
资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:46 评论:0
加密货币挖矿是免费的,但前提是你足够聪明。您可以通过为运行加密区块链的软件技术做出贡献来赚钱!当你在 Netflix 上狂看你最喜欢的节目时,即使是你的个人电脑也能赚...



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加密货币挖矿是免费的,但前提是你足够聪明。您可以通过为运行加密区块链的软件技术做出贡献来赚钱!当你在 Netflix 上狂看你最喜欢的节目时,即使是你的个人电脑也能赚到一些钱。在本文中,我将分享各种加密货币挖矿平台,让您获得一些被动收入。挖矿是加密世界的生命线。它验证正在进行的交易并将新硬币投入流通。简单来说,矿工解决一些复杂的数学问题来验证交易。

Encrypted money mining is free, but only if you are smart enough. You can make money by contributing to software technology that runs the encrypted block chain. Even your personal computer can make some money when you look at your favorite show on Netflix. In this paper, I will share a variety of encrypted money mining platforms, allowing you to get some passive income. Mining is the lifeline of the encrypted world.


Who can dig encryption money? What's an encryption platform? -


This is the process by which miners use his computing power and electricity in exchange for block incentives. The reward is an incentive for miners to help maintain the block chain technology behind encrypted money. In short, the block chain is the foundation of all encrypted money and the NFT universe. This is a digital distribution ledger that keeps a record of every entry's tampering. The following section discusses the advantages of encryption.


If you are an encryption miner, it may be a good by-product. Without any analysis, you can generate a passive income based on your ability to calculate without doing anything. Get -- set -- forget. Next, you can be an important part of the encryption campaign, because miners are the main contributors to making decentralized finance a reality.

共识机制是一种在去中心化系统(例如区块链)中批准交易的方法。它还有助于保护系统免受可能的漏洞(例如 51% 攻击)的影响。51% 攻击是指坏人控制超过 51% 的区块链。这一多数使欺诈者能够根据意愿塑造协议。共识机制使权力保持分散。这种程度的去中心化需要巨大的计算能力和工作来执行 51% 攻击。最后,骗子很容易失去比他们可能获得的更多的东西。有很多共识方法,例如工作量证明、股权证明、容量证明、活动证明。根据共识机制的类型,加密货币可能需要挖矿或其他方式。

Consensus mechanisms are a method of authorizing transactions in decentralised systems (e.g. block chains). They also help to protect the system from possible loopholes (e.g. 51% attack). 51% attack means that bad people control more than 51% of the chain of blocks. This majority enables fraudsters to shape agreements according to their will. Consensus mechanisms allow for decentralized power. This degree of decentralization requires enormous computing capacity and work to carry out 51% attack.

使用工作量证明共识机制的区块链需要挖掘。他们使用矿工来批准条目(交易)。每当交易进行验证时,矿工就会开始竞争以解决 64 位十六进制数。第一个找到解决方案的人将其作为工作量证明广播到整个网络。这次胜利将奖励授予获胜者,而其他人则等待下一次挑战。

They use miners to approve entries (trading). Every time a transaction is certified, miners start to compete to resolve 64-bit hexadecimal numbers. The first person to find a solution will broadcast it to the entire network as a proof of workload. This victory will be awarded to the winner, while others will wait for the next challenge.


 Who can dig encryption money? What's an encryption platform? -

这个过程每次都会重复一个区块价值的交易。一个块只不过是一组总计 1 兆字节数据的事务。比特币和以太坊这两种最大的加密货币与许多其他加密货币一起使用工作量证明。因此,他们需要挖矿来检查双重支出。工作量证明的唯一缺点是每笔交易消耗的能量和时间,因为除了获胜者之外的所有矿工最终都白白浪费了他们的计算能力。

This process repeats the value of a block every time. A block is just a set of matters that totals 1 megabytes of data. Bitcoin and the largest encoded currency in the Tails are used together with many other encrypted currencies for proof of workload. Therefore, they need to dig to check double spending. The only drawback of workload proof is the energy and time that each transaction consumes, because all miners, except the winners, end up wasting their calculus.

所有不使用工作量证明的加密货币都是不可开采的,例如 Ripple、Cardano 等。他们使用更节能的方法来验证交易。股权证明就是这样一种共识协议,它是工作量证明的替代方案。

They use more energy-efficient methods to verify transactions. Equity certification is one such consensus agreement, an alternative to workload certification.


There are no mining blocks. Instead, they are validated by stakeholders. Certifying people are randomly selected. They use their share of encrypted money to approve any blocks. They lose their shares (in part or in part) depending on the degree of misconduct. While the benefits prove to be environmentally friendly, they also have their own set of disadvantages, such as facilitating accumulation of encryption rather than spending. So, for the foreseeable future, the workload proves that there is no strong alternative.

一般来说,任何拥有受支持的钱包、互联网连接和强大硬件的人都可以开始挖掘加密货币。它还取决于您选择开采的加密货币类型。您可以进行单独挖矿或池挖矿。在独奏中,您独自解决散列问题,而更多的是池中的集体努力。同样,它也基于您部署的硬件类型、CPU、GPU 或专业 ASIC(专用集成电路)矿工。请阅读本指南以详细了解加密挖掘。

In general, anyone with a supported wallet, Internet connection, and powerful hardware can start digging for encrypted money. It also depends on the type of encrypted currency you choose to exploit. You can dig for a separate mine or pool. In the solo, you solve the hash problem alone, and more so a collective effort in the pool. It is also based on the type of hardware you deploy, CPU, GPU, or a professional ASIIC (specialized integrated circuit).


The following section discusses some of the main mining platforms and practical programs that make the mining process easier -- reducing most of the technological set-up. Before you start, make sure you have an encrypted currency wallet and excavating software that supports the encrypted currency of your choice.


Who can dig an encrypted currency?

这两个是他们最大的游泳池。但是,他们的 帮助部分显示了另外两个矿池 Beam 和 Ravencoin。Cruxpool 收取1% 的池费。他们的快速入门指南非常详细,有助于设置以太坊和以太坊经典挖矿。它有助于启动各种操作系统(Windows 和 Linux)。

These are their largest swimming pools. But their help shows two other pits, Beam and Ravencoin. Cruxpool charges 1% of the pool fees. Their quick entry guidelines are very detailed, helping to set up the Ether and the Ether Classic Mining. It helps to activate the various operating systems (Windows and Linux).


您可以使用HashCity挖掘 14种加密货币。这个平台的好处是你不需要像 SlushPool 那样的任何支付费用。矿池挖矿费为 1%。您可以通过单击每种加密货币 的 “如何开始”按钮来找到启动指南。

You can dig 14 encrypted currencies using HashCity. The benefit of this platform is that you do not need any payment like SlushPool. The mining fee is 1%. You can find the startup guide by clicking on the "How to Start" button for each encrypted currency.

您可以从本节中直接找到相应的矿工和其他文件。同样,您可以下载每个加密货币的详细说明,以使用 HashCity 设置挖矿。他们有一个适用于 Android 的 HashCity 应用程序和一个供池成员使用的 Telegram 频道。

You can find the corresponding miners and other files directly in this section. Similarly, you can download details of each encrypted currency to use the HashCity setup for mining. They have a HashCity application for Android and a Telegram channel for pool members.



Nicehash is the most complete pool/service we've ever reviewed so far. Its website can easily confuse new miners. It's a Hash rate market, a practical encryption program and an encrypted exchange portal — one.

使用 NiceHash,您有两个选择,要么使用他们的内部挖矿应用程序:NiceHash Quickminer,要么您可以将任何 3rd 方矿工应用程序与 NiceHash Miner 一起使用。

Using NiceHash, you have two options, either using their in-house mining application: NiceHash Quickminer, or you can use any 3rdrd miners application with NiceHash Miner.

根据硬件——CPU/GPU 或 ASIC——你可以找到详细的教程来开始使用它们进行挖掘。NiceHash OS (NHOS) 类似于我们使用 CoinFly 的 COS。您可以使用 NHOS 免费连接无限的采矿设备。与 COS 相比,这是一个额外的好处,它将开始充电超过 4 台钻机。NiceHash 与许多矿池兼容:F2Pool、SlushPool、2Miners 等。Nicehash 还有一个适用于 Android 和 iOS 的移动应用程序。

According to hardware - CPU/GPU or ASIC - you can find a detailed curriculum to start digging with them. NiceHash OS (NHOS) is similar to the cos we use in CoinFly. You can use NHOS to connect unlimited mining equipment free of charge. This is an additional benefit compared to COS, which will start charging more than four rigs. NiceHash is compatible with many ponds: F2Pool, SlushPool, 2miners, etc. Nicehash has a mobile application for Android and iOS.

12、Easy BTC Mining

Easy BTC Mining通过云挖矿合约提供无忧的挖矿体验。云挖矿允许你在合约期内购买一定数量的算力。该过程是通过电子邮件注册,然后签署合同以开始比特币挖矿。最低支付为 0.0001 BTC,他们的平台确保即时和自动支付。该平台支持BTC、ETH、LTH的挖矿。

Easy BTC Mining provides a worrying experience of mining through cloud mining contracts. Cloud mining allows you to purchase a certain amount of credit during the contract period. The process is registered by e-mail, and the contract is signed to start bitcoin mining. The minimum payment is 0.0001 BTC, whose platform ensures immediate and automatic payment. The platform supports BTC, ETH, and LTH mining.


ZHash.pro 以 0% 的矿池费提供矿池挖矿。你可以用它们挖 4 个硬币:ZEC、ZEN、BTG 和 TENT。挖矿过程很简单,不需要任何注册。一个人只需要一个受支持的钱包,并且可以选择所选择的服务器。之后,配置您的矿工软件,一切就绪。他们在欧洲、美国和亚洲都有挖矿服务器。

ZHash.pro provides for pond mining at a pool fee of 0%. You can dig four coins with them: ZEC, ZEN, BTG, and TENT. The mining process is simple and does not require any registration. A person only needs a supported wallet and can choose the server. Then you configure your miners' software, and everything is ready. They have mining servers in Europe, the United States and Asia.

根据采矿硬件,所有四个矿池都有详细说明。他们还有一个 Discord 频道,可以从其他泳池成员那里获得帮助。但与 Ethermine 在同一平台上拥有 7,371 名在线会员相比,矿池规模(至少在不和谐的情况下)似乎很小,只有 89 名在线会员。

According to mining hardware, each of the four ponds has a detailed description. They also have a Discord channel, where they can get help from other pool members. However, compared to Ethemine's 7,371 online members on the same platform, the size of the pond appears to be small (at least in disharmony), with only 89 online members.

小池不一定是坏事,与大池相比,支出更大。但是,由于矿池哈希率较小,矿池越小,找到区块的可能性就越小。为了消除对 ZHash.pro 的任何疑虑,您可以查看他们最近为每个池的支付列表。最低支出为 0.01 ZEC、0.1 ZEN、0.05 BTG 和 0.5 TENT。

The ponds are not necessarily bad, they are more expensive than larger pools. However, the smaller the ponds are, the smaller they are, the less likely they are to find blocks. In order to dispel any doubts about ZHash.pro, you can check their recent payment lists for each pool. The minimum costs are 0.01 ZEC, 0.1 Zen, 0.05 BTG and 0.5 TENT.


K1Pool可以选择进行单独的挖矿体验。您可以单独找到块并将整个奖励留给自己。但仅当您拥有强大的硬件或以最小的网络难度挖掘加密货币时,才建议单独挖掘。您可以使用 K1Pool 挖掘 16 种加密货币。它在中国、欧洲和美国都有服务器。您必须创建一个帐户才能开始。之后,您可以根据您的硬件和服务器位置进行配置。

K1Pool can choose to have a separate mining experience. You can find blocks alone and leave the entire reward to yourself. But it is only when you have powerful hardware or if you dig encrypted money with minimal network difficulty. You can dig 16 encrypted currencies using K1Pool. It has servers in China, Europe and the United States. You must create an account before you can start. After that, you can configure them according to your hardware and server location.

也可以使用在 NiceHash 购买的算力进行挖矿。他们有一个单独的 NiceHash 控制面板。他们有一个几乎所有主要采矿软件的下载部分。他们的下载门户有助于根据挖掘算法选择最佳的挖掘软件。每个矿池页面都包含有关该特定矿池的重要信息,例如最低支付、矿池哈希率、支付频率。

They have a separate NiceHash control panel. They have a download component of almost all of the major mining software. Their download portal helps to select the best mining software based on the excavation algorithm.

他们还有一个不和谐和电报频道,可以从泳池成员那里获得任何帮助。基于不和谐的渠道人数,K1Pool 对采矿领域来说似乎也是新的。然而,用户界面很干净,有很多信息可以帮助新手——值得一试。

They also have a disharmony and cable channel that can get any help from the pool members. On the basis of the disharmony, K1Pool seems to be new to mining. However, the user interface is clean, and there's a lot of information that can help newcomers -- it's worth a try.


Minergate有 7 个活跃的矿池可以帮助您入门。您可以挖掘 ETH、XMR、LTC、ZEC 等。它承诺单击挖掘过程。他们有一个内部矿工应用程序:MinerGate XFast,他们称其为采矿业中最快的。此应用程序支持 5 个硬币的挖掘。其余的,将手动配置挖矿服务器。首先,这个过程非常简单。您可以浏览他们的池部分并选择首选池,其中链接到应用程序下载或服务器详细信息。MinerGate 根据加密货币和奖励系统收取高达 1.5% 的矿池费用。他们还有一个适用于 Android 的 MinerGate 控制应用程序。

Minergate has seven active ponds that can help you to enter. You can dig ETH, XMR, LTC, ZEC, etc. It promises to click on the excavation process. They have an in-house miner application: MinerGate XFast, which they call the fastest mining industry. This application supports the excavation of five coins. The rest will be manually configured to dig the mine server. First, this process is very simple. You can browse their pool parts and select the first pool, with links to the application to download or to the server details. MinerGate charges up to 1.5% of the mine pool based on the encrypted currency and incentive system. They also have a MinerGate control application that applies to Android.


SimpleMininig与 Coinfly 的相似之处在于它有一个挖矿操作系统。您可以通过一台采矿设备免费使用他们的服务 30 天。用户界面非常简单,提供有用的信息以供入门。可以向他们注册并存入金额,以便在试用期后继续使用他们的服务。

SimpleMininig is similar to Coinfly in that it has a mining operation system. You can use their services for 30 days free of charge through a mining facility. The user interface is very simple and provides useful information for entry. You can register them and deposit the amounts so that you can continue using their services after the trial period.

17、Cudo Mining

Cudo Mining提供加密货币挖掘软件解决方案。其 Cudo 挖矿平台有助于以最少的手动配置进行自动化挖矿。它拥有通过单一平台管理 100,000 台挖矿设备和 ASIC 矿机的能力。它具有自动硬币切换功能,该功能坚持使用最有利可图的算法来挖掘以获得最佳利润。他们还有一个用于专用采矿设备的 CudoOS。该设置类似于我们在本文中看到的挖矿操作系统。

Cudo Mining provides an encrypted money mining software solution. Its Cudo mining platform helps to automate mining with minimal manual configuration. It has the capacity to manage 100,000 mining plants and ASIC machines through a single platform. It has an automatic coin switch function, which insists on using the most profitable algorithms for the best profit. They also have a CudoOS, which is used for specialized mining equipment. The setup is similar to the mining operation system that we see in this paper.

在撰写本文时,您可以通过其自动挖掘挖掘 9 个硬币,并通过手动配置挖掘 100 多种加密货币。它有一个拥有超过 6.5k 成员的电报频道。用户界面非常好,有大量文章可以帮助您绕过加密货币挖掘。他们有一个基于佣金的定价模式,所以没有预付费用。他们的挖矿软件可用于主要的桌面操作系统,包括 Windows、Linux 和 Mac。

At the time of writing, you can dig nine coins automatically and more than 100 encrypted currencies manually. It has a cable channel with more than 6.5 k members. The user interface is very good, and there are a lot of articles that can help you bypass the encrypted currency. They have a commission-based pricing model, so there are no prepaid fees. Their mining software can be used in major desktop operating systems, including Windows, Linux and Mac.


BetterHash是目前仅适用于Windows 操作系统的自动化挖矿工具。它会检测您的硬件并选择最佳算法以获得最大收益。您可以使用 BetterHash 挖掘 9 种加密货币,包括著名的 BTC、ETH、XMR、ZEC。有两种挖矿模式:手动和利润切换(自动)。虽然任何加密货币都没有采矿费,但比特币(非coinbase账户)和 FIRO 需要支付提款费。

BetterHash is an automated mining tool that currently applies only to the Windows operating system. It will test your hardware and select the best algorithms to maximize the benefits. You can dig nine encrypted currencies, including the famous BTC, ETH, XMR, and ZEC. There are two types of mining: manual and profit swaps (automatic). While there is no mining fee for any encrypted currency, Bitcoin (non-coinbase accounts) and FIRO are required to pay withdrawal fees.




While it seems logical to use idle computing capacity for mining, a degree of technical proficiency is essential to increase profits and avoid losses. In selecting any encrypted mining platform, the key factors remain supportive coins, excavation algorithms, incentive systems, minimum payments, withdrawal fees, and user reviews.


Alternatively, you should consider acquiring specialized hardware such as Antminer. Although it is popular, encryption is not suitable for everyone — especially those whose hardware is not valid — to avoid digging. Although encryption seems to be the easiest way to dig, there is no guarantee that it will be paid. This is much like investing in the stock market. And once you have a contract, you have to pay that amount, regardless of any mining income. So, the cloud mining proposal is to be careful and to dig deep before entering into this interesting passive income world.




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