imagine, when you're shopping, is it better to buy the product through a fine selection, or is it better if you don't look at it at all and just buy the product?


The same holds true for investment, which, without any research, only listens to the rhetoric of others, has also greatly increased the chances of eventually being forced to use bad platforms or buy bad projects.


免责声明:本文仅为加密货币诈骗分享内容,无任何投资建议。 所有交易皆存在风险,加密货币和相关合约商品属于波动性高的产品,请谨慎投资。 本文不构成任何开户建议,请谨慎选择具有安全监管保障的加密货币交易所。

Disclaimer: This paper is only a share of encrypted currency fraud with no investment proposal. All transactions are at risk and encrypted currency and related contractual goods are volatile products, so be careful to invest.









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